Heartfelt Holistic Massage Therapy

Certified Massage Therapist and Massage Instructor: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, and Chair Massage.

I am a Certified Massage Therapist and Massage Instructor with over 1,000 hours of classroom study, and am a Holistic Bodywork Practitioner. My massage specialties are Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, and Chair massage. I received my Certified Massage Therapist 500-hour certification/license from the California Massage Therapy Council in February, 2013, and my 1,000-hour Holistic Bodyw

How to Increase Serotonin Without Medication 01/22/2024


How to Increase Serotonin Without Medication Looking to increase serotonin without medication? Try these 11 techniques, including dietary changes and supplements.

At-home Remedies for Everyday Muscle Aches and Fatigue 07/15/2022


At-home Remedies for Everyday Muscle Aches and Fatigue Body aches and fatigue can be a part of everyday life, but they don't have to be. Read on to lean easy remedies you can try today.

Grounding Techniques: Exercises for Anxiety, PTSD, & More 06/29/2022


Grounding Techniques: Exercises for Anxiety, PTSD, & More Grounding techniques can help you manage distressing thoughts and flashbacks in the moment. Here are 30 techniques to add to your emotional toolbox.

7 Common Struggles of Empaths — and How to Turn Them Into Strengths 03/25/2022


7 Common Struggles of Empaths — and How to Turn Them Into Strengths As an empath, each of your struggles is actually the flip side of one of your gifts.

Tension in Neck and Shoulders From Anxiety: 5 Home Remedies 01/30/2022


Tension in Neck and Shoulders From Anxiety: 5 Home Remedies Tension and tightness in your neck and shoulders is a common symptom of stress and anxiety. But there are techniques you can use to help ease this tension.

Spritz These DIY Pillow Sprays to Help You Sleep 10/14/2021


Spritz These DIY Pillow Sprays to Help You Sleep Get your best sleep ever with these sweetly scented, easy-to-make sprays.



10 Tips to Relax So You Don't Have to Wait Until Spa Day for Your R&R 09/16/2021


10 Tips to Relax So You Don't Have to Wait Until Spa Day for Your R&R Most of can't relax on cue, but with practice we can learn this sometimes elusive skill.

Does Your Kid's Classroom Need An Air Purifier? Here's How You Can Make One Yourself 08/28/2021

💙 Build your own air-purifier. 💙

Does Your Kid's Classroom Need An Air Purifier? Here's How You Can Make One Yourself With some high-quality air filters, and a lot of duct tape, some teachers are making DIY air purifiers – one that was designed by experts but can be built by amateurs.

Mastering Stress through Mindfulness of Breath. | elephant journal 08/20/2021


Mastering Stress through Mindfulness of Breath. | elephant journal Basically, we are all familiar with meditation, but many of us have not realized it.

Have you seen this petition yet? 03/31/2021


Have you seen this petition yet? Atlanta Spa Shooting of Asian Women is a Hate Crime

9 Drinks That Help You Sleep 01/31/2021

Natural sleep remedies that actually work.

9 Drinks That Help You Sleep Sleeping for at least 7–9 hours each night does not always come easy. Here are 9 drinks that might help improve your sleep naturally.

Actual COVID-19 Cases Could Be 6 Times Greater Than Official Figures 12/29/2020

✨💥 From one of my Massage groups. 💥✨

“Just a reminder: the numbers are only an estimate based off of current testing, and in reality, with so many being unable or unwilling to get free testing, and government funding teetering or absent, the actual numbers are staggeringly higher.

“The US is woefully behind in genetic sequencing of its test samples, less than 1%, compared to 7% of EU samples, and 50% of New Zealand samples. We must assume the variants are here, and are actively and rapidly spreading within our shores. These new variants may not cause a more severe illness, but they are estimated to be 50% more transmissible, and that is massive, to put it mildly.

“Also, none of the vaccines will guarantee that you can’t get sick, nor prevent you from being a carrier. They *will* help prevent severe illness if you are infected, and weaken any active virus you spread, causing less severe cases. That’s the best we’ve got for now.

“Please keep all this in mind as you fantasize about what “fun” and “freedom” 2021 will bring. Yes, we should have hope, but we are also obligated as health and wellness leaders to be honest and truthful in how we communicate about this virus, its variants, and the disease they cause.”

~ Julie Tudor

Actual COVID-19 Cases Could Be 6 Times Greater Than Official Figures The true number of COVID-19 infections is probably much higher than what's being reported in many high-income nations around the world.

Pander with BS Sears 12/21/2020


Pander with BS Sears What we’ve all been thinking but nobodies been saying out loud about internet satirist and one trick pony JP Sears. Join his alterego BS Sears as he exposes ...

The Fraud of JP SEARS: Exposed 12/20/2020

“...his defenders say, "He's just a comedian." However, that cover-up is no longer working. Not when he is clearly giving out dangerous misinformation that can lead to people's deaths. Mr. Sears hides behind his satire, conveniently getting to choose when it's just comedy and when it's not, based on the backlash he gets (and he is the king of backpedaling). His humor is designed to give him the space to say he was just kidding as a way out, but it's incredibly manipulative. Con men usually are.”

The Fraud of JP SEARS: Exposed Anyone else tired of JP Sears and his pretentious humor? 2020 has been a year that has exposed people's true intentions and character, especially within the New Age community. And there is no better ...

How COVID exposed New Age Narcissism. 12/20/2020


How COVID exposed New Age Narcissism. This was one of the few gifts of 2020 as it put a colossal spotlight on the negative impact that spiritual bypassing has on the world and on ourselves.

‘Conspirituality’ Explains Why the Wellness World Fell for QAnon 12/16/2020


‘Conspirituality’ Explains Why the Wellness World Fell for QAnon The philosopher Jules Evans tells us who and what are prone to both conspiracy theories and alternative beliefs, while advocating for “critical spirituality.”

Conspirituality - Bonus: Digital Soldiers, Purity Tests, & Word Magic 11/18/2020

✨💙 Conspirituality podcast latest episode. 💙✨
If your’re struggling to understand how *anyone* could fall for the idiotic conspiracy theories running rampant right now, this podcast is amazing in breaking it all down. The hosts include a journalist, a psychologist, and someone who escaped from a cult. High-quality musings and ideas here! 💙

Conspirituality - Bonus: Digital Soldiers, Purity Tests, & Word Magic How do populist ideas on both the Right and Left identify “the people” and their enemies? Julian investigates Balkanized social media audiences.

‘I began to lose hope’: the people living with post-Covid psychiatric disorders 11/12/2020


‘I began to lose hope’: the people living with post-Covid psychiatric disorders Three survivors speak about their experiences as a study links coronavirus to mental health problems

Survival of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus on the human skin: Importance of hand hygiene in COVID-19 10/06/2020

✨💥 From one of my Massage groups (thanks, Julie Tudor). 💥✨

NEW EVIDENCE ALERT: “New coronavirus survives nine hours on human skin.”

Let’s take a breath and logic this out. This research focuses on providing a reason why washing your hands is imperative. Got it. Howeverrrr....

When we are working with a client, we are not just working with their recently washed hands, but usually their whole body. If they have the active virus anywhere on their skin, it could then be disturbed by the work we do, contributing to fomites in the air and on surfaces. (We’ve known this is one of the many risks we take by letting clients undress in the treatment room, and why we’ve recommended full donning and doffing procedures between clients.)

That said, we do know that 15 seconds of dwell time of an 80% isopropyl alcohol solution renders the virus inert, as does a full shower. So, a possible work around would be to include a non-optional “decontamination” upgrade to each session by offering a sanitizer rub down prior to starting the session, or a nice, soapy shower.

This is a tough call, but a real one that we honestly need to consider if we are back in practice or entertaining the possibility of doing so in the years to come.

I do know this much: Garshana (dry-brushing massage) needs to be completely off the menu for the foreseeable future. Also, proper use of PPE, and managing air quality with excellent ventilation and air purifiers that have a CADR of over 250, are absolutely not negotiable.


“Left undisturbed, the new coronavirus can survive many hours on human skin, a new study has found. To avoid possibly infecting healthy volunteers, researchers conducted lab experiments using cadaver skin that would otherwise have been used for skin
grafts. While influenza A virus survived less than two hours on human skin, the novel coronavirus survived for more than nine hours. Both were completely inactivated within 15 seconds by hand sanitizer containing 80% alcohol. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently recommends using alcohol-based hand rubs with 60% to 95% alcohol or thoroughly washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Studies have shown that COVID-19 transmission largely occurs via aerosols and droplets. Still, the authors of the new study conclude in a report published on Saturday in Clinical Infectious Diseases, ‘Proper hand hygiene is important to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections.’”



Survival of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus on the human skin: Importance of hand hygiene in COVID-19 https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa1517/5917611

“Conclusions: The 9 hour survival of SARS-CoV-2 on human skin may increase the risk of contact transmission in comparison with IAV, thus accelerating the pandemic. Proper hand hygiene is important to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections.”

Survival of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus on the human skin: Importance of hand hygiene in COVID-19 AbstractBackground. The stability of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on human skin remains unknown, considering the hazards of

The problem with JP Sears 10/01/2020

From Apollo Sevan Poetry:

Anyone else tired of JP SEARS?

I don't care who you are.....If you're spreading hatred, I'm calling you out.

I used to be friends with and have interviewed JP Sears. I even lived with his wife in Costa Rica and did her marketing. I used to think he was funny at first but he's drastically changed over the years. His comedy is just angry and mean now full of passive aggressiveness and self-righteousness.

My first red flag about JP was when he made fun of the locals and got RAN out of Costa Rica. Literally. Costa Ricans were so offended by him that he got death threats and had to escape.

And now unfortunately he's become just another "new-age turned right-extremist hybrid" who's promoting BS conspiracy theories and bad science.

I understand that he's trying to escape his comedy box and wants to be seen as a social activist/freedom revolutionary in order to be taken seriously for the first time in his career....but to put it frankly, he simply doesn't know what he's talking about and is just parroting debunked internet documentaries.

He had ONE video removed from Youtube for violating their policies and he suddenly became a conspiracy theorist because of it. He bashed the platform that made him who he is all while selling supplements and sponsorships on it. His videos reek of a sell out.

Fun Fact: Private businesses don't owe you free speech. Governments do. But I digress.

JP Sears is in essence supporting the group that was specifically created to get Trump reelected.
He's using his platform to spread misinformation under the guise of sarcasm. He literally makes fun of the demographic that made him who he is and has recently turned into the very thing he makes fun of. He hides behind his satire conveniently getting to choose when it's "just" comedy and when it's not, based on the backlash he gets. And he's the king of backpedaling.
Nobody in the comedy or entertainment industry consider him a real comedian. He just found a temporary niche that turned him into a spiritual snob who is now just projecting the judgements he carries of himself onto others. But people have woken up and there is a mass exodus from his type of offensive humor. People are just over it. He's lost tons of subscribers and ironically is now the one being mocked. Him making fun of people for having emotional reactions while simultaneously offending them on purpose just to bring himself attention....and then making a video about how people are offended over everything.....feels a lot like how an abuser operates. It's Gaslighting 101.

His most recent video made fun of homeless people in California suggesting they ENJOY being homeless and are "just camping". JP has a history of making fun of poverty in his videos including the Costa Rica one. He never discusses root causes or adds any insightful commentary or cares about social issues. Instead he spends all his time criticizing the entire world from the outside looking in. Sorry.......but JP is entitled and arrogant and is making a living from making fun of people, including communities of color, and his act is simply getting old and played out.

He's also anti-science on several different issues. He even made fun of people for wearing masks recently....Even though he spent his whole life hiding behind one under the guise of humor. I get it though. Narcissists could never understand the concept of an individual sacrificing for the greater good. But let's remember that over 1 million people have died from Covid and if everyone took JP Sears non-scientific advice, it is estimated there would have been 40 million dead.

Is anyone else super bored with the whole mocking people as a form of comedy thing? It's just not funny.

It's literally the exact same formula every video. We get it. Everybody sucks but you, and every element of spirituality is a joke to you. Exploiting life-changing spiritual principles as click bait just so you can pay your rent. You should be real proud.

I get that we shouldn't take everything seriously, but I do believe that we should at least take some things seriously. And him constantly making fun of people is no different than a school bully. He reminds me of that kid who just wants constant attention in class by being an annoying troll. He presents things as jokes, but they're actually just jabs and come off as condescending.

But he clearly is projecting his own shortcomings onto those he makes fun of and calls "sheep".....considering that he's actually the one who got EASILY brainwashed by this terribly edited Plandemic fraud......The same pseudoscience film that claimed that covid is "activated" by wearing a mask. (You can't make this crap up). And JP promotes this attention seeker Mikka as some kind of hero instead of as the fear-mongerer that he is.

I hope all of yall take a stand against all these people promoting Qanon-backed concepts and who are using their platforms to take advantage of people's fear during these uncertain times.

*And based on all the comments this post has received, it seems like many of you are. So keep up the good work. Trumps reelection is depending on misinformation spreading.

P.S. If you have a problem with transparency and public figures who have a platform being called out, then you probably shouldn't follow me on here (and maybe never use Yelp or review sites ever again for that matter). Because personally, I feel that more people should be speaking out as a service to the collective, even if it leads to bruised egos. Personally, I've experienced some of the most growth in my own life after I was called out. I've actually come to appreciate those moments.

I'm sorry but if you want to be a public figure, it kinda comes with the territory. "With great power comes great responsibility". And I'm not saying that JP is a bad person. But I am calling out his irresponsibility and actions, and how money and fame has clearly gotten to his head.
It's just Faux pseudo spiritual psychology being exploited for profits.

*I highly recommend getting into CONSPIRITUALITY podcast to understand what's happening a little more.

Also....Here's a good article to read for further analysis:


The problem with JP Sears How ‘Spiritual As F**k’ JP Sears promotes pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.

Who We Are & What We're Doing 09/27/2020

✨💙 Project OneVoice. 💙✨ To counteract those looney conspiracy theorists. 💥

Who We Are & What We're Doing

Catnip: Beneficial Herb for Humans and Cats + DIY Cat Toy Ideas 09/24/2020


Catnip: Beneficial Herb for Humans and Cats + DIY Cat Toy Ideas Catnip is an ancient, soothing mint that's been used in herbalism for centuries. Learn how catnip can support your health and why your cats love it!

What a smoky bar can teach us about the '6-foot rule' during the COVID-19 pandemic 09/21/2020

✨💥 From one of my Massage groups. 💥✨

Another big update for the USA: the CDC has formally acknowledged that the SARS-COV-2 virus spreads in aerosol form. I know this may seem like old news to you, since we’ve been following transmissibility factors since Day 1 and alerted you to the likelihood months ago, but it’s good news for making sure this gets encoded into how our world handles infection management.

For those of you battling with employers, employees, office mates or landlords about how your practice space is maintained and sanitary demands that must be met, here’s the evidence you need to make your case and make sure your business is up to code. You no longer have to take our word for it.

The Policy: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-covid-spreads.html

The Evidence: https://www.nationalacademies.org/event/08-26-2020/airborne-transmission-of-sars-cov-2-a-virtual-workshop

It also means that those empty promises made by AMTA about their liability coverage are indeed false, and their policy is inadequate and on par with all other policies who won’t touch COVID-19 with a 3 meter pole - which is ALL of them. This leaves us in a sticky spot when our licenses and right to practice often depend on having strong professional liability insurance, so either we will be paying significantly more for coverage soon, OR we will need to draft legislation in our respective states to lower standards - which does no one any favors and means we’d be advocating for our right to spread disease. NOT a good plan.

Please review your AMTA/HPSO policy, specifically the "exclusions" portion which begins on page 32 and is described in more detail in the thread linked below, including a PDF for the policy in the thread contained here:


So, until then, if you are working, stick to those Universal Precautions like glue, make sure your space is both clean AND disinfected (with adequate drying and dwelling time between applications), and that you’re moving all air through HEPA filtered purifiers rated to at least twice the square footage of the room, CADR over 200 & ACH of 10-20. If you have windows or access to fresh air, vent that space as frequently as possible.


Remember the principle of trying to clear smoke from your space, and wipe all surfaces free of fomites on the regular. Imagine viral particles as soot and fumes, and you’ll have a better idea of how the air and surfaces - including your hair, eyes, and clothes - can be contaminated. Keep your clients in the loop, and your communications as clear as the air.


Original post by Julie Tudor.

What a smoky bar can teach us about the '6-foot rule' during the COVID-19 pandemic The 6-foot rule for social distancing doesn’t account for all risks, particularly indoors. Here's what everyone needs to understand as cooler weather moves more activities inside.

Understanding Nervines & Adaptogens: Herbs for Stress & the Nervous System 09/18/2020


Understanding Nervines & Adaptogens: Herbs for Stress & the Nervous System Nervines and adaptogens are some of our best plant allies for dealing with life's everyday ups and downs. Learn what characterizes each group, find common examples of each category, and find the new herbal ally that's right for you!


I want to have a heart-to-heart with you about the collective QAnon. Some in the wellness community have joined this ideology and we’re greatly concerned. This statement is to inform you about the dangers of QAnon, which is utilizing tactics that resemble cult psychology. QAnon is taking advantage of our conscious community with videos and social media steeped with unfounded theories, addictive mind control and misinformation -- don’t be seduced by these messages!

We are aware that QAnon originated in the dark web of hate and white supremacy, and have re-packaged their message to appeal to spiritual communities. Don’t be fooled - the true intent of QAnon is to spread propaganda in support of Trump, to generate polarization, and sow racial division in our country.

WE ARE CLEAR - QAnon does NOT represent the true values of the wellness community. We care about your mental and emotional wellbeing, and in times of fear and uncertainty, it’s natural to want an explanation, a source to blame, and a sense of belonging. But we are here to say; Please be aware. Stay in your body. Use discernment. Be skeptical of the real motives behind QAnon. And, most importantly, stay anchored to your friends and family.

Our hearts are breaking from the manipulation of our community. Regardless of your political beliefs or affiliation, we are asking you to share this message and take a stand against QAnon.

(Post borrowed from Eva Clay.)

How to Set Boundaries & Detach: A 3-Step Process for Introverts & Empaths. 09/06/2020


How to Set Boundaries & Detach: A 3-Step Process for Introverts & Empaths. I know for many, the pandemic has imposed an alienating retreat from ordinary life.

COVID-19 Can Wreck Your Heart, Even if You Haven’t Had Any Symptoms 09/03/2020


COVID-19 Can Wreck Your Heart, Even if You Haven’t Had Any Symptoms A growing body of research is raising concerns about the cardiac consequences of the coronavirus

A woman spread COVID to 27 customers at a Starbucks. Its mask-wearing employees escaped infection 08/30/2020

“Super spreader event at a Starbucks in South Korea. Staff, who were wearing masks, were not infected. Many patrons were not wearing masks because they were eating/drinking and were infected. The carrier was sitting next to an air conditioning unit in an area with no outside ventilation.”

A woman spread COVID to 27 customers at a Starbucks. Its mask-wearing employees escaped infection The Starbucks employees, who wore masks, were spared in the outbreak linked to the single cafe.

A New Study Suggests a Possible Disease Vector: Germy Dust 08/23/2020

✨💥 From one of my Massage groups. 💥✨

For those of you wondering why my Five Star Housekeeping Guide seems so detailed, it’s because I did all I could to illustrate why we do need to be concerned about both cleaning AND disinfecting our workspaces and public settings meticulously, with no shortcuts.


This is why there are donning and doffing procedures for removing and putting on your work clothes and PPE, and why we advise you to wear button or zip up tops or shirts instead of pullovers.

It explains why folding your used linens instead of just bunching them up is imperative, why you should not reuse blankets, and why you need to wear a mask and goggles while loading dirty laundry into the machine.

It addresses why the use of HEPA filters and ample ventilation are important and not negotiable.

It’s also why high traffic areas are of particular concern, and why washing and disinfecting the floors and eliminating carpeting and drapes is a good idea.

Fomite transmission may be on the low end of the scale, but it is very much on there, and must always be addressed in your professional settings.

It feels so good to know that the work I did to get ahead of the game for us is now being confirmed by research. THAT is why we are ethics and evidence-based champions, and why the ability to read research and make sound references matters!

" At the heart of the controversy is disagreement over the size, behavior, and relative importance of the droplets that infected people emit from their respiratory tracts—specifically, whether those expiratory particles can travel long distances and stay airborne for long periods of time. Now, this study adds a new wrinkle. What about viral particles released into the air through other routes—kicked up from the ground, shaken out from a bedspread, crinkled off a dirty tissue? How much do people need to care about that?

The answer—for now at least—is probably more than a little, says Richard Corsi, dean of engineering and computer science at Portland State University, who was not involved in the study."

A New Study Suggests a Possible Disease Vector: Germy Dust Since the pandemic’s beginning, scientists have argued over how respiratory viruses can spread. Now an experiment with guinea pigs and influenza is adding a new wrinkle.

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