GCAL Fitness

GCAL Fitness

GCAL Fitness is the premier personal training company in Woodland Hills! Whatever it is that you are looking for, GCAL Fitness can help.

At GCAL Fitness, we prides ourselves on being the premier choice for Personal Training in the San Fernando Valley. We offer services in One on One Personal Training, Partner Training, as well as Small Group Training. Located in Woodland Hills, CA


What's up Facebook? It's been a while since I've been on here.
Just wanted to share that I'll be teaching
Nogi Jiu Jitsu tonight at 7pm at
Milton Arguello Mixed Martial Arts Academy !

We've been working the basics of Sweeping from Open Guard.

If you're interested in trying out a class,
you can comment or message me but I invite you to come in!

Hope you're all having a good week!

Photos from GCAL Fitness's post 25/01/2022

Give & Take. Smile & Share
Shout out to Irv & the rest of the fam for the good work always 💎


First Monday of 2021🙏🏽
For those of you embarking on your New Years Resolutions (whatever they are) I sincerely wish you the best of luck!
Don’t let anyone make you feel any way about it. I’ve had plenty of clients who started taking care of their Health as a New Years Resolution and they stuck it out! You got this!🗣
I didn’t give myself specific Resolutions yet but I do have a few goals I’m excited to work on this year!
2020 was a rollercoaster for sure.
And since nothing really has fundamentally changed between last week and this week (or last year & this year) that means that 2021 will bring lots of challenges too.
The only thing I can control is myself and my attitude towards those challenges.
I’m grateful for the chance to move forward this year.
Much love everybody 💪🏽❤️


Happy New Year everyone!🥳🎉
2020 was tough for all of us but here’s to moving forward!
Wishing you all the best in 2021!



Just feelin grateful 🙏🏽❤️
Hope you’re all having a good week


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!🦃🧡💛
2020 has been a crazy year for everyone but reminding myself today and everyday to be grateful.
Thankful for all my friends, family, clients, all of you, and everyone else in my life. You’re all appreciated.
Hope you all have a


Happy Monday IG ☀️
I forget which workout this was from last week when I was short on time to do a workout (hence why I didn’t post it then lol).
The two resistance exercises in the video are:
⭕️Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats
⭕️DB Single Arm Bench Press
Like I said, I was short on time and needed to get my important lifts done and I’m trying to get stronger at these.
Kept it simple with the 3 sets of 8-12 reps for everything.
Try this workout and we can both complain about how much Split Squats suck.
Other than that...
Not much honestly.
Just managing my small business as best I can during this madness. But I love what I do and I’m grateful for all of it.
I hope you’re all doing well!
Much love everybody 💪🏽❤️


Hey Facebook Friends & Family!
I just want to say I hope you all had a Happy Monday & a productive start to your week!
Here's a quick Fitness Tip for you!
There are lots of ways to make time for working out in a busy schedule but one of the easiest ways is to be very clear about your goals.
If you want to move & feel better- you can do that with a few purposeful minutes per day.
However- If you want to lose 50 pound, it's going to take a lot more dedication and time.
So get clear on your goals (big or small, long term or short term). Next, start deciding how much time needs to be dedicated to reaching your goals on a daily or weekly basis.
This could be time to workout, meal prep, meditate, stretch, or anything else to help you get where you want to be.
Lastly, schedule this dedicated time into your calendar and treat it as important as any other appointment.
I hope that info helps & please feel free to ask if you have any questions!

Take care ya'll!


Happy Monday IG
Some Monday Thoughts 💭
➡️Halloween’s over 🎃
I hope you all had a good one tho! So it’s a new month & there’s two months left in this rollercoaster of a year. I highly recommend you take this chance to get two months ahead of schedule for whatever goals you have in 2021.
➡️Kettlebell Swings are a great exercise to pair with Deadlifts (the video, duh) towards the beginning of your workout. Swings work the Hip Hinge motion from an athletic “Squatty” (idk?) stance. This will help your Glutes, Hamstrings, and the rest of your posterior muscles fire properly during heavier exercises like Deadlifts.🔥
➡️Go Vote!
Tbh I don’t mind people’s different political preferences or even the choice to not vote but I do strongly encourage it. In general, I just support people having a say in how they’re governed.
➡️Lastly, I appreciate you all so much. Whether you’re a client who trains with me a few times a week or you interact with me on here (commenting, liking, sharing, etc) - it means the world to me. It’s still so humbling that people trust me to help them on their Health & Fitness Journey. Thank you & I’m so grateful.🙏🏽

Love ya’ll & hope to talk to you soon💪🏽❤️


Happy Halloween!👻🎃
Hey everyone, just wanted to wish you all a !
I know it’s been a crazy year but I can’t tell you how happy it’s made me to see Halloween decorations in my neighborhood. People are still getting into the spirit and I love it.
If you’re doing anything tonight,
have fun & be safe!


What’s good everybody?
With everything going on, it makes sense that I’ve done more in-home sessions lately.
Yesterday morning I took this pic of the equipment I brought to the session.
Aside from the stuff shown in this pic, some other equipment I’ve been bringing to sessions has been resistance bands, push-up handles, and my Hypervolt.
You don’t need a whole gym to get a workout in but these are some of my favorite equipment to have handy.
Hope you’re all staying safe.
Much love 💪🏽❤️

Timeline photos 31/08/2020

Hey everyone! Happy !
I’m working on some client training programs during my break this morning. We’ve been including a few new core exercises and variations that I’ve been messing with.
Different ways to plank, carry, etc.
Also, if you’re a listener, another episode is dropping today!
PS. workout benches make a decent desk.
I hope you all have a productive week!
Much love 💪🏽❤️

Photos from GCAL Fitness's post 22/04/2020

In case you’re wondering how ridiculous my hair looks nowadays. 😂 Just doing a FaceTime Training session with a client.
Much love everyone & Stay safe.
@ West Hills, California

Timeline photos 16/04/2020

Hey everyone, I saw this post the other day and wanted to share it with you all. It’s a great reminder/ cheat sheet of the ways you could progressively overload and make at home workouts more effective.
(Sorry for messing up the picture but I wanted to make sure got credit with the attribution mark. It says “session duration”).

Posted • It's hard to find motivation to train right now, especially with limited equipment. So how do we make the best of a tough situation?

Progressive Overload is the most important principle of training. It states that in order to continue to improve performance, the intensity of the training must increase over time. Stated another way, we have to continually expose our bodies to new/greater levels of stress

Luckily, there's nothing in this definition that says you MUST train heavy to make progress! Here are a number of ways that you can apply progressive overload and challenge your body:

Volume - your body doesn't count reps, it responds to the mechanical tension placed upon the working muscles. This means that a high degree of effort, or proximity to failure, is far more important than the exact rep range; whether it takes 5 reps or 100 to get the job done doesn't really matter. Perform pushup sets to failure every day and see if you can double your total over the next 2-4 weeks

Tempo - SLOW DOWN! Increasing time under tension can provide a number of benefits, including movement mastery, improved stability, and reduced risk of injury. Next time you perform bodyweight squats, take at least 5 seconds during the eccentric/lowering phase and you'll notice a big difference

Isometrics - pausing at a difficult portion of the range of motion helps to strengthen "sticking points", and has a direct analgesic (pain relieving) response. Try a 30 second wall sit or pushup hold for achy shoulders and knees

Range of motion - more tension = more gains. Adding a quarter rep or "pulse" at the bottom of pushups, squats, lunges, etc is a surprisingly tough challenge
(Caption continued in comments)

EP 83: 4 Ways to Progress or Regress ANY Exercise by GCAL Fitness: 5 Minutes to Fit • A podcast on Anchor 13/04/2020

Happy Monday Facebook fam,

If you've been working out at home and are finding either:
- Exercises seem to be too difficult
- Exercises are too easy

then I've got the episode for you...

Give me 8 minutes & I'll help you understand how to make any exercise easier or harder.

I just posted a new episode. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

Much love everyone! Stay safe!


EP 83: 4 Ways to Progress or Regress ANY Exercise by GCAL Fitness: 5 Minutes to Fit • A podcast on Anchor Everyone thinks you just need to add/subtract weight to a bar or machine. Here's How to manipulate 4 concepts for any exercise to make it easier or harder. The 4 concepts are: Position, Weight, Tempo, & Rest Periods.

Timeline photos 12/04/2020

It’s important to spread positivity even during these difficult times.
So, I’m sending you all some love today. Have a great sunday

Timeline photos 10/04/2020

Just sending you some love today❤️


Happy Good Friday ❤️❤️


Here’s me doing an isometric squat,
better known as a Wall Sit.
Wall Sit’s are an isometric exercise.
& Isometrics are super underrated.
You can get strong as hell and build lean muscle by doing just .
I know that sounds like a commercial but I’m just putting out some info to help your home workouts.
First, what’s an isometric? Well, it’s basically anytime the muscle is working and firing...but no movement is really happening at the joint. That means no lengthening or shortening of the muscle fibers.
Instead of getting more into the science for now, let’s just do an example. Think of holding the bottom of a push-up for 30 seconds.
But you’re not resting on the ground (like an inch or two off the ground)...holding a push-up position...that’s tough as hell to do.
Your muscle’s are FIRING but you’re not moving.
Same thing as a plank.
Or a wall sit.
I’ll film an isometric only workout to give more examples later but trust me, it’s a good idea to include these.
Oh, btw all my Jiu Jitsu people- isometrics are also greatly associated with grip strength and being able to hold a position. Look into it.😉

Timeline photos 09/04/2020

Donate a sandwich tray!
Cricca's Deli & Subs is one of my favorite local spots so when I saw they were doing this, I jumped to it.
Thank you to all the healthcare professionals on the front lines and thank you Criccas for making it easy to order takeout or order a sandwich tray for donations.

Much love everyone ❤️💪

Happiness is... Working together to make a difference in others’ lives who are tirelessly working to make ours better.


It’s been been a pretty rainy week here in West Hills!
Here’s a short clip from my podcast I wanted to share with you all. I was talking about Adaptability (along with Consistency, Frequency, and Intensity) as one of the biggest factors towards seeing Fitness Results.
Check it out and see why adaptability is a skill that’s helping people see fitness results even during quarantine.

Stay safe ❤️


Hey everyone,
I hope you're all having a decent week (all things considered). I know that thing's are pretty tough right now but I'm doing my best to find some positivity and look forward.

Although I know we all miss our regular lives, let's appreciate that we're all working together to reduce this threat.

I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH! I love what I do and I miss it everyday. Can't wait to see you all.

Take care & be safe.


Hey Facebook fam,
Here’s a Fitness Tip of the Day:
If you’ve been skipping your at home workouts this Quarantine, here’s a different approach to try to get some exercise in your routine.
Think about a daily exercise debt instead of needing to make time for a whole hour workout.

By the end of today, I’ll finish:
- 100 push ups
- 100 Split Squats (rear foot elevated on the couch)


I owe that by the end of the day whether I do it in 1 set or 10 sets of 10 repetitions.
If you can do daily activities like this for a little while, it will be much easier to plan full workout sessions (and actually stick to them) in the long term!

Have a great rest of your week everyone!


I’m curious to see who’s getting after it with at home workouts? Looks like we’re going to be on lockdown for a while so don’t wait for the gym’s to open back up!
On the flip side- If you’re not feeling it and haven’t been working out at home,
there’s no judgment here.
Yesterday I played call of duty for like 3 hours...😂😂

Have a great day everyone ❤️


How to Use a Glute Band
Another trend (in general but especially now) with this whole workout from home thing has been Squats with Bands. This is in lots of home workout vids because bands are inexpensive, space efficient, and versatile- so lots of us have them around. Although you can use these for lots of exercises, let’s talk about why we use bands in general and why we use them for squats.
Doing squats with bands around you doesn’t magically make your butt muscles bigger or activate them. But here’s how to do that.
For most of us- mini bands should be used for muscle activation, mind/muscle connection, and to intensify certain exercises.
That means that most of my clients and I use bands during our warmups. We’ll use them for different stuff but they’re especially good for hip abduction, bridges, lateral walks, and squats to activate the glutes. This is key because Squats, Deadlifts, Swings, Jumps, and more athletic moves require your butt muscles to be working hard. They should be warmed up beforehand.
However, we’ll also use it to take certain exercises up a notch. For Example, let’s say I have a client doing Goblet Squats w a dumbbell for 10 reps for 2 out of 3 sets. But I can tell they need to be pushed a little harder. Before the last set, we’ll put a band just above their knees around both legs (like in this video!). This will force the muscles that are already involved in the squat (like the glutes 🍑) to work even harder because the band is pulling the knees inward and together. If you RESIST that however and focus on STRETCHING the band-you can externally rotate and extend the hips.
So, to recap...You’re seeing people like myself doing home workouts with bands because it’ll intensify the bodyweight squats- Whether that’s because we’re warming up or just want the challenge. Since we can’t be in our gyms right now and I can’t use weights to make exercises harder, these mini bands are a way to do just that.
I’m going to post the rest of this workout soon but I hope this helped and I hope you’re all staying safe during this crazy time.
Love y’all💪❤️


Feels like no one’s in the mood for an April Fools prank online and we can’t even prank each other in person.😂

So I’m pretty much just working on Home Online Training Programs for my clients, recording my workout, and playing COD today.

Have a good one y’all

EP 81: Corona Virus & Life in Quarantine by GCAL Fitness: 5 Minutes to Fit • A podcast on Anchor 30/03/2020

After the last few podcast episodes had problems (got deleted or taken down for some reason) I really wasn't sure when I was going to record an episode but I was happy to be able to drop one today.
It's a longer episode but I just wanted to update everyone. Talking about home workouts, online training, life in Quarantine, & how it's been dealing with all of this as a Solo-preneur /Small Biz.

I'd appreciate you checking it out. Thanks everyone!


EP 81: Corona Virus & Life in Quarantine by GCAL Fitness: 5 Minutes to Fit • A podcast on Anchor I hope ya'll are all safe at home. Wash your hands!

Timeline photos 30/03/2020

I saw this the other day and it was perfect. Apply this time towards anything you’re passionate about. Whether you want to be productive with your physical health, mental health, or anything else right now.
“Do the best you can, with what you have.”
Shout out . If you don’t follow him yet, you’re missing out. One of my favorite IG pages.

Posted • Adapt. Change. Overcome. - Don’t stop when things get hard.


Local business support always.
Get a sandwich y’all 💪❤️

Cricca's Deli & Subs

Our Story

Hey everyone! I’m Gabe, Owner of GCALFitness. I’m a local Fitness Professional and Certified Personal Trainer.

I offer One on One Personal Training (both in home and at my private gym), Partner Training, Online Training, and I even run a Fitness Bootcamp In Woodland Hills!

Over the last few years I have been helping beginners and advanced clients alike feel comfortable in a gym, stay consistent, and achieve their health and fitness goals!

I’m so proud to be one of the premier choices for Personal Training in the San Fernando Valley.

Videos (show all)

What are the Keys to Achieve Fitness Results?
Are you still working out during Quarantine?
How to Use a Glute BandAnother trend (in general but especially now) with this whole workout from home thing has been Sq...
THE MOST IMPORTANT EXERCISE YOU SHOULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW!If you’re still going to the gym,please help keep things clean...
Quick Strength Workout💪🏋️‍♂️Here’s a quick and effective strength workout for you guys to try! If you feel uncomfortable...
IntervalsOkay this is one of those fitness buzz words folks. People will use a bunch of exercise jargon surrounding this...
What’s up everyone?Here’s a Hypertrophy Chest Workout I did the other day.For this workout, After my dynamic Warmup Seri...
Day 17 2019 Resolution SeriesDeadlifts💪.Late post!(Sorry!) Today’s Task!Read, watch videos, practice, and perfect Deadli...
Day 15 2019 Resolution SeriesRecord Yourself Doing an Exercise📱🎥.Today’s Task!Set up a camera and perform an exercise. A...


21144 Ventura Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday 06:00 - 20:00
Friday 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 14:00