Marymount High School, Los Angeles

Marymount School is an independent, Catholic, all-girls school with the core purpose of educating confident girls, ethical leaders and global advocates.

Photos from Marymount High School, Los Angeles's post 06/03/2024

On Sunday, June 2, Marymount hosted its annual Better Self for a Better World (BSBW) Conference for middle school girls. At the conference, Marymount students of all grade levels led guests in a variety of confidence and relationship building activities and exercises to empower adolescents as they begin to transition into young adulthood.


Our Final Senior Spotlight is shining on Janella H. '24! Thank you so much for everything you've contributed to campus in basketball, SDAB, Campus Ministry and beyond! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss the special community that I have called my second family for the past four years. I have met some of my best friends and mentors at Marymount, and I am so grateful to have been able to spend time with such inspiring and compassionate people. Being around such lovely individuals definitely made a positive difference in and outside of the classroom. I thank God, and of course my parents, for blessing me with this education and for putting me on the path to become a bold, passionate, and curious individual. I cannot imagine my life without my experience at Marymount!

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ Every second at Marymount is a treasure of its own, so it is impossible to choose just one! My favorite memories would have to be waking up later for online classes freshman year, tech weeks for MHS plays, basketball practices + Palm Springs trips, bus rides to and from school, being a retreat leader, creating the senior spirit week dance with my fellow class council members, productive free periods filled with laughter (and even waffles!), having classes with my friends, being a priest for one mass, and so much more. These past four years have been so special and filled with moments I will never forget.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am most excited for the plethora of opportunities to learn more and to achieve personal growth. Throughout my life, but especially at Marymount, I have been taught that anyone is capable of doing anything that they set their heart on. As I embark on a new chapter as a STEM major, I am eager to make a difference in my community, as well as global communities, and to enhance female representation and empowerment as I bring about change in the male-dominated field of engineering. I also cannot wait to meet new people, explore the world, and make more memories with the people I hold close to my heart.


Today's Senior Spotlight is shining on Eleanor F. '24! Thank you for all of your hard work in Cross Country, SDAB, and beyond! We can't wait to see what you do next.

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss just being in class with my friends everyday. I've made the best memories in class while learning and being with everyone in the class of 2024.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ Junior retreat and cross country season with Lasan! Overnight retreats have been so special, but Junior retreat really bonded our class and I had the best time in the cabin with my friends. Every cross country season has also been so fun with all of my teammates and best friends. It’s also been special to be on the team with both of my sisters!!

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I'm most excited to go to college and explore a new place. But I'm also so excited to see all of the accomplishments that the class of 2024 will do!

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓So many teachers impacted by time at Marymount but Mr. Pham, Sra. Gibson, Sra. Kosberg, Ms. Oddino, and Lasan have really helped me grow as a student! But all of the teachers at Marymount are the best!! Ms. Nat has also been a great role model for all of the seniors as we move on to college.


This Senior Spotlight is for Ava K. '24! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments in your time at Marymount. We can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ The thing I will miss most about Marymount is the bonds I have formed with my friends. We’ve spend countless hours together laughing, supporting each other, and making memories.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ It's tough to pick just one favorite memory because I've had so many amazing ones. But, I think senior retreat was the most memorable. During that time, our class came together, strengthened our bonds, and created lasting memories.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am really excited to attend Tulane University. I can’t wait to live in New Orleans, have new experiences, and meet new friends. There are so many possibilities ahead, and I can't wait to see where they take me!

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Ms. Nat has had a huge impact on me! I feel incredibly fortunate to have her as my college counselor and mentor. She believed in me, encouraged me, and made me feel valued. I’m sad I won’t see her next year but will carry on her legacy at Tulane. Thank you, Ms. Nat, I am so thankful for you. I also want to express my gratitude to Mr. Baker and Ms. Kolstad. Not only are they amazing teachers, but they are also wonderful people.


Today's Spotlight is shining on Zoe A. '24! Thank you for all of your hard work in Athletics, MUN, ASB, and beyond! We can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss hanging out in Admin every day and going to Model UN conferences with my friends.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ It's hard to describe one big memory I've made, but I've loved laughing until I couldn't breathe during free periods, exploring Boston and DC for Model UN, and making waffles with my friends during period 6!

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I'm excited to try new activities and experience living in a new place.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓It's so hard to choose! Sra. Kosberg helped me so much over the years. She was always there when I had a problem or needed someone to talk to, and she made Spanish class sooo fun! All of my history teachers over the years - Dr. Menard, Mr. Beckner, Mr. Baker, and Dr. Baylor - have been such positive aspects of my time at Marymount. They have contributed to my love for history and political discourse. Ms. Bonino played a major role in my time at Marymount because she always worked so hard to make sure we had all the resources we needed to host an amazing MUN conference. Ms. Nat, Ms. Del Regno, and Dr. Arenstein have also played huge roles in my high school experience because they have always been so supportive of me. Ms. Whittell showed me that I could enjoy math, and she is always there for me no matter the circumstance, I couldn't imagine a better mentor.

💬Anything else you would like to share or highlight?
⚓I'm so excited to see the awesome things the class of 2024 will do in the future!


Today's Senior Spotlight is shining on Kianna D. '24! We're so proud of all of your accomplishments in Tennis and beyond and we can't to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓I will miss coming to this beautiful campus and seeing everyone’s familiar face. I will miss sitting in the courtyard with all my classmates and talking about our lives!

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favourite marymount memory was Junior retreat, when we stayed up playing Werewolf (a card game). Most of the jokes we still tell to this day revolve around that one moment!

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I’m most excited about finding my place in the world, and meeting all the new people I’ll be going to school with.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Ms Nat had a significant impact on my time at Marymount. Although she just recently joined the community, she never failed to entertain me, even if I was bothering her day after day. I’ll always remember coming to talk to her about any minor inconvenience, and her listening (begrudgingly).


This Senior Spotlight is shining on Miranda D. '24! We are so proud of everything you've accomplished in your time at Marymount and can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓Beyond seeing my friends every single day when I walk around campus, I will miss the simple things like going to cafe to get cookies and sitting in courtyard listening to music. These moments will forever hold a special place in my heart.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite memory has to be senior retreat! Having the entire class together talking and playing games was so bonding, especially the letter writing.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I'm excited to meet new people and explore new opportunities!

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Mr. Baker definitely had a significant impact on my time at Marymount. His energy and U.S. history class junior year encouraged me to be a better student and will continue to as I continue my education in college.


Today's Senior Spotlight is shining on Ruby G. '24! We're so proud of everything you've accomplished in the Performing Arts and beyond. We're so excited to see what you do next.

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I think what I will miss most about Marymount is the small moments and experiences that I took for granted through the years. All the times I walked to class and stopped to talk with my friends, the mornings where we would get coffee and inevitably be late for our first class, walking to the cafe and being greeted by Booyah, laughing on our way to community, dreading the walk to rehearsal after school but knowing that we always have the best time or even just hiding in the halls of admin because we are out of uniform and were waiting to get caught. I think I will miss these little moments because even though they are small and were just a part of my regular day at school, they will all just be memories next year and when I look back, I will remember how much I loved Marymount.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ I think my favorite memory at Marymount is spirit week. Spirit week was something that I looked forward to all four years at Marymount because of all the anticipation and excitement built up around the week. There’s no feeling better than on Friday, dressing up from head to toe in your class color, screaming until you have no voice and being able to do your class dance that you have been preparing for weeks.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I think the thing I am most excited about for the future is being able to do a semester abroad at Pepperdine. I want to be able to travel and experience college in another light and be immersed in a place that I am not used to. It is one college aspect I have wanted to do my whole life and can’t wait to be able to finally experience it.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Something that had a huge impact on me was joining CAP. If I hadn’t joined in sophomore year, I would not be the person I am today. It helped me to try new things, such as the Marymount Players and High C’s, and made me a better and more confident person. By doing both of these, I met people from all different grade levels and even met some of my closest friends. This experience will stay with me even after I graduate from Marymount and I'm happy I was able to be a part of it for most of my time in High School.


Today's Senior Spotlight is going out to Calla T. '24! Congratulations on everything you've accomplished in your time at Marymount.

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss the close-knit community, retreats, and spirit week the most.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite Marymount memory so far has been prank day because we all got up super early and worked together as a class to make a fun and memorable day for everyone.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am most excited to play beach volleyball at an amazing program and overall learn and pursue my academic passions in college.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓I would say both junior and senior retreats had a significant impact on my time at Marymount. The activities and discussions taught me important life lessons but also allowed me to connect with so many of my classmates in ways I didn't expect.


Today's Spotlight is for Alexi E. '24! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments in basketball and beyond! We can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓I will definitely miss the basketball team at Marymount. I feel like I've made so many connections with people that I wouldn't have met otherwise. I'm grateful to have been a part of such a close team that love and support each other. I will always remember our acai trips right before a game and our car karaokes driving to Palm Springs.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite memory would probably be going around the school and playing piano with friends or just our random trips up to admin to go trick or treating.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓Right now, I'm probably most excited for college just because I know it'll be a whole new experience. I'm so excited to meet new people, try new things and just what the future has in store for me in general.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Ms. Oddino had a significant impact on my time at Marymount. I was definitely struggling in Pre-Calc H, but she would always try to help me understand the topic no matter how difficult.

💬Anything else you would like to share or highlight?
⚓I would also like to thank my parents for supporting me in everything I do and always wanting the best for me. I'm grateful to have you both and I love you.


This spotlight is for Riley A. '24! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments in Cross Country and the Visual Arts. We can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss the sisterhood of Marymount and the Monday morning debriefs of our weekends during lunchtime.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite memories have been with the cross country and track team throughout my time at Marymount.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I’m most excited to further my education at SMU, studying fashion media.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Mr. Baker made such an impact at my time at Marymount, he made me realize my love for history through APUSH.

💬Anything else you would like to share or highlight?
⚓Cherish every moment, high school flies by!

Photos from Marymount High School, Los Angeles's post 05/24/2024

Faculty, families, and friends celebrated our Centennial Class at their beautiful Commencement Ceremony. Congratulations Class of 2024!!


Today's Spotlight is on Brooke F. '24! Thank you so much for all of your hardwork in ASB, MUN, and beyond. We can't wait to see all of the amazing things you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss the tight-knit class the most at Marymount. Our class has grown so much from freshman year Zoom school to Senior Year. The community at Marymount is unlike anything else, and being able to experience day-to-day life with my best friends has been so memorable. I will miss everyone so much!

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ I would say my favorite Marymount memory is Spirit Week. Seeing everybody dress up in our class color and participate in the designated themed days was such a fun bonding activity. I will miss the intensity and excitement that Spirit Week brings!

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am most excited to apply the ideals Marymount has taught me to my college environment. I anticipate that the friendships I formed at Marymount will endure, and I eagerly look forward to witnessing everyone's growth and development within a new setting.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Lasan was the staff member at Marymount who had the biggest impact on my time there. When I tried out for the Cross Country and Track team with no prior experience, I didn't have high expectations. However, Lasan's ability to push each team member to their full potential, coupled with his talent for creating an amazing environment for everyone, left the most significant mark on my Marymount experience. Without Lasan and his incredible coaching abilities, thoughtfulness, and kindness, I wouldn't have had the enriching Marymount experience that shaped me.


Today's Senior Spotlight is shining on Jaya B. '24! We are so proud of everything you've accomplished in your time at Marymount and can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ What I will miss the most Marymount is the community here and my friends. I think I have made friends for life and not seeing them everyday at Marymount is what I will miss the most.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ During sophomore year my friends and I all had the same free period so when we weren't doing work we would play computer games in one of the study rooms and would always get told we were being too loud, which now my favorite memory.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓What I am most excited about for the future is my next four years and seeing where I end up after!

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓A teacher that has had a significant impact in me is Señora Spitz. She was my Spanish teacher sophomore and junior year and has been my advisor since junior year. She has always been there for me to listens to my problems and has supported me in my journey at Marymount. She does everything she can to make class fun and make sure we can all succeed.

Photos from Marymount High School, Los Angeles's post 05/22/2024

Yesterday, the Class of 2024 enjoyed a Post-Graduation Rehearsal Pool Party, soaking up the sun and enjoying these last few moments of their time at Marymount 💙


Today's Senior Spotlight is shining on Colleen K. '24! Thank you for all of your hard work in Campus Ministry, Service Board and beyond! We're so proud of you!!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss how patient and kind all the teachers and students are! Everyone has truly wanted the best for me and for everyone around me to succeed. I am going to miss simply sitting around the lunch tables as we laugh about the most ridiculous things. I will never forget the great sense of community here as everyone has always been so helpful and looked out for me!

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite Marymount memory was getting to spend time with my carpool every day

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am most excited to see all the amazing things my classmates do in their careers and lives

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Mrs. Oddino was always so sweet to me and really made me feel comfortable in her class! I will miss you :)

💬Anything else you would like to share or highlight?
⚓I am so grateful for my grade and wish you all the most success! You all are truly the best


Today's Spotlight is for Rya J. '24! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments in the Visual Arts and Yearbook! We can't wait to see all of the amazing things you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss spirit weeks the most. The unity that is created within the class is so much fun. Each year out class has come with full force and some of the most creative outfits.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite memory was on our junior retreat. We all came together as a class and bonded over shared experiences in life. I was able to connect with girls I had barely spoken to in previous years, creating a sense of belonging.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am most excited to make new memories and explore new places!

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Sr. Margaret made a significant impact on my time at Marymount. She taught me how to be a leader in a creative setting, and how to create a yearbook. She is so spirited and always know how to make your smile or laugh. I cannot wait everyday to see her and will miss her so much!


Today's Spotlight is on Keaton D. '24! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments in soccer and beyond! We can't wait to see where your path takes you.

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss the supportive community that has allowed me to grow so much as a person these past 4 years. I'm so grateful for everything that Marymount has taught me, and I know that I am prepared for college because of Marymount.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ Junior Retreat

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I'm excited to see where everyone ends up and can't wait for reunions in the future!

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Dr. Crooks had a significant impact on my time at Marymount. I took Gender Studies which was one of my favorite classes, and I also have really enjoyed our life skills section in religion right now. He cares a lot about all of his students and is really trying to prepare us for the future.


Today's Senior Spotlight goes out to Erin S. '24! We're so proud of everything you've accomplished in your time at Marymount and can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss all of the amazing people I have met throughout these past four years! I have made so many incredible friendships and it is hard to imagine a school day where I am not surrounded by this class.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite Marymount memory was senior year spirit week! It was so much fun to dress up and have fun with my grade before we all graduate. Winning first place and celebrating in the pavilion is a moment I will never forget.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓Once I graduate, I am most excited to explore new places in the world beyond where I have lived my whole life. Moving to a new city, studying abroad, and meeting new people will hopefully give me experiences that will contribute to my personal growth.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓I am beyond grateful for all my teachers but especially Sra. Spitz, who was my Spanish teacher in both 10th and 11th grade. For two years she pushed me to work my hardest and I am so lucky to have had her in my corner throughout my time at Marymount.


This Senior Spotlight is shining on Amelia R. '24! Thank you for all of your hard work in Tennis, Choir and Beyond! We can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓There are many aspects that I will miss about Marymount, but I know that I will definitely miss my friends I have made throughout my 4 years the most. I have met so many incredible people through sports, classes, and clubs that have made my time at Marymount so meaningful. I can't wait to see my friends succeed in college even though I will miss them all very much!

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ One of my favorite memories definitely has to be my years of playing on the tennis team. Senior night especially was especially meaningful to me because it was a great way to close out the season with my teammates and family.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I'm super excited to meet new people and explore new opportunities in college. It's exciting to start a new chapter of my life, and although I will miss Marymount very much, I am super excited to see what the future holds for everyone.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Ms. Oddino has had a significant impact on my time here at Marymount. I have had Ms. Oddino as my math teacher for the past two years, and she always makes everyone feel welcomed and supported. I admire her because she is a very genuine, kind person, and I appreciate everything she does for our class!

💬Anything else you would like to share or highlight?
⚓Another teacher that has had a significant impact on me is our athletic trainer, Ms. Zamani. She helped me so much throughout the tennis season, and I have really enjoyed taking her sports medicine class this semester! She is very supportive and a great addition to the Marymount community!


Today we're highlighting Annika A. '24! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments in your time at Marymount, to volleyball and beyond. We're so proud of you!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will truly miss all of the friends I've laughed with and learned with in all my classes, as well as my teachers and the insightful experiences I've had learning from them.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ One of my favorite Marymount memories is the volleyball Phoenix tournament this last year. It was so fun to spend time with my teammates and we made so many unforgettable memories.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am most excited to explore my potential career paths to uncover my true passions, and then further develop my skills in that chosen path. I am enthusiastic about having new resources and a new environment to challenge myself and thrive in.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Marymount volleyball had a very significant impact on me at Marymount, as it allowed me to learn what a true work ethic is, while also forming such close bonds with my teammates. In the classroom, I felt especially impacted by my most challenging courses, as even in the face of difficulty, my teachers were always there to support and push me to reach my goals.


This Spotlight is shining on Ellie J. '24! We are so proud of all of your incredible accomplishments in MUN and beyond. We can't wait to see everything you do next.

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss the school spirit and the sisterhood of Marymount. I will always cherish the memories that the class of 2024 made together, whether that be during Spirit Week or even during lunches. I will also miss the teachers who have guided me during my high school journey.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite Marymount memory has been Spirit Week and junior retreat.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am so excited to meet new people and travel to new places in the future. I am also excited to accomplish my dreams in the future.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Sra. Spitz has had a significant impact on me during my time at Marymount. As both my teacher and advisor, she inspires me to be the best version of myself and to work hard. She helped me during difficult times and has always created such a positive atmosphere in the classroom. I will always remember listening and singing along to Kesi during Period 4 Spanish in junior year. Other teachers who have had a significant impact on me are Mr. Baker and Ms. Brady. They made APUSH and AP English Lit an enjoyable experience despite the fact that these are very challenging courses. They were also very supportive and understanding, which made me feel appreciated as a student. Thank you!


This Spotlight is for Kate S. '24! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments in basketball and sports medicine! We're so proud of you!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will missing seeing all my friends everyday and our daily talks in the courtyard!

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ My favorite Marymount memory was junior retreat as I feel like our whole class became close and made amazing memories together.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I am most excited about getting into the fashion world and making memories with new friends but remaining close with my old friends.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓Mr. Baker has played a significant impact at my time at Marymount as I have always struggled with history, but he was able to help me succeed and his class was always the best part of my day.

💬Anything else you would like to share or highlight?
⚓I will miss everyone next year and wish you guys all luck in the future.

Photos from Marymount High School, Los Angeles's post 05/17/2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We're so proud of you!!


Today's Senior Spotlight is shining on Kate M. '24! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments in The Anchor and beyond. We can't wait to see what you do next!

💬 What will you miss most about Marymount?
⚓ I will miss the tight-knit community and lifelong friends I have developed. Marymount is so unique because of the incredible support system not just from my own classmates but also from the faculty. They inspired me to work hard and be the best version of myself.

💬What has been your favorite Marymount memory?
⚓ I have so many amazing memories at Marymount, but I'd have to say that Junior Retreat tops it all. I developed a love and appreciation for my classmates and have never felt more bonded with a group of people. It was truly a life-changing experience and one that I will never forget.

💬What are you most excited about for the future?
⚓I'm so excited to attend Wake Forest and have a college experience. I want to discover more about myself as I make new friends, become more independent, and prepare myself for my future career.

💬Was there a teacher, staff member, event, or activity that had a significant impact on your time at Marymount?
⚓I appreciate all of my teachers at Marymount for helping me throughout my journey. Most notably, I'd like to thank Mr. Beckner for inspiring my passion for history. I will always remember his engaging lessons and constant encouragement. I also want to thank Sra. Spitz for being the best advisor and influencing my love for the Spanish language.

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Los Angeles, 90272

The Official page for Palisades Charter High School.

Phantom Football - Cathedral High School - Los Angeles, CA - (323) 441-3134 Phantom Football - Cathedral High School - Los Angeles, CA - (323) 441-3134
1253 Bishops Road
Los Angeles, 90012

Cathedral High School Phantoms - a private all male College Preparatory Institution.Founded by Archb

Notre Dame High School Athletics Notre Dame High School Athletics
13645 Riverside Drive
Los Angeles, 91423

Notre Dame High School Athletics

HighTechLA HighTechLA
17111 Victory Boulevard
Los Angeles, 91406

HighTech Los Angeles is a public, tuition-free independent charter high school open to all students

Immaculata High School, Detroit, Class of 1975 Immaculata High School, Detroit, Class of 1975
Los Angeles

We were the FIERCEST wimmin on the planet! NOTHING could stop us from realizing our dreams ... NOTH

L'atelier Fashion Academy L'atelier Fashion Academy
5461 Winnetka Avenue
Los Angeles, 91364

L'atelier fashion academy is a program at Taft High School. Every year we have a fashion show and we have an on-campus boutique. The fashion show and boutique are run by students b...

Fusion Academy Fusion Academy
1640 S. Sepulveda Boulevard , Suite 100
Los Angeles, 90025

Fusion Academy is a revolutionary private middle and high school where positive relationships and one

Areté Preparatory Academy Areté Preparatory Academy
11500 W. Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, 90064

At the cutting edge of 21st century education, our inquiry-driven, seminar-style classes inspire stu

Garfield High School Class of 1990 Garfield High School Class of 1990
5101 E 6th Street
Los Angeles, 90022

GHS Class of 1990 25Th Year Reunion is set for October 24th at Don Chente's Fuego in Downtown LA

YouthBuild Charter School of California YouthBuild Charter School of California
611 Wilshire Boulevard , Ste. 303
Los Angeles, 90017

We are a free project-based high school for students ages 16-24+. It's not too late to graduate!