Divine Compass

Divine Compass

Yoga & Meditation, Ancestral Healing, and Soulcraft develop our unique gift to help heal the Earth.

Help Prison Yoga and Meditation Expand, organized by Ana Cristina Nery 11/28/2023

This , give to something that impacts the well-being of all of society. Prison Yoga and Meditation reaches more than 5,000 incarcerated men, women, and LGBTQ individuals in five County, State, and Federal jails and prisons in the greater Los Angeles area.

During the pandemic, many of the 2M+ incarcerated went without these programs, however, since their return PY+M has been working to expand its efforts to reach an even larger audience and we need your help to do so!

Yoga and meditation help the incarcerated heal from chronic stress, PTSD, anxiety, depression, anger, and insomnia to name a few. In turn, they can foster greater presence, self-empowerment, self-awareness, and a sense of community so they may restore their role in their family and better succeed at reentering society.

Incarcerated women and men who engage in yoga and meditation practices are more likely to correct behaviors related to offending (impulsivity, aggression, and substance abuse) and seek treatments that reduce criminal behavior. As a result, those who practice yoga while incarcerated are less likely to re-offend after their release. Recidivism rates in the U.S. have hovered around 44% with those released returning to prison within their first year out.

Our incarcerated students thank us with tears in their eyes and expressions of disbelief that anyone on the outside would care about them let alone devote time and energy to teach them.

You may be one of those caring people and with your tax-deductible donation, you will help not only the incarcerated but all of society.

Thank you from the PY+M team and all the men and women we serve! To learn more visit https://prisonyogaandmeditation.org

Help Prison Yoga and Meditation Expand, organized by Ana Cristina Nery Prison Yoga + Meditation reaches more than 5,000 incarcerated men, women, an… Ana Cristina Nery needs your support for Help Prison Yoga and Meditation Expand


With great joy, I launch Divine Compass, my spiritual coaching platform, out into the world today!

Combining yoga and meditation, ancestral wound healing, and soulcraft practices you will be guided to return home to yourself, find compassion for your suffering, and gain the courage to develop your unique gift meant for healing the greater Earth family.

It sounds trite, but the majority of us walking around buying our daily coffee, pumping our gas, sitting in traffic, and doom scrolling in bed are experiencing a detachment from our true nature, our Divine Compass, and our mission for this lifetime.

If you're going through an internal struggle of the mind, body, and soul that's affecting your ability to find joy in the mundane, feel compassion toward others, and move past your past, there's a new way of being that awaits you.

If you're trying to find your purpose and greater meaning in life but don't have a clue where to start or how to proceed on which path, I'm here to help guide you.

Imagine what you could achieve if that very thing that scares you right now weren't true and you took just one step. You want to look back and know you fully participated in this life, so it's time to get curious.

I'm open for questions after you've browsed the site and Offerings (each builds upon the other), or we can dive deeper in an exploration call.

May you be guided by your Divine Compass and aid in the healing of all beings 🙏🤍🙏


How I end class with my meditators at Homeboy Industries every week 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼


Sharon Salzberg


I’m excited to share that starting July 24th I’ll be teaching Sundays in a beautiful outdoor space at the Luxe Hotel in Brentwood!

Enjoy a blend of vinyasa flow and kundalini yoga designed to facilitate union of one's soul with the cosmic and one's purpose with their community. This class is open to all levels and includes a relaxing gong bath and pranayama meditation to leave you feeling grounded yet uplifted…plus the occasional ceremonial cacao to facilitate heart opening 🙏🏼🧘🏻‍♀️💗

Please park using their valet for $5 and bring your own mat, water, and any props for added comfort. For an extra $20 you can enjoy their pool afterward 👙😎💦

Sign up at https://aziam.com/schedule/


Looking forward to returning to Temescal this Sunday, temp is low 70s and sure to be beautiful! 🌞🌳🦋




With the end of summer in sight 😢, Kundalini Foundation is offering SPECIAL PRICING to close the season. Now through 8/31, a Single Class is only $8, a savings of $5!

Use code: august8 when purchasing a single class pass. No limit on how many you can purchase and must be used within 2 months from date of purchase. Deal ends 8/31/21 11:59pm PST.

It's the perfect time to experience this wonderful team of teachers and classes so check out the weekly schedule at www.kundalinifoundation.org.

Hope to see you at my Saturday 9am PT class starting again 8/18 🙏🏼


So many things get in the way of listening to our intuition. Whether it’s fatigue, poor diet, lack of exercise, old habits and ways of thinking that limit our potential for growth, etc. When we accumulate the energies of being insecure, irresponsible, unconfident, cold-hearted, and arrogant in our bodies we have no space for the voice of our inner Divine Compass to shine through. We feel lost, without direction, unbalanced, are easily manipulated, and lack the imagination needed to project a specific desired state or outcome for the future. The yoga set we’ll be doing relies on mastering the flow of Prana/Chi/Life Force Energy to bring negative energies into balance so that we may awaken our inner knowing and perceive a new destiny for ourselves. Join me virtually with Kundalini Foundation from my childhood home in Chicago for this special class! ✨🤍✨


This was the message I received tonight in another powerful Neurodynamic Breathwork session. Because it’s virtual and I can do it from the comfort of my living room, I really get into the somatic experience of targeting, balancing, and moving the energy from the lower to higher triangle. If I feel tension in my calves, hips, chest, shoulders, or palms I know to wiggle, shimmy, pound, and slam them into the floor to move whatever’s dying to be released. It was especially strong tonight in my reproductive organs, solar plexus, and heart - an intelligence I had to respect and allow time and for it to recharge and communicate back health and power to one another. TAKE BACK YOUR POWER they exclaimed and who argues when your ovaries, navel, and heart are yelling at you??🤷🏻‍♀️I 100% recognize the areas where I’ve given it away recently, falling back into old patterns and temptation, and I also take it to mean take back your power which the medicine showed to you those four nights at . Don’t take it for granted and don’t be afraid to share it with others.

Kundalini Yoga & Mindfulness at Temescal Gateway Park - August 15th 9:30am 08/08/2021

Ride today's New Moon seed-planting and Lion Gate abundance-manifesting through the week and come amplify your downloads next Sunday with these beautiful practices! 🤍🦋🤍

Kundalini Yoga & Mindfulness at Temescal Gateway Park - August 15th 9:30am Kundalini Yoga and Mindfulness at Temescal Gateway Park brings us together to enjoy the beauty and power of these two practices in nature.

Photos from Divine Compass's post 08/04/2021

Yoga and Meditation teaching friends: we are holding a training August 15th 12-4pm in Santa Monica for those interested in volunteering with . Message me for more details 🙏🏼 Currently, we’re back in person at CA state prison in Lancaster (where I’ll be teaching) and awaiting returns to the County and Federal jails in downtown Los Angeles. “Prison Yoga + Meditation is a Los Angeles-based non-profit that brings yoga and meditation to those in the greatest need. We teach prisoners because we have experienced healing through yoga and meditation ourselves. We teach men, women, gay and transgender prisoners who are newly arrested, awaiting trial, serving a sentence of days, months, years and even life with and without the possibility of parole. Though we ask people to volunteer with a certain level of commitment, and we are in a serious business, our goal is to keep our volunteering fun and rewarding, and not burn people out. We’d like people to be committed to teaching at least 10 to 12 times a year. You do not have to be certified, though you must have an established, dedicated practice to yoga and meditation. The most important qualification we look for in a person is the ability to share with love, compassion and respect for other human beings.”


CLASS UPDATE: I'm excited to share that starting this Saturday, 7/31, I'll be teaching again on Saturday mornings at 10:00am PST!👏 Then from 8/14 on, class will be held at 9:00am so you can start your day bright an early with a little kundalini yoga & meditation. Wednesday 8/4 I'll teach at 7:00am and then on 8/11 and 8/18 it's back to 9:00am and after that no more Wednesdays for me. You'll find many beautiful and powerful teachers at Kundalini Foundation and we look forward to seeing you there virtually!

Lying at the base of the spine is a dormant reserve of energy that when ignited through certain postures and breathing exercises, rises up the spine and into the brain where the pituitary and pineal glands are engaged to awaken us to our higher consciousness.

While this is a spiritual practice, there is a lot of science behind it which is known to improve physical & mental health, stress & emotion regulation, awareness/mindfulness, and overall wellbeing.

Class format starts with a handful of warmups, a series of different Kundalini yoga postures, a period of deep relaxation, and ends with a brief meditation. No prior yoga or meditation experience necessary, just an open mind and an open heart 🤍


After guiding meditation online the past 16mo. I am SO HAPPY to be back in person at Bruno St.!! 👏🏼🙌🏼 So many new faces in class this morning (nearly 50 men and women) and some familiar ones too 😍 I was only expecting a handful and when I opened my eyes at the end I was only expecting a handful left! Challenging as it was with all the distractions in this new space, as a teacher I too was facing my own inner dialogue of wishing things to be perfect and peaceful 😉🙏🏼 Each time I walk through these double doors, I am forever reminded we are all on a journey of self discovery to find compassion, acceptance, and love for ourselves and one another. ❤️❤️❤️


NEW CLASS 👉 join me weekly Wednesdays 9am PT for "Soul Healing for Earth's Healing" with Kundalini Foundation.
The degree to which we nurture, honor, and protect our individual body, mind, and spirit is in direct proportion to how we nurture, honor, and protect the Earth as a collective.

In this class, we’ll expand our body consciousness, transform discomfort into surrender and strength, and witness imagined limitations change into self-actualized potentialities.

We’ll become curious about self-healing, transform our suffering into compassion, and learn to move with the ebb and flow of moon phases, seasons, and life cycles.

We’ll remember our innate mystery, its mastery, and the magic of our symbiotic relationship with the natural world as a call to become its stewards.

In this process of Self-discovery, we’ll embrace our shadows and relinquish attachments so the Soul may illuminate our path of bringing our unique gift to uplift humanity.

Link in bio for this virtual class 🧘‍♀️


One week from tonight, I will be sitting in my first of four ayahuasca ceremonies. The next night is Summer Solstice. The next night is my 47th birthday. Two nights later is June's full strawberry moon. Just the timing of this is too much for words, let alone the ineffability of forthcoming journeys with the medicine.

My intention is to release the maternal ancestral trauma I've been carrying since birth and in doing so, grant myself permission to accept the calling to make scary changes in my life so that I may guide others in their healing. I surrender any expectations, hopes, and wishes for a certain outcome and willingly step onto the platform to let the bullet train of higher consciousness whisk me away.

I've been preparing for this descent into soul canyon for 5 years ... letting identies and energies die out of my life, forgiving myself and others, awakening and leading with my intuition, and taking steps to birth my own path. I feel like I'm standing at the precipice, staring into the abyss of both the known and unknown of where I've come from and where I'm headed, and all that's needed now is to trust and ... let go.

"I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love,
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.
Whisper of running streams, and winter lightning.
The wild thyme unseen and the wild strawberry,
The laughter in the garden, echoed ecstasy
Not lost, but requiring, pointing to the agony
Of death and birth."

~T. S. Eliot


I’m excited to announce I’ve joined the beautiful team at Kundalini Foundation and will teach virtually this and next Friday at 7am and then starting July 7 you’ll find me permanently on Wednesdays at 9am. I can still be found at Kundalini Yoga by the Sea Thursdays at 9am (virtual) and Saturdays at 10am (in person & virtual), though not June 19-July 1 as I’ll be in Costa Rica, and I’ll be back at Temescal Canyon July 25 🌳I had to listen to my intuition to branch out and broaden my teaching opportunities and I am incredibly grateful I did ... even more to come! 🙏🏼


“Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” ~ Minch Yoda 💚


This Saturday at 4:30am join us for this powerful morning practice of bathing in the sound current with live music from Dyal Bhajan and myself. Tune your inner vibration into group consciousness and what you give you will receive back tenfold from the Divine. Please arrive at the studio 10min early to claim your spot and get comfortable and if you're on Zoom, please mute yourself with video on. Wear loose, comfortable clothing for some yoga and bring your yoga mat and water. To sign up click https://www.kundaliniyogabythesea.com/schedule-1

Photos from Divine Compass's post 05/01/2021

This is all anyone asks of any community where any trauma has been experienced ... making the choice to “side” with the path of dialogue vs. arguing for any side. Trauma must be acknowledged and brought to light in a safe space so that deep healing may occur for BOTH sides and in its own time ... only then can the once silenced problem no longer hide behind a veil of secrecy or fear of shame, judgement, and outcasting.

Photos from Divine Compass's post 04/29/2021

These words are .gt’s, not mine, but my goal is the same and that’s to ask for your assistance in alleviating this compassionate and wise man’s family of the pressure of his medical bills 🙏🏼 I owe a considerable amount of my personal growth and awareness to the community led by this fierce beauty Gabi 💪🏼- for my heart has been opened by the healing of their cacao and my mind sharpened by the wisdom shared by Tata Pedro and Nana Marina - Maltiox ❤️https://gofund.me/a58e3f86

Photos from Divine Compass's post 04/27/2021

I promised myself two days ago that over these next 8 weeks leading up to my ayahuasca ceremonies in Costa Rica, I will spend as much time in nature being grateful for and giving thanks to Mother Earth 🌍Whether reading a book under a tree 🌳, walking on the land, or gazing out over the ocean 🌊 I always feel so clear, grounded, alive and reconnected with myself and everything around me. That’s way cheaper than a therapist, a gym membership, a bar tab, or swiping on dating sites! Returning Home 🏠 to our inner nature, Compassion 🙏🏼 for our shadows within, and Courage 💪🏼 to accept who we’ve been, curently are, and have yet to evolve into are the cornerstones upon which my Soulwork is based. I am ready to yet again feed my ego to Mother Earth so that new life my grow [Death = Rebirth] and to offer a Divine Compass so that others too may learn the process of soul metamorphosis 🦋 “Our developmental dilemma stems primarily from our disconnection from nature, from both our “outer” and “inner” natures: the loss of our experienced belonging to an entanglement within the natural world and the loss of our communion with the very core of our own individual human nature – our Soul.” - Bill Plotkin


Sunday the 25th at 10:00am join us on the eve of April’s pink full moon 💕🌝 for Kundalini yoga & meditation at Temescal Gateway Park🌳Centering ourselves and communing in nature is a gift we sorely need at this time...your open mind and heart will serve as a beacon to all who cross your path. We will be focusing on our navel chakra (the 🔥 in the belly) and its power to transform energy (food, ideas, emotions) into Prana and burn away ego-clinging. Link below and in bio to register, spaces limited! https://fb.me/e/239Vvl8Ga


This was little 🐝 bud 4hr ago...I brought it inside this morn because I felt it deserved a warm comfy place to rest and it stayed beside me as I did my sadhana 🙏🏼 The past 3 days I’d been hopeful it would gain its strength and take flight but as of one hour ago this tiny soul passed on. I’m grateful I witnessed this little fighter who had its ups n downs and tried to hold on as long as possible...it knew when to push ahead and when to rest. This morning I also witnessed a crow creeping across the rooftop of my building and saw it swoop down with its wide wings and land in the tree beside my dining room where a pair of doves have nested. Within seconds the crow snatched a white egg from the unattended nest and then proudly took off with its next meal. Just like that, another life taken and her it feeds the existence of another being. All in the span of a couple hours the fragility and impermanence of life played out before me. The balance between the desire to nurture/save a life, a creation, an identity, etc. and the need to let go of attachment to outcomes or expectations is the human experience. These two moments reminded me to continuously surrender to the cycle of life: birth, life, death, and rebirth and not be afraid to want to birth something into existence nor fear letting it die. For some of us we give too much of ourselves to save something or someone - thinking we’re doing them a favor and it/they should be grateful - when we’re only sabotaging and denying ourselves. What are you too afraid to let go of? What are you in need of surrendering to that’s holding you back? What patterns of attachments that no longer serve you must be broken? What will you do with this freedom?


How grateful I am to be surrounded and supported by women on their path, pushing our boundaries, making our voices heard, and creating space for others to rise. Love you to the🌙


See you this 🌞Sunday 10am at Temescal Gateway Park for kundalini yoga & meditation under the beautiful 🌳 What to bring, directions, parking, and registration are here 👉🏼https://fb.me/e/2uOZrRchn


Join me tomorrow 9:00am and Saturday 10:00am as we tap into the Master Gland, the pituitary! There are subtleties within postures, eye positions, mantras, and breathing techniques which stimulate this little bean-shaped gland at the base of our brain behind the bridge of the nose. As part of our endocrine system, through the production of hormones it monitors and regulates sexual function; the thyroid, adrenals, and go**ds; as well as the kidneys, uterus, and breasts. Human Growth Hormone is one of its most powerful messengers and it rises in childhood, peaks during puberty, and declines from middle age onward. With a whole food/plant based diet, 30min of exercise or waking daily (plus strength training 2-3x/wk), sleeping to your circadian rhythms, and regular yoga and meditation you stimulate the endocrine system thereby slowing down aging and boosting your immune system✨💪🏼 Sign up at kundaliniyogabythesea.com 🤍


Celebrate the fruits of the March 28th 10:00-11:30am! 🍎🌝

Join us at in the fresh air and sunshine🌞to strengthen the immune system, release energetic blocks in the body, change your consciousness, and gain greater of the Self. Lying at the base of the spine is a dormant reserve of energy🐍 that when ignited through certain postures and exercises, rises up the spine and into the brain where the pituitary and pineal glands are engaged to awaken us to our ✨While this is a spiritual practice, there is a lot of science behind this technology which is known to improve physical & , stress & emotion regulation, awareness/mindfulness, and overall . Sharing in these benefits with others out in the beauty of nature provides a sense of and to Mother Earth🌍

Class format starts with a handful of warmups, a series of different postures, a period of deep , and ends with a powerful . No prior yoga or meditation experience is necessary, just an and an .

- Bring yoga mat, small cushion for support, and light blanket.
- Bring face mask, sunglasses, and sunscreen (if needed) but there is shade.
- Wear comfortable clothing and layers as it will warm up.
- Eat a light breakfast at least 1hr before and bring a reusable water bottle. Homemade yogi tea will be served 😋
- There are nice restrooms you may use toward the north end of the 2nd parking lot.

- Temescal Gateway Park is located at 15601 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
- To park: after you turn off/cross Sunset and are on Temescal Canyon Rd., go past the 1st lot on your left and continue driving northward until you reach the 2nd lot. If the 2nd lot is full, turn back and try the 1st lot closer to Sunset and walk back, otherwise there's free parking on Temescal Canyon but a longer walk. A credit card pay station is on the right as you approach the 2nd lot and costs $12. Please allow yourself enough time to park. Please register and see instructions on how to find us at the BIG OAK TREE🌳 https://fb.me/e/2uOZrRchn


The body is a very powerful yet delicate instrument that when played a certain way can produce the most beautiful song. When you touch certain fingertips (or nails) together you create a seal that has the power of producing joy and happiness, more so when combined with certain breathing exercises. It is said there are nearly 400 different mudras (or seals) which are used throughout Hindu and Buddhist practices and here are a handful of those we use in Kundalini Yoga exercises and meditations. The most common is Gyan Mudra employing the thumb (Mars/fire/ego/self) and the index finger (Jupiter/air/the Divine/Self) bringing union between our finite self and our Infinte Self and therefore wisdom and knowledge. Try to become very still, breathe long and deeply through the nose, resting your palms facing up on your thighs and tune into the nerve endings in your fingertips and feel the tingling sensations. Bring your thumb tips and index finger tips together and continue breathing deeply, extending your inhales and exhales as you go along, with a beautifully straight spine and shoulders back and down as you gently fix your gaze at the center of the brow. Experience this for 3-5min to start and take note of any subtle changes in your mental clarity afterward. Tomorrow at 10am on Zoom we’ll be practicing Kunchun Mudra which is very powerful and purifying, enables totally relaxation of the body, and is equal to exercising 48hr straight! Link below to sign up 🙏🏼


So much heartfelt gratitude in today’s gathering with the beautiful Sneha Sacred community 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼 After our sacred cacao ceremony, very deep seated emotions of grief and sadness, memories of being a little girl, and visions of hugging and comforting my younger self came to me in our guided meditation by Nana Marina. The process of recognizing, investigating, acknowledging, and nurturing the seasons of our lives which created stories that’ve caused suffering for us as adults is a delicate process which takes surrender, trust, love, and patience. In turn we must bestow that same surrender, trust, love, and patience upon others who’ve yet to begin or who are just starting their journey of self discovery and healing. As we look towards Int’l Women’s Day tomorrow, I honor all the struggles and suffering my female ancestors endured in order for me to be present in this lifetime and my prayer is to continue becoming a better steward of the earth, a better role model for generations to come, a better sister in my community of sisters, and a better soul to all souls. Thank You Gracias Maltiox 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️

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Videos (show all)

So many things get in the way of listening to our intuition. Whether it’s fatigue, poor diet, lack of exercise, old habi...
This was the message I received tonight in another powerful Neurodynamic Breathwork session. Because it’s virtual and I ...
After guiding meditation online the past 16mo. I am SO HAPPY to be back in person at Bruno St.!! 👏🏼🙌🏼 So many new faces ...
I’m excited to announce I’ve joined the beautiful team at Kundalini Foundation and will teach virtually this and next Fr...
This Saturday at 4:30am join us for this powerful morning practice of bathing in the sound current with live music from ...
This was little 🐝 bud 4hr ago...I brought it inside this morn because I felt it deserved a warm comfy place to rest and ...
See you this 🌞Sunday 10am at Temescal Gateway Park for kundalini yoga & meditation under the beautiful 🌳 What to bring, ...
So much heartfelt gratitude in today’s gathering with the beautiful Sneha Sacred community 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼 After our sacred cacao...
I always want to break down this kundalini yoga thing for ya so it’s digestible and without all the unnecessary mystical...
“When you are steadfast in your abstention of thoughts of harm directed toward yourself and others, all living creatures...



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