Iggy Jingles Crafts, Los Angeles, CA Videos

Videos by Iggy Jingles Crafts in Los Angeles. Creativity support; OOAK Art Dolls, Printed designs, vintage redux, textile arts, aromatic homewares

Installed. The Spinning Petals Casita. I like to think of it as a sampler of techniques. #ArtCommission. Follow @sbbotanicgarden for more about the Backcountry Casitas and attractions for kids.

Other Iggy Jingles Crafts videos

Installed. The Spinning Petals Casita. I like to think of it as a sampler of techniques. #ArtCommission. Follow @sbbotanicgarden for more about the Backcountry Casitas and attractions for kids.

Here’s another sneak peek. #ArtCommission @SBBotanicGarden. Won’t be so tall in the actual installation.

Used my Cricut Joy to make these vinyl stencils for the Latin names of the inspiration plants. So close to being done! #ArtCommission @SBBotanicGarden

Embroidery- a representation of Yarrow. Getting close to being done. #ArtCommission #SantaBatbaraBotanicGarden @SBBotanicGarden

One side of the embroidered Spinning Petal. Stitching the other side side now. This is CA Fuchsia (epilobium canum)and CA Poppy leaves (eschscholzia Californica) The other side is a depiction of Yarrow #ArtCommission #SantaBarbaraBotanicGarden @SBBotanicGarden

Planning the embroidered petal. #ArtCommission #SantaBarbaraBotanicGarden

Four of six - progress!! #ArtCommission #SantaBarbaraBotanicGarden.

Working with Nova artist acrylics and flex medium on hemp fabric. #ArtCommission #SantaBarbaraBotanicGarden

One of the spinning petals on its frame. Nasturtium prints over turmeric dyed fabric, and avocado skin dye. #artcommission #santabarbarabotanicgarden

Even more steam dying. #artcommission #santabarbarabotanicgarden

Latest steam transfers. Going to get more geraniums. #artcommission #SantaBarbaraBotanicGarden #textileart

First strip of nasturtium printed fabric. This is what orange nasturtium become. #artcommission #SantaBarbaraBotanicGarden

Starting a day of dyeing - first turmeric root, later avocado skin. #artcommission #santabarbarabotanicgarden #naturaldye #backcountrycasita

Results of natural dye tests on hemp fabric. #artcommission #publicart #santabarbarabotanicgarden #backcountrycasita

Fabrics scoured and ready for the next steps. #spinningpetals #santabarbarabotanicgarden #artcommission #publicart #backcountrycasita

Bought my paint and ordered my hemp fabrics. #spinningpetals #artcommission #publicart #santabarbarabotanicgarden #backcountrycasita

Scoured hemp fabric samples waiting for mordant testing next. #spinningpetals #artcommission #textileart #santabarbarabotanicgardens #workinprogress

Choosing hemp fabrics. #backcountrycasita #SBBG #artcommission #spinningpetals

Dolls at IggyJingles.com Etsy store. #artdolls #janeausten