Slow...Children at Play

Award-Winning Comedy Improv since 1998! Best Comedy Club 2018 per the LA Voter Hot List. Winner of Voter Hot List. law firms. Come see a show and take a class!

Slow...Children at Play (S...CAP) began at Tim Simek's apartment in West Hollywood in 1998 with a handful of actors. S...CAP grew into two divisions, (Core & Deuce), in 2001 which continued through 2013. S...CAP is now back to one, very talented & strong group which continues to provide awesome improv entertainment in NoHo. The group performs monthly at the Whitmore-Lindley Theatre doing short for


Lines of the night (S...CAP 8/8/24 rehearsal):

"I believe in you, even though your parents don't." (Rosie in Back-To-School Musical

"Maybe you could get a full skateboard scholarship." (Max in Back-To-School Musical)

"Forsooth, I must take off my turtleneck and show you my loins." (Tim in Shakespeare Entrances/Exits)

"My gouda brie, which is gouda indeed." (Laura in Shakespeare Entrances/Exits)

"I'm sure we can work som**hing out. How about a ride on my motorcycle?" (Stephen in Variety Tag)

"That would be cool! I've always wanted to be a motorcycle cop." (Max in Variety Tag)

"I must find some smelling salts." (Rosie in Shakespeare Entrances/Exits)

"They place their loins on their steeds, do they?" (Laura in Shakespeare Entrances/Exits)

"I'm gonna have a the best weekend! Let's "burn" that woman." (Maxx in Emo Props--at 'Burning Woman')

I'm feeling the best that anyone has ever felt!" (Stephen in Emo Props--at 'Burning Woman')

"I grew that sh*t." (Laura in Emo Props--at 'Burning Woman')

"Women do it way better." (Maxx in Emo Props--at 'Burning Woman')

"There's showers? This is way better." (Stephen in Emo Props--at 'Burning Woman’)

"The water is really warm." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in the shark tank at an aquarium)

"You p*e'd didn't you." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the shark tank at an aquarium)

"No thank you. I'll be spending time by myself." (Stephen in Emo Props--at 'Burning Woman')

"The book we read was The Catcher in the Sea." (Max in Back-To-School Musical)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Maxx Fischer Stephen Padgett


Lines of the night (S...CAP 7/25/24 & 8/1/24 rehearsals):

"We really shouldn't throw the baby like this." (Stephen in Variety Tag)

"I love Juan Valdez!" (Rosie in Emo Props)

"It's hard playing mannequin." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"I'm eight times champion of jousting in this land." (Max in Shakespeare Entrances/Exits)

"Hey, I'm looking to lose my virginity." (Rosie in Back-to-School Musical)

"This game of skating is fun, but it elevates my brooding." (Stephen in Shakespeare Entrances/Exits)

"Oh my have a tapeworm!" (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"I was looking for a hard hat, but this baseball cap will work." (Stephen in Emo Props)

"That way she won't have to sit with the ugly girls." (Rosie in Parent/Teacher Meeting)

"I didn't know Quidditch wasn't real." (Max in Back-to-School Musical)

"Twas not an aside as you thusly thought." (Laura in Shakespeare Entrances/Exits)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Stephen Padgett Maxx Fischer


Lines of the night (S...CAP 7/11/24 rehearsal):

"There's a new masseuse here. You didn't hear it from me, but he gives happy endings." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in the membership office of a country club)

"Uh, that's my cousin." (Laura in Location Quadrant--in the membership office of a country club)

"I feel like I'm a little restricted because I've never had a date and I'm thirty-five." (Tim in Summer Musical)

"Looks like it needs some wax, dude." (Max in Summer Musical)

"Thank god they don't allow children at the pool." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--by the swimming pool of a country club)

"Here's your bespoke omelet." (Max in Location Tag--at a five-star hotel)

"There are eggshells in this." (Lisa in Location Tag--at a five-star hotel)

"Here's a voucher for a free massage." (Max in Location Tag--at a five-star hotel)

"I have the blood of Christ." (Rosie in Genre Switch--horror genre)

"Sour blood of Christ." (Lisa in Genre Switch--horror genre)

"Let's get in my cybertruck and crank it!" (Max in Location Tag--at a dive bar)

Tim Simek Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Max Besterman Lisa Klink


Lines of the afternoon (S...CAP 7/4/24 rehearsal):

"I understand you have a ticket, but you're covered in vomit." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the ticket booth of a night club)

"I can't get this bloody monitor to work." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--on the stage of a night club)

"I thought Sucking Pus would bring in a better crowd." (Laura in Location Quadrant--in the ticket booth of a night club)

"I think that might be ph***ic in nature." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the ticket booth of a night club)

"Sucking Pus is an interesting name for a band." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in a VIP box of a night club)

"No one likes the DJ." (Max in Location Quadrant--on the stage of a night club)

"Feel better?" A little slutty?" (Laura in Location Quadrant--in the bathroom of a night club)

"I'm allergic to fish." (Max in Genre Switch--horror genre)

Rosanne Limeres Simek Max Besterman Laura Buckles Tim Simek Lisa Klink


Lines of the night (S...CAP 5/30/24 rehearsal):

"Sister Mary Margaret, you're getting too flirtatious with the priests." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Here, give me that joint." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"That won't do me any good for the Senior Long Jump Competition." (Mischa in Variety Tag)

"I know, because I'm not supposed to be around children." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"I guess you could call it payback for my childhood." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Fur ball!!" (Laura in Variety Tag)

"You gotta stop licking the cat so much." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Yeah, and I've lost so much bone density." (Max in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Rosanne Limeres SimekMax Besterman Jeanette Rivera Laura Buckles Mischa Hines


Lines of the night (S...CAP 5/23/24 rehearsal):

"The kind of game I'm hunting, I need military grade." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Oh my God!" (Rosie in Variety Tag--in Heaven)

"We don't say that here." (Laura in Variety Tag--in Heaven)

"Who knows how many kids I have." (Tim in Give Us The Words)

"Oh geez, I don't know the first thing about being a father to a monster." (Max in Variety Tag)

"That's because my momma never let me see what them ge****ls look like." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"Or as I like to call it, kill your customers day." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"Do we score points when we grunt?" (Max in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 5/18/24 improv show):

"This job is not worth the $7.50 an hour." (Max in Drawing Lines--working at a call center).

"I stabbed your father and I'm in love with your friend." (Rosie in Mother's Day Musical)

"She showed me how to be a man." (Tim in Mother's Day Musical)

"He's a good hunk of meat and I can't tear my eyes away." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"I'm in high school. I don't have any money." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the electronics section of a superstore)

"You look so manly putting those baby clothes away." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in the baby clothes section of a superstore)

"What's that? I don't know about old stuff." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the electronics section of a superstore)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres-Simek Laura Buckles Phil Scarpaci


Lines of the night (S...CAP 5/16/24 tech rehearsal):

"I brought Bessy over. She's an emotional support cow." (Laura in Location Quadrant--4-H demo at the county fair)

"I gotta say, this whole emotional support"I thing is getting out of hand." (Max in Location Quadrant--at the cotton candy booth of a county fair)

"You're the first man in the entire United States to have a baby!" Rosie in Variety Tag)

"I'm not sure where it's coming out of though." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Papa, Pinocchio has knife." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"You could make petunia pie." (Max in Location Quadrant--at the flower pavilion of a county fair)

"Here's two lollipops. They're shaped like b***s." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"Always angry but Hulk sad." (Max in Variety Tag)

"As long as you're holding a dead body, yes." (Laura in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres-Simek Laura Buckles Phil Scarpaci


Lines of the night (S...CAP 5/2/24 rehearsal):

"Why are there so many fiddles?" (Max in Location Quadrant--luggage room at a train station)

"I think there's a fiddle convention in Cleveland." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--luggage room at a train station)

"My uncle is gonna come home and bite you." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"Sit on the lillypad, frog boy." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Jeanette Rivera Lisa Klink


Lines of the night (S...CAP 4/20/24 improv show):

I'm not used to working with amateurs. (Max in Variety Tag)

"But you're working with seniors." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"Come on, it's 2007. We're gonna last forever! (Max in Spring Break Musical--working at a travel agency)

"I'm allergic to animals." (Rosie in Spring Break Musical)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Ann Shuck


Lines of the night (S...CAP 4/18/24 tech rehearsal):

"I've sworn off coffee. I'm a born-again Mormon." (Max in Variety Tag)

"I see the problem. Someone flushed feminine products down the toilet." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"It must be my niece. I haven't had a period in 30 years." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"Do you have a lot of friends with nasal problems?" (Max in Spring Break Musical)

"There's Stephanie, she has GERD." (Ann in Spring Break Musical)

"I'm tired of going to bed by myself." (Rosie in Spring Break Musical)

"I think I want to be an influencer." (Max in Location Quadrant-admissions office of a college campus)

"I'm happy to be teaching this stand-up comedy class for special needs." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"Do my eyes deceive me or are you starting to proselytize again?" (Max in Quirky Words)

"I'll pour that $hit right back in the hole." (Rosie in Genre Switch)

"I'm allergic to Zyrtec." (Max in Spring Break Musical)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Ann Shuck


Need some fun and laughter after tax day? Join us this Saturday at 8pm for awesome improv. You'll be glad you did! Reservations at (818) 410-PLAY (7529) and/or [email protected] 👏👏🤙🤣😂🎬🎭💜


Lines of the night (S...CAP 4/4/24 rehearsal):

"Dad, your fingers are so arthritic and gnarled." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"There's nothing wrong with an old man wanting his fingers massaged." (Max in Variety Tag)

"A guy at the park invited me to go eat Tikka Masala." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"If you crap your pants, we'll put you in the basement and torture you." (Rose in Genre Switch)

"My granddaughter likes it smooth and raw." (Tim in Genre Switch)

"They tip-shamed me!" (Ann in Variety Tag)

"They both have phonetic issues." (Tim in Sports Dubbing)

"Another version of Bikini Girls at Seventeen." (Max in Spring Break Musical)

"I'm only four-foot nine, but I'm thinking about going to modeling school." (Rosie in Spring Break Musical)

"Oh my God, can we make it a th*****me?" (Ann in Quirky Words)

"Oh, it's a moon off!" (Tim in Sports Dubbing)

"I stab myself with asparagus as I can no longer handle the despair." (Rosie in Gibberish Poet)

"You have strong throat." (Max in Quirky Words)

"I cry tears of marinara." (Rosie in Gibberish Poet)

"I'm gonna make my turtle soup." (Tim in Genre Switch)

"I see you little fairy." (Max in Gibberish Poet)

"If you leave a wood leg out in the rain, it can swell up." (Tim in Genre Switch)

"Personally, I've moved away from sports, even though I own a sports bar." (Max in Quirky Words)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Jeanette Rivera Ann Shuck


Lines of the night (S...CAP 3/28/24 rehearsal):

"I like to surf with dudes, naked." (Travis in Spring Break Musical)

"I'm a surfing queen!" (Rosie in Spring Break Musical)

"This is the where the thong comes off." (Max in Sports Dubbing)

"She was orphaned at age 7. She watched a movie about sumo wrestling and she was hooked." (Tim in Sports Dubbing)

"He was always drawing freckles on my face." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"Okay, so you buried your boss." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"You're my favorite barber in all of Mayberry." (Travis in Variety Tag)

"Representing her cold, cold country, out on work release." (Max in Sports Dubbing)

"Okay Mommy, fly like an airplane!" (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"Thong came off. It's more disturbing when they're a lot older." (Max in Sports Dubbing)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 3/21/24 rehearsal):

"I haven't had a drink of water in over a year!" (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"I'm actually going by Rodriga now." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"You've been the slt in the family for years!" (Tim in Genre Switch)

"Bobby, I'm so glad you didn't get that s*x change operation." (Ann in Variety Tag)

"I don't want to die in a Denny's." (Lisa in Variety Tag)

"We're gonna start hitchhiking on this road here." (T in Variety Tag)

"I got knocked up by my cousin." (Ann in Variety Tag)

"I think John will still ask you to the prom, even if you have hooks for hands." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"This is a convent, it's the opposite of reality." (Lisa in Long Form)

"Surprise! It's a baby dingo." (Rose in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Rosanne Limeres Simek Jeanette Rivera Lisa Klink T Valada Viars Ann Shuck


Lines of the night (S...CAP 3/16/24 comedy improv show):

"You're really tiny when you talk dirty." (Travis in Change It)

"Wow, we really are a power couple!" (Rosie in Oscar-Winning Musical)

"I'm really not a virgin anymore." (T in Location Tag--at a volcano)

"I may be a star but I'm not very bright." (Laura in Channel Surfing--Nickelodeon)

"Porque, este que tas eciendo wing man!" (Tim in Movie Makeover--"Grease" as a Telenovela)

"You get sub sick?" (Rosie in Location Tag--in a submarine)

Tim Simek Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek T Valada Viars Laura Buckles


Lines of the night. (S...CAP 3/7/24 rehearsal):

"I'm so glad you guys are from the special needs orphanage." (Rosie in Oscar-Winning Musical--"Singing in the Hail")

"Jimothi, what did I say about using the hand crank camera?" (Max in Location Tag--in an Amish village)

"We want you to leave. We can clearly see you've been vaccinated." (Laura in Channel Surfing--Fox News)

"You're the best godmother, ever!" (Travis in Location Tag--in an airplane hangar)

"We could make a hailman instead of a snowman." (T in Oscar-Winning Musical--"Singing in the Hail")

"Why are you still worried about the depth?" (Tim in Question Scene--in a submarine pod)

"I'm so happy to be here in Fredericksburg." (Rosie in Oscar-Winning Musical--"Singing in the Hail")

"Maybe I should go back to being an adult entertainer." (Max in Location Tag--in a coal mine)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles T Valada Viars


Lines of the night (S...CAP 2/29/24 rehearsal):

"These deviled eggs are really dry." (Max in Change It)

"My underwear itches." (Laura in Change It)

"How much money you make an hour? Security guard sucks!" (Travis in Change It)

"This is eggplant Bordeaux." (Rosie in Change It)

"I'm not sure I wanna wear used fishnets." (T in Oscar-Winning Musical)

"It's weird that you're our pimp, considering you're our brother." (Rosie in Oscar-Winning Musical)

"I think I'm your son." (Max in Change It)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles TE Valada-Viars


Lines of the night (S...CAP 2/22/24 rehearsal):

"Based on this FB post, I might be your cousin." (Max in Change It)

"I have to put that in the toilet." (Rosie in Change It)

"Can I touch your gavel?" (Travis in Question Scene)

"I have to pull out my own baby?" (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"The Lord frowns upon physical activity." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Gummy Bears make me go yum-yum!" (Travis in Change It)

"I don't want to be vegan anymore." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"Your farting is gonna kill us." (Travis in Change It)

"Austin Butler would totally date you." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 2/17/24 improv show):

"I'm giving you pills for your allergies so you can be my w***e." (Rosie in Dubbing Musical)

"They like ping pong in prison." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the cafeteria of a prison)

"Yes, because they like the bouncing ball." (Jeanette in Location Quadrant--in the cafeteria of a prison)

"I hope it's cool that I don't want to date you anymore." (Travis in Dubbing Musical)

"Your bosom in heaving." (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"That's why I couldn't find my can of Vienna sausages." (Tim in Soap Opera)

"Me and some of the other guards are looking for a new boy toy." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in the yard of a prison)

"Your well-endowed codpiece runneth over." (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"Romantic feelings in the house of the dead." (Tim in Shakespeare Scene)

"Go look in orifices, perhaps have a look." (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"Does it say mere, perchance?" (Rosie in Shakespeare Scene)

"I can feel your essence in my ear." (Travis in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 2/15/24 tech rehearsal):

"Jezebel couldn't help notice his long tail and fairly-like ears." (Rosie in Live Action Novel)

"You have some s*xy hands." (Max in Live Action Novel)

"Every time you rode in my Subaru, you were happy." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"I've got a basement. I'd like to take you there." (Travis in Live Action Novel)

"The gift of my tightly woven basket." (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"Your small basket was woven carefully and tightly." (Tim in Shakespeare Scene)

"I have saggy bosoms and no hair." (Rosie in Shakespeare Scene)

"Did someone call for a hairy, gay man?" (Max in Variety Tag)

"Thrust into winning position!" (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"He poured the space elixir down her throat." (Rosie in Live Action Novel)

"You don't need to be smart, you need to do som**hing." (Max in Location Quadrant--in a classroom at a university)

"This vehicle has been in my family for centuries." (Rosie in Shakespeare Scene)

"Let's exorcise my ex." (Max in Dubbing Musical)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera Travis Greene


Lines of the night (S...CAP 2/8/24 rehearsal):

"My loins! My loins are ruined! (Tim in Shakespeare Scene)

"Can you look past his strong jawline and his loins?" (Rosie in Shakespeare Scene)

"What was once dewy is now dry and dusty." (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"I'm French! Every manicure is French." (Max in Variety Tag)

"I have this necklace made of seagull bones." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"I'm so tired of eating seagulls." (Max in Variety Tag)

"I love this living history test." (Laura in Variety Tag)

Well, that's good, because you failed." (Max in Variety Tag)

"You haven't shown me your nuggets in a long time." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"I don't know what to do with a persimmon. It has a red, fleshy interior." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--at a farm on a Mars colony)

"You're pretty messed up, Mom." (Max in Live Action Novel)

"Your father made me that way." (Jeanette in Live Action Novel)

"Don't make me put on the big pants." (Max in Live Action Novel)

"He put on the giant clown pants." (Rosie in Live Action Novel)

"Breathe blood, bitch." (Laura in Live Action Novel)

"Don't make me drink the Earl Gray Tea." (Max in Live Action Novel)

"It's been many, many moons since I laid with a lord." (Rosie in Shakespeare Scene)

"Don't eat the salsa. Runs for weeks." (Laura in Location Quadrant--at a farm on a Mars colony)

"Why did we decide to kayak across the Atlantic?" (Max in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 2/1/24 rehearsal):

"Man, now they just got you taking pictures with 5-year olds." (Travis in Location Quadrant--in the break room of an amusement park)

"They all wear cleats for some reason." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the break room of an amusement park)

"Listen, we can't have toddlers falling off the ride again." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in the ride repair center of an amusement park)

"Ah, barista Bakushka!" (Tim in Shakespeare Scene)

"Do you still like putting things in your mouth?" (Jeanette in Location Quadrant--Corn-on-a-Stick at an amusement park)

"You're very tall for a 9-year old." (Laura in Live Action Novel)

"I didn't know there was going to be m**h heads and creepy-crawly things." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Might I play my lute while I listen?" (Rosie in Shakespeare Scene)

"Her sips are sippy, sippy, sippy." (Tim in Shakespeare Scene)

"Hath thine offer thy pound of flesh?" (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"Hey Betz, that's a hell of a story." (Travis in Dubbing Musical)

"I'm the only child in the classroom." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"I thought this was a furry convention." (Max in Variety Tag)

"Welcome to Papi Chulo's, my name is Ted." (Travis in What's My Order)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 1/25/24 rehearsal):

"I was raised by crackheads." (Max in Dubbing Musical)

"So what if you're addicted to crack. I'll just lie on my back." (Rosie in Dubbing Musical)

"Okay, I'm the dog taking a p*e and you're the giant eagle." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"How do you feel about tight spaces and rope?" (Max in Krafting)

"Even with weird underwear hanging from the buildings." (Jeanette in Dubbing Musical)

"Or maybe it's the smell of m**h." (Travis in Dubbing Musical)

"I always knew som**hing was going on with your re**um." (Tim in Soap Opera)

"I'm having reverse claustrophobia." (Max in Krafting)

"I thought I was here to interview for the nanny position." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"I'm sure you're a great nanny, but I have some weird fetishes." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"You're so hot in a crack house." (Travis in Dubbing Musical)

"Luckily I know Elon, so that's okay." (Max in Krafting)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 1/18/24 rehearsal):

"We moved from Bel Air to North Hollywood because of shame." (Tim in Soap Opera--"The Sordid Lives of North Hollywood")

"Are you getting bitter about washing dog clothing?" (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"The last bomb I defused killed about ten people." (Jeanette in Variety Tag)

"This is a precarious pose. I didn't know that was legal." (Travis in Dubbing Musical)

"Every man was after her creamy flesh." (Rosie in Live Action Novel--"The Maiden on the Hill")

"I know you're promoting me to crash test dummy." (Travis in Location Quadrant--manager's office of an auto factory)

"All of our crash test dummies are volunteers." (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in the bathroom of an auto factory)

"Don't let the term dummy fool you." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the defective brake line of an auto factory)

"Maybe the wheel needs to be round." (Jeanette in Location Quadrant--in quality control of an auto factory)

"First, we lived in the Poconos. Then we moved to Bel Air. Now, we're in North Hollywood. What's next, Pacoima?" (Tim in Soap Opera--"The Sordid Lives of North Hollywood")

"That's why you do all the licking in bed." (Jeanette in Soap Opera--"The Sordid Lives of North Hollywood")

"Carol, do you want to explain this text message?" (Travis in Dubbing Musical)

"There's medium, rare and the other one." (Rosie in What's My Order)

"Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the bathroom of an auto factory)

"He's a good man. He couldn't give me children but he's great." (Rosie in What's My Order)

"He's like a brother to me. So, if we go South, we'll be okay?" (Tim in What's My Order)

"I'm going through a lot of emotions right now. That knee loose?" (Travis in What's My Order)

"I have a terrible fungus." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"It's the 1980's! Wanna do some blow?" (Max in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 1/11/24 rehearsal):

"I wish I could help you, but I have hooks for hands." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"Okay, now I'm a frog." (Laura in Variety Tag)

"You're also my doctor and this is very weird." (Travis in Variety Tag)

"She worked at the Jiggle Joint." (Jeanette in Soap Opera)

"I was married to each of you at different times." (Tim in Soap Opera)

"I don't know how filling the pool will be s*xual." (Max in Variety Tag)

"I'm on my period." (Travis in Variety Tag)

"I'm putting the moonbeam down and getting you a tampon." (Rosie in Variety Tag)

"This is the most depressing Armenian party I've ever been to." (Travis in Dubbing Musical)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera


Lines of the night (S...CAP 1/4/24 rehearsal):

"Now you're doing God's work with these chickens and one big c**k (rooster)." (Laura in Dubbing Musical--"My Fair Chicken")

"Can't we just keep the same c**k?" (Travis in Dubbing Musical--"My Fair Chicken")

"That c**k is mean." (Laura in Dubbing Musical--"My Fair Chicken")

"Do you still get your period?" (Rosie in Location Quadrant--in the bathroom of a radio station)

"This guy sold parakeets for a living." (Jeanette in Location Quadrant--in the host booth of a radio station)

"I want to do the theatre camp." (Max in Variety Tag)

"I'm a Christian, man, I can't do that." (Travis in Variety Tag)

"She puts up with me, you don't. You're a skank." (Tim in Soap Opera)

"I'm stuck in the house with a grandfather with a limp!" Rosie in Soap Opera)

"You speak thinely of my rail." (Tim in Shakespeare Scene)

"One doth love a third rail." (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"I do frown upon a cave insertion." (Laura in Shakespeare Scene)

"You sent everyone to the latrine with diarrhea!" (Rosie in Soap Opera)

"Now I'm in the hot seat." (Max in Location Quadrant--in the host booth of a radio station)

"I've been begging you for a b**b job for 20 years." (Rosie in Soap Opera)

"Why was I created?" (Max as a robot in Variety Tag)

Tim Simek Max Besterman Travis Greene Rosanne Limeres Simek Laura Buckles Jeanette Rivera

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Our Story

Slow...Children at Play (S...CAP) began at Tim Simek's apartment in West Hollywood in 1998 with a handful of actors. S...CAP grew into two divisions, (Core & Deuce), in 2001 which continued through 2013. S...CAP is now back to one, very talented & strong group and continues to provide awesome improv entertainment in NoHo. The group performs monthly at the Whitmore-Lindley Theatre doing short form along with some long form improvisation. S...CAP also does some sketch & multi-media along with team building and interactive sessions for companies and organizations. The group can tailor a show for private gatherings, company parties or anything else that requires fun & laughter. S...CAP continues to participate in mock deposition sessions for various L.A. law firms. We won the 2016 Valley Theatre Award for Best Ensemble-Improv and the 2017 Valley Theatre Award for Best Improv Show. Tim Simek, director/founder/performer, facilitates a 12-week ongoing improv class at the Avery Schreiber Playhouse which includes a performance showcase on the final night of the session. Come see a show and take a class! We promise you'll have fun!!


Tim Simek

Laura Buckles

Rosanne Limeres

Jackie Moses

Videos (show all)

Gypsy Sunrise
Musical improv! How does it end? Come see the show to find out!
Pulling back the curtain in rehearsal! To see it for yourself come out to our show Jan. 20th.
Just a little teaser before the big holiday show tomorrow what.
I think we can all agree that everyone had a solid Tony winning moment last night in Tony Winning Moment
Can you guess before they do? Chain and in person this Saturday night!
A little Menchies arms expert for your enjoyment....(and speaking of Menchies, please support SCAPper Jackie's nursing c...
A little Tovarish taste of our upcoming show (this Saturday, tickets still available!)...and sort of a PSA for recycling...
Forwarding and reversing and forwarding and reversing....
Guess what? We have a show on Saturday! Guess what else? This guessing game is in it!
Where else can you see a world premiere of a musical in its first and only showing? Hope to see you at our show this Sat...
This is exactly what it's like playing skeeball at Dave & Buster's




11006 Magnolia Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

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