Rehab Agency at Spalding University

Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (CORF) offers Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy in one convenient location.

Our mission is to provide the best care to children and adults, with exceptional one-on-one treatment.

Timeline photos 07/29/2022

With the new school year just around the corner, it is time to go back to school shopping. One fun item for kids to pick out is their new backpack. It is important for the backpack to the be the right size and weight to reduce potential for poor posture and pain. Here are a few things to consider when buying your child a backpack!


"A friendly society towards autism is a friendly society towards all."

Timeline photos 07/26/2022

Hello Everybody!

As my time here comes to an end I would love to extended a thank you to you all for learning along with me about neurodiversity! This topic has become something I am extremely passionate about and being able to share this information with you all has been the best. Thank you for taking the time to read, like, and share this information with others. Through this you all have been a part of amplifying neurodivergent voices in order to create understanding, acceptance, and inclusive environments!

A special thank you to my mentors, Lauren Brown (SLP) and Alicia Edmiston (OTR), for introducing me to this topic and supporting me throughout this capstone experience. Without your encouragement and passion for this topic, I would not have been able to accomplish as much as I did! Thank you to my faculty advisor Dr. Josh Skuller for your support and guidance throughout this entire experience. Lastly, thank you to Spalding's Outpatient Services for allowing me the opportunity to utilize their platforms to share this information.

As I finish my capstone experience, I hope that this information continues to foster discussions and acts of compassion and client-centered care as I know my approach to pediatric occupational therapy will be forever positively impacted by this amazing paradigm shift.

Again, thank you!

Rachel Pitzen, OTS


Big shoutout to Bernheim which recently added a Sensory Garden to help children with autism feel secure connecting with nature!!

Timeline photos 07/22/2022

Hi Everyone,

My time at Spalding’s Outpatient Clinic is quickly coming to an end. Thank you for following along and supporting me on my journey to become an occupational therapist. Quick shout-out to my capstone mentor, Jocelyn Warren. Thank you so much for your unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement throughout this doctoral capstone experience. Jocelyn, I am incredibly appreciative of your kindness and commitment to helping me grow as an OT student. You have been a wonderful source of information and provided me with feedback to ensure my ideas and goals were accomplished. Shout-out to my faculty supervisor, Jana Cason, thank you for providing guidance and reassurance along the way. Thanks again for following along and have a great summer!!!

Austin Clark, OTS

Timeline photos 07/20/2022

Don't forget about sensory friendly day at the Kentucky State Fair on Wednesday, August 24, 2022!

Timeline photos 07/19/2022

Hi Everybody!

This week I wanted to touch on two skills that are very important to develop across a variety of settings.

Interoception give us all the ability to understand what our body is telling us and to act accordingly. This communication can be challenged in a variety of neurodivergent diagnoses which can be portrayed through "challenging behaviors". As stated earlier, behavior is communication, and those behaviors might reflect confusing or overpowering sensations being felt by the individual.

Executive functioning skills consists of thinking, planning, and organizing. It also holds the skills that allows us to regulate our emotions. When the stress response is triggered, executive functioning is difficult to reach. As children, these emotional regulation skills are still developing making it hard to implement calming strategies.

With that said, there's a variety of actions we can do to help support children in the development of these skills.

** Regulate -- provide choices like quiet spaces, drinking water, or squeezes

** Connect -- be a safe space by removing the triggers, accepting their needs without judgement, and verbalizing the emotions they are feeling

** Learn -- utilize a child's occupation of play & use co-regulation skills

-- Co-regulation demonstrates how an adult with lived experiences navigates tough emotions

When adults yell it teaches that child, they have to yell in order to overcome those emotions or experiences


When we utilize our own self-calming strategies, verbalize our emotions, and navigate situations calmly we teach that it's ok to have those emotions, but that we can also overcome them in safe ways.

Overall, through this lens we tell the child that it's ok to have big emotions and here are the tools that work best for you in all of your environments that help your mind and body to communicate, think, and act.

Rachel Pitzen, OTS

Feeding Therapy 07/18/2022

Hi everyone,

During my doctoral capstone experience, I pursued the outlet of program development, specifically bringing in education and advocacy components. I wanted to create a free resource for families, students, and other healthcare professionals providing insight into feeding therapy. In doing so, I established a course on Teachable. Teachable is an all-in-one platform that helps one build, grow, and manage an online course. This course will provide short educational videos on different avenues within feeding therapy, and you will receive a pdf copy for quick reference.

Click this link below for access.

I hope you find this resource educational and insightful.

Austin Clark, OTS

Feeding Therapy Join Austin Clark, OTS, for a free virtual workshop/teaching course. You'll learn all about feeding therapy, Avoidant and Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), evidence-based interventions, environmental adaptations, and anxious eaters. This workshop provides short educational videos and digital...

Meet Kendall and Keith F. | Autism Speaks 07/18/2022

"Autism has taught me that my son may see some things differently, but when it comes to love and cherishing your family, we see the same things."

Meet Kendall and Keith F. | Autism Speaks Keith introduces his 19-year-old son, Kendall, who is autistic. Click here to read about their personal story of perseverance, Kendall's journey and more.

Is a Stress-free Vacation Within Reach? | Enabling Devices 07/13/2022

Have you ever heard of "Autism Double-Checked?" - A Connecticut-based company that trains staff in the travel industry on how to make travel “stress free” and even “pleasant” for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

Is a Stress-free Vacation Within Reach? | Enabling Devices Traveling with one or more children on the autism spectrum can be challenging. Good news: help could be on the way!

Timeline photos 07/12/2022

Hello Everybody!

This week I want to highlight social skills training, a very common goal targeted across a variety of therapies and settings. Social Skills "Training" typically occurs through a neurotypical lens. The word training insinuates that neurodivergent individuals must conform to normative standards without recognition of how this creates a barrier to their participation.

Neurotypical social skills training also tells the individual that what they do to cope, such as stimming and limited eye contact, is wrong increasing feelings of shame and guilt resulting in decreased confidence and self -esteem.

Instead, the neurodiversity paradigm aims to embrace differences, highlight special interests, and support neurodivergent individuals in forming authentic relationships. This includes having discussions of what a healthy and unhealthy friendship looks like. It also recognizes that social interaction is a two-way street and emphasizes the need to teach neurotypical peers about how social interaction might look different and that it is ok.

The key takeaway is that it is a myth that neurodivergent individuals can't make friends, don't want to make friends, and need neurotypical social skills training. Instead, increased understanding, acceptance, and discussion about authentic connections is needed. Through this, all individuals can feel supported in any environment they find themselves to increase meaningful engagement and overall quality of life!

Thank you!

Rachel Pitzen, OTS

** Information was gained from a thoughtful & insightful discussion by neurodivergent individuals:

Mandar Nelson (illustrator & designer)
Sonny Jane Wise (experience educator, consultant, & advocate)
Melody Howlett (registered social worker, relationship therapist, respectful relationships educator, & advocate)
Jess Rowlings (speech language pathologist & researcher)

via the "Supporting Authentic Connections" virtual presentation at the ADHD and Autistic Minds Conference.

5 Summer Skill Building Ideas for Children with Special Needs | Enabling Devices 07/11/2022

Did you know that drowning is one of the leading causes of death in individuals with autism? Read these water safety reminders...

5 Summer Skill Building Ideas for Children with Special Needs | Enabling Devices Summertime offers opportunities to practice social-emotional, physical and recreational skills that can make the coming school year less stressful and more successful for children with special needs. Here are some tips for helping your child make the most of the summer months.

5 Summer Skill Building Ideas for Children with Special Needs | Enabling Devices 07/08/2022

Check out these 5 ways for summer skill building for your child!

5 Summer Skill Building Ideas for Children with Special Needs | Enabling Devices Summertime offers opportunities to practice social-emotional, physical and recreational skills that can make the coming school year less stressful and more successful for children with special needs. Here are some tips for helping your child make the most of the summer months.

Timeline photos 07/07/2022

In today's post, we will discuss hunger cues vs. satiety cues. Before diving deep into the physical signals of hunger and fullness, it's essential to recognize our hidden sense, known as interoception. Interoception can be easily defined as knowing what is happening inside our bodies. When our interoception system is regulated, this system is responsible for telling our bodies we are hungry, or full, need to use the bathroom, or in pain. It plays a significant role in keeping our bodies healthy and happy.

Some kiddos struggle with processing interoceptive sensations. Difficulties with interoceptive processing might include overeating, undereating, feeling pain, and experiencing big emotions. Therefore, it's essential to address hunger and fullness cues for those kids struggling with interception awareness.

If your child is hungry, they might show excitement with food, reach toward the food, or use hand gestures to signify hunger.

A child might be full if they turn away from food, push the food away, or slow down their eating pace.

Let this post be a resource to help enhance and develop your child's interoception system for increased awareness of their internal state of mind.

Expert Q&A: Understanding emotional regulation in autism | Autism Speaks 07/06/2022

Check out this expert Q&A to better understand emotion regulation difficulties for individuals with autism:

Expert Q&A: Understanding emotional regulation in autism | Autism Speaks In this Q&A, Arianna Esposito, BCBA and vice president of services and supports and life span programs at Autism Speaks, discusses emotional regulation strategies. Learn more.

Timeline photos 07/05/2022

Hello Everybody!

This week I want to highlight a few neurodiversity affirming advocates and organizations that work to promote inclusivity, understanding, and acceptance.

Throughout this capstone, these organizations and individuals have taught me so much about neurodiversity and how to support neurodivergent individuals as a therapist and community member.

Lived experiences provide the most meaningful and important take aways that can drive compassionate therapeutic practice.

I encourage you to check out some of these groups and individuals as they share information and research that supports individuals engagement in meaningful daily tasks.

Thank you!

Rachel Pitzen, OTS

Louisville actor with Down syndrome lands major role as love interest in Hallmark movie 07/04/2022

Shoutout to a local celebrity who landed a role in the new Hallmark movie "Color My World with Love," a movie about a couple who fall in love.

Louisville actor with Down syndrome lands major role as love interest in Hallmark movie Louisville native David DeSanctis, known for his role in "Where Hope Grows," has a new role in "Color My World with Love" premiering on Hallmark.

Timeline photos 07/01/2022

Screen time has become part of our daily lives and the lives of our children. Our children love playing games and watching videos. Did you know that you can make screen time therapeutic without your child realizing it? Below are a few suggestions to try with your kids.

Timeline photos 06/30/2022

This week we will talk about reducing stress and anxiety at mealtimes.

It's essential to recognize that all parents, at one point or another, might experience stress during mealtimes. Please understand this is a normal feeling; however, I hope these posts will continue to build your confidence in feeding your child, and you will be able to add essential tools to your toolbox.

In today's post, I want to highlight three evidence-based interventions.
The first intervention is positive reinforcement. This intervention is critical in developing new and lasting feeding skills. Positive reinforcement is essential at the beginning and throughout your child's eating journey. Find a motivating reinforcer, whether it's a preferred toy or food, and use it to assist your child in trying new foods.

The subsequent evidence-based behavioral intervention I want to highlight is desensitization. Desensitization is a way to introduce new foods. Remember, we are NEVER FORCING a child to eat a specific food. With this approach, start by having the child tolerate being in the same room. Slowly move up the hierarchy to having the child touch the food, then lick the food, and the goal would be to have the child take a small bite of the food.

Food chaining is the third intervention we will discuss today. This concept includes introducing new foods by selecting foods similar in flavor and texture. For example, let's say your child loves chocolate chip cookies. From there, you could introduce chocolate chip granola bars, then yogurt with granola, and then possibly create a yogurt bowl with granola and add fruit. It's a slow process but has been proven successful in children who have picky eater tendencies.

Austin Clark, OTS

Longview School Uses Assistive Technology to Prepare Students for Independence | Enabling Devices 06/29/2022

Assistive technology is soooo important! Shoutout to the good one school is Maryland is doing...

Longview School Uses Assistive Technology to Prepare Students for Independence | Enabling Devices Longview, a public special education school in Montgomery County, Maryland, serves youngsters ages 5-21, with severe to profound intellectual and/or multiple disabilities. Despite their disabilities

Timeline photos 06/28/2022

Happy Tuesday!

This week I want to highlight neurodiversity affirming books for all ages!

Through these stories, neurodivergent children and adults are represented in positive and affirming ways that can support the development of their self-esteem and self-identify.

For neurotypical children and adults, these books can encourage conversations and acceptance of differences to support the development of inclusive environments.

Lastly, for teachers and clinicians, these books can bring understanding and acceptance of individual differences in order to drive neurodiversity affirming care that supports clients and students in the most meaningful ways.

There is an expansive list of neurodiversity affirming books out there, these are just to name a few. Lived experiences from neurodivergent individuals themselves are one of the best ways to learn about the neurodiversity paradigm and what matters most to the individuals involved.

To change the narrative, we must start at the beginning and teach everyone that they are exactly who they are meant to be; differences included. Different, does not mean less and with that in mind inclusivity and compassion must be emphasized across all settings.

Rachel Pitzen, OTS

New Platform Helps Neurodiverse Find Employment | Enabling Devices 06/27/2022

Check out this new platform that helps Neurodiverse individuals find employment!

New Platform Helps Neurodiverse Find Employment | Enabling Devices American business leaders have finally begun to catch on to what many in the disabilities community have always known—hiring individuals with disabilities is good business.

ALS Awareness: Preserve Your Voice 06/24/2022

Did you know that May was ALS Awareness Month?!

ALS Awareness: Preserve Your Voice Thank you to Tracy Roux, AT Consultant with the VT Assistive Technology (AT) Program, for this explanation and examination of voice banking and message banking options.

Timeline photos 06/23/2022

Over the next few weeks, I will be discussing common strategies and interventions that are used in feeding therapy. Today we are going to talk about grazing and the impact it can have on your child’s ability to engage in mealtime routines.

*What is grazing?

Grazing: eating and drinking outside of scheduled mealtimes.

*How can grazing impact your child’s appetite and food variety?

When a child engages in grazing, this typically includes snacking all day without structured mealtimes. Your child may snack on chips, cookies, and/or sugary juices. When your child snacks all day, they are no longer hungry when a structured mealtime comes around. If your child has filled up on snacks all day, they will no longer be interested in trying new or non-preferred foods. Therefore, grazing can negatively affect your child’s appetite and limit their food variety.

You may be thinking, I am just trying to get my child to eat more calories throughout the day; therefore, I do not want to limit their food intake. However, if we let children graze all day they will never be willing to try new foods and this could lead to food jags. It’s important to structure mealtimes, this will allow the child to come to the mealtimes hungry, and it will also establish a routine for kiddos with anxiety.

Do your best to limit grazing throughout the day! Stick to a plan and follow through with it.

Austin Clark, OTS

Durable Medical Equipment Out of Stock? 06/22/2022

Please do not forget that we have an AT Reutilization Program right here at our clinic!!! Give us a call today at 502.873.4225 if you're in need of any durable medical equipment!

Durable Medical Equipment Out of Stock? AT Reutilization Programs have never been more important! Read the latest AT3 Center Issue Brief.

Timeline photos 06/21/2022

Hello Everyone!

Part of the neurodiversity paradigm includes amplifying neurodivergent voices in order to learn from and tailor therapeutic approaches to what is most meaningful and important to them.

With that said, I am starting out with sharing some of the many podcasts out there that highlight neurodivergent individuals, clinicians, educators, and their supporters as we learn best from individuals' lived experiences.

As the Autistic Self Advocacy Network states, "nothing about us without us" and I hope you find these to be a useful tool as we all continue to learn about neurodiversity.

Thank you!

Rachel Pitzen, OTS

5 Ways to Create a Sensory Garden for the Visually Impaired 06/20/2022

Having a visual impairment should never stop you from enjoying all the beauty in gardens! ...

5 Ways to Create a Sensory Garden for the Visually Impaired Sensory gardens offer people with visual impairment a unique and enchanting way to experience nature and engage their other four senses.

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Louisville, KY

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Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm

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