Momma Megs Ice Cream

Momma Megs is a venture of love with my family. We bring connection through cool and chilly treats. sharing sweet treats and making cool memories

What a treat it will be- we'd be honored if you let us serve you! We focus on events and pop ups and the occasional neighborhood drive.


It's been a hot sec. Or a few ice cream sammies served since I've shared updates. 😋 it's good and bad to be busy. Yet-here we are spreading more love thru ice cream treats these next few days! Join us if you can, it starts out with a band tonight at San Damiano in Monona! Other carts and drinks available.

Friday-High Point Swim Club and private bday/neighborhood party in Middleton.
Saturday-water wars for Elianna and Ignite Fest at Our Lady Queen of Peace school, Madison.
Sunday- AlphaPhi sorority UW-Madison and a love local event with .

Stay sweet and we hope to see you!

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 08/07/2024

Happy National root beer float day! 😋 we're all about getting ice cream some way every day. Shhhh-dont tell my mom!

What is your favorite root beer brand? A&W, Barqs, Sprechers,???

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 07/25/2024

A beautiful view (pic 1) and hopefully not a bad omen. (Pic 2)
The scenery on top of the people last night was on point!
The first bow I ever bought also took her last hurrah. :/ it's been a great ride, baby bow! Putting an order in for a new one, which means restretching the headband curve (the worst part-growing pains).

Happy Wednesday y'all! ❤️


Event based business is what I'm all about, yet there are times when I'm in the right place at the right time for the right people. I've been witness to so many cool moments of people together over ice cream.

Today, I tried to give these two their ice cream for free. Why? Because they were playing baseball in the field, and it reminded me of the many softballs I hit growing up in our driveway pitched by my dad. The man refused and ordered two drumsticks, one for him and one for his grandson.
"Like I would have when I was younger."

His grandson was from Singapore.
Instead of choosing a different treat, he chose the same-THE Drumstick- like his grandpa.
And they sat to chat and enjoy. Creating memories.
The man said- "I'm glad you were here."
Sir, me too. Me too! ❤️

We serve the ice cream, but moments like this are what it is really all about.

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 07/12/2024

It's been a fun week!
From serving my favorite customer at work (Mr. Momma Megs!!!)--->
To serving the kids at Once Upon A Time Schoolhouse in Belleville (I got a sweet drawing from one of the kids, already hung in the truck) --->
To treating dogs and residents at Longfellow Lofts, Madison (love seeing repeat customers)
Momma has something for everyone. :)
Stay cool, literally 😎 this weekend. And hydrated.

Still need a summer treat delivery? Message me!

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 07/02/2024

She's back...again. :)
I had someone mention I've put a lot into this whole venture, mainly truck parts to them but-yes. I have. So here's to hoping for a remainder of a season, with lots of treats tossed out the window, more smiles, more joy, more connection.

Otherwise, me and this beast are gonna have a long talk....but first - the fourth of July and family vacation up north. I'll still be checking messages, but things run a little slower up nordth there ya. ;) and it's perfect.

Stay sweet. We've still got half of summer. :)

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 06/28/2024

Momma is in the city this weekend, and the truck is in the shop getting a new radiator.

When I'm not Momma Megs, I'm still Momma (see ice cream pjs for travel), but I'm more Momma for the collegiate members at the University of Wisconsin Madison Gamma Phi Beta. Proud of the collegiate women who serve the chapter, a lifelong bond, and hey-the sprinkles to our ice cream? Our chapter won an award! Cheers!!!

Stay cool, and Momma will be back in action soon.

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 06/22/2024

Will it rain? Will it not rain? It's been the question of the week. For everyone booked this week or this weekend, I appreciate the conversation, flexibility, and accommodations. It's great getting to plan being on the move with 50% chances. These pics were taken 2 minutes apart. Ha!

Lots of loyal repeat customers and some great new customers for Make Music Madison! We live in a great city filled with lots of talent and great people. Put them together, add a sweet treat, and we'll call it a good FriYAY !



Peek a boo!
My neighbors spotted the ice cream truck while at my weekly sweet treat delivery!

I love getting messages from friends or customers: "I saw you!" If you see me on the move-let me know!

If you haven't seen me, where should I go? Booking is easy! :)


Be the reason your office uses the patio space!! Just saying! ; )

Weather's beautiful and so are the gatherings that happen outside of the office walls.

DM for more info on corporate parties. ✨️

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 06/11/2024

I noticed this couple right away while I was serving treats today at Oakwood Village! Why? Because they were holding hands. The husband politely paid, took both cups, and they went to sit on the bench together. I couldn't NOT take their picture. I wanted to remember the moment. And these two souls. Why? Well--- I deeply believe magic happens near my truck, and when I gather people together, you see it & feel it. It's so 😎 cool! After all, love is always the secret ingredient.

I walked over to them and asked permission to take their photo. She said yes. I told them because they were holding hands when ordering from the window. Her response then? "Well, yes, today I like him and thought it'd be nice". (They've been married 67 years ❤️) 😀 😉

Look for the sweet things. They're there.
Waiting to be scooped up.



Today is the last day of school for many of our public school kiddos. Wahoo! Bring on summer!

This group is extra special though. Why?
1. because they literally ran across a field to the truck upon hearing the ice cream jingle
2. because some of neighbors were in the group and have become or have been all along good friends.
3. Because most of all? The cool moms of the kids worked together with this cool mom to make it an extra sweet end of the school year.

thanks for picking me!
H.A.G.S. Huegel Elementary 3rd graders and more! (IYKYK)

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 06/06/2024

There's no filter needed for the beauty of today. I love my drives through our countryside and to events. But what I love most is the people I've met and continue to meet. You see, Momma Megs really isn't about ice cream. It's about connection, community, and spreading joy. As a good friend told me- "I really hope Momma Megs blows up for you this year!" Challenge accepted but not at the sacrifice of what is most important-the customer! May all those that come to the truck experience just a slice of what I feel when I get to work it! ❤️


The views from my window. 😁😁😁
The sun is shining. It's leading up to our last week of school. The pool is open, AND it's always a good time for ice cream. :)


I've taken this same picture each year since starting Momma Megs. It's one of my favorite early season events, the spring concert at Immaculate Heart of Mary School. is an amazing educator who pours her all into this show, I can tell. One of the last songs was "Blessed" by Cain, and it resonated.

Momma Megs is a lot of work, yes. Yet in perspective, if it allows one person to be touched with a smile, a patient heart, a kind hello, laughter, or a chance to feel loved. I've done what God calls me to do.

So-on all days:.."I'm so blessed
Hallelujah, I'm blessed

And when I count the problems that I see
Hope looks all but gone (yeah)
But when I count the ways You're good to me
You got me counting all day long, oh, yeah

I'm so blessed, I'm so blessed
Got this heartbeat in my chest
No, it doesn't matter about the rest
If I got You, Lord, I'm so blessed".

Cheers to a hopeful summer season- beaming in blessings ❤️ Momma

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 05/15/2024

Calling all the kids!!! Ps-we're all one at ❤️ but can we all act like it? I sure am trying! Hehe. 🙃🤩🤫

Momma will be at the Glacier Edge Elementary PTO color run tonight in Verona and then the Cheetah Chase at Chavez Elementary, Madison, this Saturday. Both giveback events!!! Because we love our local schools. ❤️

Come out! we can't wait for these events, and Naomi will be there helping serve up the treats-or coloring herself with powder, still TBD.

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 05/06/2024

Weekends go by so fast- and this one was one this Momma was looking forward to because of all the sweetest. Starting off with chilly treats ! A special surprise to see some friendly faces.

Then, this momma was off to celebrate Katie Lund who is getting MARRIED and is one of my biggest supports. She evens wears Momma Megs to her bachelorette party! (this girl rocks my socks off). While I was not acting my age :), Naomi shared her talents with the rest of her school at the Hickory Hill Academy spring concert, Christopher had a derby party and the girls sleepover at Gma and Gpas.

Thankfully- Momma and Mr. Momma got some quality time together to indulge in margaritas and work the truck together at the First Tee South Central Wisconsin Girls Golf Day. PS First Tee is super cool, totally check them out & the remodel of The Glen Golf Park is beautiful!

Stay tuned for more Momma happenings as this week goes on- cuz- it's Teacher Appreciation Week and Nurses Day coming up!


Sending hugs to Mt. Horeb, WI today. Momma Megs is first a mom, and this mom loves kiddos. So so much.


It's officially ice cream season, and we do it as a family. All hands on deck. Come check out the Earth Day & Sustainability fair today at Middleton Community Church. Lots of opportunities to learn and treat yourself. We're there 12-3PM.

Ps. Rainy and cloudy are not valid excuses to avoid ice cream treats. Come join us!

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 04/22/2024

Do your family bike rides always find a way to the ice cream shop? Ours seem to.... I wonder why. 🤔 one thing this Momma loves gearing up for is the Wisconsin sunshine and exercise. And time with those we ❤️. Got the lucky caboose spot with my baby girl in the pull along and tried some new flavors. Pretty proud of each kid as they made it a good 6-8 miles with no complaints 👌 😉

Wishing more sunshine and love this week for all. Need a pick me up? Try a sweet treat. 😋 it does a soul good!

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 04/19/2024

They've arrived!!! Happy early friYAY!
Thank you -melts for great new customer service!- You made this toothless 7 year old and her sister smile a little more on a rainy day. And, besides my kids being free advertising ( :) ) the best part- a dairy free flavor that is bright and colorful, all with spoons included!


It was so good to feel the sunshine today. And witness an eclipse! We won't talk about the age I'll be when the next one happens. (LOL 🤪).

On top of sunshine, I got in a run. I don't tend to run after the ice cream truck - I usually run to it. I'm glad that my partnership is only a few up hills and the perfect 3-mile distance away. 👌

Then, relish the break and plan more for 2024.
It's all sunshine from here!

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 04/03/2024

Yesterday was opening day for Brewers baseball NOT Christmas. Yikes. The girls and I were stuck at the bottom of a hill near home before we took the "secret, special" way home. Things were getting crazy in the car! Thank goodness for Momma snacks. And speaking of snacks-whats better than baseball game snacks?

Remember the plastic hats with Dippin dots?well- Momma Megs won't have hats but we will officially have MINI Melts come season start!!

The girls are excited! Are you?


Hi! It's Me!

I'm pretty sure I'm not imagining the sunshine days ahead. And the influx of bright colors, (like PINK) so, before I enjoyed a scoop myself today Mr. Momma Megs and I tackled reconnecting the battery, turning the truck on and checking inventory/freezer space. So far, all things are a GO! (Thank you!).

Soooooooo. We think you all should go to your peoples and suggest Momma Megs comes your way for a visit this season. (If you're looking for a sign....whelp, see picture-literally).

Stay cool!


From this Momma:
I wouldn't be where I am today without inspiration from the women who've come before me the ones who are standing next to me and the daughters I have growing up way too fast. The circle ever widening, it also needs the men who support the strong inspirational women in the world. Whoever you are, today is a day to be thankful. And what kind of Momma Megs message would this be without the words to enjoy a sweet treat! ❤️ Happy International women's day!


Momma Megs is on vacation but while we're enjoying the sun as a family we're also still dreaming of and maybe just maybe eating ice cream every day. :) please continue to send us messages and think of booking your 2024 event. We're filling our calendar now! We want you on it!

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 02/04/2024

Momma and her crew took a field trip to see the truck today. But only after celebrating National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day at Icki Sticki. ❤️

Celebrate every day, and that sometimes means starting the day out sweet 😋

We've got our first event next weekend too! 🙌 Sweetheart dance.

Book your next celebration with us- regardless of the time of year, if you dream it, Momma can make it happen!


Momma Megs has the coolest mom! When I was a kid, I remember a lot of birthdays-my parents made them a deal. They always made them special-maybe for me or maybe because it was also a holiday. Regardless my doll cakes were precious. And this year my mom asked what kind of cake I wanted-?? Uh, duhh-a Barbie cake.

Well-she killed it! The inside was pink, the frosting was homemade buttercream and in swirls and she even thought to wrap Barbie so Nomers could keep her. Mommas mom is a special lady. Her gift of what I was originally half kidding about is a priceless early gift to my 39th year.

Never be too old to celebrate!
To the end of 2023, to 39 and to a great season-let Momma Megs Ice Cream help you celebrate in 2024 too! It's our thing, cuz I got it from MY Momma! ❤️

Photos from Momma Megs Ice Cream's post 12/27/2023

Auntie got Momma an ornament for the holiday and i let it remind me i had to do inventory......Ha. Today Momma counted each and EVERY ice cream. Wowser. I may or may not have also taken an ice cream break in the middle. But, the not so fun stuff (of inventory) still needs to be done.

All that being said, if you have a group that may enjoy some sweet treats, to help me make room for next year's sweets, I'd be happy to arrange a deal! Just send a DM!

Cheers-or perhaps scoops?! ❤️


Head into the holidays with a sense of wonder. Momma wishes you today that you never lose the childlike awe of dancing Christmas lights! Thanks for the reminder kid. We'll worth you climbing over the seat to cuddle in my lap. All 6.5 years of you!

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Videos (show all)

The view from the service window is always more beautiful on a beautiful day. Go Glacier Edge Elementary School Verona c...
May the 4th be with you!Enjoy the day, enjoy the sunshine and if you're in the area you may just see Momma Megs around t...
Breezy and dreamy. A perfect first day.  #bestfeature
The future is bright for Momma Megs. 😎 So bright you gotta wear swim goggles before bed. Dreaming of ice cream for break...
Exciting new ice creams on the truck starting today, including SpongeBob with gumball eyeballs! Will you get the perfect...
Mobile makeover step 1




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