Optimal Health Network, Madison, WI Videos

Videos by Optimal Health Network in Madison. OHN provides healing programs, offers natural colon cleansers, e***a equipment, and more!

High levels of toxic heavy metals can impact your immune health, energy levels, mental and emotional health, thyroid health, digestive health, and more. Many of us have more exposure than ever to heavy metals in today’s world. If you’d like to test your body’s mineral and heavy metal levels, consider doing a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This testing process is easy, affordable, and accurate, and if the results do find high levels of metals in your body (such as lead, copper, aluminum, or mercury), Kristina can help you detox those heavy metals and balance your body’s minerals. Link in bio for more info on the HTMA, or comment “HTMA” and I’ll DM you a direct link!

Other Optimal Health Network videos

High levels of toxic heavy metals can impact your immune health, energy levels, mental and emotional health, thyroid health, digestive health, and more. Many of us have more exposure than ever to heavy metals in today’s world. If you’d like to test your body’s mineral and heavy metal levels, consider doing a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This testing process is easy, affordable, and accurate, and if the results do find high levels of metals in your body (such as lead, copper, aluminum, or mercury), Kristina can help you detox those heavy metals and balance your body’s minerals. Link in bio for more info on the HTMA, or comment “HTMA” and I’ll DM you a direct link!

I love watching the world through rain

Mold can produce extremely harmful mycotoxins that, with exposure, can impact your neurological, immune, and gut health drastically. If you have had significant mold exposure, kristina recommends 3 things: 1. Remove any sources of mold exposure in your life. 2. Do the Enema Series protocol to help detox the mold & biofilms from your body. 3. Take a binding supplement such as Researched Nutritionals MycoPul and/or Glutathione. Comment “mold” if you’d like me to DM you a link with more information on these protocols!

Leaky Gut Syndrome occurs when the gut barrier becomes permeable, which allows toxins and microorganisms to escape the digestive tract and enter into circulation, which is not where you want them to be!! Working on your intestinal permeability can help heal your gut and a host of other health issues. Comment “leaky gut” if you’d like a link to more info on this condition and Kristina’s recommended protocol!

How old do you have to be to do a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)? The answer is you can do the HTMA for children, and even babies, as long as they have enough hair on their heads to run the test - approx 1 heaping tablespoon of hair. Many children may have unknown toxic metal levels or mineral imbalances, which can lead to health and behavioral struggles. The HTMA can help teach you more about what’s going on with your child’s health, and is all done right from home. Comment “HTMA” for a link to more info on this testing service!

Fecal incontinence can be extremely challenging to live with, significantly impacting one’s quality of life. Working with clients, Kristina has found that doing regular at-home colon cleansing using her 3-step enema series protocol can be a huge help to clients struggling with fecal incontinence! Check out our website for more info, or comment “enema” and I’ll DM you a link to the Enema Series protocol.

Common symptoms of intestinal parasites include abdominal pain, gas, bloating, nausea, and fatigue. Parasites can cause serious digestive issues and can significantly impact your overall health. If you’d like more information on how to rid the body of parasites, comment “parasite” on this video and I’ll DM you a link to an article with more info!

Your adrenal health and sleep quality go hand in hand. Cortisol levels and adrenal gland health also have impact on cognitive functioning, digestive health, immune health, and more. Kristina created an herbal tonic consisting of Rehmannia, Ashwagandha, Echinacea, and Licorice to help support people’s adrenal health. Comment “adrenal” if you’d like us to send you a link with more info on adrenal health and the REAL Tonic!

Are you struggling with healing hemorrhoids or anal fissures? Kristina has seen great results working with clients to heal these issues, and one treatment that often helps significantly is applying THC Oil topically to the anal area. For more support healing hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, consider setting up a consultation. Feel free to DM or comment for more info!

The third and final enema myth that Kristina is busting today: are coffee enemas dangerous? There is a lot of misinformation out there about coffee enemas, but Kristina has been working with coffee enemas for over 25 years, and they are very safe. Make sure to follow the proper instructions, use a mold-free, organic, made-for-enema coffee, make sure it is body-temperature, etc, and there is no risk to doing coffee enemas!

Myth-busting enema fears part 2! Do enemas wash away all of the healthy bacteria from your colon and gut microbiome? No, absolutely not! Enemas actually help improve the health of the microbiome, especially when they contain a therapeutic solution such as butyrate, a pre/probiotic, or essential oils that benefit colon health. Learn more here: https://www.optimalhealthnetwork.com/Enema-Benefits-and-How-To-Do-an-Enema-at-Home-s/374.htm

We’ll be posting a new series of reels this week where Kristina discusses and debunks different myths and rumors about enemas. Here’s part 1 - are enemas addictive? People ask Kristina this question all the time, and the answer is no! When done correctly enemas are a great, safe, and effective tool to improve the health of your colon and your body overall! Stay tuned for part 2 coming later this week.

Protein is a crucial yet sometimes overlooked part of optimizing your health. Many people see significant improvements in their health by making sure they are eating 1 gram of high quality protein per pound of body weight every day! If you’d like support with your health or diet, consider setting up a consultation with Kristina for more support! https://www.optimalhealthnetwork.com/Personal-Health-Consultations-Kristina-Amelong-s/1177.htm

It is so important for your health to poop every day! This may sound simple, but for some it’s easier said than done. If you experience constipation and aren’t able to regularly move the stool through your colon, your colon health (and health overall) can be greatly impacted long-term. Check out our website for more resources to help relieve constipation, or comment 💩 and I’ll DM you some links with more info!

Today, Kristina is sharing some tips on how to effectively detox the body! Some key parts of an effective detox protocol that are often overlooked include drinking plenty of mineral-rich fluids, taking a binding agent while detoxing, making sure your bowels are moving regularly, and getting good sleep! Check out our website to learn more, or comment “detox” and we’ll DM you a link with more info!

Today, Kristina is sharing some tips on how to effectively detoxify the body! Some key parts of an effective detox protocol that are often overlooked include drinking plenty of mineral-rich fluids, taking a binding agent while detoxing, making sure your bowels are moving regularly, and getting good sleep! Check out our website to learn more, or comment “detox” and we’ll DM you a link with more info!

The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is one of the most valuable diagnostic tools out there! This test is easy to do at home and the results provide information about your adrenal health, hormonal health, digestive health, any heavy metal toxicity in the body, and more! Comment “HTMA” if you’d like me to DM you a link with more info!

Have you ever wondered what exactly The Gut Microbiome is? We talk about the gut microbiome a lot here at Optimal Health Network, but not everyone knows what this microbiome consists of, or why having a healthy gut microbiome is so essential to your overall good health! Kristina took a minute to outline the basics of the gut microbiome in this video, but check out our website if you’d like to learn more! www.optimalhealthnetwork.com

In depth video about how to analyze the different mineral ratios from the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, now up on YouTube!

Sugar causes inflammation in the body and contributes negatively to many health issues, but can be difficult to avoid, especially when our bodies so often crave it. There are simple things you can do to support your body’s health and help reduce sweet cravings. Gymnema is one supplement that can help reduce cravings, and ensuring that you have optimal chromium levels in the body can help too! Consider setting up a consultation with Kristina for more support, link in bio.