Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy

3665 South 8400 West #120
Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy is a full service pharmacy in Magna, Utah. We accept your insurance and prescriptions from all doctors!

(Not just the ones at this clinic)! Local, independent, family owned and operated! Less wait, better service, same copay!


Ask Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy for a diabetic education consult.

We can help you sort through all of that new information.

Give us a call. (801) 252-1000


If you need help organizing your prescription medications, you should check out our free MedPack program!

We would love to help you take your medications correctly.

Check out more details here: https://oquirrhmtn.com/home/medpack/


Remember to check your blood pressure regularly and ask for help if your numbers are higher than you'd like. Keeping blood pressure under control is so important to long-term heart health.


Have you tried our Oquirrh Mountain West Valley Pharmacy?

Stop by our drive-through on the east side of our building at 4133 W Pioneer Parkway, West Valley City, Ut. 84120


Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy is your local family pharmacy. Let us know if there's anything we can help you with.

We appreciate your support!

MedPack – Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy 06/11/2024

Learn more about Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy's free MedPack program.

We can help organize your medications so you know when to take each dose and you take it correctly.

MedPack – Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy Β© Pharmacy Name 2017. All rights Reserved. Web Design for Independent Pharmacies by RxLocal & Top Pharmacy Software PioneerRx


We have had several patients ask about the new COVID vaccine.

We are getting a second shipment in next week. If you would like us to save one for you, please call the pharmacy and let us know.

The new COVID vaccine is a different formulation than the initial shots and provides a broader immunity. It takes up to 2 weeks to reach its full protection level, so plan ahead before large Christmas gatherings.

Let us know if you have any questions about the efficacy or safety of the vaccine.



This is very important post for Medicare Part D Patients. Open enrollment is almost here.

Medicare open enrollment period is October 15 thru December 7. This is the time period you have where you can SWITCH what Medicare plan you are on.

If you signed up for a plan that you are unhappy with because they only let you fill at one pharmacy or force you to use their mailorder, NOW is the time to change that for next year.

When selecting a Medicare Part D plan, remember: the freedom to fill prescriptions at your chosen pharmacy is important. Make sure your plan lets you access the care you want, where you want it. Your health, your choice! πŸ’ŠπŸ’™


Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy has both Flu and COVID shots available.

The new COVID vaccinations have a different formulation than the original vaccines and are better suited for the new strains, so even if you received your first vaccine and boosters, you should consider this new vaccine.

Please feel free to ask our pharmacist if you have questions or concerns. Also, remember that full vaccine protection can take up to 2 weeks to develop so give yourself some time before large holiday get togethers. The new COVID strain is spreading quickly.


πŸŒΈπŸŽ—οΈ October: National Breast Cancer Awareness Month πŸŽ—οΈπŸŒΈ

Dear cherished patients,

As October unfolds, we are reminded that it is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to pause and reflect on the lives affected by this formidable disease. Breast cancer touches the hearts of countless individuals and families, and at Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy, we stand with you in solidarity.

During this month and throughout the year, it's crucial to prioritize your breast health. We encourage all our patients to schedule your mammogram screenings and perform regular self-exams. Early detection can offer a higher chance of successful treatment.

Let us remember and honor those who have faced this battle, and let their stories inspire us to take action in our own lives. We're here to support you in your journey towards better health, and we offer our deepest empathy to those who have been affected by breast cancer.

Please, don't hesitate to reach out to our compassionate team for information, guidance, or just someone to talk to. Together, we can raise awareness, promote early detection, and support one another through the challenges of breast cancer.

With heartfelt empathy and a commitment to your well-being,

The Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy Team πŸ’—πŸŒΌ


πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈπŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ October: Celebrating American Pharmacist Month! πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈπŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ

Dear friends and valued patients,

October is more than just pumpkin spice lattes and colorful leaves – it's also American Pharmacist Month, a time to celebrate and honor the invaluable contributions of pharmacists across the nation!

Pharmacists are your trusted partners in health, working tirelessly to ensure your well-being. From medication management to expert advice, they play a vital role in our healthcare system.

This month, take a moment to thank your local pharmacists, who go above and beyond to provide personalized care and guidance. πŸ™πŸ’Š Let's recognize their dedication and the positive impact they make on our lives.

At Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy, we're proud to have a team of exceptional pharmacists who are committed to your health. Join us in celebrating their hard work and expertise throughout American Pharmacist Month! πŸŽ‰πŸ’Šβ€οΈ


🌟 Happy World Pharmacist's Day! 🌟

Today, we celebrate the incredible dedication and expertise of our team at Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy. Meet our phenomenal pharmacists: Steve, Jonny, Jeff, Greg, Tanner, Hyriam, Carlos, and Michelle. They are the heart and soul of our pharmacy, working tirelessly to ensure your health and well-being. Their commitment to personalized care, expert guidance, and unwavering support is what makes us your trusted healthcare partner. Join us in giving them a well-deserved round of applause for their outstanding contributions to our community's health. πŸ’ŠπŸ‘©β€βš•οΈπŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ

How to Improve Asthma and Allergies by Improving Indoor Air Quality - Good Neighbor Pharmacy 09/13/2023

How to Improve Asthma and Allergies by Improving Indoor Air Quality - Good Neighbor Pharmacy Asthma and allergies can be caused by a variety of airborne triggers, such as pollen and pet dander. Particulates and smog in the air can also trigger asthma.


Seasonal allergies disrupt many of our lives. At Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy, we're here to help you manage allergies effectively so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

Seasonal allergies can cause:

Runny or Stuffy Nose
Itchy or Watery Eyes
Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to pollen or mold spores as threats, releasing histamines that lead to these symptoms.

How Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy Can Help:

1. Expert Consultation
Our experienced pharmacists provide expert consultation and treatment recommendations including lifestyle changes

2. Medication Management
Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy carries many medications to help treat allergies:
Antihistamines: Relieve sneezing and itching.
Decongestants: Quickly ease nasal congestion.
Nasal Corticosteroids: Reduce inflammation.
Eye Drops: Alleviate itchy, red, watery eyes.

3. Allergen Avoidance Strategies
We offer practical tips to minimize exposure:
Pollen Tracking: Stay informed about local pollen levels.
Home Allergen Reduction: Use air purifiers and keep windows closed during peak pollen seasons.
4. Immunotherapy - For severe allergies, we can facilitate allergy shots under your allergist's guidance.

5. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Products
We stock OTC allergy relief products and provide guidance on their use.

6. Insurance and Cost Assistance - Our pharmacy team helps you explore cost-saving options, like generics or manufacturer assistance programs.

7. Lifestyle Tips - We offer advice on dietary changes, hydration, and stress management to complement your treatment. For instance, washing your hair at night and cleaning / washing pillowcases can help you avoid sleeping on a pillow covered with pollen from your hair.

Seasonal allergies don't have to control your life. Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy provides expert guidance, personalized support, and a wide range of allergy management options. Regain your comfort and enjoy your fall season. Visit us today and live symptom-free.

Disclaimer: Consult your healthcare provider or an Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy pharmacist for personalized guidance and treatment options.


At Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy, we understand that receiving a diabetes diagnosis can be a life-altering moment, filled with questions and concerns about your health and well-being. We want to assure you that you are not alone on this journey, and we are here to provide you with the guidance, resources, and support you need to manage your condition effectively and live a healthier, happier life.

Our Expertise: Our experienced pharmacists specialize in diabetes management. We'll work with your healthcare provider to create a tailored plan just for you.

Medication Management: We'll explain your meds, keep you on track, and address any concerns, making sure you never miss a dose.

Blood Glucose Monitoring: We offer reliable monitoring devices and guidance on their use.

Dietary & Lifestyle Guidance: We'll advise on healthy eating, exercise, and stress management.

Insurance & Financial Help: We can assist with insurance and find cost-saving options.

Community Support: We can connect you with local diabetes support groups.

Let Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy be your trusted partner on your journey to a healthier life with diabetes.


As the sun rises on another September 11th, we pause to remember the heroes who emerged from the darkest hours of that fateful day. Many years may have passed, but the memory of September 11, 2001, remains etched into our hearts and minds as a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the resilience of the human spirit.

On that tragic day, the first responders rushed into the burning towers of the World Trade Center, knowing that the dangers were unimaginable. They were the embodiment of selflessness and courage, giving their all to save lives, even as the world around them crumbled. These heroes didn't wear capes; they wore uniforms, bearing the weight of responsibility on their shoulders.

But heroes are not only found in the pages of history books. Heroes walk among us every day, often unnoticed and unsung. They are the firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and healthcare workers who put their lives on the line to protect and care for us. They are the everyday people who perform acts of kindness, bravery, and compassion, proving that heroism knows no bounds.

As we remember the victims and heroes of September 11th, let us challenge ourselves to honor their sacrifice not just through words, but through actions. Let us come together as a community, as a people, and as a country, just as we did in the aftermath of that tragic day. Let us remember that unity and compassion are the truest forms of resilience.

In a world often divided by differences, let us find strength in our shared humanity. Let us bridge the gaps that separate us, reach out to those in need, and stand up for justice and equality. Let us remember that it is through unity that we can triumph over the forces that seek to divide us.

As the years go by, let us never forget the lessons of September 11th: the importance of heroism, sacrifice, and unity. Together, we can ensure that the memory of those who gave their all that day lives on, not just in our hearts but in the way we live our lives.

Let us be the heroes of our time, carrying the torch of hope and unity forward, so that their sacrifice was not in vain. May we always remember the heroes of September 11th and strive to be heroes in our own right, making the world a better place for future generations.


Summer offers a bounty of healthy fresh food, but as we begin transitioning into fall, we often reach for rich, heavy comfort food.

Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy diet as we transition into fall and enter the holiday seasons:


Why You Should Get Rid of Leftover Medication - Good Neighbor Pharmacy 09/03/2023

⬆️ Out with the old, unwanted, unneeded, or expired, ⬇️ in with the new! With fall allergy season starting again, and cold and flu season just around the corner, now is a great time to take inventory of your medicine cabinet and get rid of medications that are unused or expired.

Don't forget to stock back up by visiting your local pharmacy and asking your pharmacist what they recommend you always have on hand!

Why You Should Get Rid of Leftover Medication - Good Neighbor Pharmacy Take a look at your medicine cabinet β€” or any place you store your medications and supplements. You probably have at least one medication or supplement that is past its expiry date or is no longer needed. It is past time that you got rid of them.


Come see us at Fairbourne Station promenade in West Valley for National
Night Out tonight 5:30-8:00!!


They have a police canine show, snow cones, vendor booths, live music, food trucks, and children’s crafts!


Hey, Magna residents! I need your creative minds.

Magna is growing SO rapidly. But our business at Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy has remained about the same for the past several years. I can only assume we aren't getting the word out to new residents that we are here. When I see long lines at other local pharmacies I really do want to just go hand them flyers or tell them we exist. πŸ˜‚. But that would be tacky. . . and I'd probably get trespassed and kicked out of the store. πŸ˜‚

I get it. Most people are going to use one of the chain store pharmacies because they've never heard of us and if they don't see the doctors in the building we rent from, they'd have no reason to visit us.

We would really like to grow, but we have very limited advertising dollars. What methods do you think would be the most effective at helping spread the word about us? What would work to get YOU to try a local independent pharmacy?

Help a small local business out. Give us your best ideas about how to spend our advertising dollars wisely.

- Michelle (pharmacist from Oquirrh)


I've seen some local posts about wasps lately, so I thought I'd update with treatment in case you or a family member get stung.

If you or someone you know gets stung, here's what you can do:

1. Remove the Stinger: If the stinger is still present, gently scrape it off the skin using a flat-edged object like a credit card. Be careful not to squeeze the stinger, as that can release more venom.

2. Wash the Area: Clean the affected area with mild soap and water to prevent infection.

3. Apply Cold Compress: To reduce swelling and pain, apply a cold compress or an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the sting site for about 10-15 minutes at a time. Remember to avoid placing ice directly on the skin.

4. Use Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Non-prescription pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Follow the dosage instructions on the label.

5. Topical Creams or Ointments: Over-the-counter creams containing hydrocortisone or calamine lotion can help with itching and discomfort. Make sure to follow the instructions on the product.

6. Antihistamines: If itching or swelling persists, consider taking an antihistamine like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) according to the recommended dosage. This can help alleviate allergic reactions.

7. Elevate the Area: If the sting is on an extremity, elevating it slightly can help reduce swelling.

8. Natural Remedies: Some people find relief from natural remedies like applying a paste of baking soda and water, diluted vinegar, or aloe vera gel to the sting site. While these can provide temporary relief, remember that individual reactions may vary.

9. Watch for Allergic Reactions: Keep an eye out for signs of severe allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, rapid heartbeat, or dizziness. If any of these symptoms occur, seek medical help immediately.

10. Seek Medical Attention: If the pain, swelling, or redness worsens after a couple of days, or if you experience signs of infection like pus, increased pain, or fever, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Remember that prevention is key when dealing with wasps. Avoid sudden movements around them, wear protective clothing when necessary, and take measures to eliminate their nests from your living spaces. If you have a history of severe allergic reactions to wasp stings, it's important to carry an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) and know how to use it in case of an emergency.

As always, give us a call if you have any questions. (801) 252-1000. We are happy to be your local neighborhood pharmacy.


🌟 Shoutout to the Amazing Jessica at Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy! 🌟

Hey, everyone! πŸŽ‰ We couldn't be more thrilled to give a big, heartfelt shoutout to someone who truly makes a difference at Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy – our phenomenal Magna pharmacy technician, Jessica! πŸ™Œ

Jessica, you are an absolute rockstar. Your hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to ensuring our pharmacy runs like a well-oiled machine is truly remarkable. Whether it's juggling tasks with a smile or stepping up when needed most, you've shown us what it means to be a true team player.

Jessica, your kindness knows no bounds. Your warm and friendly demeanor makes every interaction a delight, putting our customers at ease and brightening their days. Your positivity is contagious, and we're so fortunate to have you as a part of our Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy family.

Let's not forget Jessica's special passion – Disney! 🐭✨ Your love for all things Disney brings a spark of magic to our workplace. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and it's a joy to see you light up when talking about your favorite Disneyland memories.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, Jessica. Thank you for being hardworking, dependable, kind, and for bringing a touch of Disney enchantment into our lives. Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy wouldn't be the same without you, and we're truly grateful for everything you do.

Here's to Jessica – a shining star in our pharmacy universe! 🌠🎈

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Videos (show all)

Let Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy help you organize and take your medication correctly
Let Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy help you organize and take your medication correctly
Let Oquirrh Mountain Pharmacy help you organize and take your medication correctly
It’s time to announce our winner of two lower bowl Jazz tickets!! Come in to see us at our new West Valley pharmacy to l...
Come see our new West Valley Pharmacy location and enter to win 2 lower bowl Utah Jazz tickets for April 8th game vs. th...
Ask about our MedPack program and free home delivery
Ask about our MedPack program and free home delivery
Oquirrh Mountain News
Oquirrh Mountain News
Oquirrh Mountain News



3665 S 8400 W Ste 120
Magna, UT

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 7pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 7pm
Thursday 8:30am - 7pm
Friday 8:30am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
Sunday 9am - 3pm

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