St. Aidan's Episcopal Church - Malibu

St. Aidan's Episcopal Church - Malibu

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St. Aidan's seeks to be the welcoming heart, hands and voice of Christ in Malibu.


Ever just stared up at the night sky and wondered, "What's really out there?" When I was a kid, I used to think those stars were everyone in heaven keeping an eye on us. Now, as a grown-up, I get lost in the complete wonder and awe of our solar system and think that around the globe, we all stare at God's creation each night and see the incredible beauty that God has created. What crosses your mind when you look up at the night sky? Share your thoughts with us!


"O Breath of love, come breathe within us," - Bessie Porter Head

Today our daily meditation asks us to spend a few moments taking in deep breaths. Job 33:4 says: "The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Embrace the renewing power of each breath, for in these moments, we walk with God and God walks with us.


Psalm 30:5 says “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the morning".

With the morning comes the dawning of the sun and a reminder that even in the darkest of nights, light will always shine through.

Yesterday morning Rev. Joyce talked about how we can continue to be beacons of light even in times of darkness. Where have you found joy even in the midst of darkness? Have you found joy in the unexpected?

Payton Ballinger's Junior Recital! 12/04/2023

Payton Ballinger, in recital:

Click the link below to watch the Livestream from Pepperdine's campus!

Payton Ballinger's Junior Recital! Welcome to Payton Ballinger's Junior Recital!LINK TO PROGRAM NOTES:


Collect for December 3, 2023:

Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Sometimes, amidst the busyness of our lives, we overlook the simple reminders of God's love. Whether it's the annual blooming of flowers or the changing decorations that accompany each season, God's love surrounds us constantly. What sights serve as reminders to you of God's love through His creation?

Photos from St. Aidan's Episcopal Church - Malibu's post 12/01/2023

We invite you to join us as we embark on a joyful journey throughout the Advent season this Sunday! This year, our series aims to illuminate the joy that surrounds us, even in a world that may feel weary. Throughout December, we'll be offering daily Advent devotionals, providing a special opportunity for you to engage in this season of hope, joy, peace and love. We invite you to share these posts with others. For more information, check the Tidings this week! We invite you to join us, either in person or through our livestream, as we eagerly anticipate and prepare for the birth of Jesus.

Bulletin for this week and more:
Readings for this week are: Isaiah 64:1-9, Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:24-37


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


We hope that you had a joy filled Thanksgiving surrounded by loved ones and delicious feasts. Whether local or from out of town, why not invite them to church this weekend as we celebrate Christ the King Sunday?! Don't want to change out of your sweats from all that turkey? Never fear, Facebook livestream is here! Join us in person or online thisSunday, all are welcome!

Don't forget Holiday Card photos are due by December 17th! Click the link below to submit!

Sunday Bulletin and more:
Readings for this week are: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Psalm 95:1-7a, Ephesians 1:15-23, Matthew 25:31-46


Gathering with grateful hearts, we reflect on shared joys and moments, woven with love and laughter. In the spirit of thanks, we welcome gratitude as an honored guest during this feast, embracing warmth with family and friends. As we share in Thanksgiving cheer, our aim is to let kindness guide us throughout the year, finding gratitude in simple joys and the beauty of each passing day. With unity and love, we face the unknown, thankful for the journey's highs and lows, as gratitude continues to illuminate our lives.

Wishing you and all of those around you a Happy Thanksgiving!
-St. Aidan's Ministry Team


As the Thanksgiving holiday week approaches, we invite you join us in worship this Sunday. Join us as we gather together, express gratitude, and bask in the warmth of fellowship. Whether you're here with us weekly online, in-person, or you are new to St. Aidan's, we can't wait to welcome you!

Our Pepperdine Choral Scholars will be on a break for the next two weeks, taking time to travel and enjoy some well-deserved relaxation with family and friends back home. This week, we are delighted to welcome clarinetist Michael Salas as our special guest musician.

Special Announcements for Sunday:
- Don't forget to bring a canned good to be donated to local food pantries in our area!
- Bible Study meets after church on Sunday. We will be exploring the last portion of the Gospel of John. All are welcome!
- After church we will be making Grab and Go bags for Malibu UMC's Meals for the Hungry program! There will be a chance for you to write a note of Thanksgiving wishes to go in the bags.

Sunday's Bulletin:
Readings for this week: Deuteronomy 8:7-18, Psalm 65, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, Luke 17:11-19


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


We invite you on Sunday to a place where laughter mingles with prayers, where coffee and tea drinkers gather on the courtyard and where our voices sing together! We invite you to discover with us this week God’s love whether in person or via our Facebook livestream! All are welcome at St. Aidan’s!

Sunday's Bulletin:
Readings for this week: Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16, Wisdom of Solomon 6:17-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Matthew 25:1-13


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


As autumn leaves begin to fall, here's a gentle reminder to each and all: Daylight Saving Time, it's time to reverse, reset your clocks as dusk's spell disperses.

With an hour reclaimed, embrace the night, The stars will twinkle in the soft moonlight. Remember to set your clocks just right, And savor the moments with pure delight.

Bid farewell to the lengthened day's embrace, In the comforting shadows, let dreams find their place. With gratitude in your heart, the past we must trace, As Daylight Saving Time makes its timely departure.

Join us in worship both in person and online as we celebrate All Saints Sunday! This special day is where we honor and remember the lives of the saints who have gone before us. It's a time to celebrate the faith and the positive impact they've had on our lives.Let's take a moment to remember our loved ones, mentors, and role models who have passed away. Share your memories, stories, or a simple prayer in their honor. Stay after for a special reception on our courtyard!

Choir will meet at 9:00am. Our anthem this week is Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus. Join us!

Sunday's Bulletin:


Creator, thank You for this Friday. Thank You for seeing us through another work week and bringing us to the weekend. We pray that this weekend will be filled with rest, refreshment, and quiet time with You. Our lives can seem so overwhelming and confusing, but we know that You are there by our side always. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by Cally Logan)

We hope that your week has been fruitful and with little interruptions as possible. We cannot wait to see you all in worship whether in person or via our livestream.

Our readings this week are: Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18, Psalm 1. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 and John 15:1-8

Sunday's Bulletin:
Music Packet for Choir (Rehearsal at 9am. All are welcome to join!):


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


How about joining us for a fantastic seaside experience? Get ready to embrace the delightful change in weather as the Malibu sun takes a step back, making way for the beautiful, crisp embrace of autumn! Breathe in that rejuvenating salt air, bask in the soothing ocean breeze, and join in the celebration of worship on Sunday! 🍂✨

Can't make it to church in person? No worries! You can catch our service via livestream or enjoy it at your own convenience during the week! 📺🙏 Join the fun and warmth of our community from wherever you are. For Sunday's bulletin and more, click our Linktree (!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!

Photos from St. Aidan's Episcopal Church - Malibu's post 10/06/2023

Church isn't just on Sundays!! Come spend the weekend with us at St. Aidan's!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


Don’t forget to bring your pets or photos of your pets to church this weekend for a special blessing! If you’re worshipping online with us, share your photos in the chat on Sunday morning or have them near you to receive a blessing! We can’t wait to worship with you this Sunday!

(Did you buy your Harvest of Hope tickets yet?!)


"Sarah said, God has brought me laughter, and anyone who hears about this will laugh with me." -Genesis 21: 6

When Sarah became pregnant with Isaac, she initially laughed in disbelief, but quickly turned to laughter filled with great joy and excitement. Yesterday, I believe we all shared a good laugh when we saw the bulletin cover! The Holy Spirit works in various ways, and humor is undoubtedly one of them. Here's the corrected version for everyone to see (don't worry, we were just practicing for Humor Sunday coming up in the spring... hint, hint).

Did you miss yesterday's service? You can find it in our Videos tab; just click on September 24! We hope you have a safe, healthy, and stress-free week. We can't wait to worship with you on Sunday for the Feast of St. Francis/Blessing of the Animals!

(P.S. Harvest of Hope tickets?)


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


Today is the Feast of St. Aidan and Welcome Home Sunday! St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!

Welcome Back St. Aidan's 2023 09/06/2023

We cannot wait to welcome you home this Sunday at 10:00am in our sanctuary and on our Livestream! Don't forget to bring your work bag, backpack, sports bag or anything that you use throughout your week that you would like blessed for the upcoming academic year. Share this video with your friends and family and invite them to worship! Join us as we kick off another program year of welcoming everyone to our campus. Welcome Home St. Aidan's!

Pssst....did you buy your Harvest of Hope tickets yet? Go to our website to purchase or scan the QR code on Sunday morning!

Welcome Back St. Aidan's 2023 Welcome Back St. Aidan's 2023. Video was made using Canva ProMusic by: "Sunshine" by Vitaliy Levkin from Pixabay


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


Don’t forget our Service of Wholeness and Healing this Sunday! Join us in person or on our Livestream!

PS…Harvest of Hope tickets are now on sale! Visit our website, or scan our QR code on Sunday to buy tickets!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


Join us in worship today!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!


St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church of Malibu is an inclusive community of seekers on the Way of Love. We seek to be the welcoming heart, hands, and voice of Christ in Malibu. Join us in worship!

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Videos (show all)

St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Nov. 26, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Sept. 3, 2023, 10 am
St. Aidan's Worship of Sunday, Aug. 13, 2023, 10 am



28211 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA

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