Untangled Mind, LLC

CBT Therapist | Anxiety*Trauma*Grief | I help you untangle life’s challenges www.untangledmind.net


Client feedback like this reinforces my commitment to offering a no-nonsense, straightforward approach that goes beyond simply listening. I won’t just affirm every feeling—I’m here to help you achieve real relief and meaningful change. My sessions are focused on getting to the heart of the issue, equipping you with practical tools, and keeping you accountable so you can see real progress.

If you’re tired of therapy that just circles around the problem and want a therapist who’s truly invested in your growth, visit www.untangledmind.net. Discover how my approach is different and why clients trust me to guide them toward lasting transformation.


"Emotions are powerful signals, but without the right context, they can mislead us into distress. In therapy, feelings aren't facts—let's reframe them with evidence and balance for true healing."

Ready to uncover the hidden harms in the counseling industry? In my latest blog from the Catching Flak series, I dive deep into how the heavy focus on feelings can actually increase client distress. It's time to call out these harmful practices and push for real change that benefits everyone.



At Untangled Mind, I prioritize a data-driven approach to counseling, ensuring my methods are effective and tailored to each client's needs. A key component of this approach is the use of client satisfaction surveys. These surveys are invaluable in helping me understand what is working well and what areas need improvement.

Most of the time, I am blessed with positive feedback, affirming that my techniques and strategies are resonating with my clients. However, I also receive constructive criticism from time to time. This feedback is crucial as it allows me to:

- Change Course: Adjust my strategies to better meet client needs.
- Tighten Up Techniques: Refine my methods for more effective outcomes.
- Rethink Tech Platforms: Evaluate and enhance the digital tools I use for better client experiences.

This practice is not just beneficial for me but is essential for all therapists and business owners. Incorporating client feedback fosters a culture of continuous improvement and ensures that we are always progressing forward. The only outcome of embracing this feedback is positive growth and enhanced service delivery.

Every professional in our field should adopt this practice. The insights gained from client satisfaction surveys are a powerful tool for driving meaningful change and achieving excellence in service.

Catching Flak Series: The Harmful Consequences of Unvalidated Techniques in Mental Health Counseling 08/03/2024

Catching Flak Series: The Harmful Consequences of Unvalidated Techniques in Mental Health Counseling
Read more below!

Catching Flak Series: The Harmful Consequences of Unvalidated Techniques in Mental Health Counseling Why Empirical Evidence and Measurable Outcomes Matter for Effective TherapyMental health counseling can potentially transform lives, but many therapeutic approaches lack empirical support and measurable outcomes. Adopting scientifically validated methods is crucial to ensuring effective treatment fo...


As the school year begins, it's not just a fresh start for students. It's also a perfect opportunity for adults to focus on self-care and personal growth. At Untangled Mind, we understand the importance of maintaining mental well-being, especially during times of change and new beginnings.

To support you in this journey, we are excited to offer our Back to School Special for the month of August:

Schedule two sessions and receive a third session for just $90.
Mental health counseling has cumulative results, and maintaining consistency in your sessions can lead to significant growth and the achievement of your personal goals. This special offer is designed to encourage you to prioritize your mental health and take proactive steps toward a healthier, more balanced life.

By investing in regular counseling sessions, you can build resilience, gain clarity, and develop effective strategies to navigate life's challenges. Our team at Untangled Mind is here to empower you with proven techniques that foster independence and lasting positive change.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer. Book your sessions today and embark on a path to greater mental clarity and well-being.

Book your session below and mention this offer to receive your 3rd session at half off.


Catching Flak: The Hidden Harms in Counseling 07/21/2024

Check out my blog post on how the counseling industry is causing more harm than good and I won't be lumped in with the rest. Echoing and risking my own livelihood.


Catching Flak: The Hidden Harms in Counseling In my upcoming series of discussions, I will address some uncomfortable truths about the counseling industry. These are not easy conversations and are certainly not without personal risk. Recently, I have faced assault due to my willingness to speak out against the entrenched norms and typical pract...


The Necessity of Confrontation

"You must stand your ground when you need to stand your ground. You must be able to say 'no' when it’s time to say 'no.' You must think and plan strategically so when you say 'no,' you can mean it — and it will stick. Nature is bent on our destruction, but the possibility within you — the courage, truth, ability, skill — is powerful. There is more to you than there is to the catastrophe. Our capacity for consciousness and capacity to confront potential is who we are." - Jordan Peterson

From a psychological standpoint, confrontation is essential for mental and emotional well-being. When we fail to use our voices, we often experience significant emotional and mental distress. Confrontation isn't about conflict or negativity-all the time; it’s about addressing our own thoughts and behaviors and taking responsibility for where we have fallen short and failed others.

By confronting our issues, we can transform distress into growth. It’s an act of courage and self-awareness, allowing us to acknowledge and rectify our shortcomings. Healthy confrontation empowers us, fostering resilience and personal development.

Remember, confrontation can be a constructive tool for healing and growth. It helps us maintain our mental health by ensuring our voices and needs are heard.


Celebrating One Year of Dynamic Mind: A Milestone of Impact and Innovation

We are thrilled to celebrate the first anniversary of Dynamic Mind, a pioneering initiative in holistic mental health counseling and consulting founded by Dr. Susan Belangee and Piper Harris. Over the past year, we have worked with 113 individuals, each journeying toward mental wellness and personal growth.

Dynamic Mind stands out in the mental health landscape for its unique, data-driven approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), deeply rooted in the precepts of Adlerian Theory. This method, while not the industry norm, has proven exceptionally effective, creating a significant impact on the lives of those dealing with anxiety, trauma, and grief.

Moreover, Dynamic Mind has extended its expertise to the organizational realm. Through Dynamic Growth CCS, we have assisted organizations in pursuing excellence in fostering dynamic growth and leadership. Our consulting services, led by Dr. Susan Belangee, focus on improving communication, self-awareness, and productivity, impacting businesses and their teams.

In addition to our direct client work, we take pride in our powerful network of meticulously vetted providers, ensuring that our clients receive comprehensive referrals for other areas of their lives. This holistic support system enhances the overall well-being of our clients, providing them with the resources they need to thrive.

As we reflect on our journey, we are inspired by the progress and breakthroughs our clients have made and the organization's in company-wide improvements that increase team wellness. We remain committed to our mission and look forward to continuing our work, touching more lives, and championing mental wellness in the community.


**A Note from Piper to Susan**

Susan, your direction and innovation have been the cornerstone of our work at Dynamic Mind. It has been an incredible blessing to know you and work alongside you. Your dedication and visionary leadership continue to inspire me and everyone we serve. Thank you for being part of this amazing journey. No matter the storm we face, we are doing it together!


Do You Exchange Curiosity for Compliance?

Are you living a life of true self-discovery or simply following the path laid out for you? Compliance might feel safe, but it often stifles our innate curiosity and personal growth.

Embrace curiosity! Question assumptions, seek new experiences, and challenge the status quo. Your journey towards authentic living starts with a single step.

Curious to learn more? Dive deeper into this topic and explore practical steps for fostering curiosity on our latest blog post.



Socrates once said, “No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training... what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

In today’s world, this wisdom holds more relevance than ever. Regular exercise is not just about physical beauty and strength; it profoundly impacts our mental health as well. Exercise releases endorphins, reduces stress, and improves mood. It’s a powerful tool for managing anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. Embrace the beauty of physical training and unlock the strength of both body and mind.


🌟 Embrace (JOMO)! 🌟

In a world driven by FOMO, it's time to celebrate the beauty of saying "no" to things that don't serve us and "yes" to what truly matters. Here are five key benefits of JOMO:

**Intentional Living**:
Make conscious choices aligned with your values and priorities.

**Mindful Presence**:
Fully engage in the present moment with activities and people that matter.

**Enhanced Well-being**:
Reduce stress and prevent burnout by prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries.

**Authentic Relationships**:
Foster deeper connections with those who bring joy and support.

**Personal Growth**:
Create space for self-reflection, creativity, and pursuing passions.

Choose JOMO and transform your life with intentionality, mindfulness, and authenticity. ✨

Visit www.untangledmind.net to learn more and schedule a complimentary consultation!

WELCOME! 06/24/2024

Check out June's Newsletter!


WELCOME! June 2024


In our fast-paced world, we often feel the pressure to be everywhere and do everything, driven by the fear of missing out (FOMO). But what if we shifted our perspective and embraced the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) instead?

Psychologically, the need to constantly be engaged and connected can lead to burnout and anxiety. By setting and maintaining boundaries, we allow ourselves the space to breathe, reflect, and rejuvenate. JOMO isn't about missing out but choosing what truly matters to us.

When we embrace JOMO, we allow ourselves to disconnect from the noise and reconnect with our inner selves. This intentional decision creates room for mindfulness, creativity, and authentic connections with others. It's a practice of self-care and self-respect.

So next time you feel the urge to say yes to everything, remember the joy in saying no. Find peace in the quiet moments and rediscover the freedom that comes with embracing the joy of missing out.



Are you frustrated because your affirmations aren't working? Join us on the latest episode of the Untangled Mind podcast as we dive deep into the psychological reasons why positive affirmations often fail. We'll explore self-discrepancy theory, cognitive biases, and the crucial role of self-integrity. Learn how the brain detects false beliefs and discover effective strategies to truly transform your thinking, including the power of metacognition and the practical applications of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Tune in to uncover the science behind your mind and start making meaningful changes today! Visit www.untangledmind.net for more insights and resources.


Download Your Free PDF: 10 Ways to Reduce Your Anxiety in 10 Minutes
Are you looking for quick and effective strategies to manage anxiety? Our free PDF, "10 Ways to Reduce Your Anxiety in 10 Minutes," offers simple, actionable techniques based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that you can start using today. From deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation to mindfulness meditation and positive affirmations, these strategies are designed to help you find calm and clarity in just minutes.

Download your free guide now and take the first step towards a calmer, more centered you.



Enjoying one of my favorite places, backyard fire, dogs, ci**rs, fire pit, music, and family.

Find your place.

“True happiness (contentment) is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing.” -Seneca


As a therapist, I reflect on John le Carré’s words: “The monsters of our childhood do not fade away, neither are they ever wholly monstrous. But neither, in my experience, do we ever reach a plane of detachment regarding our parents, however wise and old we may become. To pretend otherwise is to cheat.”

In my journey, I’ve wrestled with my own complexities of parental relationships. These experiences enable me to empathize deeply with my clients. We may strive for detachment from our parents’ influence, seeking independence and clarity. Yet, it’s vital to acknowledge that complete detachment is not always possible.

Our parents shape us profoundly, and recognizing this allows us to confront and understand our past. In therapy, we explore these connections and seek balance. This balance involves accepting the lingering impact of our childhood while striving for personal growth and autonomy.

I, too, face these challenges. My journey has taught me that it’s okay to acknowledge the enduring influence of our parents. It doesn’t signify weakness but rather a deep-seated human experience. Embracing this reality allows us to navigate our relationships with compassion and self-awareness.


Detaching from toxic relationships is a challenging yet vital step towards emotional well-being. Toxic dynamics can distort one's sense of self and reality, trapping individuals in cycles of negative thinking and unhealthy behaviors. Counseling, particularly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), can be crucial in this process. CBT helps individuals identify and challenge cognitive distortions, such as black-and-white thinking or catastrophizing, that often arise from toxic relationships. Through therapy, individuals can untangle their thoughts and emotions, separate their identities from the harmful influences of their relationships, and develop healthier thinking patterns. This shift not only aids in the healing process but also empowers individuals to build healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future, leading to lasting positive effects on their mental health and overall quality of life.

The positive impacts of choosing detachment are:

-Personal Growth: Detaching allows individuals to focus on themselves, leading to self-discovery and personal development. This time can be used to explore new interests, hobbies, and passions.

-Emotional Independence: Breaking away from a relationship can foster emotional independence, helping individuals learn to rely on themselves and build resilience.

Healthier Relationships: Detaching from an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship can lead to forming healthier, more supportive relationships in the future.

Rediscovery of Self: Detachment provides an opportunity to rediscover one's values, goals, and desires without the individual's influence. This can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

-Freedom and Autonomy: Ending a relationship can bring a sense of freedom and autonomy, allowing individuals to make decisions based solely on their own needs and desires, leading to a greater sense of control over their lives.


When your very busy teenagers want to hang out. You stop it all, knowing time is limited. As my eldest said, “you only have two summers left with me mom.”
Breaking my heart and also giving me joy watching my boys.

Life is so short. The work can wait, the memories cannot.

Photos from Untangled Mind, LLC's post 05/24/2024

Are you feeling stuck? The real pain isn't just in the struggle—it's in staying where you are. Let's explore 5 ways to work through stuckness and move forward.

1. Acknowledge your feelings: Recognize and accept your emotions without judgment. Suppressing feelings only deepens the sense of being stuck. Embrace them to understand what they’re telling you.

2. Identify the root cause: Dig deep to understand why you feel stuck. Is it fear, a past experience, or a limiting belief? Identifying the root cause is the first step toward addressing it.

3. Set small achievable goals: Break down your larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks. Achieving these small goals builds momentum and confidence, gradually moving you out of stuckness.

4. Practice self compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that everyone faces challenges and it’s okay to struggle. Self-compassion reduces stress and creates a healthier mindset for growth.

I know this is much more difficult than a few slides on social media giving you rudimentary steps to follow. It's simplistic in approach, but it isn't an easy road. However, remember that staying stuck is a choice—but so is moving forward.



Dive into the sea of affliction and discover rare pearls of transformation!

Our latest blog explores the profound journey of counseling, where struggles are transformed into strengths and pain into growth.

Join us as we reflect on the power of resilience, vulnerability, and self-discovery. Click the link in our bio to read more!




Breakthroughs happen when you challenge the belief that you're not ready.

Are you feeling hesitant about starting therapy? Let's address some common reasons why you might believe you aren't ready and how we can overcome these obstacles together.

Faulty Thinking (Cognitive Distortions): Sometimes our minds play tricks on us, leading us to believe distorted thoughts like "I should be able to handle this on my own" or "Therapy won't help me." I understand how these thoughts can hold you back. Taking a bold step toward challenging your thoughts can have lasting changes in your life, and not just in your therapeutic journey.

Fear Based on Past Experiences: If past relationships or experiences have left you feeling wary of opening up to someone new, I get it. The fear of being judged, misunderstood, or rejected can be overwhelming. I prioritize creating a safe, non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts and emotions without fear.

Anxiety About Change: It's completely normal to feel anxious about delving into deep-rooted issues and confronting painful emotions. The thought of whether things will ever change can be daunting. But therapy is a collaborative process where we work at your pace, honoring your unique readiness for change.

Readiness isn't a fixed point. You must choose daily, moment by moment, to seek change and growth. How can you break through your stuck, rigid, or fixed beliefs today to courageously choose a different future?



Beginning therapy can be daunting, and there are unspoken challenges you may encounter. However, you must choose which discomfort to confront: maintain your current state of anxiety, depression, anger, or fear, or opt for personal growth..


Getting started with therapy can be daunting, and staying committed to the process can be challenging, especially when unexpected obstacles arise.

However, avoiding feelings of hurt, anger, anxiety, or sadness only keeps you stuck. It's important to ask yourself, "Which discomfort am I willing to face?"

One choice leads to stagnation, while the other leads to personal growth.


What is the task that your anxiety or depression is asking of you?

What is the task of your apathy, burnout, solemness is asking of you?

What does it make you do?
What does it keep you from doing?

Bring responsibility back to self.
We must sit with patience and powerlessness when we choose to work on ourselves.

Choosing to point to others is indicative of your lack of readiness and maturation in your current life’s journey.

What will you choose?


It has been a fascinating journey as I have been working and reading through Life of Meaning: Relocating Your Center of Spiritual Gravity by James Hollis.

Throughout this book, I’ve asked myself, is this what a midlife crisis is😂

But I’ve realized that that’s not the case at all. This book is forcing me to ask the necessary questions to ensure that I continue to grow in my life.

This task is no different than what I ask my clients to do. I asked them to die, die to those old narratives that have held them hostage, paralyzed, or created such an empty life that they are desperately symptomatic and sit on my couch in utter hopelessness

I’m not free from this either. That is why it is so essential for us to ask ourselves these tough and deeply philosophical questions.

So where do I need to die? Is it habits, thoughts, or behaviors? Could it be your history from the attachment figures that continue to drive those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Could it be unrealized potential is holding you down?

Whatever the questions may be, you must ask them! Otherwise, they sit there. And you’re living an unrealized life.

This isn’t easy.
This is challenging.
This is uncomfortable.

However, I recognize by asking these questions. There will be ultimate growth.

Isn’t that all we’re looking for?

Something that wakes our spirits and gives us another reason to keep moving forward?

I challenge you to ask yourself, where do I need to die to grow?


I am someone who thrives on routine. It can seem excessive to others, but I wake up every day between 4-5 AM and follow the same schedule until I go to bed. I even block out specific days and times for certain tasks. I don't do this to be rigid or annoying, but to ensure that I am as effective as possible.

Creating a routine is important for mental health because it provides structure for getting things done while also allowing for moments of creativity and flow. It helps me avoid fixating on "what ifs" and when I have blocked out free time, I look forward to having no tasks to do, which allows me to rest.

What about you? Are you someone who enjoys having a routine, or do you prefer to be more spontaneous?


When I check in with clients and ask where they are at with their journey....

It's hard saying goodbye to clients. They always leave such an indelible mark on my heart and life, but the goodbyes are absolutely worth it.

As a therapist, my ultimate goal is to see my clients succeed in managing their lives, feeling content, and moving forward with confidence. It's always heartwarming to hear them say that they're doing well and ready to move on from our sessions.

Although it's tough to bid farewell to my clients, their progress and positive feedback make it all worth it!


Stepping into vulnerability during therapy can be difficult, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Attachment Theory emphasize the importance of building a strong therapeutic relationship based on trust and empathy.

By trusting the therapist and opening up about one's emotions and experiences, clients can begin to challenge and reframe negative patterns of thinking and behavior. Additionally, vulnerability can help clients develop a more secure attachment style, allowing them to form healthier relationships outside therapy.

While it may be scary at first, embracing vulnerability in therapy can lead to significant personal growth and positive change.

Where do you feel most vulnerable when opening up? Today, I was reminded how difficult it can be to discuss intimacy and s*x. Encouraging my clients to step into this conversation allows growth, even in the most uncomfortable moments.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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What would you do?Granted, I’m there to work and have been told I have a distinctive look on my face-but I’d welcome a h...
Catching Flak: Feelings Aren’t Facts!The harmful practice of constantly affirming emotions is causing a mess and I’m rea...
Join me live August 26th at 11 AM or 4 PM at East Cobb Crunch Fitness @crunch.eastcobb Discover how cognitive behavioral...
Ready to catch flak#untangledmindllc #againstthegrain #cbttherapist
Funnel the 💩 feelings, channel anger in a healthy and productive way. Don’t let them win.#untangledmindllc #cbttherapist...
Find the tools that work. You have a choice to be consumed or prevail.#untangledmindllc #cbttherapist #raw
https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/mPJoKEAqyKbAre you frustrated because your affirmations aren't working? Join us on ...
A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor.Franklin D. RooseveltFind gratitude and learning in rough seas.#untangledmi...
It’s challenging to be vulnerable, but within those “dark places,” we can’t imagine anyone accepting us…that’s where you...
Learning how to reframe affliction and or pain allows us the opportunity for post traumatic growth or the building of re...
Do you have a defensive mind?The answer is yes. It’s so very important for us to dig into the blind spots of our lives t...
Client success & counselor insight: why you should use data in the counseling roomI couldn’t be more proud of this clien...



1501 Johnson Ferry Ste 104
Marietta, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm

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