SIK Financial Literacy

SIK Financial Literacy

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Due to having a hustle spirit and grind mentality, when looking to buy my first real estate, I looked for any outlet I could take to get there. Due to being low-income, I had to move like this. But I am high in spirit and I knew for a fact that was what would get me there.

I purchased land first. Now I am looking into solidifying property.

I came up with a list of various types of ways to get that property. Tax Liens, Probate, Getting to Know an Old person, First Time Homebuyer Programs. …

Another option I fell into is the NACA program. This company has the same spirit I have. They have a plethora of options. 20-Year Rapid Payoff, 15 Year Wealth Builder, HOT PHA…..and the list continues.

My Financial Literacy Page is about how my mind works. Pretty much how I survive as a Black, Single-Mother out here in these streets in pursuit of a Lifestyle where I need for nothing and have everything.


The easiest way to make your money grow is by investing.
And investing is needed in order to amp up securities.
The security is to protect and provide for our families.
The mission is to use money. Not let money use us.
I know of a few companies that pay within a few days and you can utilize those companies to make up to $500 next week.
The mission is to use these particular companies for direct deposits into the three banks below.
After 90 days, you’ve earned over $3,000 and recieved free $900 from following me.
Link up.

Photos from S*K Financial Literacy's post 02/27/2024

This is a Compliant Issue.
This is what I have learned as an Auditor.
I was able to leverage the compliant issue and have the credit card company remove over $450 of interest charges from my credit account.
This is not something that happens overnight. It is about being detailed. It is about being persistent. It is knowing your knowledge/product.
Learning to become an Auditor can help you keep your family safe on so many levels. You can freely make money. You can upgrade your lifestyle. (Freelance Market Research)
Making a purchase with me allows me to have a Zoom Meeting with you and you can start the foundation of making additional money and gaining knowledge.


Wanna see something I just found.
I think it's a great idea.
You can supposedly get a credit boost and act quickly towards a goal by a business partnership of utilizing someones tradeline. Credit agencies and banks supposedly frown on this but I simply think it's because they still have no control over it. There are various banking products or banking practices that are similar to an agreement of being an authorized user.
For example: "Purchasing" a tradeline is similar to giving a deposit for a mortgage.

Now....there are so-called entities who have clients who are good with paying bills on time and they have brokers that gather "authorized users" on these accounts.
Now, the part ppl have to be specific on is the length of the use of the product. I spoke to an agency that claims that they sell tradelines but only report for two months.
I feel if you want to utilize an opportunity such as being an authorized user---it should definitely be for longer than 2 months. There should also be some sort of POA or attorney involved. It would need to be utilized for business purposes and for projects that are to be executed within a few months.
A benefit would be no co-signer.
But let me know what you guys think.


Look at the photo below.
This is why an economy would go bankrupt.
A property of 7 units at this price-----you would have to charge each unit $4000-$5000 on a 30 year loan. Where's the profit?
I believe we are about to go into a buyers market.
Get your business credit ready. And please don't let people take you for a ride.


I was currently reading an article.
Do you know how the government ran/owned retirement works?
On the IRS website, it pretty much describes the retirement plan as---taxes that are taken from the paychecks of the youth are put to the side to fund the currently retired folks. Due to the current influx of millionaires and billionaires using the system to not pay taxes and the majority of the population working for themselves---there might be some controversy about their being retirement benefits for the upcoming generations.
This is why when people say don't save money, sounds ludicrous. I agree, don't leave it in the bank but save money and make investments. You need to own everything and create some sort of residual to take care of insurances and small taxes.
Even if you are someone still trying to figure out what to do---you need to do something.
At least start here----
When I have emergencies, I pull from my acorns account first because all of the change that I have leftover adds up to hundreds of dollars. The Acorns account holds those leftover change for me that I forget about until I need it. Just get something started for yourself.

Send a message to learn more


Something I wished I did before going to college?
Having me and my parents speak to the Financial Aid Office. With what I know now, I would have requested the Financial Aid office to send me an itemized document of all school charges. I believe a lot of people get comfortable with the accessibility to funding that they sign their name and walk away from the table without NO IDEA what they just did.
I would ask to receive ALL information on how the grants and scholarships work. I would advise anybody to take all of their Grants (such as Pell) and Scholarships (such as Hope) and have those funds to be applied first before the loan options. The best thing to do is to take control. Make sure that you actually understand how much each class costs, your monthly living expenses, school supplies, etc in order to avoid student loan debt. You should have a monthly expense that can be covered by your Grants and Scholarships.


Did you know that in order to get social security benefits for when you retire, you need points/credits? You need 40 credits. It’s really simple. You get 4 credits per year if you bring in $6,040 or more of income. Here’s the kicker……the average social security benefit is $1,657 for when you stop working at age 62.
Sounds good, doesn’t it?
In order to get that amount, you only need to make over $140,000 worth of income to get that amount.
Do you make 6-figures? Of course, the less you make, the less you get.
The year is 2022. We are in a year of inflation.
I hope you are working on your credit. I hope you are keeping track of your finances. I hope you have a mission or thought of multiple ways to generate income. Or do you have a family where you can move into their house once you hit that age of retirement?

[email protected]


If you have young kids, now is the perfect time to start preparing for their transition into adulthood.
Whether you want to avoid paying interest on school loans OR maybe provide your child the opportunity to take time out after graduation to travel OR have money for them to move into their first residence.......starting them an account is now.
-529 Plan
-High Yield Savings Accounts
-Compound Interest Accounts
-Trusts Funds
Researching and taking interest in various custodial accounts is the way to go.


While I build this page up, I am going to give as much knowledge as I can. What I learn, I will pass on.
I recently started a 90 day challenge. When one focuses properly, they can get a lot accomplished.
The picture below is a 27+ increase that took to my credit report after paying 1 credit bill in full. This has been in the 1st 30 days. Now imagine how much the score increases once you pay all of your credit bills in full.
One thing I also use to do is gather ledgers from my utility companies and my landlord and sent those to the credit bureaus. (I did this before Experian Boost existed so I feel they got the idea from me 😄) Sending ledgers had boosted my credit up to about 100 points.
If you are a person who feels like you need some assistance with your credit, don't hesitate to stop by in my messages.
Stay focused guys


Let me introduce myself.....
My name is Shaneequa Lewis.
I am an African-American female who is currently classified in the low-income median.
The American Pandemic has taken a lot more families below that. The inflation of prices but the same steady income. So one thing that I've done to secure securities for me and my family was to get into Insurance. Life, CD's (do research), and IRA's. Gather something that has interest building and with a company that also has an insurance policy amongst it as well.
When you fall within the low-income median, it could be harder to get a loan plus with a low-interest but if you have some sort of insurance security, it provides you an easier outlet especially depending on the time limit of the policy.
Hopefully that makes sense.

Georgia high school students now required to take personal finance classes 05/01/2022

As I assist adults with their financial qualms......the opportunity for our kids to gain knowledge on how to avoid those qualms is nothing short of greatness. #:~:text=Georgia%20the%20latest%20state%20to,credit%20course%20in%20financial%20literacy.

Georgia high school students now required to take personal finance classes Yahoo Finance Live anchors discuss Georgia mandating high school personal finance classes.

Photos from S*K Financial Literacy's post 05/01/2022

The Art of Law is the art of fairness and balance.
One thing I like about law are the loopholes they contain.....And I love a good loophole. But having an understanding of why something is the way it is causes that subject to not crumble (somebody messing it up for everyone)
So.......below are examples of letters describing an account that has been removed from my credit report. reason I go about this route is due to personal information being sold on the black market. The information can be deleted one day, that company then sells your information to another organization and now you have that same debt reappear on your report but with a different office. Why not hold credit agencies liable. A lot of the time, proper investigation does not occur and since you are the little man----who cares??
Now.....I am one for accountability but I am also for logic.
If you need help with the basis of your credit so you can start to align yourself with higher tier opportunities....please don't hestitate to ask. :)


The biggest secret to financial literacy is bookkeeping.
Bookkeeping is one aspect of finances. It applies to everything especially in the field of debt collecting. It explains how a person can do things such as get rid of up to 20k of owed monies removed from a report.
Bookkeeping can help you catch up on expenses BUT it can also verify inaccuracies. "Consumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information." Keeping track of your reports on a monthly basis, and notating what a companies agent is telling you.... can lead you to a pot of gold.
If you find something inaccurate, keep a hold of those documents. Try to gather more inaccurate information over some months. The United States Code, Title 15, Section 1681 {(b)Reasonable Procedures (3)} explains that "credit scoring systems could result in negative or differential treatment.....the use of underwriting systems relying on these models could achieve ....results"....MEANING, inaccurate information could result in a negative outcome for a consumer. That is when you make a complaint with a governmental agency, provide them with necessary documents and you could proceed towards a lawsuit that can replenish what you lost.

Home | My Site 04/03/2022

The freedom and luxuries of retirement are within hands reach more than people understand.
Working on one’s credit and retirement can earn a lifestyle starting close to age of 37. Maybe younger.
–Work if you want
–Experience life
There are steps that can have you live a comfortable life.
1.) File your taxes every year and file them with a person who knows of all credits OR deductions.
2.) Keep a clean credit so you have opportunities to play with.
3.) Invest
I want to help people understand how this works. Help you create a foundation for your portfolio.
Get individuals who want to get out of the mundane.

Home | My Site


When working an hourly wage, people have the tendency to depend on their job to take the steps that are needed for retirement.
When self-employed., everything falls on your shoulders.
Because of what I do, I realized that I need to save a minimum of $2300 per year for retirement. NOW......this is very small, so besides saving this amount ......other actions need to take place. Learning about investments, stocks and savings is your cushion.
If you are ready to do something about this....I can teach you what I do as a side hustle OR get you started on a savings.
Email me at [email protected]
Let me know what you have going on.

How Moving Overseas to Avoid Student Loans Can Help You 02/08/2022

Being in debt can be very depressing but if you get your money right, this here could be an option

How Moving Overseas to Avoid Student Loans Can Help You Thinking about moving overseas to avoid student loans? Here's what you need to know about this little-known loophole.


Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck
Most people are unaware of how much they actually bring into the home. They work and then just pay bills. Use a lot of credit but nothing in savings. Credit is great but leave it for emergencies OR strategic business ex*****on.
One way to gain control is to start journaling your money. What you make, what you are spending and what would you like to do. Most of the time you have to actually see the numbers to get a better understanding.

How to Get Navient Student Loan Forgiveness (The Complete 2022 Guide) 02/06/2022

I have a saying....
The bad thing is, you are a consumer and they are a large corporation. The good thing is, you are a consumer and they are a large corporation.
The recent Navient Settlement is an example of this. These large corporations are solely operating on making billions of dollars off of the consumer. Nobody knows how to do their job and they tell the customers anything. This is why people don't know how much their interest are. The people who work for these large corporations are not accountants. Meaning....don't try to avoid your loans, take them head on.
I was able to get a 70% decrease on a loan I had because of my diligence.
Read up on the new Navient Settlement. See if you are in the pile of people who receive a payment of forgiveness.

How to Get Navient Student Loan Forgiveness (The Complete 2022 Guide) Here’s how to get Navient student loan forgiveness. Follow these steps and instructions to get out of debt faster with loan forgiveness.


It is the last week of January and do you feel you’ve made enough this month? I know I didn’t.
Did you recoup those pockets from the holidays?
Did you get more hours at work? Less hours?
Have you paid off a debt this month so you no longer have to worry about those late fees or monthly charges?
While going into February, we need to get on our grind. Get back on our consistency and KEEP TRACK of that bag…….


As a way to understand why student loans is the biggest reason why American adults are in debt, I decided to do a little research. Come to find out, the first real financial aid started in Harvard. A women that possibly came from old rich, her name--Lady Anne Radcliffe Mowlson, awarded Harvard the first scholarship.
This is where I believe predatory lending comes into effect.....The American Higher Education has mixed loans within scholarships and grants. I believe this gives a false illusion and disconnect with the young adults financial responsibility. Especially if they come from low-income background.
What do you think?
As I continue to educate myself on how money works, I will drop little gems of things I research or learn.
Happy Thursday:)


If you are in the stage of building credit rather than credit repair, you can solely start with a secured line or unsecured line of credit. If you only can use a secured line, go to the bank that has a bonus. Open the necessary account and use that bonus to fund your secured line. That is no real money out of your pocket and you are heading in the directions of your goals.


When the word "Investment" is stated, people have the tendency to think of large items. Rental properties, Education, Airbnb or stocks and trades. People also get scared of the word RISK...
But one of the quickest and easiest investments you can get into are with Financial Institutions. Start walking into banks and asking questions. Questions about checking accounts, savings accounts, money market, CD's, even the banks history or how they contribute to the community.
Since we are going into a new year within a few hours, how bout you bless yourself with some extra money. Multiple banks are having bonuses starting in the beginning of the year. Banks have bonuses as a way to attract new money and this is good for the community.
I want people to take interest in my financial services so I'm willing to give away a few of my secrets.


Getting your credit together is one thing…..but do you have control over your finances. Helping people get qualified for a loan is my mission but it‘s deeper than that. I want to provide people the luxury of having a savings. The luxury of investing. You need to have an idea of how to control your debt-to-income and I know how.


The scores below are my credit scores TODAY after playing with my credit cards😁.
Having a higher credit score allows me to utilize lower interest rates.
I’ve closed out 29 accounts. Had the highest of a 783.
When it comes to qualifying for a HOME MORTGAGE, it’s a long term relationship.
That being the case, there are standards that must be met.
One of the top 5 home lending organizations is an FHA loan.
This loan has a standard that branches into 2 areas:
A credit score of 500-580 OR a score of 580 on up.
On the lower end, you have to provide a 10% down deposit.
On the high end, you have to provide a 3.5% down deposit.
Let me help you. I NEED TO HELP YOU


Are you the type of person who ask questions?
Or are you the type of person who thinks that people are mind readers?
There's a saying "The only stupid question is the one not asked."
I feel some people think that people are going to tell them things just out of the kindness of their heart ............but don't nobody know what each individual is going through.
What do you WANT?
What do you NEED?
What are you GOING THROUGH?
Every individual has things going on.....but there are people who want to help....they just don't know how because you are keeping silent.
Start asking questions. Anything.


Why is there an idea that a persons success relies only in designer.
Designer cars, designer clothes, designer lifestyle
Question---Are you really successful when you flash something that you do not own?
3-5 months after the pandemic hit….you know what I saw? Designer cars being sold at auctions. They were packed.
Accumulating assets is the name of the game.
If you are the bread maker of your household, if something happens to you, what does your family walk away with. Debt? Or assets?
What do you think generational wealth means? It means passing something down to your family.
Your family taking over your home loan a lot of time is not possible. Start learning how you can refinance for lower interests rates. Start utilizing investments. Start keeping a journal to organize it all. The mission is to take over the world.


Are you in the home buying process?
What things has the underwriter seen that they are stating is holding you back?
Get yourself a friend that will walk along with you......
My name is Shaneequa Lewis.
Call me at 678-548-6364(Leave a Message)
No upfront cost


One of the reasons this page was made is to help people with credit. But if you have good credit but no money, you still ain't going to get nothing done. You better get in those streets and get it popping. If I was able to keep a roof over my head by selling perfumes, books, and MP3's to people on the can too. It's called Re-Up. I sold a Spider-Man book to a dad at a stop sign because I showed his son the book and made him cry. Get up and Get it Done.


Some ways I made xtra money…..?!?
Banks give away money. Majority banks have bonuses. The reason for this is because the money you let sit in your account is used to revolve towards programs they offer such as mortgages or loans.
So for example….Bank of America has a bonus where they will give you an extra $100 if you let your $1,000 sit in your account for 3 months. SunTrust had a bonus where they gave away $500 if you let $5,000 sit for a few months. Start using these organizations towards your advantage.

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