Sacred Garden Yoga

Sacred Garden Yoga

We are a yoga & healing studio with the intention of unlocking your potential of living a healthy, au

Our approach is rooted in yoga’s ancient wisdom and philosophy, addressing each individual as a whole that is made up of mind, body and soul. Our mission is to provide our students with the direct experience of living fully and mindfully through the practice of yoga and the support of community. Our hatha yoga classes are strongly alignment based so students learn how to move and hold their bodies


Greetings On This Blue Moon 🌝

This month has been an doozy, especially with the Mars- Uranus Conjunction that happened mid month, right around the same time of the ass*ination attempt. With one planet ruling war and the other ruling revolution, it is no surprise that such a pivotal event happened during this time, catapulting us into a new trajectory.

Carl Sagan, a US Astronomer and Astrophysicist, stated; “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

Since we are “made of star stuff,” chances are you’ve felt these powerful combinations in your own life.

A heightened sense of restlessness? A sudden urge to change and transform? Or even unexpected outbursts of anger, grief, or frustration?

▫️Disruption of Stability- a desire to disrupt old patterns and seek new ways of achieving security.
▫️Assertive Independence - A strong urge to break free from established norms, fostering personal & collective liberation.

According to the axiom “As Above, So Below”, the movement of the planets can often act as a mirror for the events occurring in our own lives. As we bring our awareness to the subtleties of the cosmos, we begin to understand and sense a deeper connection to the planets. It is through observing and working intimately with their energies that we slowly gain insight into our innermost world. In our course, the ALCHEMIST, we deeply explore the planets as a path toward self-discovery.

Maybe this transit has shaken up something inside you. Maybe you’re longing for something different, a desire to learn something new, or simply to see the world AND yourself through a different lens?

The SGY Mystery School might just be the thing you are looking for!

On September 14th, we are starting fresh with our curriculum with our first level course called, The SHAMAN.

We are now accepting applications, so if you’re feeling the inner stirring of necessary change, we hope you check it out! 🔥🪐


You’re a one of a kind… so there is no need to be threatened by another’s success. The light side of envy is what we would call your “golden shadow,” as Marianne Williamson says, ‘it’s not our darkness that we are most afraid of, it’s our light.’ When we are no longer afraid of our exquisiteness, while taking responsibility for ourselves and no longer blaming others for our set backs, we can see that others are also just trying to figure things out. If someone has figured it out before you have, then let those people be your teachers! Learn from them instead of being threatened. Most people are happy to help. It’s time we start building each other up instead of tearing down. We look forward to supporting and celebrating you this week. 🌝

Classes coming up:

🔸 5:30 pm- Yoga STRONG
🔸 7 pm- FORM + Flow

🔸 10 am- BeFREE Progressive
🔸 12 pm- ELEMENTAL Yin
🔸 5:30 pm- Sacred RHYTHMS



What if you gave yourself permission to explore what’s possible, by taking that quantum leap out of your safety zone and into the fertile field of possibility? 🪶🦋🪐

See you in class!

Tuesday evening:
🔸 5:30 pm- Sacred RHYTHMS

🔸 6:30 am- FUSiON Yoga Sculpt
🔸 10 am- BeFREE Foundations
🔸 6 pm- Embodied SOUL Yoga


Can you believe it’s July already? Time stops for no one, but we’ve got your back. You get to decide how your story is written for a new page in your book of 2024. Cheering you on! 🌞

Monday classes:
🔸10 am- Yoga for VITALITY
🔸 5:30 pm- Yoga STRONG
🔸 7 pm- FORM + Flow

🔸 10 am- BeFREE Progressive
🔸 12 pm- ELEMENTAL Yin
🔸 5:30 pm- Sacred RHYTHMS

Photos from Sacred Garden Yoga's post 06/18/2024

The Solstice is upon as the Wheel of the Year turns to the celebration of Litha. It marks the height of summer and the power of the sun at it’s peak. It can also symbolize peak moments in our own lives that serve to strengthen us, building the confidence to be ourselves, so we can display and illuminate our inner radiance. 🌞

In honor of the Solstice, we will be hosting our RITUAL gathering to celebrate the longest day. Please join us this week on the day of the Solstice, Thursday evening at 7:30PM, as we reflect on the role of Midsummer in our own personal Wheel.

Weather permitting, we’ll have a solstice fire.. if not we are prepared for the indoors.

These are our favorited events as we get to delve into the world of the mythical, magickal and mystical.

What to bring:
• An offering for the Litha fire
• Anything to make you more comfortable and a journal to capture any meditation impressions

We’ll put the registration link in our stories too.


Creating sacred space since 2003. It’s what we do best. 🪶👣🌝

Cheering you on this week!

Upcoming classes:
🔸10 am- Yoga for VITALITY
🔸 5:30 pm- Yoga STRONG
🔸 7 pm- FORM + Flow

🔸 10 am- BeFREE Progressive
🔸 12 pm- ELEMENTAL Yin
🔸 5:30 pm- Sacred RHYTHMS

Photos from Crystal's Clarity's post 06/06/2024

You are rewriting your story. 🪶👣🌚

Upcoming classes:

Wednesday evening (new class!)
🔸 6 pm- Embodied SOUL Yoga

🔸 10 am- YIN Sanctuary
🔸 12 pm- SHAKTI Flow
🔸 5:30 pm- Asana LAB

Photos from Sacred Garden Yoga's post 06/03/2024

We have a new class alert!

, who was our featured yogi this month, is starting a new class on Wednesday’s at 6 pm.

Make sure to add her class to your rotation and check it out 🦋

🔸 Embodied SOUL- 6 pm on Wednesdays

See you there!

Astrological Insights - June 2024 05/31/2024

Check out our Astrology Blog for June! After the roller coasters of April and May, June should be a relatively stable month. It still will be busy but not with the extremes of eclipses or Uranus/Jupiter conjunction that we experienced over the past few weeks.

What stands out to me currently is the continuous transit of planet Saturn through the sign of Pisces. Perhaps, this is a bit of old news as Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, 2023. However, it is a rather slow transit and takes about 2.5 years to complete. At this point we are in the heart of it.

Why talk about Saturn now?

Click the link below to learn more and to discover what else is in store for us this month!

Astrological Insights - June 2024 After the roller coasters of April and May, June should be a relatively stable month. It still will be busy but not with the extremes of eclipses or Uranus/Jupiter conjunction that we experienced in the past few weeks. Mars will be moving from Aries (where it is strong as it rules the sign) into fix...


We know that this time of year stirs up a whirlwind of emotions as spring ends, schools finish and our babies graduate! The passing of time is fervently felt which is also marked by the transition from spring to summer. This shift can be profound, moving from the weightiness of farewells and achievements to the lightness of new beginnings and possibilities.

It’s so tempting to just “hold on” a little longer, however until we are willing to close the door behind us, can our heavy hearts once again find levity and lightness.

Thus comes in the airy, adaptable, high spirited season of Gemini, helping us to embrace the transitions, find closure, dust off our heavy hearts and smooth out the journey toward a more buoyant and optimistic outlook.

So if that heavy energy has you feeling stuck, get moving! Try something new, get outside, move your body in new and different ways! Embrace change and transformation with a sense of curiosity and childlike wonder. Exploration is a vital part of our journey towards healing, greater balance and self-awareness.

We look forward to seeing you in class soon!

Upcoming classes~

Wednesday evening:
🔸 6 pm- EMPOWERED Yoga

🔸 10 am- YIN Sanctuary
🔸 12 pm- SHAKTI Flow
🔸 5:30 pm- Asana LAB


Our go to “Be impeccable with your word.” 🌺👣 They are all good actually.

What’s your favorite? And now there’s a fifth one!


We have another beginners series starting in June! It’s been modified a little to 3 classes instead of 4 but all the curriculum is still there.

Here’s the scoop:
Sunday’s 3-4:30
June 2, 9 & 16th

Intimidated about taking that yoga class?

If you are a brand new beginner or have been out of practice for a while, this series is designed to take away the worries from taking those first yoga classes.

Upon completion of the series, you will have gained a foundation to more confidently attend regular classes.

What you will learn:
✔️ What yoga is (and is not).
✔️ The benefits gained from a consistent practice.
✔️ Basic, foundational yoga postures along with how to do them with proper alignment.
✔️ Basic breathing technique and how to move with the breath.
✔️ Terminology and ques that are often used in class so you will understand.
✔️ An introduction to props and how to modify postures to make them work with your body.
✔️ A little about the types and styles of yoga that are offered, especially at SGY so you can choose classes suited for you.

🌟 AND… A special offer for all that complete the series- One month of unlimited yoga for $59

We want you to try out the studio and see what you think!

Registration link is in bio 😘

Astrological Insights - May 2024 05/06/2024

We almost forgot to share Olga’s Astrology blog for May. 💫

🦋 Our favorite thing: Venus is in Ta**us until the 23rd bringing with it a very lush, full, opulent, fecund and fruitful feeling. Venus rules Ta**us so earthy abundance and beauty is in the air. The feeling is tangible in nature right now. We’ve had many conversations with people expressing how lush the gardens are right now, like they’ve exploded into bloom. That is the Venus in Ta**us vibe. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Check out what else is coming this month!

Astrological Insights - May 2024 April turned out to be a bit of a roller coaster month. I felt like one thing was following another without much breathing room. While I understand the astrological energetic exchanges that the planets bring us, it still often catches me by surprise. Knowing what is coming up does not always equate....


Trust in your ability to achieve the remarkable and to make the impossible, possible. 🪶🦋👣

Monday evening:
🔸 5:30 pm- Yoga STRONG
🔸 7 pm- FORM + Flow

🔸 10 am- BeFREE Progressive
🔸 12 pm- ELEMENTAL Yin
🔸 5:30 pm- Sacred RHYTHMS


On the Wheel of the Year, Beltane, May 1st, or May Day is a fire festival that celebrates the passing of spring into summer, a festival of fertility, abundance, growth, and protection. 🔥

We have our Beltane ceremony this Sunday at 3pm.

Here’s the scoop:

Join us Sunday to celebrate the passing of Beltane as we make and bless fire bundles to offer to the Beltane fire. We will invoke the heat of this fire and of the growing sun to energize citrine crystals to carry into spring, as well as light our own hearth fires from the community bonfire to symbolize our connection to the source of all life. Susan Connor will be your guide.

What to bring:
• Something to light a candle
• An offering for the Beltane fire
• A personal pillow or blanket to be comfortable during meditation, and a journal to capture any meditation impressions.

Click link in bio to register. We will also put a link in the stories.


This not only applies to the boundaries that we put out to others, but the ones we need to protect us from ourselves and our negative self-talk. The ones that proclaim, “ I will be treated sacredly.” 🌝


This week’s Ayurvedic Webinar is all about fitness! Learn about the science and principles of fitness for your specific dosha.

Also, if you missed the LIVE “Spring Cleanse” Masterclass last week, a second one is being offered next week on Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:30am. Be sure to sign up!

Both are completely FREE to members of our community! If you’re not a member, click the link in our bio to join.


We have the beautiful coming back again this Sunday at 11 am for her Qigong + Gong movement and sound bath experience.

This will be a morning consisting of gentle Qigong exercises, followed by a sound bath to further encourage relaxation and the movement of ‘qi’ (life force energy) in the body.

You will also be led to explore the deeper parts of yourself through the healing tones of the gong which helps to move energetic blockages and heavy emotions that we tend to hold on to in our physical and energetic bodies.

Early Bird pricing is $35 | $40 at the door. See you there!


In this week’s Ayurveda Webinar, we talk about meal prep and how to transition your meals to spring. Head over and check it out!

Also, don’t forget about the LIVE Spring Cleanse Masterclass being offered on Thursday, April 11th at 2:30pm!

Both are completely FREE to members of our community! If you’re not a member, click the link in our bio to join.


Spring is the perfect time for a little cleaning, inside and out! 🫧

Anna Russ, an Ayurvedic Specialist, is offering a LIVE Spring Cleanse Masterclass this week on Thursday, April 11th at 2:30pm. And, best of all…it’s free to members of our community! If you’re not already a member, be sure to click the link in our bio to join so you don’t miss out on this one!


It’s time to uplevel! 🌚 And if you’ve felt stuck or stubborn in your ways, then this solar eclipse portal is going to stir up discomfort, BUT if you’ve been with us long enough then this is NOT new for you. You’ve done it before and you can do it again!

As your frequency up levels, your body must also take an upgrade. Old technology does not hold new information very well, so it’s necessary that your thoughts stay focused and your body free. Rest if you need to but try not to use that as a reason to dissasociate. Instead be an active participant in your growth and listen to what is needed from you, for this next level of advancement to take place. Otherwise, it’s just gonna get more painful if you try to resist or put it off.

We believe in you! 🔥🌱🌷

Classes this weekend:
🔸 5:30 pm- Hips + Heart UNWIND

🔸 8:30- Morning RISE
🔸 10 am- ALCHEMY of Yoga

🔸 8:30- ASHTANGA Primary
🔸1 pm- LUNAR Slow Flow
🔹 3 pm- BEGINNERS Yoga Series starts!

Astrological Insights - April 2024 04/03/2024

April 2024 will be an interesting month, astrologically speaking. So, get your cosmic umbrellas ready!

Here is our April astrology blog for you cosmic geeks out there! The month started with a Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aries on April 1st. Then we have the Solar Eclipse happening on April 8th which will most likely continue to stir up discomfort and the things lurking in your subconscious shadows, offering the opportunity to finally break free from the shackles holding you back. Solar eclipses are all about new beginnings but after having that "Tower Card Moment"... the breakdown, before the breakthrough.

Click the link below to learn more and to discover what else is in store for us this month!

Astrological Insights - April 2024 April 2024 will be an interesting month, speaking astrologically. So, get your cosmic umbrellas ready! The month starts with Mercury starting its retrograde on April 1 in the sign of Aries. Mercury usually spends approximately three weeks in retrograde and it will go direct on April 25th. What is re...


Intimidated about taking that yoga class?
Our beginners series is back!

If you are a brand new beginner or have been out of practice for a while, this series is designed to take away the worries from taking those first yoga classes.

Upon completion of the series, you will have gained a foundation to more confidently attend regular classes.

What you will learn:
✔️ What yoga is (and is not).
✔️ The benefits gained from a consistent practice.
✔️ Basic, foundational yoga postures along with how to do them with proper alignment.
✔️ Basic breathing technique and how to move with the breath.
✔️ Terminology and ques that are often used in class so you will understand.
✔️ An introduction to props and how to modify postures to make them work with your body.
✔️ A little about the types and styles of yoga that are offered, especially at SGY so you can choose classes suited for you.

🌟 AND… A special offer for all that complete the series- One month of unlimited yoga for $59

We want you to try out the studio and see what you think!

Registration link is in bio and we’ll put it in stories too. 😘


Choosing to do it differently 🌱🌷

Upcoming classes:

Thursday afternoon-
🔸 12 pm- SHAKTI Flow
🔸 5:30 pm- Asana LAB

🔸 10 am- IGNITE Your Fire
🔸 5:30 pm- Hips + Heart UNWIND


This week’s Webinar is all about Ayurvedic Recipes! Head over and check it out. It’s completely FREE to members of our community! If you’re not a member, click the link in our bio to join!

Also, a reminder that Anna has LIVE office hours every Tuesday at 10am & Thursday at 2:30pm. Take advantage of these sessions and get your questions answered!


Although GA weather can’t decide what season it is, the Spring Equinox is definitely here! We experience the perfect balance between day and night. 🌸

The wheel of the year turns to the festival of Ostara where the revival and fertility of Spring is celebrated.

The sun also transits from Pisces, completing a Zodiac cycle, and enters Aries as we begin a new astrological year.

Renewal is the theme, but like standing at any threshold, it can be bitter sweet. We move from the dreamer of Pisces to the doer of Aries… from the dormancy of winter, to the revival of spring. Aries brings with it, enthusiasm as the initiator of life itself, bursting into the world wide eyed and bushy tailed. This also brings with it the necessity of completion. The new vision is upon you now and the remnants of the old system have crumbled. You may be feeling that as excitement and/or trepidation.

To usher in this turning of the wheel, join us this Sunday at 3 pm for a Spring Equinox ceremony. It’s an opportunity for personal healing as well. You’ll be putting in your personal prayers & intentions to help usher you into your new season of life. We’ll put the link in our stories as well. 👣🌿


Old systems crumbling as we speak. 🔥 Have faith and trust in your vision.

Supporting you along the way 🌚 :

Tuesday evening:
🔸 5:30 pm- Sacred RHYTHMS

🔸 6:30 am- FUSiON Yoga Sculpt
🔸 10 am- BeFREE Foundations
🔸 6 pm- EMPOWERED Yoga

March Happenings: Spring is Almost Here! 03/06/2024

March Happenings: Spring is Almost Here! Meet our Featured Yogi + New Astrology Blog Featured Yogi | Astrology Blog | FREE Ayurveda Webinars | Ostara Greetings Cindy, We'd like to introduce, Lisa, our March featured yogi. She's been practic

Photos from Sacred Garden Yoga's post 03/04/2024

Our community is expanding! We now have over 50 members in our FREE Ayurveda Community hosted by the beautiful and knowledgeable 🦋

🌟 Look for new webinars to be posted each Monday by Anna based on the month’s theme.

🌟 The topic for March is “Ahara: The Science of Ayurvedic Nutrition”. The first webinar introducing these principles will be released today, 3/4.

🌟 Anna has LIVE office hours every Tuesday at 10 am and Thursday at 2:30 PM. All community members will be able to hop on and ask questions.

If you are not already member, be sure to hop on over to our links and join the community so you don’t miss out! Next one is set to go out on March 11th!

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Videos (show all)

Is it the nose,the belly button,the thumb, or the toes? 👁️⚡️👁️Find out on Ashtanga Sunday morning with @briceyogashtanga...
Morning Yoga🧹👻🎃🍂🧙‍♀️Janice Lucente
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. #holidayseason #sacredgardenyoga
#repost @cindy.ology101 🔈The sounds of yoga 😀This week, we’ve been having fun going through the first 108 yoga postures ...
Greetings on this beautiful Goddess Friday. 🌹 I’m finally getting a chance to share a piece of our Green Tara despacho c...
We’re excited to have the beautiful @isavilesm on the schedule this week. Make sure to check out one of her classes and ...
Gratitude in all things. 🧡Happy Thanksgiving friends. 💕Posted @withregram • @carolefischer_yoga "Be present in all thing...
Posted @withregram • @carolefischer_yoga Who told you that you can't? Who told you what you're supposed to be or do or l...
Posted @withregram • @bridgetmaddocks Sometimes you just gotta move!Top 3 most basic and fundamental habits for mental, ...
Posted @withregram • @bridgetmaddocks The Choice -❓To stay stuck in the past or to release and more forward with purpose...
For our Ashtangis, Cindy will be teaching Primary Series for her Saturday 10 am class. Our normal Sunday morning Ashtang...



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