Joint & Spine Wellness Center

By appointment, call or visit our website to schedule your appointment

Our Wellness Center offers an array of services including:
Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Reflexology, Laser Therapy for Pain Management, Nutritional Counseling, Raindrop Therapy, Aroma Therapy, & Essential Oils by Young Living, Diffusers, Reiki & Custom Orthotics.


Johns Hopkins University, sent this excellent summary to avoid contagion:
* The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, changes their genetic code. (mutation) and convert them into aggressor and multiplier cells.
* Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it is not killed, but decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and type of material where it lies.
* The virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat. That is why any soap or detergent is the best remedy, because the foam CUTS the FAT (that is why you have to rub so much: for 20 seconds or more, to make a lot of foam). By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own.
* HEAT melts fat; this is why it is so good to use water above 25 degrees Celsius for washing hands, clothes and everything. In addition, hot water makes more foam and that makes it even more useful.
* Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol over 65% DISSOLVES ANY FAT, especially the external lipid layer of the virus.
* Any mix with 1 part bleach and 5 parts water directly dissolves the protein, breaks it down from the inside.
* Oxygenated water helps long after soap, alcohol and chlorine, because peroxide dissolves the virus protein, but you have to use it pure and it hurts your skin.
* NO BACTERICIDE SERVES. The virus is not a living organism like bacteria; they cannot kill what is not alive with anthobiotics, but quickly disintegrate its structure with everything said.
* NEVER shake used or unused clothing, sheets or cloth. While it is glued to a porous surface, it is very inert and disintegrates only between 3 hours (fabric and porous), 4 hours (copper, because it is naturally antiseptic; and wood, be
cause it removes all the moisture and does not let it peel off and disintegrates). ), 24 hours (cardboard), 42 hours (metal) and 72 hours (plastic). But if you shake it or use a feather duster, the virus molecules float in the air for up to 3 hours, and can lodge in your nose.
* The virus molecules remain very stable in external cold, or artificial as air conditioners in houses and cars. They also need moisture to stay stable, and especially darkness. Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade it faster.
* UV LIGHT on any object that may contain it breaks down the virus protein. For example, to disinfect and reuse a mask is perfect. Be careful, it also breaks down collagen (which is protein) in the skin, eventually causing wrinkles and skin cancer.
* The virus CANNOT go through healthy skin.
* Vinegar is NOT useful because it does not break down the protective layer of fat.
* NO SPIRITS, NOR VODKA, serve. The strongest vodka is 40% alcohol, and you need 65%.
* LISTERINE IF IT SERVES! It is 65% alcohol.
* The more confined the space, the more concentration of the virus there can be. The more open or naturally ventilated, the less.
* This is super said, but you have to wash your hands before and after touching mucosa, food, locks, k***s, switches, remote control, cell phone, watches, computers, desks, TV, etc. And when using the bathroom.
* You have to HUMIDIFY HANDS DRY from so much washing them, because the molecules can hide in the micro cracks. The thicker the moisturizer, the better. * Also keep your NAILS SHORT so that the virus does not hide there.
This is to inform us all that the pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5.
*All we need to do, to beat corona virus, we need to take more of an alkaline foods that are above the above pH level of the Virus.*
Some of which are:
*Lemon - 9.9pH*
*Lime - 8.2pH*
*Avocado - 15.6pH*
*Garlic - 13.2pH*
*Mango - 8.7pH*
*Tangerine - 8.5pH*
*Pineapple - 12.7pH*
*Dandelion - 22.7pH*
*Orange - 9.2pH*
How do you know you have coronavirus?
*1. Itching in the throat,*
*2. Dry throat,*
*3. Dry cough.*
*So where you notice these three things quickly take warm water and drink.*
Your Good Health Is My Priority
Do not keep this information to yourself only. Pass it to all your family and friends.


Chiropractor - Marlton, NJ - Alignable Highly Recommended: 5 local business owners recommend Chiropractor. Visit this page to learn about the business and what locals in Marlton have to say.


Good Morning and Happy Holidays from all of us here at Joint and Spine Center.
Why not got a massage on this rainy December Day? Free aromatherapy treatments with a every massage.
Sharon has availability until 6pm tonight and again tomorrow, Saturday 12/22 from 10am - Noon
Please schedule via our website or contact the office at 856-267-5335
We would like to welcome
Victor Lopez of NewVibe Systems to our office!
Victor specializes in Medical Massage.
His appointments can be scheduled by calling or texting 856-343-7590
Gift Certificates are available for Dr. Law , Sharon and Victor


Dr John Law of Joint & Spine Wellness Center and Victor Lopez of NūVibe Systems Injury Management has teamed up 🤝! Appointments are now available for Medical Massage Therapy Monday - Wednesday & Friday’s!

Photos from Burlington County Animal Alliance of New Jersey (BCAA of NJ)'s post 11/15/2018

This is horrific! Animal cruelty in Shamong. 150 + dogs have been rescued. Many of them need to be in veterinary care.
Please helps us collect the following items:

grain free dog food
wet and dry puppy food
Puppy pads
Dawn dish soap
Collars of any size
Dog Beds
Paper Towels
Cash to pay the enormous vet bills etc.( checks can be made out to Burlington County Animal Shelter )
Please consider donating and we'll make sure it gets to the right places!
We will have a drop off box at our office at 767 East Rt.70, Suite B102 in Marlton 08053 - Elmwood Business Park
Thank you and please share!

Home 11/06/2018

Home default description

Timeline photos 03/31/2018

So who wants to watch Jude for 3 days next week? Thurs thru Sat.


Massage gift certificates and packages are now available for the holidays. 🎄🎅🎁

Nurse Dies After Receiving the Flu Vaccine 10/26/2017

Very informative

Nurse Dies After Receiving the Flu Vaccine After receiving the flu vaccine a young nurse dies from systemic infection. The flu vaccine is heavily pushed by the media and medical system. Sadly the lies...

Johns Hopkins Researcher Releases Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines 10/13/2017

Mandatory shots for healthy individuals? Horrible.....and my wife(nurse) is a victim.

Johns Hopkins Researcher Releases Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines In 2015, a whole new slew of flu vaccines found themselves getting approved by the Federal Drug Administration. This isn't an uncommon practice; most flu vaccines pass inspection every year. It's well known advice that has been passed down from doctor to patient that the flu vaccine is something tha...

Leading Back Pain Expert Reveals How to Fix Your Chronic Pain - Lifetime Daily 10/12/2017

Leading Back Pain Expert Reveals How to Fix Your Chronic Pain - Lifetime Daily Dr. Stuart McGill is one of the world's leading researchers on spinal mechanics. We spoke to the Canadian professor to learn what triggers back pain.

Timeline photos 02/06/2017

Using Essential Oils To Aid In Pain Relief, Immune Support

There are a lot of people who are now looking for ways that they can naturally boost their immune system while healing any number of ailments that they are dealing with. The idea of being able to enjoy homeopathic measures instead of having to go the way of traditional medicine is certainly nothing new. However, there is a brand new wave of people who are able to benefit from the addition of essential oils to assist in healing, mood balance, immune system support, pain relief and a number of other health concerns.

Basically speaking, an essential oil is an organic compound that is extracted from plants known for their healing abilities. A variety of essential oils can be used as a helpful form of holistic treatment known as aromatherapy, which is great for improving emotional and physical health as well as increasing mental focus.
Believe it or not, a lot of cultures have been using the healing properties of plants for health conditions for well over 5,000 years. In addition to such healing benefits, there are also a lot of essential oils that can be used for beauty care, relaxation, cleaning in and around the home, and a wide variety of other needs.

I would love to help if you have questions or would like to get started using essential oils for your pain management, mood balance or immune support! Schedule a time to chat with me on my website or give me a call 856-655-1718 Much Love Suzanne Taylor certified aromatherapist and holistic life coach.

We even have oils just for the kiddies in youyr life!!

Timeline photos 02/01/2017

Meet our new doctor!
Taking appointments now! Better hurry, we fill up quickly!

Jude will be on site tomorrow and Friday....schedule accordingly!

Timeline photos 02/01/2017

Jude will be on site tomorrow and Friday....schedule accordingly!

Timeline photos 01/30/2017

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar in the Morning

People are always on the lookout for the "next big thing" for better health. Chia seeds, coconut oil and even bone broth have all enjoyed a great fan-following, but now there's something new. It's apple cider vinegar (ACV). While you may already know that apple cider vinegar has some health benefits, you may not know how beneficial it can be when consumed in the morning. Keep reading to find out more about the reasons why drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning is good for your health.

Why Should We Drink Apple Cider Vinegar in the Morning?

Apple cider vinegar has been used in different forms for centuries. It offers numerous health benefits when consumed in the morning.

More about this in my group Autoimmune Goddess, I have healed my MS, grown dis-ease free! Come over to learn and grow! Get the support and encouragement you need to face your dis-ese head on!


The Nurtured Soul Sound Practitioner, Reiki Master, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Aromatherapist

Timeline photos 01/03/2017

The secret to losing weight once and for all!

Every time you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve done it wrong.

We’ve all done it. We’ve all been there. You go through a weight loss program, you deny yourself everything you love, you torture yourself at the gym, and you lose weight. You think you’ve done a good thing for your health, for your life, for your family.

And then the weight comes back. Maybe even some extra on top.

You have failed. Again. You’re sure of it. Everyone else loses the weight and keeps it off. Normal people don’t have problems with their weight. Normal people just manage this without worry.

You are a freak of nature… EXCEPT THAT YOU’RE NOT.

Weight loss programs are designed to make sure you fail in the long-term, so you keep coming back and buying more programs over and over.

I am here to help you succeed. As your health coach, my job is to assure you feel amazing and find your optimal health. Nowhere in that description is a cycle of losing and regaining weight. It feels awful to be stuck in that cycle. If you did that because of my advice, I wouldn’t be doing my job.

So, how do you break the cycle?

You break the cycle by doing something different. By looking at how a doctor/physiciatrist/coach/fitness trainer would recommend you find your optimal health and actually taking that advice. By trusting that science actually works for all of us. By breaking the cycle of restrict/gain weight/restrict/gain weight - forever.

If you are looking for fast weight loss that won’t last, look somewhere else.

This is not a program where you can lose a lot of weight fast and then feel bad when you gain it back again later. This isn’t that type of program because it doesn’t work.

Think about it. If you lose weight… but gain it right back (plus more)… did you really lose weight? Or was it just a gimmick?

Weight loss that works is weight loss that lasts.

As your wellness coach, my job is to help you find your healthiest and happiest self for life. That’s really it. There are a lot of things we may talk about together, but my job is to help you find your healthiest and happiest self for life.

That means, if it’s a gimmick, I won’t recommend it. BOOM!

We start on the 15th....are you in? Comment YES and I will send you your discounted package to work with me directly on your healthy habits & weight loss goals!

Timeline photos 12/30/2016

There are few things that can instantly remind you of the holidays, no matter what time of year it is – the scent of a pine tree, the aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg – they instantly take you there. Holiday spices are incredibly inviting, comforting and most of all, very beneficial to your health.

These spices hold a purpose beyond their delicious taste that you may not have realized before. Your favorite holiday spices have wonderful health promoting properties that provide you with several health benefits to keep your immune system strong this season.

Benefits of your favorite Holiday spices…

Cinnamon. Arguably the most popular of the holiday spices and the most widely used year-round. Cinnamon provides a warming effect to your body in the cold months, boosts your immune system, stabilizes blood sugar and aids in digestion.

Nutmeg. Another favorite holiday spice, nutmeg adds a punch of flavor with only a tiny amount needed, so use sparingly in small doses. Nutmeg stimulates your digestion, helps in detoxifying the body and promotes healthy circulation.

Cloves. Similar to cinnamon and nutmeg, cloves also help with promoting healthy digestion, which is certainly helpful after those heavy holiday meals. Cloves are also beneficial for reducing phlegm, which is a common occurrence this time of year due to cold and flu season.

Rosemary. A favorite to add to your roasted veggies, rosemary is a popular Mediterranean herb that can be used sparsely to add a punch of flavor to your dish. Rosemary is helpful for natural stress relief, combatting inflammation, detoxifying the body and calming an upset stomach.

Peppermint. The perfect follow-up to your hearty meal, peppermint is wonderful for aiding in digestion, relaxing the stomach and enhancing your mood. Have yourself a cup of peppermint tea as a daily ritual during the cold months, and take notice of how different you feel.

As you can see, you have an array of health promoting herbs and spices to infuse into your kitchen this season. Whether it be adding a cup of peppermint tea to your post-dinner wind-down, a dash of cinnamon in your steel-cut oatmeal in the mornings, or sprinkling fresh rosemary on your roasted vegetables – take all the chances you can to enjoy these beneficial spices this season. Bon appétit!


Wishing our patients a very Merry Christmas ~ Happy Hanukkah
Enjoy your time with family and friends!
Our office will be closed tomorrow, December 24th.
We will reopen Monday, December 26th at 9 am.
All appointments can be scheduled via our website:

Timeline photos 12/21/2016

Give the gift of Wellness, Purpose and Abundance with $100 gift cards to have a complete holistic health consult a $250 Value!

Email [email protected] or call Taylor'd Wellness

Timeline photos 12/20/2016

It's hard enough to stick to our healthy habits during the holidays. When we travel away from home and can't follow our normal routines, eating right can be an even bigger challenge.

En route to family this week....

• Pack snacks that don’t need to be refrigerated, such as almonds, fruit and vegetables. Airport food is expensive and it’s hard to find healthy items.
• Bring a reusable water bottle. Many airports offer stations to fill your bottle with filtered water.
• Review the airport restaurant guide. Most airports list restaurants on their website by terminal. Knowing your options helps you plan ahead.

At a hotel this holiday season?

• Stock your mini fridge. Choose a hotel with a mini-fridge to keep healthy foods in your room. Can’t find a room with a mini-fridge? Request one for your stay.
• Start with 7-8 hours of sleep. Feeling sleep deprived can lead to craving high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods that provide instant energy.

Eating out with friends and family

• Limit alcoholic drinks. Alcohol can lead to unnecessary eating and calories. It can also impact sleep quality
• Start with a salad and ask for your dressing on the side. Vegetables provide fiber, which helps you feel full.
• Lighten your main course. Choose from the lighter menu or ask for a to-go box with your meal and put half in the box before eating.

Happy Holidays......stay healthy my friends!!

Timeline photos 12/16/2016

Happy Holidays!

Do you gain 5 pounds just thinking about that holiday pumpkin pie?

Does the stress of family gatherings and frantic gift shopping make you want to face plant in a bowl of mashed potatoes & not come out until New Year’s?

We all know that the holidays can be taxing on our health. The endless parties and parade of tempting treats can leave us feeling tired, bloated, and ready to break out the elastic waistband...

What if you had a simple plan to take away the worry? What if you could navigate the season without gaining weight, feeling sluggish, or totally stressing out?

The Healthy Holiday Survival Guide comes with everything you need to make your health a priority this holiday season, regardless of how many pies cross your path.

When you get this FREE Guide, you get:

- My 28-page e-guide loaded with tips for keeping your sanity (& current dress size) during the holidays.

- Strategies that teach you when & how to say no, thank you to food

- AND how to say yes, please & actually enjoy your indulgence, guilt-free

PLUS you get My 4-Day Post-Holiday Healthy Reset Plan, which includes:

- 12 delicious, easy to prepare recipes to get your body feeling great after a night (or few) of celebrating

- A detailed shopping list to save you tons of time at the store

- A 4-day suggested meal guide for breakfast, lunch, & dinner to guide you through the reset with ease

- My Daily Holiday Survival Checklist to print out and post on the fridge or in the office so you can stay on track with healthy habits
This is a NO WORRYING, NO WONDERING plan for navigating the holidays without deprivation or over-indulgence.

You can have a healthy, happy, energetic holiday season even if you:

Work crazy hours at a corporate 9-5

Are trying to wrangle a family of 5 AND get ready for a huge family feast

Feel like you can never say no to holiday treats

Or are worried that your favorite cocktail dress won’t fit 3 weeks from now...

The FREE Healthy Holiday Survival Guide will show you how!
Sign up for the guide here.........

Timeline photos 12/15/2016

Don't forget your massage gift certificates. Buy one get the second half off! Happy Holidays🎄❄☃

Timeline photos 12/06/2016

Give an extraordinary gift this holiday season! Always the right size and color, never goes out of style, and suitable for all occasions. Stop by or call the office today!

Timeline photos 11/28/2016

Wellness Wednesday ........FREE scans to show what supplements or essential oils can benefit your body. Hours 9-12 am. When you come in just mention your here for your free scan with Suzanne our Holsitic Health Practitioner.

As the iTOVi scan runs, your body will naturally react to these foreign frequencies and the scanner will record these changes, identifying them as unresolved biopoints. Biopoints are simply parts of the body, such as organs, vertebrae, or other biological systems. If a recorded frequency falls outside a predetermined range, it is classified as “unresolved”. Please note, a high number of unresolved biopoints is not an indication of poor health.

As the scan ends, the number of unresolved biopoints are recorded, analyzed, and compiled into a personalized iTOVi report. Based on the information gathered during each session, the iTOVi App will recommend the oils or supplements to which your body had the best reactionary response. These recommendations are presented in your report, ordering each product by the number of unresolved biopoints. Using the recommended oil or supplement will then help reduce that frequency to fall within that particular range, bringing your body and its frequencies back to its optimal state.

Scans with consultation are normally $45. This free scan is limited to the emailed report and Holistic Health Consult can be scheduled at time of scan with our onsite Holistic Health Practitioner & Aromatherapist Suzanne Taylor.

Timeline photos 11/21/2016

What Your Chiropractor Knows About Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is being discussed a lot in wellness circles lately, but the average person may not know much about this mysterious condition that’s the cause of some of the deadliest health conditions known to man. Here’s what your chiropractor knows about chronic inflammation (that you should know too).

What It Is

Inflammation in itself is not harmful. In fact, it’s a normal and healthy attempt by the body to preserve itself. Inflammation helps remove harmful debris like irritants and pathogens from the body so that the healing process can begin. The problem begins when regular inflammation becomes chronic. At this point, the body creates more inflammation in direct response to the existing inflammation—a cycle that can have dire consequences.

What Causes It

Chronic inflammation is caused by an imbalance in the immune system. Your acquired immune system develops over time via exposure to our environment and exposure and the more successes it has, the stronger it becomes. That’s why it’s important for us to avoid taking unnecessary antibiotics—learning to fight bugs and allergens makes our acquired immune system stronger. In addition, certain foods and lifestyles can increase the risk of chronic inflammation. Not getting enough rest, too much stress and a high carbohydrate diet are all a good way to increase your risk of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can also be the result of the body’s inability to eliminate the cause of acute inflammation or an autoimmune response where the immune system mistakes healthy tissue for unhealthy pathogens.

Signs and Symptoms

Most people don’t find out that they have chronic inflammation until they’re diagnosed with a disease that’s associated with it. Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and multiple sclerosis are all conditions that are frequently associated with chronic inflammation. However, you don’t have to wait until you’ve been diagnosed with a life threatening illness to treat this condition. Other signs include:

Allergies and asthma
High blood pressure
Fatigue and lethargy
Skin problems
Irritable bowel syndrome
Pain in the joints
Frequent infections
Shortness of breath
Weight gain
How Your Chiropractor Can Help

Your chiropractor is the best partner you could ever ask for in the fight against chronic inflammation. Studies have shown that adjustments help reduce the production of two inflammatory cytokines, which can reduce inflammation throughout the body. However, your chiropractic team can assist you in the fight against chronic inflammation in other ways too.

Chronic inflammation responds very well to lifestyle changes. Your chiropractic team can talk to you about how to begin an anti-inflammation diet that’s filled with nutrient-dense, low calorie foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish. Supplements like vitamin D and magnesium may also provide relief from chronic inflammation. If you would like to learn what supplements your body is lacking stop in on Wellness Wednesday this week and get a complementary scan!!

Many chiropractors are suggesting that their patients increase the amount of essential fatty acids in their diet. Most Americans don’t eat enough omega-3 fatty acids like those found in dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, canola oil, flax and fish. While supplementing can help some patients, most experts agree that we should all endeavor to eat fish like salmon that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids at least twice per week.

Exercise, proper nutrition and regular chiropractic care can go a long way toward treating a variety of health problems, including chronic inflammation. If you’re experiencing the symptoms of chronic inflammation, it’s time to make a change. Contact your chiropractor today to find out how to finally reach a level of wellness you never thought possible.

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Elmwood Business Park 767 East Route 70 Suite B-102
Marlton, NJ

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7pm
Tuesday 3pm - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 1pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

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Marlton, 08053

Chiropractor to the RockStars..especially Rock Stars like You! Serving South Jersey for the past 35 years. Helping patients achieve Optimal Health and Performance.

Elite Spine And Sport Center Elite Spine And Sport Center
651 Route 73N, Suite 304
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Corrado Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center, LLC Corrado Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center, LLC
151 Greentree Road
Marlton, 08053

Corrado Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center, LLC is a Marlton, chiropractic office providing care.

America Chiropractic Centers Inc America Chiropractic Centers Inc
951 Tuckerton Road , Suite A
Marlton, 08053

Dr Steve & Staff Always look forward Everyday to Helping People Overcome their Back Neck & Headache