Doctor Rashid

A healthy McAllen – especially now – is a vibrant, growing, safe, dynamic and successful McAllen.

I have the qualifications and experience to heal and lead our community on the path of progress, prosperity and happiness again!


May all the good things of life be yours, not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year. Have a very blessed Thanksgiving.


Greetings on the Occasion of Eid-ul-Adha

Eid-ul-Adha is the second major holiday on the Muslim calendar. Unlike the more familiar holiday of Eid which marks the end of the Holy month of Ramadan, Eid-ul-Adha celebrates the conclusion of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca. It is celebrated in North America, today, July 20.
The holiday commemorates the victory of good over evil. Specifically, Abraham, or the Prophet Ibrahim as he is known in Islam, was haunted by a dream where God commanded him to sacrifice his son, Ismael. Being a righteous man, but troubled, he told him son about the dream. The devil, legend tells us, tried to convince Ismael to weaken his father’s resolve. Instead, he told his father to follow God’s instructions.
Seeing Abraham’s resolve, and appreciating Ismael’s devotion, God sent the Archangel Gabriel to Abraham with a ram for him to slaughter instead of Ismael. To this day, the slaughter of cattle is a major part of the celebrations. (It is done humanely in accordance with Islamic law, halal.) But it also includes giving to charity, and sharing the joy of the holiday with family, friends, and neighbors.
Technically, the holiday marks the absolute devotion of Abraham to God. But I would like to think of it as a celebration of having the courage of one’s convictions, goodness and morality, principles that all the people of McAllen share, be they Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Muslim, or even atheist.
From my family to yours, have a Blessed Eid-ul-Adha.

Collin Morikawa holds off Jordan Spieth to win the Open – live reaction! 07/18/2021

Congratulations Collin Morikawa !

Collin Morikawa holds off Jordan Spieth to win the Open – live reaction! Collin Morikawa took the Claret Jug on the final day of the 2021 Open championship. Join Scott Murray for the latest reaction


🦟 McAllen Health & Code Enforcement crews will begin mosquito spraying efforts across the entire city Tuesday and Wednesday- weather permitting.

Spraying is dependent on weather conditions such as rain and wind speeds. Spraying will begin at the far north & south end of the city simultaneously.‬

A team of 7 sprayers will work their way to the center of town & should be done in approximately 2-3 days weather permitting.
‪For mosquito concerns please call 956-681-3111 (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and 956-681-1900 after hours

Hidalgo County issues warning: COVID hospitalizations are on the rise 07/13/2021

Please don’t let your guard down! It’s not over yet . COVID cases are on the rise in RGV.

Hidalgo County issues warning: COVID hospitalizations are on the rise EDINBURG — A significant increase in Hidalgo County COVID-19 hospitalizations Monday prompted authorities to issue a warning urging residents to receive a vaccination for the coronavirus and cautioning them to continue practicing pandemic protocols. The county started the day with 52 hospitalized ...

Rashid: US stands for the United States 07/04/2021

Rashid: US stands for the United States Two hundred and forty-five years ago the Founding Fathers of this great country gathered to declare independence from Great Britain. It is ironic, but most people, when they think of these true leaders and visionaries, envision elderly men gathered around a table. The truth is that the average age o...


​Two hundred and forty-five years ago the Founding Fathers of this great country gathered to declare independence from Great Britain. It is ironic, but most people, when they think of these true leaders and visionaries, envision elderly men gathered around a table. The truth is that the average age of the Founding Fathers was only 44! These were not old men, but young men united against a common enemy and, perhaps more importantly, united by a common dream of creating an unprecedented republic which would guarantee to everyone what, today, we know as fundamental human rights or freedoms.
​Sadly, as with all revolutions, ours also called upon men and women, young and old alike, to make the supreme sacrifice for the ideals in which they believed. But, as we have proven, their sacrifices were not in vain. And always, always, despite our differences when it comes to a common threat to our existence, be it enemies threatening our freedom or diseases our existence, we come together as a nation. We are united in more than name only.
​Today the descendants of our Founding Fathers, and the scores of millions who have sacrificed to come to these shores, have built a country which stands alone at the pinnacle of the family of nations. Why? Because we are truly “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” No, we are not perfect. We are human beings and human beings can always improve. But what unites us makes us invincible; what divides us is transitory. In the end, we always come together.
​Americans, women and men, people of different religions, nationalities and creeds, in the end, always join together for the common good and to defeat a common enemy. We take pride in our scientific achievements. We are the ones who are exploring the galaxy. We are the ones who turn science fiction into science fact.
​And we are the ones who together, private industry, non-profits and government, worked in record time to defeat our most recent enemy, COVID-19. Our front-line workers, nurses, physicians, technicians, pharmacists, scientists, engineers, supermarket employees, delivery personnel, police, fire fighters and more, risked their lives to make certain we had the care we needed, the supplies we required, and the security which was essential for us to reach the end of what appeared to be a very long tunnel with only a hint of light at its end. Now that light has grown bright. We have safe vaccines which will enable us to return to the prosperity we knew a few short years ago.
​We defeated the invisible enemy not because of our differences but despite them. We defeated the invisible enemy not because of what divides us but because of what unites us: our values. We were willing to sacrifice so that everyone would be safe.
​That is the legacy of our Founding Fathers. We are not a people of “I,” “me,” and “you,” but of “us” and “US” stands for the United States. The United States is blessed with many things, not least of all its volunteer military. On this day of celebration, we cannot forget their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families, without which we have neither freedoms nor liberties to cherish and celebrate. We owe them a debt which can never be repaid.
​May this Fourth of July herald a new era of peace, prosperity, safety, security and, most importantly, good health for the residents of McAllen, all Texans, and all of our fellow Americans.

Shahid Rashid MD


Happy Father’s Day 🤟

Villalobos sworn in as McAllen mayor; commissioners take oath of office | 06/15/2021

Villalobos sworn in as McAllen mayor; commissioners take oath of office
(Via The Monitor)

Villalobos sworn in as McAllen mayor; commissioners take oath of office | The city officially entered a new era Monday after Javier Villalobos was sworn in as the new mayor of McAllen.


The Race Ends, The Work Begins
​This week we all welcomed our new mayor, Javier Villalobos, as he assumed the mantle of responsibility for our city. While the race for the mayorship has ended, unlike other races, now the work begins.
​When you run a marathon, at the beginning you are focused on the starting line. Then, when the pistol rings out, your focus changes to your goal, the finish line. As soon as you cross it, you forget about it. Maybe you receive a medal for your accomplishment, but you immediately begin to think of the next challenge. You don’t remember the starting line.
​In our mayoral race, Mr. Villalobos does not have the luxury of forgetting about the starting line. It is because of his conduct at the beginning, and throughout the race, that he finished in first place. He showed himself to be a humble man. He showed himself to be a man of all the people, all the citizens of McAllen. He intentionally rejected being labeled as a Republican or a Democrat. He identified himself only as a proud citizen of McAllen.
​That is why it should be so easy for everyone to join me in welcoming him as our new mayor. We all hope that, under his leadership, our city will grow and prosper. We all need to help him to achieve a better future for our young and our elderly alike, as we strive to improve the living conditions of everyone.
​I say “we” because no one person, not even the mayor, can achieve all that needs to be achieved by themselves. This takes a team. That does not mean that we cannot be critical when we disagree with him. We can and we should. But it also means that we must vocally support him when he is doing well, as I trust will be the case.
​We face many challenges. We have to convince the younger generation to remain, we have to end the brain drain, we must build our economy, we must defeat poverty and disease, we must secure our border, and must ensure the public health. We can only do that as a team.
​We have the tools to meet those challenges. McAllen is blessed in that we have little crime and have become a center for international trade. Our future can be bright.
​This is the beginning of a new era. As I said when I endorsed Mr. Villalobos, he “exhibited a willingness to incorporate into his platform the important issues one which we ran our campaign. These are vital for improving the quality of life and living conditions of our citizens. He agrees that, together, we will do everything possible to reduce unemployment, create new jobs, and improve health care and the education available to our citizens. I will do everything in my power to support Mr. Villalobos in our common goal of achieving these vital objectives.” I meant it then, and I believe it today.
​Mayor Villalobos is focused. I am focused. As a humanitarian and a healthcare professional I look forward to seeing him creating an emergency disaster management system so that we will be prepared for natural and man-made humanitarian crises. I also am committed to helping him to be fiscally conservative so that we will be able to optimize our limited budget to help improve the living conditions of all our citizens.
​That said, we must invest in public health. We need free clinics for the uninsured, the underinsured and for those who, even though they have insurance, cannot afford anything but emergency care.
​As a team, we will help Mayor Villalobos create a lasting legacy of a McAllen that is senior friendly, healthy, with a young vibrant population and a strong growing economy. We wish you the best of luck on your new journey as the mayor of our great city of McAllen.

~ Shahid Rashid MD


Live with Commisioner Javier Villalobos Campaign open forum


On behalf of my wife, Elena, and our children, I wish to extend to all the citizens a meaningful Memorial Day. Memorial Day should not be about sales and vacations. This is a day for paying tribute to those men and women, and their families, who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country, our principles and our values. May their sacrifices not be in vain and never be forgotten.

Rashid: Young voters, do not be discouraged 05/22/2021

Rashid: Young voters, do not be discouraged My fellow citizens, today I congratulate Mr. Javier Villalobos and Mrs. Veronica Whitacre on their successful campaign and wish them good luck on June 5. I encourage everyone to vote. It is not only your right, it is your obligation. I cannot proceed without thanking my supporters, my volunteers, ....


I cannot proceed without thanking my supporters, my volunteers for their hard work, those of you who voted for me, the only outsider in the race, and to my donors who made my mayoral challenge possible. I profusely, profoundly and sincerely thank each and every one of you, along with my family, and especially, my wife, Elena, without whose love and support I would not be the man I am today.

I have no regrets. I have no sadness. I have only a little disappointment. That is because while we were not successful, we also did not fail. In just six short weeks, we changed the course of the election. We changed the focus. Our issues became the mayoral issues.

Our campaign was visionary and the voters of McAllen, including those of you who did not vote for me, saw that vision.
Perhaps most meaningful for me, was the fact that so many young voters supported my campaign. To them I say, do not be discouraged with the results.

This is just the beginning of the process for a change. Your vote does matter. Your vote is the first brick of the foundation on which your magnificent future will be built.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay proud.


Eid is upon us!💖
Our fasting has ended. Our time of celebration has begun.

We gather now — safely — with our friends and loved ones to mark the conclusion of our period of reflection. Whereas we turned inward, we shall now turn outward, both mentally and physically.

And in turning outward, we shall show up with a strong feeling of gratitude toward all that we encounter. May we be grateful for our friends and loved ones. May we be grateful for our food and shelter. And may we be grateful, also, for our sources of leisure and our worldly possessions, to the extent that we enjoy either.

And toward those who have less for which to be grateful, we shall extend the charities of our loving hearts, making certain that their bellies are full and their homes are warm and comfortable. Grant unto the less fortunate food and drink. Grant unto them clothes and shoes and toys and other gifts.

Volunteer at a soup kitchen, while you’re at it. Go beyond your limits. Meet the eyes of the poor and see within them the very eternity of your own soul.

For to give, we all know, is to gain. To give of your heart is to only make that heart stronger and fuller. Whether one is giving dates and cookies or blankets and rugs or basketfuls of coins, one can only gain in heart and spirit from such acts of generosity.

While fasting, we reflected. Our eyes faced inward. We examined our own lives: their successes and failures, their light and their darkness, their joy and their despair. But no matter what form of life we live, within it is the possibility of giving, and when that possibility exists, the world is saved.

Eat now! Be merry!

Eid is joyfully upon us!!

Dr. Shahid Rashid , Elena Rashid & Family
Wishing You a Very Happy & Blessed Eid Mubarak ❤️


My Dear Fellow Citizens:
As a doctor, I am accustomed to being candid. I look my patients in the eye and give bad news. Day in and day out, this is part of the job. And I try to always do so, at least when appropriate, with a smile, the better to signal that although the day is lost to us, other and brighter days will surely come.

No matter the news. No matter the circumstances. The truth is, life goes on. And other and brighter days will surely come.

My friends! We have so much of which to be proud. We ran with our hearts. We ran with a vision. We told the establishment of its shortcomings, and in so doing we craft a political conversation in McAllen that made room for the bold, the ideal, the progressive, the ignited, and the visionary.
And contrary to feeling sad, contrary to feeling defeated -- I feel hopeful. Hopeful over what we’ve built. Hopeful by our unified display of hope, love, and will.

Hopeful that a new day, as always, will come. And when it does, as it always does, it will bring with it fresh, new hopes.

I love my city. I love my family. I love ALL my friends and neighbors and fellow citizens. It is the love of a doctor, sworn to serve, but it is also the love of a man who seeks to GIVE.

I sought to give in this race. I sought to heal this great city.

And tomorrow, with the dawn of the golden sun, I shall seek to only do the same. To give! To heal! Tomorrow! And the next day. And the day after that.

I encourage all of you to do the same. Get involved. Engage with your leaders and your neighborhood communities. Give all you can, because as those who do so know, it’s the very best way in life to receive.

Hold our leaders accountable. Had I been elected, I would have expected and even requested the same. Speak truth to power. Attend City Council meetings. And never deny yourself, or those who lead and therefore serve you, the basic dignity of letting your essential truths be known.

Speak the truths of your heart. Speak the truths of your spirit. Ask for help, and if you feel urgently about it, feel free to DEMAND help.

That’s how humanity evolves.

I wish I could have helped you as your mayor. But the good news is, I’ll still be around. Clocking in. Putting on my white jacket and my stethoscope. Seeing patients, and working daily to reduce their pain. As I do so, I’ll continue my proud 20-year tradition of community participation and philanthropy, the better to ease pain in other areas, as well.

I thank you for your support. I shall never, ever forget. Great thanks goes to my wife and family, too, who have believed me, always, even when the night grew darkest, or when the flame of my hope grew lowest.

Right now, though, I say with sincerity that that flames BURNS HIGH. I hope that its light can shine on you. And I hope that in my lifetime here on Earth, the light I shine can clear a pathway forward, while keeping everyone who walks upon it warm.

Thank you all so much!
See you soon!
God Bless you 🙏


Thank you Jeff🙏

Photos from Doctor Rashid's post 05/01/2021

Thank you, Thank you. We are blessed and grateful for supporting our initiatives 🙏

Photos from Doctor Rashid's post 05/01/2021

Thank you so much🙏


This little young man has been coming to the center to meet me and got so excited seeing me here . This shows our grassroots support. We will make our city a great place to raise our families and that is only possible with the power of your VOTE . Thank you so much for your confidence and trust .


Blessed to have an overwhelming support from all over the city 🙏 Thank you for your trust , faith and confidence.


I knew him since we used to workout at Golds Gym . He is now a proud Police Officer. Thank you for your services .


We thank our Police for their services and helping the city to conduct peaceful elections . Our Police deserve highest salaries and benefits in the region , they put their lives on the line for us.


My young supporters! We initiated the movement which resonated with everyone and especially the young voters . CHANGE is on the way . Come and VOTE . Your VOTE does matter.

Photos from Doctor Rashid's post 05/01/2021

Good afternoon friends! I just wanted to remind you that polls will be open until 7:00PM!

Vote for change! Vote for Dr. Rashid for Mayor of McAllen.



It is a great honor to have Mr. Jeff Butler who came all the way from Corpus Christi to join us and gear up our campaign. Thank you Jeff.🙏


It was a great pleasure to meet this veteran who came to see me to donate to my mayoral campaign. He stated he wanted to be part of the initiative to improve the quality of life of our fellow citizens and he wanted to pay it forward. I’m so humbled for his faith and trust in my efforts. 🙏

Willie Nelson - Vote 'Em Out 05/01/2021

Vote ‘Em Out!

Willie Nelson - Vote 'Em Out Listen to "Vote 'Em Out" and Willie's hits to register and find out what you need to know to vote please go to https://www...


Good afternoon friends! I just wanted to remind you that polls will be open tomorrow from 7:00AM - 7:00PM!

Let’s all get out and vote for Dr. Rashid for Mayor of McAllen.



Blessed to have my supporters everywhere. Just stopped to eat at Dimassi’s and met some of them 🙏


We will knock at every door for Better and a Greater McAllen. We Can and We Will Together make it happen. Thank you for your support 🙏

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We will offer competitive salaries and benefits to our Police , Firefighters and City Employees to maintain our Hugh lev...
Elena Rashid on why Your Vote Matters for McAllen
Vote DOCTOR RASHID for Mayor For McAllen
RGV Builders Association Luncheon!




220 N. Main Street
McAllen, TX

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