South Texas College Library Art Gallery, McAllen, TX Videos

Videos by South Texas College Library Art Gallery in McAllen. The South Texas College Library Art Gallery program exhibits regional, national and international ar

Adding the finishing details to our Weslaco campus library art gallery! New exhibit Sept. 3, 2024

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Adding the finishing details to our Weslaco campus library art gallery! New exhibit Sept. 3, 2024 #artgallery #art #finishingtouches #weslaco

You see how we painted our wall pink? Very demure, very cutesy✨🩷

See you tomorrow for the Ceramic Showdown opening exhibition reception from 5-7 pm! Clay demos and artists talks will be happening throughout the day Wed & Thurs as well. All events are free and open to the public! Thank you to KVEO for the feature 🥳

Life & Death on the Border 1910-1920
Join us tomorrow at the STC Starr Co. Campus, Bldg. E from 1-2 p.m. for a lecture by Trinidad Gonzalez!

Call for Art & Poetry
Curious about the art world and don't know where to look? Look no further! Submit your work to us before February 12. Submissions should address a significant experience or emotion from childhood or teenage years. Participation is free and open to ages 6 - 18. Please submit one entry per person and if you're a teacher, limit 5 per class. Entry form:

Karla De La Fuente exhibit
What are you up to Tuesday from 3 - 4:30 p.m.? Bring a friend and join us at the STC Technology Campus Library for an artist talk and reception. Light refreshments provided.

Putting together Humberto
Join us next Tuesday as we say goodbye to "Humberto: The Great Blue Heron." There will be an artist talk on Nov. 14 at 10 a.m. about the sculpture, making art for advocacy, and some history of RGV's fight for our oceans. Location: STC Pecan Campus Bldg U 2.100. or register to view live: Washed Up Texas

Humberto Installation
Don't miss your chance to see The Great Blue Heron made entirely from discarded plastics from our local beaches. How does the trash make it to our beaches from across the world? That's a great question! Join us on Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 10 a.m. to find out.

Today marks the second day of the She Roars Series! Starting today, join us in the morning for a talk with illustrator/author Angela Dominguez from 10 - 11 a.m. on the second floor of the Student Union. There will be an opening reception from 5 - 8 p.m.

Join us today to kickstart STC's 4-day event, She Roars! We will be starting with a self-defense workshop held at the Pecan Campus Bldg. B - 2511 Dojo room from 10 - 11 a.m. Following in the afternoon, we will be hosting a film documentary: Finding Vivian Maier. Find out about this mysterious and private woman from 12 - 1 p.m. at the Pecan Library Bldg. F - 102.

Join us October 6th for the reception of Artist Angelica Raquel Martinez at the South Texas College Mid-Valley campus Library Art Gallery from 11 a.m to 1 p.m. #956 #956rgv #rgvartist #southtexascollege #art #installationart #paintings #softsculpture #rgvblogger #artist #weslaco #artgallery

Virtual Art Workshop Series: Aimaloghi Eromosele & Divine Agbeko
Feb. 9, 1:00 PM. Figure Drawing - Jaden Blango Feb. 16, 1:00 PM Time & a Half - Jason Valdez Mar. 2, 1:00 PM. Who's the Bandit - Josue Rawmirez Mar. 9, 1:00 PM. Resin Collage - Marcelina Gonzales Apr. 13, 1:00 PM. Visual Poetry - Aimaloghi Eromosele & Divine Agbeko

Virtual Art Workshop Series: Marcelina Gonzales
Mar. 9, 1:00 PM. Resin Collage - Marcelina Gonzales Marcelina Gonzales (b.1989, Brownsville, Texas) received a BA from the University of Texas at Brownsville in 2013. Her work has been exhibited at Field Projects, New York (2019); the 6th Annual Artspace III Regional Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth (2019); ONE: Annual Emerging Artist Exhibit, Glen Ellyn, IL (2018); Freight Gallery, San Antonio (2018); 500X Gallery, Dallas (2018); and the 40 under 40 exhibition at Fort Works Art, Fort Worth (2017). In 2020, Gonzales was awarded a grant by the Brownsville Beautification Committee, in partnership with the City of Brownsville, the City of Matamoros, and the Mexican Consulate in Brownsville, to create a mural for Sin Fronteras/Without Borders.

Inside the Artist Studio: Jason Valdez
Art Talk with Jason Valdez for his exhibit "Time and a Half" at the STC Technology Campus Library. Join us from 3 - 5 p.m. for the opening reception!

Involution: A Science & Art Collaboration with Hideo Mabuchi
On Tuesday, May 4th at 3 PM, Dr. Hideo Mabuchi will discuss his artistic practice and the science behind his ceramics. STC Science and Art Department Faculty presentations will follow by Dr. Ravindra Nandigam, STC Physics & Engineering Chair; Chris Leonard, M.F.A., STC Art & Ceramics Instructor; Dr. Enriqueta Cortez, STC Chemistry Chair; and Dr. Maria Cervantes, STC Biology Chair. The event will be live and is free and open to the public with registration. Hideo Mabuchi earned a Ph.D. in Physics from the California Institute of Technology and an A.B. in Physics from Princeton University. Mabuchi teaches and conducts research as a Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University where he has developed courses that integrate art and science. Mabuchi has previously been named MacArthur Fellow in recognition of the creativity of his scientific work.

"Women of the Blue & Gray"
In support of the exhibit “War & Peace on the Rio Grande, 1861 – 1867” at the Mid-Valley Campus Library, women’s history scholar and author Marianne Monson will speak on her book, “Women of the Blue & Gray” and the diverse women who defied norms to participate in the war as abolitionists, teachers, and soldiers. Monson will also speak to students about techniques to research and share historically under-told stories.

"War & Peace on the Rio Grande, 1861-1867" with Roseann Bacha-Garza
Exhibit coordinator Roseann Bacha-Garza will speak on the Civil War, as well as its history and impact on the border region. In her presentation, Garza is expected to explain how historic storytelling relates to both art history and the coordination of exhibits.

"Common Journey of Mathematics & Art"
Kirk Clark, Nathan England, Mario Morin, and Richard Smith discuss the commonalities between math and art.

The Art of Architecture!
by Radu Popesc