Essentially Gray

Welcome to Essentially Gray. We are a Veteran owned business that focuses on self-care and mental he


It’s go time!
Time for baby girl!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Happy Fourth of July my Fall loving friends! Cooler weather and pumpkin spiced lattes are right around the corner! I hope everyone has a safe and fantastic holiday! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🎆🎃



⁣The Power of Aroma

Inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, the part of the brain connected to smell, including the nose and the brain.... 👃

As the molecules reach the brain, they affect limbic system, which is linked to the emotions, the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress, and hormone balance and so much more!

Aromatherapy is a beautiful tool for health!



Good Friday 🙏❤️

Suffering may be a part of our story, but it doesn’t have the final say in our story.

Heartbreak may be a part of our story, but it doesn’t have the final say in our story.

Grief may be a part of ⁣your story, but it doesn’t have the final say in our story.

Good Friday is our reminder that when everything feels lost, when darkness seems to take over, there is hope on the way. We know a better ending because we know a victorious Savior. Darkness may last for a while, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

Good Friday is only the beginning for us too. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


⁣Welcome to our monthly themed class! :) ESSENTIAL OILS & WOMEN'S HEALTH! You’ll have lots of fun learning about the oils and their benefits to help support your body as a NATURAL option for health!

This class will cover:

💋Emotional Aromatherapy

👛 Menstruation Support

👠Hormonal Support

🌸 Breast Health

💋 Oils/Products for Pregnancy & Nursing Moms

👛Weight Management

👠 Gut Health

🌸 Wellness Supplements

💋 Stress Relief

👛 Sexual Health

👠 Anti-Aging

🌸Head Tension

Plus, some just for fun posts!


⁣I may not have kids, but one kiddo, one husband, a full time job, and a small business are enough to suck the life out of you!

Prioritize self-care no matter how old or young you are, or how busy you think you are. It will be worth it, YOU are worth it.

Check out our bath bombs, shower-melts and beard oils at

They make great host/hostess gifts for the holidays, as well as great stocking stuffers and wedding favors!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


⁣Spooky season is amongst us!
Don’t forget about your bath bombs, wine and Halloween candies.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Life as we know it, has been turned upside down. Every day there is something in the news or on Facebook about politics, covid and now the devastating deaths of 13 military men and woman. Brave heroes that had such bright futures ahead of them. Lives cut much too short. Their families and friend’s lives impacted and changed forever. We can’t bring them back, death is forever. But we can honor them by showing kindness and love to one another. Hug your loved ones tighter. Mend broken relationships. Pray for the brokenness going on in the world right now. The power of prayer is a beautiful thing. Prayer can move mountains. Celebrate the little things and life, as well as the big things. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, only the now and present is, and we need to start treating it as such, a “present”. ❤️



How amazing does this look? This and a ~

Happy Sunday y’all.


🎒🍎🚌Welcome to School Time & Essential Oils! It’s that time again, back to school. 🏫

Let us help you and the kiddos get ready for the shift to come!
In this month-long read along class, we will cover:

• 🖌Oils and Supplements for Kids
• 🍏Helping Parents
• 🚸Study Time and Learning Support
• 📓Boosting Immunity – fighting Germs
• ✂️Inspiring Teachers
• ⏰Diffuser Recipes
• ✏️Much more!

As always, this page is open to ANYONE! So invite your favorite mom and read along with us, all month long.



🌟 Not everyone has your best interest.
🌟 Sometimes those whom aren’t related to you, act and feel more like family thank those related by blood.
🌟 The size of your tribe, the number of Instagram followers, does not dictate how much you are loved, or your self-worth.
🌟 Jealousy looks different on everyone.
🌟 Compassion and love also looks different. (I.e )
🌟 Say “I love you” too much, and hug often. You never know how long each of us has in our temporary “home”.
🌟 Smile. With masks finally coming off, smile often. Smile at those you see, no . A smile can turn around your day, or the person whom you’re smiling at day.

Happy Tuesday ☺️
Hope y’all enjoy these gems.


Timeline photos 06/10/2021

Day 1. Welcome to our Essential Oils and Pregnancy class!

New month, New class. BUT, first and foremost, I am not pregnant. But with life getting back to normal, weddings happenings, pandemic pregnancies etc. I figured what a great month to teach about the benefits of Essential oils during pregnancy.

Whether it’s you that is pregnant, or someone in your life that’s entering the exciting journey called pregnancy, everyone will be able to learn something. ( , even y’all can learn something and you’ll win brownie points with the momma-to-be!)

We will cover:
🤰Each Trimester
🤰Tips and Tricks
🤰Labor Helpers
🤰Nursing Nuggets and more!

When you use the world’s purest essential oils, they are safe from womb to tomb and every stage in between. I'm so glad you are here!

Please feel free to invite friends to follow along all month long. Just a quick follow .


Timeline photos 06/07/2021

Happy Monday!

It’s been raining non-stop today in Texas. (TBH it’s been raining everyday for the past month 🤦🏽‍♀️)

Is it sad that I can’t remember what I did this weekend? I know I bought a “singing bowl” from . Fixed the garage door, well and did, and I cooked them steak as a . Went to a wedding shower, and oh yea, made a rookie mistake of giving my kid ice cream at 5:30pm on a Friday... kid didn’t fall asleep til 11:30pm. (I’ll take the blame on this one, plus the ice cream was delish. )

Needless to say, this weekend was a sh*t storm of highs and lows, laughter and stress induced tears, and minimal obscenities.

Usually when I’m overly stressed it’s a bath, and shopping kind of night.

I am proud to say that I did not order anything from Amazon this past weekend/week. This rarely happens. We are always getting packages. It’s so bad, that half the time I cannot remember what I’ve ordered.

BUT, I’ll be completely honest. Only reason why I haven’t made any purchases is merely because I have returns to do, and I like using my credit to buy what I really want. For some reason I feel less guilty doing it this way.

So when y’all stressed, which Mom (or Dad) are you?

Mom 1: Meditating with a “singing bowl. (Check out so many amazing things)

Mom 2: Jetting off to the mountains or Miami like

Mom 3: Buying all the things In your Amazon cart.

I’m a dream world, I am Mom #2, but realistically I’m Mom #3 trying to be a combo of Mom #1 and #3

Also, and from help with stress too 😉


First time going to in-person service in over a year. Perfect sermon as always ❤️❤️Preston Trail Community Church

Timeline photos 05/21/2021

Y’all, Father’s Day is just around the corner.

Have you gotten the Dad in your life a gift yet? If not, you’re in luck!

Next week we are launching Our Father’s Day gift boxes. 👏 👏

One of the amazing items in these boxes are our Eucalyptus - Cedarwood bath-bombs. These bath-bombs are a perfect way to soak away the stress and anxiety in your life, all while promoting clear breathing.

Stay tuned for the next item that will be in our boxes.


Timeline photos 05/17/2021

Y’all, I don’t know about you, but I’m a weird goofball. From being socially awkward, to the special toothy “smiles” that and I love doing even though they annoy the heck out of . I mayyyyy “act” like an adult 70% percent of the day. (70% is definitely pushing it)

But you know what? I used to be that person whom would pretend to be that “perfect” lady. Always dressed to the nines. High heels, full make-up, you name it. But that perfectness was a facade. It was also exhausting. Physically and mentally, and so not worth it.

So if you can find someone just as weird as you. Someone that loves your not so perfect qualities, marry them. If you can be weird with girlfriends or your guy friends, nourish those friendships. As we get older it only gets harder to make friends going though similar seasons of life that we are going though.

🍻 🥂


Timeline photos 05/15/2021

If you’ve ever wondered why we use coconut oil in our products, today is your lucky day.

We use coconut oil in our and -melts. But what does this mean for y’all? 🥥 🌴

🥥 Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that help prevent aging and damage to our skin and hair.

🥥 Coconut oil is the most abundant source of Lauric Acid, a fatty acid known for its anti-microbial moisturizing and hormone balancing properties.

🥥 Aside from its anti-aging & skin-healing abilities, it also stimulates that production of collagen, and its vitamin E content protects the skin from sun damage.

Isn’t it fascinating how much this nut can do?

For more information, please check out the rest of our products at


Timeline photos 05/10/2021


[kaw-fee] • Noun

1. Liquid that smells like fresh ground heaven.

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend, and is ready to kick this week’s b***y.

Never in a millions years did I think I would enjoy drinking coffee more than I enjoy drinking wine. But here I am, on my second espresso of the day and loving life.

Some Mondays we all need that extra motivation to muster though the day, so here I am (you’re welcome) praying that your cup runneth over with your caffeine of choice. I hear some people in this world don’t like coffee! 😳 . As for me, it would be a cardinal sin if I hated coffee. I am half Colombiana after all. 😉



Come check us out TUPPS Brewery, get your last minute Mother’s Day gifts, beer, and listen to great music. Devine’s Designs

Timeline photos 05/07/2021

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Full Disclosure: These photos were taken last night after a long week of Justin being out of town work. After a week of doing pick up and drop off at school. Working my full time job, cooking dinner then working . Gray had been crying and screaming for 2 hours and I was physically & mentally spent. Here’s the kicker, that morning I was asked when baby #2 was coming. To those whom ask, please stop. God knows I would love to have another. But without a big support system, raising one kiddo when your husband travels for work sucks. I can’t imagine what it would be like with two.

1 in 5.
The number of people who will be affected by mental illness in any given year. This person is sitting next to you. This person is living in your house. This person is you. Even if this disease is not yours to fight, you are impacted by knowing and loving someone that is.

A semi-colon. A pause. An indication of connection between statement often causing confusion, yet important to empathize relationships. A pause to let the reader know there is more to the story.

The semi-colon is stronger than a comma, but weaker than a period. However the semi-colon is more than just this, it continues the sentence where a period could be placed.

And I am stronger than my depression/anxiety. I am more than what it tells me I am. It will not be my ending period. It makes me pause in my day. It makes me stop and care for myself. But sometimes I need more. Women (and men) are meant to be strong, even more so as we become parents. Which means that this is when we need a shoulder to lean on even more sometimes.

To the friends, whom always ask “hey let’s go grab a drink or go dancing” how about a phone call saying, “I’m bringing dinner over and not taking no for an answer”

I have a mama bear personality and when a friend or loved one is hurt or in need, I’m there. sometimes this mama bear needs help too. Support your 1 in 5. Don’t wait for them to ask for help. Chances are, their pride will get in the way.

Timeline photos 04/22/2021

Happy 🌍 Let’s do better to live more sustainably and protect our Earth every Day!

Any change - big or small - is a step in the right direction.

Get outside, buy local, grow a garden, ♻️ , the options are endless. We only have one home, let’s take care of it.


Timeline photos 04/02/2021

Friday was dark. Friday was death. Friday was mourning and weeping, and pain.

Sunday was light. Sunday was life, full of rejoicing, praising and happy tears.

Y’all life is hard. Hard when you’re waiting for a retuned call. Hard when you’re in the middle of an argument. Hard when your kids are going through a season of change.

Life is hard when you’re waiting on a diagnosis. Hard when you’re waiting on treatment. It’s hard when you’re waiting on a job, or love or a baby of your own.

It’s hard when you feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. It’s hard when you feel like nothing good will happen again.

Life is HARD! And I don’t know much.

I don’t know what you’re going through. I don’t know what the ultimate plan for your life is, but Jesus does.

Hold on to hope, and when in doubt pray. Know that Jesus doesn’t let things, or people go to waste, and he sure as heck doesn’t mess around. ❤️


Timeline photos 04/01/2021

Allergy Relief Lavender-Lemon Bath Bombs!!

This time of year is full of so many things that can drive people’s allergies

🍋 We will be adding these beauties to our site soon, so you can enjoy these allergy relieving bath bombs anytime.
🍋 These scents go so well together, you don’t need to wait until you are suffering from allergies to enjoy the soothing scents of lavender and lemon together. ❤️


Timeline photos 03/31/2021

This sounds like a perfect afternoon to me. Throw on some tunes on my headphones and Zen out in the store.

Question is, do I get my kiddo from school first or go solo?

+ just as smile inducing as a glass of wine and a charcuterie board.


Timeline photos 03/30/2021

March 29th is set aside as Vietnam Veteran’s Day. It was officially established by President Donald Trump in 2017 as National Vietnam Veteran’s Day.

God Bless our Vietnam Veteran’s today as we honor and remember the service and sacrifice of all whom fought for our country during the Vietnam War. ❤️ 🇺🇸



Happy Monday all!
Both my business and personal account, as well as messenger were somehow deactivated.

If there is anyone needing Easter orders, please feel free to reach out to [email protected] or 214-425-7326. Will be taking Easter orders until Thursday of this week. 🐣

Thank you all for your support!

Timeline photos 03/23/2021

Y’all, I’m exhausted and it is only Tuesday. Justin is traveling for work, so I’m holding down the fort this week. Night one of solo parenting started off with a bang. Gray had an accident while trying to reach the toilet. 💩 Then I managed to lock myself in his bedroom after putting him down to sleep. Had to MacGyver myself out. Then after a late night work call, the storms came rolling in and woke Gray up. (So much for relaxing before bed 😭)

Woke up this morning to a head-butt to the nose and him not wanting to go to school. Tears ensued, and I think clothing an 🐊 would have been easier than putting his uniform on.

Here’s to a better night #2

I think champagne and sounds fitting for dinner tonight.



Thank you McKinney Fire Department for sharing this valuable information.

Pools, lakes, and oceans can all be incredibly enjoyable. Unfortunately things can turn scary within a blink of an eye. Always respect the water, no matter how great of a swimmer you think you are, and please always keep a watchful eye on kiddos when by any body of water. As a momma to a 3 year old, when I read about children drowning in friends of families pools it devastates me, leaving me with a feeling of such emptiness. ❤️♥️

Something to think about as you are buying your child's swimsuit this year. How well can it be seen if they need help at the pool, lake or ocean?

Timeline photos 03/19/2021

Happy Friday!
This truly has felt like the longest week ever.

Hope you all had an eventful St. Patrick’s Day. ☘️ I can’t even really remember what we did. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Not due to drinking, but because my short term memory has gone out the window and sleep has also been limited due to a that hasn’t slept though the night in months. I am amazed that I can keep my eyes open past 10pm most nights.

But in all seriousness, I remember Pre-Married life and Pre-Kiddo life, the shenanigans my girlfriends and I would get into on St. Patrick’s Day. But guess what, I’ll take a quiet St. Patrick’s Day with the fam, whiskey in hand, on the patio any day of the week. Plus hangovers suck after 30 anyway. 🍻


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Videos (show all)

⁣Spooky season is amongst us!Don’t forget about your bath bombs, wine and Halloween candies..⁣.⁣.⁣.⁣.⁣#happyhalloween #h...
Ladies, find yourself a Marine whom will serenade you with some Backstreet Boys. 😍⁣.⁣.⁣.⁣.⁣.⁣#callthemarines #marinevete...
⁣Self-care Sunday = Delicious Dinner... and wine. With work, raising a little human, being a #rockstarwife, and Growing ...
#election2020 should be an interesting night.Remember That no matter what happens tonight, kindness and love will always...



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