Elect Wellness

Elect Wellness is a company on a mission: to proclaim the truth concerning the health and fitness of

Elect Wellness offers home-delivered personal training, dietitian-led nutrition coaching, and natural health education to help clients improve their quality of life. The award-winning, comprehensive and convenient service has generated hundreds of positive transformations and testimonies.


Almost one-third of the worldwide population suffers from iron deficiency anemia. While most cases are found in women and children, cases in males are also on the rise. Here are some simple tips to help increase your iron absorption.

- Pair iron with vitamin C: Vitamin C enhances iron absorption. Enjoy citrus fruits, strawberries, or peppers with your iron-rich meals.
- Reduce inhibitors: Tannins in tea and coffee can hinder iron absorption.
- Prioritize heme iron: Found in meat, poultry, and seafood, heme iron is more readily absorbed than non-heme iron (plant-based).
- Avoid pairing with calcium: Calcium can interfere with iron absorption. Space out dairy products and iron-rich foods.
- Cook with cast iron: Cast iron cookware can add iron to your food.


The perfect time is NOW. Don't let excuses hold you back. Just start where you are, with what you have. We'll be here to cheer you on and guide you every step of the way. Let’s build a healthier you together.


It is time to break down another popular supplement. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant naturally produced by your body. It's made up of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamate.

What does it do?
-Protects cells: Glutathione is essential for protecting your cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals.
-Detoxification: It helps your liver with harmful substances during both Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways.
-Immune function: Plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system.
-Other functions: Involved in various other bodily functions like protein synthesis, DNA repair, and cell growth.

Have questions, let us know in the comments!


What’s really holding you back from reaching your fitness goals Ditch the excuses. What’s the real reason you’re not seeing results? Be honest. Your answer might just be the key to unlocking your potential.


Ready to transform your health and fitness journey? Elect Wellness brings personalized training and nutrition coaching right to your doorstep!

Why choose us?

-Comprehensive Service: Get personalized workouts and nutrition coaching tailored to your unique goals and needs.
-Convenience: No gym needed! Our certified trainers and nutritionist come to you, bringing all the necessary equipment.
-Results-Driven: Benefit from regular assessments, biometric tracking, and a structured program designed for your success.
-Supportive Community: Enjoy the support of like-minded individuals and a team dedicated to your progress.

Imagine the ease of having professional guidance and accountability in the comfort of your own home. Whether your goal is weight loss, increased strength, improved health stats, or overall well-being, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Join the countless clients who have experienced life-changing results with Elect Wellness. Your transformation starts now!


Start your day right with a dose of sunshine! Morning light helps regulate your sleep cycle, boosts mood, and even helps your body produce vitamin D. Open those curtains and let the rays in.


You don't have to, you get to...wake up, work out, eat well, and prioritize your mental health. Many wish they had the opportunities you have. Embrace it as a privilege. You get to strengthen your body, clear your mind, and boost your energy. Make the most of it!


Your fitness journey is not just about weight loss. Weight loss may be what got you started, and it may be important, but there is so much more: strength, endurance, agility, pain management, mental health—the list goes on. Remember this when setting your goals and when celebrating victories.


Traveling is an exciting adventure, but it can be challenging to maintain your health and wellness on the go. Here are some practical tips to help you stay on track during your travels:

1. Prioritize Rest - Traveling can be exhausting, especially with long flights, layovers, and time zone changes. Prioritizing rest is crucial. Don't overbook your itinerary; give yourself time to relax and unwind.

2. Bring Healthy Meal Replacements - It's not always easy to find healthy food options while traveling. Bringing meal replacements, like protein bars or shakes, can help fill in some nutritional gaps.

3. Choose Balanced Meals - When you do eat out, aim for balanced meals. Look for dishes that include a good mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Don't be afraid to ask for modifications, such as dressing on the side or substituting fries for a side salad.

4. Stay Active - Keeping active while traveling helps counteract the effects of long periods of sitting and can boost your energy levels. Take advantage of hotel gyms, go for a walk to explore your destination, or even do a quick workout in your room.

5. Stay Hydrated - Staying hydrated is essential, especially when traveling by air, where the cabin air can be very dry. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain energy levels, supports digestion, and can help combat jet lag. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you.

By following these tips, you can enjoy your travels while maintaining your health and well-being. Safe travels!

6 Approaches for Weight Loss 07/15/2024

Struggling to cut down on starches? Reducing addictive carbohydrates can be tough, but it's definitely possible. Check out 6 practical strategies to help you shed fat, improve your diet, and boost your overall well-being.

6 Approaches for Weight Loss Reducing one’s intake of worthless starches can be difficult, but here a 6 easy strategies that will help you lose weight.


Let's breakdown, yet another supplement. Milk thistle is a flowering plant native to the Mediterranean region.

What it does:

-Liver Health: Milk thistle is most commonly associated with liver health. It's often used to treat liver conditions such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver disease.
-Detoxification: It may support the liver's ability to detoxify the body, potentially protecting it from damage caused by toxins, alcohol, and certain medications.
-Antioxidant Properties: Silymarin is a potent antioxidant that can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.
-Diabetes Management: Some studies suggest that milk thistle may help improve blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes.
-Skin Health: Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may benefit skin health, potentially helping with conditions like acne and eczema.

Have any questions? Let us know in the comments!


An estimated 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time, but you don't have to be one of them!

Tips for Preventing Low Back Pain:

1. Do a posture check when driving and working.
2. Wear proper and supportive footwear.
3. Don't sit on your wallet.
4. Stay active and strengthen that core.
5. Support your spine during sleep.

Bonus Tip: Stay Hydrated! When we are dehydrated our spinal discs can shrink and lose height, putting us more at risk to slipping out of alignment and herniation.


Looking to up your golf game? Strength training could be the missing piece to your success on the course. Here are some incredible benefits of incorporating strength training into your golf training routine:

1️⃣ Power and Distance: Building strength in key muscle groups can increase your clubhead speed and generate more power in your swing.
2️⃣ Stability and Balance: A strong and stable foundation is vital for a consistent swing. Strengthening your core and lower body muscles can enhance stability and balance, helping you maintain a solid posture throughout your swing.
3️⃣ Precision and Accuracy: Strength training improves your muscular control, allowing you to execute your swing with greater precision and accuracy.
4️⃣ Injury Prevention: By strengthening muscles and improving joint stability, you can reduce the risk of strains and keep yourself on the course for longer, pain-free rounds.

Healthy Restaurants in Frisco 07/05/2024

Looking for delicious and nutritious dining options in Frisco, Texas? Check out our latest article highlighting the best healthy restaurants in town! From farm-to-table freshness to vegan delights, find your next guilt-free meal here.

Healthy Restaurants in Frisco Discover the best healthy restaurant options in Frisco, Texas. Explore a variety of nutritious and delicious dining spots, from farm-to-table to vegan-friendly eateries, perfect for maintaining a balanced diet while enjoying flavorful meals.


Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe ! What are you doing this year to help maintain YOUR personal independence?


Headaches, fatigue, pains, allergies... these could be signs your home environment is loaded with toxins.

While a completely "chemical-free" home isn't realistic (everything is a chemical), creating a more natural space can make a BIG difference in your health and well-being. Here are some great places to start:

- Natural Cleaning Solutions: Swap out chemical-laden cleaners for natural alternatives. Lemon, vinegar, and baking soda can work wonders, leaving your home just as clean without the harsh chemicals.

- Non-Toxic Home Decor: Opt for furniture and decor made from sustainable, non-toxic materials. Look for items that are free from harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and flame retardants.

- Essential Oils for Aromatherapy: Swap synthetic fragrances for essential oils.

- Filtered Water: Invest in a good water filtration system to ensure your drinking and cooking water is free from contaminants.

- Organic Bedding: Make your sleep space a sanctuary by choosing organic bedding and mattresses. Reduce your exposure to chemicals found in conventional bedding materials.

- Mindful Consumerism: Choose products with minimal packaging and opt for eco-friendly alternatives. Support brands committed to sustainability and reducing their environmental impact.

- Open Windows for Ventilation: Allow fresh air to circulate through your home regularly. This simple practice helps reduce indoor air pollution and promotes a healthier living environment.

Small changes add up to big results. Let's create homes that align with our wellness goals. Share your own tips and experiences in the comments.


Mindset matters. Embrace every challenge with confidence and watch your goals turn into achievements.


Let's break down another supplement! L-theanine is an amino acid commonly found in tea leaves, particularly in green tea, and in certain types of mushrooms. It is known for its potential to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Some potential health benefits include:

Stress and Anxiety Reduction: L-theanine can increase the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, which can help improve mood and decrease anxiety.

Improved Sleep: While it doesn't act as a sedative, L-theanine can help improve sleep quality by promoting a more relaxed state, making it easier to fall asleep.

Enhanced Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that L-theanine can enhance attention, focus, and overall cognitive performance, especially when combined with caffeine.

Blood Pressure Regulation: There is evidence to suggest that L-theanine can help reduce blood pressure in individuals experiencing stress.

Immune System Support: L-theanine may help boost the immune system, by regulating the secretion of immune cytokines, potentially improving the body's resistance to infections and illnesses.

Have any questions? Let us know in the comments!


Looking for a fitness program that's truly personalized? Elect Wellness has you covered! Our personal trainers come to you, equipped with biometrics, gear, and the expertise to assess your posture, measure results, and correct dysfunctions. Your fitness journey, your way!


While it's true that aerobic training has received a bad rap in some circles for being "boring" or "ineffective" compared to weight training, the reality is quite different! Let's set the record straight:

-Boosts Heart Health: Aerobic exercise is unparalleled in terms of strengthening your heart, improving circulation, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

-Improves Mood: Regular aerobic activity releases endorphins, aka the "feel-good" hormones, leaving you happier and more relaxed. Studies have shown aerobic exercise edges out weight training in terms of mood benefits.

-Enhances Lung Capacity: It increases your lung capacity, making it easier to take deeper breaths and improving your overall stamina.

-Boosts Immunity: Regular aerobic exercise strengthens your immune system, helping you fight off colds and other illnesses more effectively. Stay healthy and strong!

-Increases Energy Levels: Feel more energetic throughout the day! Regular workouts can reduce fatigue and increase your overall energy levels.

-Promotes Better Sleep: Aerobic exercise can help regulate your sleep patterns, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Whether it's running, cycling, swimming, or dancing, find an activity you love and make it a part of your routine. Cardio matters!


Struggling to lose weight. Here are 7 common mistakes made that might be stopping you from reaching your goals.

1. Not Enough Sleep - When you do not get enough sleep, the body will make more ghrelin (aka the "hunger hormone") and less leptin (the hormone that tells your body you are full), increasing your appetite.
2. Too Much Stress - Cortisol (the stress hormone) is linked to poor health choices, increased sugar cravings, and slower metabolism.
3. Incomplete Measurements - Only looking at your weight on the scale or the results you see in the mirror? You will not get an accurate idea of how your body is actually responding to your workout routine and nutrition choices.
4. Unrealistic Expectations - Expecting perfection from yourself and quick results is the fastest way to burning out and giving up. Set realistic goals you can work towards.
5. No Calorie Tracking - Tracking your food can show you nutrients you are missing, things you are overdoing, and help you understand what you need to change.
6. Inconsistent Workout Routine - Consistency will help prevent injury and and build momentum.
7. Lack of Support Group - Having someone to hold you accountable, educate, and inspire you will help you push forward and keeping working when things get hard.


What will YOU do today for a better tomorrow?


At Elect Wellness, we know the yogurt aisle can be overwhelming, so we decided to start by comparing one popular brand that's available at most stores: Oikos. Check out this quick comparison to find out which one fits your lifestyle and nutritional needs:

1️⃣ Oikos Vanilla Bean
🕹 100 Calories
💪 14g Protein
🍭 12g Sugar (7g added sugar)
⚖️ 0g Fat
🌱 Sweetened with cane sugar

2️⃣ Oikos Pro Vanilla
🕹 140 Calories
💪 20g Protein
🍭 3g Sugar (0g added sugar)
⚖️ 3g Fat
🌱 Sweetened with stevia leaf

3️⃣ Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla
🕹 90 Calories
💪 15g Protein
🍭 5g Sugar (0g added)
⚖️ 0g Fat
🌱 Sweetened with Stevia Leaf

Each option offers unique benefits:
✨ Oikos Vanilla Bean: If you prefer cane sugar to stevia, this is your best option, but be cautious of the added sugar.
✨ Oikos Pro Vanilla: Ideal for those needing extra protein with minimal sugar. With highest protein and fat, this will likely keep you feeling full the longest.
✨ Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla: Best for calorie-conscious individuals.


S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is a naturally occurring compound found in almost every tissue and fluid in the human body. It plays a critical role in various biochemical processes, including:

Synthesis of Neurotransmitters: It is involved in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which are crucial for mood regulation and overall mental health.

Liver Function and Detoxification: SAMe helps in the synthesis of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that aids in liver detoxification and protection against oxidative stress.

Joint Health: It has been shown to support the synthesis of cartilage and may help reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis by promoting the repair and maintenance of cartilage.

Got questions? Let us know in the comments.


Feeling drained? Skip the caffeine and try these natural energy boosters instead!

Workout: Exercise gets your blood pumping and releases endorphins, giving you a natural energy lift!

Go Outside: Get some fresh air and sunlight! Even a short walk can invigorate your mind and body.

Take a Nap: Sometimes a quick power nap is all you need to recharge and tackle the day with renewed energy.

Eat Whole Foods: Fuel your body with nutritious, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins for sustained energy throughout the day.

Hydrate: Dehydration can zap your energy levels, so drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and alert.

Take a Cold Shower: Cold showers stimulate circulation and can help wake you up, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized.

Supplement: Consider natural supplements like vitamin B12, iron, or ginseng to support your energy levels without the crash.

Say goodbye to the caffeine jitters and hello to sustainable energy! Which of these energy-boosting strategies will you try today?

7 Strategies for sticking with a fitness routine 05/27/2024

Ready to crush your fitness goals and make them stick? Check out our latest article featuring 7 proven strategies to keep you on track with your fitness routine! Don't let excuses hold you back—click the link below to unlock your path to a healthier, happier you!

7 Strategies for sticking with a fitness routine Discover 7 practical strategies to stick with your fitness routine and make it a lasting habit. From scheduling workouts to finding accountability partners and prioritizing recovery, learn how to overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and achieve your fitness goals with ease.


Approximately 60 percent of adults in the US are living with at least one chronic condition. Over 40 percent have two or more. These are staggering numbers, but many of these conditions can be prevented, controlled, and treated through lifestyle choices. Let us bring what you need so you can continue to enjoy life! Visit electwellness.com to learn more.


Who says progress only comes with heavier weights? Here are some tips to level up your fitness without adding any weight to the bar:

1️⃣ Increase Range of Motion: Dive deeper into your exercises by extending your range of motion. Go lower in your squats or stretch further in your lunges to challenge your muscles in new ways.

2️⃣ Change of Tempo: Mix up your tempo to keep your muscles guessing. Try slowing down the eccentric phase of your lifts or adding a pause at the bottom to enhance muscle tension and build strength.

3️⃣ Add Reps: Push your limits by adding more reps to your sets. Increasing your rep count can help boost endurance and muscular endurance without the need for heavier weights.

4️⃣ Adjust Rest Periods: Shorten your rest periods between sets to ramp up the intensity of your workouts. Keeping your muscles under tension for longer periods can stimulate growth and improve conditioning.

5️⃣ Master the Movement: Focus on perfecting your form and technique for each exercise. By mastering the movement, you can effectively target the intended muscles and prevent injury.

6️⃣ Increase Volume: Gradually increase the total volume of your workouts by adding more sets or exercises. This progressive overload can stimulate muscle growth and enhance performance over time.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, these strategies can take your fitness journey to new heights. Remember, progress is about consistency and dedication, not just adding more weight!


Without resistance training, the average adult loses 5% of their muscle mass each decade after the age of 30. This creates postural dysfunction, pain, and physical inabilities ... as well as a slowing of the metabolism. Furthermore, it also contributes to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, opening the door to weight gain and type 2 diabetes. The good news is this: age-related sarcopenia (muscle wasting) is NOT inevitable! Weight training allows you to keep, and even build muscle mass, reversing the associated risks and negatives of the opposite. Keep training hard! Even in scenarios where weight loss is not experienced, the other benefits are too many to name!

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Videos (show all)

Ready to transform your health and fitness journey? Elect Wellness brings personalized training and nutrition coaching r...
Ready to transform your health and fitness journey? Elect Wellness brings personalized training and nutrition coaching r...
Imagine your results if you spent the cost of your time, gym membership, and even gas money on a home delivered personal...
Imagine your results if you spent the cost of your time, gym membership, and even gas money on a home delivered personal...
Imagine your results if you spent the cost of your time, gym membership, and even gas money on a home delivered program ...
Some real clients and real results from March. In our Pound for Pound program, for every single pound an overweight adul...
30 lbs lost by our clients in February, which means 30 lbs donated to children in need through our Pounds for Pounds pro...
Another solid year in the books, and another 140 lbs lost by our clients, which means 140 lbs donated to children in nee...
Find a balance between festive delights and mindful choices this season.1️⃣ Savor the Flavors Mindfully: Treat yourself ...
Some real clients and real results from November. In our Pound for Pound program, for every single pound an overweight a...
Incorporating more produce into your diet is a great way to boost your overall health and well-being. Here are some prac...
We all know that sleep is the ultimate superpower for a kick-butt day ahead Let's dive into the art of optimizing your s...


6800 Weiskopf Avenue, Suite 150
McKinney, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 9pm
Tuesday 6am - 9pm
Wednesday 6am - 9pm
Thursday 6am - 9pm
Friday 6am - 9pm

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