Primrose School of Stone Brooke, McKinney, TX Videos

Videos by Primrose School of Stone Brooke in McKinney. The Leader in Early Education and Care®

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#HappyFourthofJuly! 🎆 With the long weekend ahead, there are lots of opportunities for quality family time, so we’ve put together a few fun tips for crafts, picnics and more.

Primrose Friend Percy the rooster loves teaching children the importance of courage in the classroom, at home and beyond. You can show your little one ways they can be courageous by modeling bravery and offering them gentle encouragement when they're feeling scared. Learn more about how to teach courage at home.

Science week was a blast! Literally lol! Here is a little fun video from our Early Preschool class. Thank you to Ms. Layne and Ms. Martinez for making it happen. It was an awesome experiment! 🧪 #primroseproud

It’s almost time to pre-register for 2024! Listen as Chief Early Learning Strategy Officer Amy Jackson shares how Primrose School of Stone Brooke can benefit your child’s life for years to come.

Primrose School of Stone Brooke
Volume up! My little elf helper was a bit shy this morning 😉 but Congratulations to our Tuition Tidings winner…the Merritt family! #holidaycustoms

Holiday Tuition Giveaway Winner #1 is... "Drum Roll Please" 🥁 THE CHURCHWELL FAMILY! Woohoo, CONGRATULATIONS, you will receive one week FREE tuition on us ❤

Happy birthday, Libby the lamb! At Primrose, Libby helps children learn about fairness and how being fair helps you build better relationships with others. To keep the learning going at home, check out these fun games to help your little one understand fairness.

Primrose School of Stone Brooke Super Saturday Training 2023 #PrimroseProud

Primrose School of Stone Brooke Teacher of the Year 2023- Miss Valerie Coronado (Pre-Kindergarten One Lead Teacher)

Happy birthday to our gratitude-giving Primrose Friend, Benjamin the bear! Every day he helps teach children the value of appreciating others and giving without expectation. Check out our blog for eight ways to inspire an attitude of gratitude in your preschooler.

With fall in full swing, it’s a great time to get outside with your child and explore the wonders of nature. 🍂 This month in Primrose classrooms, we kicked off our Sensing Outdoors Unit that helps children learn about the world around them. Bring the lesson home with this fun and easy leafy animal craft. It encourages your little one’s creativity as you use sticks, leaves and a little imagination to create birds, fish, butterflies and more. Read our blog to get started!