Votes For All - Votos Para Todos
Votes For All is a 501(c)(3) civic engagement organization working to increase voter access, engagement, and turnout.
Will you join us in registering people to vote tomorrow?
Register Voters with SCVA at the MEMPHIS ZOO 🐘 · Votes For All Did you know that the State and Federal Primary & County General Elections will take place on August 1st? Early voting is happening now until Saturday July 27th, that’s why The Shelby County Voter Alliance will be at the Memphis Zoo on TUESDAY JULY 23 for (Free Zoo Day) from 2PM to 4PM. We will be...
Register Voters with SCVA at the MEMPHIS ZOO 🐘 · Votes For All Did you know that the State and Federal Primary & County General Elections will take place on August 1st? Early voting is happening now until Saturday July 27th, that’s why The Shelby County Voter Alliance will be at the Memphis Zoo on TUESDAY JULY 23 for (Free Zoo Day) from 2PM to 4PM. We will be...
Ready to Join Votes For All's Fall Fundraiser! We’ll see y’all at Babalu Overton soon!
Blue Oval Town Hall Happening Now! Almost 100 community members from Haywood County and surrounding areas have gathered to organize their demands for a Community Benefits Agreement amidst the construction of the Ford auto plant.
Unlock your potential and take your civic engagement to the next level with the Shelby County Election Commission's upcoming Deputy Registrar class! Becoming a certified Deputy Registrar gives you all the the tools and knowledge you need to make sure your registration events are as effective as possible.
Get your free certification at the next training, July 11th, 5:30 pm, at the Shelby County Election Commission, 980 Nixon Dr.
You need to pre-register to attend as space is limited, so email [email protected] today!
The Memphis Branch of the NAACP / Memphis NAACP will be open for pick ups for anyone who needs food and water.
Please spread the word!
Can you join us at this exciting cultural event happening at Crosstown Concourse this saturday october 22nd from 5pm-8pm?
You can still sign up here:
Votes for All at Day of the Dead-Preview Night · Votes For All Votes for All will join this year's Day of the Dead-Preview Night on Saturday October 22, 2022 at Crosstown Concourse from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Each year, this event is filled with colorful music, performances, and delicious food. Thus, highlighting the beauty of Latinx culture. We will have a voter re...
TN Ballot Amendments Lunch & Learn · Votes For All There are four Constitutional Amendments on the ballot during the Nov. 8th election that will change the Tennessee Constitution. These Ballot Amendments will address the following: -Slavery in Tennessee -Workers' rights and participation in Unions in Tennessee -Other aspects of our state The Shelby....
Despite promises of including the public, the City Council voted to approve a new map drawn by the unelected city attorney, Allan Wade, ahead of the special election to fill the District 4 seat in November. This map was approved even though the August 23rd meeting was the first time the public–and even some of the Council members–had seen the proposed changes. Redrawing maps behind closed doors is undemocratic and shuts all of us out of important decisions that will affect our families, neighborhoods, and communities for the next decade.
In response to the City’s recent redistricting behind closed doors ahead of the November election, the NAACP, the Shelby County Voter Alliance Stand for Children, and Votes For All are calling on the Memphis City Council to adopt a process similar to the Shelby County Commission’s more open redistricting by placing members of the public on the Council’s redistricting committee.
The City Council and unelected attorney Allan Wade’s move to shut us out is unacceptable, but we still have a chance to bring transparency and fairness to the City’s redistricting. The next 10 years of community investment–like public transit and housing–depend on how our districts are drawn, and we the people deserve to have a voice in that process.
Despite promises of including the map, the City Council voted to approve a new map drawn by the unelected city attorney, Allan Wade, ahead of the special election to fill the District 4 seat in November. This map was approved even though the August 23rd meeting was the first time the public–and even some of the Council members–had seen the proposed changes. Redrawing maps behind closed doors is undemocratic and shuts all of us out of important decisions that will affect our families, neighborhoods, and communities for the next decade.
In response to the City’s recent redistricting behind closed doors ahead of the November election, the Shelby County Voter Alliance is standing alongside our partner organizations, the NAACP, Stand for Children, and Votes For All. We are calling on the Memphis City Council to adopt a process similar to the Shelby County Commission’s more open redistricting by placing members of the public on the Council’s redistricting committee.
The City Council and unelected attorney Allan Wade’s move to shut us out is unacceptable, but we still have a chance to bring transparency and fairness to the City’s redistricting. The next 10 years of community investment–like public transit and housing–depend on how our districts are drawn, and we the people deserve to have a voice in that process.
Cómo votar en las elecciones del 2022 en Tennessee
Las elecciones generales del 8 de noviembre en Tennessee decidirán las contiendas para gobernador y escaños en la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU. y la legislatura estatal. Las primarias del estado fueron el 4 de agosto.
Nota completa:
Cómo votar en las elecciones del 2022 en Tennessee Las papeletas de voto en ausencia por correo están disponibles para las personas de 60 años o más.
Organizaciones piden aumentar el uso del español para atraer el voto latino en Estados Unidos
Por Euronews con EFE • 29/06/2022
Los presidentes de varias organizaciones para el progreso de la comunidad hispana en Estados Unidos pidieron este martes que aumente el uso del español por parte de los políticos de este país con el objetivo de atraer el voto latino.
"Creo que vamos a ver más y más congresistas que no son hispanos usar tanto el español como el inglés", dijo la presidenta del Instituto de Liderazgo Hispano en el Congreso (CHLI), Mary Ann Gómez, durante un evento en el Capitolio para presentar el informe "El español en la política de EE.UU", publicado cada dos años por el laboratorio de ideas español The Hispanic Council.
La fundadora de Fuentes Strategies y exjefa de gabinete en la Cámara de Representantes, Jennice Fuentes, dijo que el bilingüismo "es una ley, no un favor que se le debe hacer a nadie".
Fuentes explicó que, de acuerdo al Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964, cualquier empresa que recibe asistencia federal debe ofrecer sus servicios en un idioma que pueda entender la gente que no habla inglés.
En la Cámara de Representantes, sin embargo, apenas 74 congresistas de los 441 que ocupan un escaño -el 16,8 %- usan el español en sus comunicaciones digitales
En el Senado las cifras son algo más altas: de 100 senadores, 28 utilizan el español para comunicarse con sus votantes a través de publicaciones en internet o por redes sociales.
"Tradicionalmente ha habido más conciencia por parte de los demócratas de interactuar con los hispanos pero yo creo que eso se ha superado, y yo creo que cada vez más tanto los republicanos como los demócratas son más conscientes de la importancia del voto hispano", aseguró Ureña a Efe.
Nota Completa:
Estados Unidos: ¿Hablar más español para atraer el voto latino? Los presidentes de varias organizaciones para el progreso de la comunidad hispana en Estados Unidos pidieron que aumente el uso del español por parte de los políticos de este país con el objetivo de atraer el voto latino.
Su jefe está obligado a dejarle votar. Mañana es su última oportunidad de votar durante esta elección histórica. ¡Conozca sus derechos y haga oir su voz!
¡Visite para buscar su lugar de votación, boleta de muestra, y mucho más!
Your boss is required to let you vote. Tomorrow is your last chance to vote during this historic election. Know your rights and make your voice heard!
Visit to look up your polling location, sample ballot, and much more!
Los números de votación anticipada están disponibles ¡Bien hecho, condado de Shelby! Más residentes han votado temprano en esta elección de mitad de período que en los últimos 10 años.
Está muy claro. Mucha gente está votando, porque esta elección es muy importante.
Mañana jueves 4 de agosto es su última oportunidad para votar. Solo tenemos esta oportunidad cada 8 años, ¡así que hagamos que cuente!
*Si tiene alguna duda de donde le corresponde votar, puede mandarnos un inbox y con mucho gusto le orientamos =)
Join the SCVA and our partners this Saturday for 3️⃣ EARLY VOTING PARTIES across the city! There will be free food, gas/grocery gift card give-aways, music, and more! Come and bring your friends and family out to vote with you!
Thank you, Central Labor Council of Memphis & West TN, Votes For All - Votos Para Todos, MICAH - Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope, Memphis NAACP, Stand for Children - Tennessee, UAW Union, TIRRC Votes, AKA_BEOmega for your partnership to make these poll parties a success!!
Getting ready for Fiesta en las Casillas with TIRRC Votes and the Shelby County Voter Alliance Join us from 1-4pm at Berclair Church of Christ 4536 Summer ave, and vote early! 🎉✨🗳
¡Habrá comida gratis, entretenimiento en vivo, obsequios y mucho más! ¿Puedes unirte a nosotros y ser parte de este movimiento? ¡Ahi nos vemos!
Este Domingo 26 de junio de 10am-2pm llevaremos a cabo un entrenamiento en El Mercadito de Memphis (3766 Ridgeway Rd, Memphis, TN 38115). Reuniremos a miembros de nuestra comunidad latina para juntos navegar las barreras que enfrentamos en el proceso electoral, como sobrellevar estas barreras, y cómo ser parte de estos procesos importantes independientemente de estatus migratorio. Es una capacitación 100% en español, se proveerá almuerzo, y cuidado de niños totalmente gratis.
Si planea asistir, por favor registrese aqui:
We will be holding a training this Sunday June 26th from 10am-2pm at The Memphis Marketplace (3766 Ridgeway Rd, Memphis, TN 38115). We will bring together members of our Latino community to together navigate the barriers we face in the electoral process, how to overcome these barriers, and how to be part of these important processes regardless of immigration status. It's 100% Spanish training, lunch will be provided, and childcare totally free.
Please register here:
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Memphis, TN