Plough Library, Memphis, TN Videos

Videos by Plough Library in Memphis. Your library at Christian Brothers University. Get library news and resources, as well as featured items from the Br. I. Leo O’Donnell Archives.

Have you ever considered a career in librarianship, archives, digital curation, geography information, user experience, and more?

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 27, Dr. Wade Bishop, Director of Graduate Studies for the School of Information Sciences (SIS) at UT Knoxville, will be in Memphis to share information about the Master of Information Science program, career pathways, and graduate certificates.

Dr. Bishop will be at University of Memphis’ McWherter Library from 12-1pm and then at Rhodes College’s Barret Library from 3-4pm.

(Three of CBU Plough Library’s current librarians are graduates of the UTK SIS program! Feel free to talk to us if you are interested in this career field.)

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Other Plough Library videos

Have you ever considered a career in librarianship, archives, digital curation, geography information, user experience, and more? Tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 27, Dr. Wade Bishop, Director of Graduate Studies for the School of Information Sciences (SIS) at UT Knoxville, will be in Memphis to share information about the Master of Information Science program, career pathways, and graduate certificates. Dr. Bishop will be at University of Memphis’ McWherter Library from 12-1pm and then at Rhodes College’s Barret Library from 3-4pm. (Three of CBU Plough Library’s current librarians are graduates of the UTK SIS program! Feel free to talk to us if you are interested in this career field.)

Increase your knowledge of Black History with these featured videos in the Films on Demand database. You can search for these video titles using the main search on the library homepage at or follow the Articles & Databases button and select Films on Demand from our A-Z Databases list. #BlackHistory #FilmsOnDemand

It’s Homecoming weekend and we’ve got a #throwbackthursday from 1965. View the rest of the video at the Brother I. Leo O’Donnell Archives at!

This week while you study for finals, stop by the library and relax by working on a puzzle or coloring! It’s important to take breaks. Cornell Health says, “Research shows that taking purposeful breaks (anywhere from 5-60 minutes) from studying to refresh your brain and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.”

Plough Library is decked out for the holidays. As you prepare for finals and Christmas Break, take a moment to enjoy the Christmas tree, book display, Advent wreath (courtesy of Campus Ministry), and share your favorite seasonal song on our dry erase board.

Get in the Halloween Spirit! Come by Plough Library and check out a book from our Spooky Reads display and a piece of candy from the pumpkin!

Salting of the walkways has commenced outside the Rosa Deal School of Arts #winterweather #watchyourstep 🌨❄️

It’s a beautiful day at CBU with a gentle breeze and flowers in bloom. 🌺🌸🌿🌞

Placing a support post at the new Rose Deal School of Arts. #viewfromlibrary @fromcbu

The new Rosa Deal School of Arts is going up--literally! #viewfromlibrary