RedRover Sales & Marketing

ROI-focused sales, marketing and communications strategists with a reputation for dogged determination and a straight-shooting approach.

RedRover is a full-service agency that specializes in the development and ex*****on of results-guaranteed marketing and sales strategies for middle-market B2B companies. Since its founding in 2006, RedRover has fine-tuned a proven process for generating strong, predictable marketing ROI from a whole host of industry verticals. As a result of this effort, RedRover is now one of only two private, fu


The Hidden Costs of Doing Nothing: Why Stagnation Is Dangerous

In nature, stagnant water is something you’re always taught to avoid. If you’re out in the wild and come across a water source, the first thing you check is whether it’s flowing or stagnant. Why? Because stagnant water is where harmful bacteria and parasites thrive, making it unsafe to drink. On the other hand, the faster the water flows, the cleaner and safer it’s likely to be.

The same principle applies to business. Just as stagnant water poses hidden dangers, so does stagnation in your company’s strategy. When you stop moving forward—whether it’s avoiding new technology, sticking to outdated processes, or simply not innovating—you create the perfect environment for inefficiencies and missed opportunities to multiply.

Flowing water, constantly moving and changing, mirrors the kind of dynamic business strategy that adapts, evolves, and stays ahead of the curve. It’s in this continuous movement that you find new opportunities, foster innovation, and maintain a competitive edge.

The hidden cost of doing nothing isn’t just in what you lose today—it’s in the compounded losses that add up over time. Just as you wouldn’t drink from a stagnant pond, don’t let your business strategy become stagnant. Keep it moving, keep it fresh, and you’ll ensure that your business remains vibrant and healthy in the long run.

So, how do you keep your business flowing? Let’s discuss in the comments.

Photos from RedRover Sales & Marketing's post 09/04/2024

Have you eaten a dessert or two for Eat an Extra Dessert Day? We sure have at RedRover - courtesy of . Delicious!


I’m a hypocrite, and in this post you’ll see why:

As a car enthusiast, I’ve always loved working on cars, especially those with simpler, less advanced technology. There’s something satisfying about getting under the hood, using basic tools, and tinkering until the car runs just right. For years, I stuck to cars from the 90s or earlier because, frankly, the work seemed easier. Less technology meant less complexity, right? But recently, I took on a new project—a MK7 Volkswagen Golf which featured a far more advanced computer system—and I quickly realized the error of my old ways.
With my older cars, fixing an issue or improving performance was often a process of elimination. I’d swap out parts, test different setups, and hope that the changes would solve the issue. (Life hack for this in the comments) It was a time-consuming process, full of trial and error. And while I eventually got the results I was looking for, it was a long road to get there.
When I first got my hands on the Golf, I was initially deterred by the sophisticated computer system it came with. The thought of having to learn how to program the car's computer, along with the costly investment in scanners, licenses, and other tools, made me hesitant. It felt like overcomplicating things—after all, I had been getting by just fine with my older cars, right?
But as I dove into the process, I quickly realized that this upfront investment was worth every penny. The car’s advanced system didn’t just give me vague indicators; it provided precise data on exactly what was wrong and where the limitations were. Now, I can fine-tune the car’s performance with a level of precision that was previously out of reach. The result? I’m spending a fraction of the time I used to on improvements, and the outcomes are far superior.
And here’s exactly how I’m a hypocrite:
For years, I’ve been advising CEOs and business leaders to step out of their comfort zones, invest in data, and embrace the power of analytics. I’ve preached about the importance of making informed decisions based on solid data rather than just relying on gut feelings or old habits. Yet, when it came to my own passion—cars—I found myself doing exactly what I’ve been telling others not to do. I stuck to the familiar because it was comfortable, avoiding the complexity and upfront investment of learning new skills and buying new tools.
Just like in business, where staying in the comfort zone can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities, my reluctance to adopt the newer technology was holding me back. It was only when I took a step back, made the uncomfortable decision to invest in learning and the necessary tools, that I saw the true value. The data-driven approach saved me time, money, and a whole lot of guesswork—exactly what I tell business leaders every day.
So, here’s the lesson from the garage: Whether it’s tuning a car or driving business growth, sometimes you have to get uncomfortable, invest in the right tools, and let data guide your decisions. It’s not always easy, but the results speak for themselves.

-Anthony Sostre, RedRover's Director of Strategy

Photos from RedRover Sales & Marketing's post 08/28/2024

It's Dog Appreciation Week! We know you're DYING to see all of RedRover's spoiled rotten babies and we are here to deliver.


Cooking Up Success: The Perfect Blend of Creativity and Data

During a recent lunch with RedRover’s COO, , we found ourselves deep in a conversation about the art of cooking and how it parallels the business world. We were talking about chefs who make it a habit not to follow recipes. On one hand, this can lead to moments of culinary brilliance—dishes that are nothing short of amazing. But on the other hand, it can result in meals that end up in the trash, all because the balance wasn’t quite right. In these cases, the art is pursued fully, but without the guidance of data.
This got me thinking about how we approach marketing strategy. Just like cooking, there’s an art to creating a successful marketing plan, but that art needs to be balanced with data. Creativity can drive innovation, leading to breakthrough ideas and strategies. But without data to guide and refine those ideas, you’re left with a hit-or-miss approach.
Think of data as the recipe that ensures consistency and success. It helps you understand what works, what doesn’t, and how to make adjustments that improve the final outcome. By combining creativity with data, you’re not just throwing ingredients into a pot and hoping for the best—you’re crafting a dish that’s been tested, refined, and perfected.
In the kitchen, as in business, the best results come from a harmonious blend of creativity and data. It’s this balance that turns good ideas into great results, and great results into a winning strategy.
So, how are you blending creativity and data in your marketing strategies? Check out the comments for one of my personal favorite stories of blending creativity with data.

-Anthony Sostre, RedRover's Director of Strategy


Say hi to our new COO, Younes Skaini!

Photos from RedRover Sales & Marketing's post 08/15/2024

Our Anne went to Japan! She spent two weeks adventuring and we are just a tad bit jealous. Swipe through to see what amazing things she saw!


It's Book Lovers Day! To celebrate, what will you be reading today?


One of RedRover’s amazing co-founders, Julie Lunn, may be retired, but she’s still full steam ahead and making a huge impact! 🐾 Julie is dedicating her time volunteering at the Asheville Humane Society, bringing joy and support to countless furry friends. But that’s not all – she’s also using her incredible artistic talent to create beautiful pet commissions to help fundraise for the organization. 🎨🐶 In fact, here's a sample of her work featuring a member of RedRover's extended pack.

Check out Julie’s work and inquire about her commissioned pet drawings on her Instagram page: Let’s give Julie all the love and support she deserves while helping our furry friends in need! ❤️


New co-worker, who dis'? The lovely Marble joined us in office and has claimed her spot. We love !


We have so many new faces around here and we could not be more excited! Welcome to the team Jay, Kendal, Krystina, Younes and Anthony!


Deciding where to invest your marketing dollars should be driven by a clear understanding of which marketing touchpoints have driven customer conversions in the past. While it is relatively straightforward to measure the overall impact of your marketing efforts, it can be challenging to identify which marketing channel is responsible for driving customer actions.

Lori Turner-Wilson's new blog explains why adopting attribution modeling is essential for middle-market CEOs and marketing leaders and necessary to answer critical questions such as:

- Which marketing channel had the most impact on their final decision?
- How do different touchpoints contribute to revenue generation?
- How can marketing budgets be better optimized?

With a clear view of what drives actual conversions, you can fine-tune your strategies to maximize ROI and reduce waste. Check out the blog and start leveraging attribution modeling for your benefit:

Photos from RedRover Sales & Marketing's post 07/08/2024

Calculating MROI is vital when assessing whether your investments are yielding profitable returns. It helps you cut through the noise to answer the key question: Are you earning more than you're spending on marketing?

Our latest blog explores how to measure your return on marketing spend to enable strategic decisions and also highlights two amazing free resources to help you get started:

- Our MROI Calculator for an accurate understanding of your real return on marketing investment:

- Industry-specific MROI Targets Guide to provide you with MROI targets based on companies in your industry:

These resources will provide you with the necessary clarity to gain the insights needed to create a high-performance marketing strategy with predictable outcomes.

If you haven’t read the blog yet, you can check it out now:


The clarity that comes from truly understanding the projected returns on your marketing spend is invaluable for making strategic steps with confidence.

On the surface, calculating marketing ROI might seem straightforward, but it is necessary to look more holistically. In Lori Turner-Wilson’s new blog, she delves into how you should approach MROI calculations, covering key points such as:

- The importance of ensuring every expense contributing to your campaign is accounted for to prevent artificially inflated MROI figures.
- Why using gross profit in place of revenue offers a more accurate measure of your marketing effectiveness.
- How benchmarking your results to industry standards can refine your analysis and drive better outcomes.

Check out Lori's blog and discover how having the right insights is invaluable for you as a CEO and marketing leader.


There's a new puppy on the team... Welcome, Edison the Cocker Spaniel! We can't wait to watch you grow!


Understanding your customers goes beyond basic demographics. To truly connect and retain them, you need to dive deep into their psychographics—attitudes, motivations, and emotional drivers.

In our latest blog, Lori Turner-Wilson delves into how to uncover:

- The emotional triggers driving your customers' decisions
- The real reasons why customers choose competitors
- Effective strategies to address prospect barriers and boost customer loyalty

Unlocking these valuable insights can enhance your marketing strategies and build stronger customer relationships.

📖 Read the full blog -


🏆📕BIG NEWS!!!📕🏆

Our visionary CEO and Founder, Lori Turner-Wilson, has done it again!! She is a #1 International Bestselling author with her new, groundbreaking book, The B2B Marketing Revolution™: A Battle Plan for Guaranteed Outcomes.

Packed with invaluable insights from a study of over 400 executives and built on decades of Lori’s firsthand experience, this book is a must-read for every middle-market B2B CEO and marketing leader who is looking to generate guaranteed marketing results.

Get your copy today, and join the revolution! 📚 Congratulations, Lori!!

"The B2B Marketing Revolution™ distills complex marketing challenges into a clear, actionable framework for success. An essential read for leaders seeking strong, predictable marketing outcomes." - Gino Wickman, Author of Traction & Shine and the Creator of EOS®


Please join RedRover at Novel in East Memphis tomorrow night for a book signing with Lori Turner-Wilson!


When your marketing efforts aren’t yielding the desired results, it can be challenging to determine the best course of action. The latest blog by our CEO and Founder Lori Turner-Wilson "To Tweak or To Torch" provides key considerations for business and marketing leaders to decide when to optimize existing strategies or start fresh with a complete overhaul.

Check out our blog to ensure your next strategic marketing change achieves the results you need:


When your marketing strategy is no longer delivering the desired results, or you've outgrown your current tactics, it might be time to re-evaluate and consider a radical shift to inject new life into your marketing approach.

From making incremental improvements in response to market changes, to unapologetically torching your current marketing strategy, making a strategic change can be your catalyst for success.

Our recent blog by our CEO and Founder, Lori Turner-Wilson dives into the key considerations to help you decide on the best next step to ensure your marketing strategy is driving your business growth and ROI and growth.

👉 Dive into the blog for more insights:


Millennials are known for their quick purchasing decisions, but they are averse to conventional sales tactics.

They value authenticity and are drawn to brands that align with their core beliefs, partly influenced by significant events during their formative years.

This generation seeks to make a positive impact on the world's issues and is motivated by brands that share their vision and purpose.

Establishing a strong connection through this approach fosters deep loyalty, as Millennials are more devoted to their favorite brands compared to previous generations.

Learn more:


Generation X, known for adapting to rapid changes, possesses tech savviness from the bag phone to the iPhone and from vinyl to digital music.

They embrace laptops, cell phones, iPads, and social media networks, finding technological stimuli essential.

Gen X appreciates good value due to their discomfort with debt, making word-of-mouth recommendations their strongest influence.

Learn more:


Even Wordle knows what's up!


Gen X is a generation known for its straightforwardness and appreciates products and services that solve real problems.

Volkswagen, for instance, tapped into the Gen X mindset with their Super Bowl commercial, ""The Force.""

The ad featured a child dressed as Darth Vader attempting to use ""the Force"" to control various household items until successfully starting a Volkswagen with the help of the car's remote start feature.

This commercial resonated with Gen X due to its nostalgic Star Wars theme and emotional connection. It also appealed to Gen X's preference for practical, value-oriented products and their dislike for exaggeration and hype.

Learn more:

Photos from RedRover Sales & Marketing's post 04/19/2024

Hanging out with the team outside of work always lifts our spirits! Cannot wait for our next adventure!


Harley Davidson has effectively connected with Boomers by portraying its brand as cool, rebellious, and age-defying.

The brand is associated with a vibrant and adventurous lifestyle, breaking away from traditional norms and embracing a youthful spirit.

Owning a Harley is seen as a symbol of coolness, rebellion, and a willingness to take risks.

The company understands the desires and needs of stressed-out Baby Boomers and successfully caters to their tastes and aspirations, and you can, too.

Learn more:


Baby Boomers, born between the mid-1940s and early 1960s, share common experiences marked by economic prosperity, postwar optimism, suburban expansion, and rock and roll.

They are known for traits like individuality, expressionism, and adventure.

A significant portion of the Boomer population enjoys spending money on their grandchildren, so when it comes to your Boomer marketing strategy, consider providing experiences they can cherish with their grandkids.

When selling to Boomers, nothing surpasses in-person communication, though there's a place for direct mail, email, and digital marketing.

Learn more:


Big brands recognize the importance of understanding generational differences.

However, it is surprising when they make major marketing mistakes by focusing solely on current customers and neglecting the upcoming generation of consumers.

While current customers are valuable, the future success of the industry depends on appealing to the next generation.

Ignoring the younger generation can lead to the brand becoming irrelevant.

Learn more:


Happy Birthday, Will!

Thank you for always keeping us laughing! We appreciate you and hope you have the best day!

The RedRover Pack


In the late 1990s, Levis-Strauss discovered the importance of generational marketing through a difficult lesson.

While Baby Boomers remained loyal to their jeans, the company overlooked the needs of Generation X and Millennials.

Unknowingly, Levis became associated with ""your parent's jeans,"" alienating younger generations and witnessing a decline in market share.

To ensure your brand remains relevant to future customers, it's crucial to proactively engage them.

By speaking their language and connecting with them on platforms they frequent, you can establish a lasting connection and avoid losing out on potential customers.

Learn more:

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Welcome to RedRover!

RedRover is a different breed. We are the only agency in the Memphis-area to combine sales training and coaching with strategic marketing communications and public relations. Our unique, comprehensive approach allows clients to improve sales force productivity, while optimizing return on their marketing investments.

Since the first office opened, RedRover has generated a reputation for its innate ability to generate results. Numerous industry awards have been bestowed on the firm over the years including: ADDYs, International Communicator Awards, Summit International Awards, and a Telly.

The RedRover Difference:
> We are the only Memphis firm to integrate sales training and coaching with marketing communications and public relations.
> We only hire seasoned experts, averaging 16 years of professional experience.
> We are results oriented. We begin with the end in mind and include clear metrics for success.

We do not give you a canned approach. Our strategic plans are grounded in research and tailored for your company's best return on investment.

Videos (show all)

Deciding where to invest your marketing dollars should be driven by a clear understanding of which marketing touchpoints...
The clarity that comes from truly understanding the projected returns on your marketing spend is invaluable for making s...
Understanding your customers goes beyond basic demographics. To truly connect and retain them, you need to dive deep int...
When your marketing efforts aren’t yielding the desired results, it can be challenging to determine the best course of a...
When your marketing strategy is no longer delivering the desired results, or you've outgrown your current tactics, it mi...
Generation X
Harley Davidson
Generational Differences
brand relevance



50 South BB King Boulevard, Suite 300
Memphis, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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