Memphis Parrot Head Club - Restart

Memphis Parrot Head Club - Restart

Memphis Parrot Head Club is a social organization connected by the tropical spirit of Jimmy Buffett


Merry Christmas Phlock! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


Monday night, Dec 4th, 6 pm, join us for Steve Hopper at Lafayettes. Let Karen know if you are coming so we can make reservation.


Greg Fingers Taylor passed away. From his son's page: My dad passed away peacefully on thanksgiving. If you have a moment to read this I would appreciate it very much.

My dad was a special and talented human being. His quick wittiness & musical ability helped him stand out. My dad is one of my biggest influences. He showed my brother & I the Beatles at a young age and I remember listening to those records with him in his van. My dad loved the blues more than just about anyone and he was heavily influenced by the likes of Little Walter & Junior Wells but also Little Richard & Wilson Pickett & many many others. He loved music and thanks in part to him I too love music very much. Dad is a big reason I’m into si-fi as well things like ALIEN & Godzilla. He was a nerd. He used to burn cds for all of his friends & ship them out to their homes. My dad was one of the most talented harmonica players ever & I admire how melodic he played. He loved music with every fiber of his being.

My dad released incredible music of course with the likes of Jimmy Buffet & Larry Raspberry. In my opinion his best stuff was his solo work. I love his albums such as “Harpoon Man” “Hi-Fi-Baby” & “Chest Pains”. He didn’t write too many songs but when he did they were great! My favorite song of his is “pork juice” an instrumental where his harmonica sings.

A little over 10 years ago I got to share the stage with my dad & perform a song with him at a show of his with Chris Gill.. a time I’ll always be grateful for. Alzheimer’s took hold of my dad in 2012 & he fought with it all this time. I luckily was able to pay him a visit last fall along with my Brother & Uncle. My dad remembered all of us and even said our names. What I’ll miss most about my dad is his laugh & smile. Thank you Dad for everything.

Also thank you to those who have reached out to me and please note I have a new phone number so if you tried to reach me there I didn’t receive it. Id like to end this post with a quote from my dad that I strongly agree with and reads as follows “y’all quit feuding & fighting. Get rid of your bombs. Try and figure it out. Trim back on them religions a little bit & we won’t have so much trouble” RIP Dad. I love you.


Happy Thanksgiving phlock!!


Great Memphis music this weekend!



The Parrot Heads in Paradise Board has voted unanimously to change the dates of MOTM 24.

The dates of MOTM24: “I Have Found Me a Home” are October 22-27. Here’s how it happened, and here’s why the change is being made.

The PHIP Board, in an effort to be responsive to membership, seized the opportunity to grab the traditional MOTM Week for 2024, when the Frank Brown Music Festival that has occupied that week for many years, moved the event back a week. After the announcement was made, we received a lot of thoughtful and useful feedback from members, leaders and musicians that caused us to reconsider this decision, with a unanimous vote, to keep the week we have in Gulf Shores. We realize this is a pain in the tail for those who’ve already made reservations, which we will address down below, but let us ‘splain the reasons for the decision.

1. Weather. While weather is always a crap shoot, the deeper we go into the autumn the more luck we would need in order to have a week like we just had in beautiful Gulf Shores. The weather this week includes some nights in the low 40s, for example. There’s no campfire big enough to heat the beach on a night like that.

2. Halloween. Y’all with kids and grandkids know what we are talking about. There’s a few days a year when some of us actually want to be around the little rug rats, and this is one of them.

3. Key West. Lots of Parrot Heads, thinking that good things don’t necessarily have to come to an end, bought time share weeks in Key West for the traditional MOTM week. Plus, those lucky enough to be retired and/or rich or happily irresponsible may wish to spend a week in Gulf Shores in late October and then head down to Key West for another week because one solid week of great music is not enough for them. We don’t want to get in their way! Which leads to perhaps the most important reason for the change:

4. Our Favorite Musicians. An ambitious and committed group of musicians and promoters and radio stations have sought to preserve MOTM Week in Key West as “Trop RockNDuval,” where several of the artists who played at MOTM are playing right now, followed by the group of dedicated fans referenced above. While some of these folks may regard their event as being competitive with MOTM, we have never seen it that way, and we realized that our change of the date to the traditional week would be competitive and have an adverse effect on them, and on MOTM. Most importantly, it would have an undesirable effect on our favorite artists. The last thing we want to ask of musicians is that they choose between a great gig in Gulf Shores and a great gig in Key West, especially if the organizers of the Key West event can nurture and grow it into greatness, and we hope they do, because…

A rising tide lifts all boats. We can see in the future a month between mid-October and mid-November, when musicians and fans flock to the Gulf Coast and the Keys for a Trop Rock and Parrot Head “High Season,” from Kemah to Key West.
Although survey respondents made it clear last year they wanted the same week, if we had crowd-sourced this decision sooner with musicians and club leaders, we would have learned that the vast majority of stakeholders in this now prefer that we leave MOTM where it is and when it is. As Pirates in Paradise PHC Club President Steve Jacobs observed: “Looks like a great time was had by all at MOTM this year. My only ask is that the dates not clash with the Trop Rock events in Key West in the future. We had two [from our club] at MOTM and will have six in Key West this week. I also see musicians and participants doing both this year. Keep Gulf Shores on their own week. Gulf Shores should have its own week different from the Key West events. Not trying to make waves but this is how I feel. [I’m] hoping to do both next year.”

Steve’s right. HIs comments were representative of many others. We are listening to you and the many others who expressed similar sentiment and although we regret that the change of date may appear a bit amateurish, well, we are, after all, unpaid volunteers. And we would not want to compound the mistake by not owning up to It and doing what is best for the event and the music.

Our Apology and Your Forgiveness

We regret the trouble that this will cause for those who have already made plans, and this is why we rushed this news to the press to mitigate this problem. Because there is no major event going on in Gulf Shores during the earlier week next year, there should be plenty of lodging available, and so hopefully, those who hurried to make reservations will not have trouble getting the same or similar accommodations for the earlier, warmer and more desirable week. For anyone who is going to incur a penalty or lose a deposit by making the change, please contact [email protected] to let us know. We have confirmed that any properties rented through Brett Robinson will be changed without charge or penalty. And we will leverage our influence with the powers that be to address any fees incurred by those who did not have event cancellation or other insurance and cannot be made whole.

We realize that any decision we make will be unpopular with some. On balance, we believe that this is the decision that is best for the organization, the event, the music and the musicians. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Bill Brehm, President
Suzanne Calhoun, MOTM24 Co-Chair
PHIP Board of Directors


We had a great time at MOTM 23 in Gulf shores. The weather was terrific and so much live music! Next year has been set for Oct 31st through nov 3rd with unofficial events starting on oct 29th. This is off season in the area so right now the rates for nearby condos and hotels are pretty low! (Just booked a nearby 2 bedroom condo for $110 a night)


So excited to have 17 Memphis Parrot head club members at MOTM! Our biggest number attending! It makes me proud. About 3400 paid attendees this year, the 3rd biggest MOTM attendance ever. We'll be back here next year! The venues are so happy to have us here.


Your incoming president and secretary-treasurer are attending meetings at MOTM today to help grow the club in the future! Thanks Angie and Julie for stepping up for our club!!

Parrot Heads in Paradise inc. - YouTube 10/25/2023

TONIGHT!! PHIP, Inc. will host a Tribute to Jimmy Buffett this Wednesday October 25 at the Hangout in Gulf Shores.

The show will start at 5:45PM and is open to the public - registration is not required.

The Tribute will feature appearances by many of your favorite Trop Rock artists and will be live streamed on the official PHIP YouTube Channel. You can tune in at

Parrot Heads in Paradise inc. - YouTube The purpose of the organization is to promote the international network of Parrot Head Clubs as a humanitarian group sharing information and social activitie...


Memphis has made it to MOTM! Brent Burns at Lulus

Parrot Heads in Paradise inc. - YouTube 10/17/2023

If you can't make it to MOTM, here is some exciting news!

YouTube PHiP Channel

PHiP is trying something new for our members that are unable to attend and even ones that can’t be in two places at once. We will be going LIVE on YouTube for the first time during the, “A Special Tribute to Jimmy Buffett” on the main stage at the Hangout. That’s right, we will be streaming live during the tribute and you can see it anywhere you are. But first, you have to subscribe to our channel. You can find us at;

As a subscriber you will be notified once we are live on the channel. The Tribute show will start Wednesday October 25th at 5:45. We will attempt to have more live broadcast throughout the event.

Facebook and Instagram

We will also have Facebook live going during the event that will showcase our musical line ups, Charity events and other happening during the weekend. If you haven’t “Liked” our page, Group and Instagram page, now would be a good time to do so. You can access our social media at the following links:

Parrot Heads in Paradise inc. - YouTube The purpose of the organization is to promote the international network of Parrot Head Clubs as a humanitarian group sharing information and social activitie...


Club Meeting and music! Sunday 4 pm, Lafayettes in Overton Square. Contact Karen 901-233-7245 if you are coming so we can make reservation. Shirts will be distributed if you ordered one. They look great!


Club Gathering Sunday October 15th, Lafayettes music room, 4 pm. If you ordered a club shirt, we have them there for pickup. New officers will be announced!


If anyone is still thinking about attending the official parrot head convention and music festival, MOTM, deadline to register is September 15th, TOMORROW. you do have to be a member of an official club, but our club dues are just $20. Website is


If anyone is thinking about going to MOTM next month, registration ends Sept 15th. You do have to be a member of a parrot head club because it is an official convention, but our local dues are only $20 per year. Go to to register. it is going to be a terrific event!


Just passing along. Beware of scammers.


Yall, we made the front page!! Papers available at kroger stores if you don't have a subscription.


From PHiP Board: Parrotheads have been going through a wide range of emotions and one topic that has been coming up often is...what happens next?

Luckily Jimmy laid the groundwork for us. He actually started us out with some new music (not the gummy one), Bubbles Up. If you are a diver or find yourself underwater and have lost your sense of direction, you can always follow the bubbles up to safety (don't panic!).

Jimmy knew this and gave us the map to keep going. We follow the Bubbles Up to the surface (we are ok), Breathe in, Breathe Out, Move On (let's gather our thoughts), and realize that Here We Are (together). The news broke and gave us Saturday and Sunday to process, start grieving, start celebrating him and remembering him, and then Come Monday, it will be alright.

As your Board, PHiP is moving forward with all of our planning. Giving our clubs benefits and website help and guidance is still our priority. Plus we are now in the process of designing a celebration of life for this amazing phamily that was created by Jimmy Buffett.

Meeting of the Minds is coming to the white sandy gulf shores, where Jimmy began, in just 7 weeks. We will be adding a tribute, adding to our charity presentations, raising money for the JB and parrothead charities, spending time at his sisters' restaurant, having Coral Reefers in our midst, and showcasing the Gulf Shores. Of course the music of Jimmy and his unique feeling of escapism will be foremost and showcased. Our goal is not only to provide this for those in attendance, but to live stream portions of MOTM to all of our parrotheads around the world that are missing Jimmy as much as we are.

It is fitting that Jimmy was born on the gulf, moved through New Orleans, and on to Key West. MOTM started in New Orleans, moved to Key West, and is now on the gulf shores. Sometimes things come full circle. Because of our clubs, our events, and you, his legacy will never fade away or disappear. As Jimmy would always say... "not yet." Now we can add..."and never will."

We hope to see all of our parrotheads in Gulf Shores, Alabama to celebrate the life and love of Jimmy Buffett. Margaritaville is calling...

Fins Up!

Billy Brehm

President, PHiP


From the new album, the words to "Bubbles up"


We had an amazing evening last night gathered with friends as Steve Hopper played so many great Jimmy Buffett tunes. We laughed and visited and enjoyed being with like-minded friends. Steve gave a great toast and the restaurant was totally silent in honor until we did our team drink. Thanks for everyone who came including the Commercial Appeal. The article should be out tomorrow.


Hey club! If you are in town meet us at Lafayettes tomorrow for Steve Hopper! Join us for some great tunes and a team drink in honor of Jimmy Buffett! Let Karen know if you are coming so we can get a table.


Just received a reminder from our PHiP president and wanted to share with you. We are all very saddened by the passing of Jimmy Buffett. Please know this is not the end of the line for Parrotheads or Parrothead clubs. The national meeting next month, Meeting of the Minds, will be amazing with shared stories and wonderful tributes! We were brought together by the music and lifestyle and it is up to us to continue with what Jimmy started and his legacy. This is our time to get creative; it is not the end but maybe the start of something different. I look forward to meeting soon to discuss the future! Karen


Sail on Jimmy Buffett. You will be missed.


Y'all come out for some great music tonight. Our last backyard event at the Bartlett Beach house! Contact Karen for address. 901-233-7245


Our last big musical event here at Bartlett Beach House! Curtis B. Scott plays his newest tunes at 6 pm, Steve Hopper at 7. Yall come! Contact Karen for address 901-233-7245


Our next concert! Saturday August 12th, 6-10 pm. Contact Karen to reserve your spot! 901-233-7245


We had an awesome time with Keith Sykes and Sunny Jim Saturday night! $100 was raised for the Red guitar campaign. Next up: Steve Hopper August 12th!


Concert is on! We have fans and umbrellas for shade and the pool is open. Please come out and support live music! Curtis plays at 6. Keith and SJ at 7.


Great opportunity here in our town. Please come and support live music! The pool will be open to beat the heat!


Please come and support live music. Contact Karen for address and to reserve your spot. This is one of our last events before we move, so please come out and support live music! Curtis Scott plays at 6 followed by an awesome show!


Our Memphis Parrot Head Club charity this year is to help raise funds to purchase a red guitar for the new Fisher House they are building at the Memphis VA. (similar to Ronald McDonald houses but for veterans and families) Read about them below. We will be collecting donations at our house concert featuring Sunny Jim and Keith Sykes on July 29th or you can contact Karen if you are interested in donating.


29 amazing Memphis music legends were honored yesterday with a sidewalk of stars. Keith Sykes was one of those and he will be playing a house concert along with our friend Sunny Jim White on Saturday, July 29th. We are so honored to host and would love a big crowd for one of our final events before we move. Contact Karen to reserve your spot! 901-233-7245


Mark your calendars for an awesome backyard concert/listening party! We are so pleased to be able to once again host our friend from Florida, Sunny Jim, The Laidback Lane and hear his tales of life on Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman and his Caribbean adventures. (We just returned from a wonderful trip there!) Also special guest will be Nationally acclaimed and Memphis' own Keith Sykes, a wonderful singer/songwriter/producer who has written many songs over the years, was a member of the Coral Reefers and heads Ardent Studio. The date is Saturday, July 29th 6 to 10 pm. To pay for the artists time and travel we are asking for a donation of $25 per adult (all going to the musicians) Location: Bartlett Beach House, (call Karen 901-233-7245 to RSVP and for information/directions) Bring whatever you want to drink, chair and a snack to share if you wish. The pool will be open as well!


We just learned that one of our long time members has passed away. Mr. Jeptha Clemons was a retired attorney who lived in Oxford and loved his Ole Miss team. We understand that he was related to Mark Twain! Health issues prevented him from continuing to drive over for events for the past few years. He was the picture of a southern gentleman lawyer, loved music and was great fun to be around. Sail on Jep. Thanks for all the memories.


Is everyone doing ok? We didn't have damage and electricity is back on. Let us know if anyone needs anything. Karen

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Videos (show all)

We had an amazing evening last night gathered with friends as Steve Hopper played so many great Jimmy Buffett tunes.  We...
Wonderful trip with Sunny Jim and friends to Grand Cayman!
Steve Hopper
Jim Asbell and the Tropiholics
Ricky Lamb and the Phinaddicts



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