Videos by Crossroads Chiropractic Lakeside in Meredith. The Center for the Wellness Revolution in the Lakes Region
Have you voted yet today? Just a week left - you can vote once per day per email address! Thank you! Use the link below to go straight to our question - Best Chiropractor!
Have you voted yet today? Just a week left - you can vote once per day per email address! Thank you! Use the link below to go straight to our question - Best Chiropractor!
THE RULES CHANGED at the last minute!!!! We’ve made the finals (huge thanks to you!) but we still need your VOTES to be named BEST CHIROPRACTOR in the Concord Monitor’s Cappies Awards! You can only vote once per day per email address now until June 28th. Use the QR code to go directly to to our question or the link
Are you well adjusted? Clara is… since birth! ❤️ We adore our littlest practice members and love helping them get the best start in life! 🙌 #crossroadschiropractic #welladjustedfamilies
Have you been sabotaging your sleep? Waking up feeling unrested? Try this: 1. Set a recurring alarm and wake up (and go to bed) the SAME time every day. Create a consistent sleep cycle. 2. Turn your screen off (TV, phone, computer) off at least an hour before bed. 3. Stop eating after dinner. Avoid snacking in the hours before bedtime. 4. Choose a mattress and pillow that supports your body, especially your spine. 5. Get adjusted regularly! #bettersleep #lifestylematters #chiropracticlifestyle