OmniSpine Pain Management Clinic Mesquite, TX

Dr. Morchower has all of the training and experience to expertly diagnose the cause of your pain and find a treatment that will improve your symptoms.

Dr. Morchower understands that every patient is unique along with their chronic pain experience. He strives to partner with his patients by educating them the best options for treatment while giving them a renewed sense of hope for relief from chronic pain.


What Conditions Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care can help with a variety of conditions, including:

- Back and neck pain.
- Headaches and migraines.
- Joint pain, such as shoulder and knee issues.
- Sciatica.
- Sports injuries.
- Muscle spasms and tightness.
- Disc problems such as bulging or herniated discs.
- Arthritis pain in the back and other joints.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome.

In addition to treating certain medical conditions, chiropractic care can also help improve athletic performance by preventing injury, increasing flexibility, improving posture and balance, reducing joint compression forces, restoring normal function to the nervous system, reducing fatigue after exercise, and more.

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What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring the alignment in your skeletal system, namely, your spine, to optimize the communication between your nerves and brain and improve the functioning of your systems. This modality is effective for acute issues like an impinged nerve, and chronic conditions like lower back pain, and as a method to maintain and achieve overall health and wellness.

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What Causes Knee Pain?

The location of knee pain can help identify the problem. Pain on the front of the knee can be due to bursitis, arthritis, or softening of the patella cartilage as in chondromalacia patella. Pain on the sides of the knee is commonly related to injuries to the collateral ligaments, arthritis, or tears to the meniscuses. Pain in the back of the knee can be caused by arthritis or cysts, known as Baker's cysts. Baker's cysts are an accumulation of joint fluid (synovial fluid) that forms behind the knee. Overall knee pain can be due to bursitis, arthritis, tears in the ligaments, osteoarthritis of the joint, or infection. If you are experiencing knee pain visit us today!

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When Should I Go to See a Specialist about Knee Pain?

If your knee pain is severe enough that it is significantly impacting your ability to participate in daily life activities, then it is important that you seek out the care and advice of a specialist. However, regardless of the severity of your knee pain, it's a good idea to seek out a specialist at any time, in order to determine the cause, prevent further wear or injury, and also ensure that nothing more serious is going on. In general, it's better to address the issue sooner rather than later, before it becomes severe enough to disrupt your life.

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How Effective Is Botox for Neck Pain?

Botox has proven to be an exceptionally effective treatment for neck pain, according to various scientific studies and patient testimonials. Its ability to provide significant relief from discomfort, increase range of motion, and enhance overall quality of life is well-documented. In many cases, patients who have failed to respond to conventional therapies find Botox to be a game-changer. The time frame for experiencing relief varies from patient to patient, but many report noticeable improvement within a few days to two weeks after the injections. Results typically last for three to four months, after which subsequent treatments may be required. As part of an integrated care plan at OmniSpine Pain Management, Botox can offer a substantial reduction in neck pain and a return to regular activities, enhancing the patients' quality of life.

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When Should I Get Botox on My Neck?

Botox for neck pain should be considered when traditional treatments such as physiotherapy, prescription medication, and lifestyle adjustments have not provided adequate relief. It's also an option to consider if your neck pain is frequent or chronic and affects your daily activities or quality of life. Before initiating Botox treatment, a thorough medical examination by a professional at OmniSpine Pain Management is crucial to ensure the appropriateness of this approach for your specific condition. As every patient's situation is unique, the timing and frequency of Botox treatments will be personalized to your needs, health status, and pain level. Remember, professional guidance is essential in making informed health decisions.

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What Is Considered Chronic Back Pain?

Chronic back pain is categorized as back pain that lasts longer than 3 months. This type of pain is typically caused by traumatic accidents, repeated injuries, or conditions such as arthritis. If you've experienced back pain that lasts longer than a few months, it's important to seek care from a specialist who can locate the underlying cause of your symptoms.

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Don't Let Back Pain Knock You Flat

Is your back hurting? You're in good company. In any 3-month period, about 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. has at least one day of back pain, mostly in the lower back. The good news is most back pain goes away by itself. But for some people, the pain continues. If your back hurts most of the time for more than 3 months, you have chronic back pain.

What doctors do about chronic pain depends on the source of the pain. Some chronic back pain requires prolonged medical attention.

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What Is a Spinal Compression Fracture?

Compression fractures are little breaks in the vertebrae. The vertebrae are the bones that make up the spine and are a series of bones that sit on top of each other. The spine supports the weight of your upper body, allows you to move in many ways and it protects your spinal cord. Moreover, weight and stressors push on the vertebrae and can cause them to collapse. The compression can cause pieces of the vertebrae to push against the spinal cord and the nerves which can cause damage to them.

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What Causes Spinal Compression Fracture?

The biggest cause of compression fractures is osteoporosis. The bones weaken with age and the middle and lower vertebrae will become flatter and narrower. The weakness in the bones makes them more brittle and prone to fracture. In case of moderate osteoporosis, fractures can be associated with falls or accidents.

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How Serious Is a Vertebral Compression Fracture?

A vertebral compression fracture occurs when the bony block or vertebral body collapses, causing severe pain, deformity, and loss of height. Most commonly, these fractures occur in the thoracic spine (the middle part of the spine), especially in the lower part. Vertebral compression fractures can be very serious and cause a variety of long-term consequences, including increased susceptibility to additional vertebral compression fractures in the future. If you suffer a vertebral compression fracture or have a condition such as osteoporosis that increases the likelihood of you doing so, receiving prompt treatment is important.

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What Causes Scoliosis Pain?

Typically, the pain you experience with adult onset scoliosis is the result of pressure on your spinal disks, pressure on facet joints, and muscle pain. But scoliosis can cause pain for other reasons.

The curvature of the spine can stretch or irritate nerves. It can also strain joints, causing them to become inflamed.

Scoliosis also affects your posture, which leads to muscles tightening or becoming tired, causing pain.

In children, the spinal curve can increase without treatment.

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What Are the Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)?

Early signs and symptoms of AS can include pain and stiffness in the hips and lower back. These will most likely be felt in the morning or after periods of inactivity. Neck pain can be associated with AS, as well as fatigue. Symptoms can get worse over time. They can also stop or lessen at irregular intervals.
There are areas of the body that are most commonly impacted by AS. These areas are the joints between the pelvis and the spine where the vertebrae in the lower back can be impacted. Other regions include the places where ligaments and tendons attach to bones in the spine, or sometimes in the back of the heel.

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What Is Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)?

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a type of inflammatory disease that can cause vertebrae in the spine to fuse. The fusing of the vertebrae makes the spine less flexible. This can create a hunched-over posture. This posture can then make it difficult to move or even breathe deeply.
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) happens more frequently in men than it does in women. Signs of this can start to be seen in early adulthood.

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What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

A common cause of wrist pain is carpal tunnel syndrome. You may feel aching, burning, numbness, or tingling in your palm, wrist, thumb, or fingers. The thumb muscle can become weak, making it difficult to grasp things. Pain may go up to your elbow.

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve gets compressed at the wrist because of swelling. This is the nerve in the wrist that allows feeling and movement to parts of the hand.

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What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Compression of the median nerve can cause hand pain and or numbness, loss of grip strength, and eventually muscle atrophy. Causes of this compression can be due to accumulative trauma or another name is repetitive trauma to the wrists, poor workstation set-up, and/or joint dysfunction of the wrist and/or neck.

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What Are the Symptoms of Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis affects people in different ways, and not everyone has pain. The most common symptoms are:
- Pain when you move, which often gets better with rest.
- Stiffness, especially for the first 30 minutes after you get up from resting.
- Swollen joints, especially after using the joint a lot.
- Less movement in the joint than normal.
- A joint that feels loose or unstable.

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Who Is More Likely to Develop Osteoarthritis?

Things that make you more likely to develop osteoarthritis include:
- Aging. Osteoarthritis can happen at any age, but the chance of getting it increases in middle-aged adults and older. After age 50, it is more common in women than in men.
- Being overweight. Extra weight puts more stress on your joints.
- Having a past injury or surgery on a joint. This is often the cause of osteoarthritis in younger adults.
- Doing a lot of activities that overuse the joint. This includes sports with a lot of jumping, twisting, running, or throwing.

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What Happens If You Leave Bursitis Untreated?

If the bursitis is left untreated, a few complications can occur including:

-Chronic pain

Chronic pain can occur in untreated bursitis which leads to the permanent thickening or enlargement of the bursa that is already inflamed and can cause chronic inflammation and pain.

-Muscle atrophy

Muscle atrophy occurs in long-term reduced use of the joint which then will lead to decreased physical activity and loss of the surrounding muscle mass.

You can prevent bursitis from occurring by the following:

-Learning to either correct your posture or technique for sports or work.
-Avoid sitting or kneeling for long periods, these positions are what put a lot of pressure on the joints.
-Maintaining a healthy weight will help to reduce the pressure put on joints.
-Use cushions and pads if you need to kneel or put weight on your elbows.
-Ease into new exercise routines or activities to avoid injury.
-Taking breaks when you are doing a repetitive task will have to not injure yourself.

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What Are the Symptoms of Bursitis Flare-Up?

The most common symptoms that occur with the sign of bursitis:

-Pain during movement especially around the muscles, bones, and joints
-Limited range of motion
-Warmth in the area

If you are noticing redness, fever, chills, and warmth in the area, it is most likely a bursitis infection is occurring.

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What Is Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a painful, chronic condition involving the trigeminal nerve. There are about 12 cases per 100,000 people in the United States each year.

There are two separate trigeminal nerves, one on each side of the face. These nerves are responsible for carrying the sensation of pain and other sensations from the face to the brain. Each nerve has three branches (forehand, midface, and chin). It's possible to have TN of any (or all) branches. TN causes intense pain in part or all of the face.

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What Are the Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia?

If you do have trigeminal neuralgia, you may deal with one or more of the following symptoms:

-Twinges of mild pain which can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes
-Severe episodes of shooting, searing, jabbing pain that can often feel like electric shocks to the boy
-Sudden pain attacks which can be triggered by stimuli that are often not painful, but can be brought on by touching the face, chewing, speaking, or even brushing the teeth
-Episodes of cluster attacks can last much longer but there may be no pain
-Pain where ever the nerve from the trigeminal nerve is and where it branches out too, these areas may include the forehead, eyes, jaw, cheek, lips, gums and teeth
-Pain is commonly found on one side of the face; however, in less frequent situations it can be found in both sides
-Pain that is focused on one direct spot or spreads in a wider pattern

These attacks of pain can often happen several times a day every day in more severe cases. Some patients may never recollect having any symptoms at all for months or years between their attacks.

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How Effective Is Viscosupplementation?

Many patients have found viscosupplementation injections to be a highly effective pain relief solution for joint pain caused by conditions like osteoarthritis. Moreover, considering that the procedure is minimally invasive, quick, and relatively painless, there is very little risk with viscosupplementation injections when compared with the benefits of viscosupplementation, which include long-lasting pain relief and improved joint function. In this way, viscosupplementation is an effective alternative to more invasive procedures like total knee replacement for individuals who want to avoid or delay such treatment.

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What Are Viscosupplementation Injections?

Viscosupplementation injections use hyaluronic acid (HA) to treat chronic joint pain and dysfunction, particularly osteoarthritis in the knee joint. Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule that occurs naturally in your body and is found in the highest concentrations within the fluid that surrounds your joints and eyes. The fluid around your joints containing hyaluronic acid, known as synovial fluid, functions as a shock absorber and lubricant for your joints.

However, synovial fluid loses much of its thickness and viscosity during osteoarthritis, causing increased pain and discomfort with joint movement while also allowing inflammatory cells released during osteoarthritis to contact sensory nerves in your joint.

With that in mind, viscosupplementation injections supplement the synovial fluid by injecting a thick gel form of hyaluronic acid into the synovium, or synovial membrane, to allow for decreased inflammation and smoother and less painful joint movement.

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What Is the Recovery Time for a Stellate Ganglion Block?

The Stellate ganglion block is a sophisticated procedure with virtually no recovery time. Indeed, after confirming the integrity of the surrounding tissue and the absence of any obvious sign of a potential complication or side effect, the patient is ready to work. To emphasize, the stellate ganglion block doesn't require any downtime. People can resume their life pace immediately afterward. Of course, patients should not eat for the next 6 hours and prevent massaging the injection area.

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What Can a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Detect?

Musculoskeletal ultrasound can detect several different musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, such as the following:

-Achilles' tendon tears
-Joint Arthritis
-Benign or malignant soft tissue tumors
-Bleeding within the muscles or joints
-Carpal tunnel syndrome and other nerve entrapment injuries
-Changes with rheumatoid arthritis
-Elbow tendon problems
-Fluid buildup within the bursae or joints
-Foreign bodies in soft tissues
-Ganglion cysts
-Rotator cuff tears
-Shoulder impingement syndrome, also referred to as bursitis of the shoulder
-Sprained ankles
-Cervical Dystonia in Neck

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Managing Pain

Pain, whether chronic or acute, can be devastating, and unfortunately it is a reality for many people. Effective pain management can reduce pain and help improve function so people can enjoy doing what matters to them most.

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What Is Pain Management?

Pain is something we all experience from time to time. In your lifetime, you may experience thousands of injuries, diseases, disorders, and conditions that can cause pain. In some cases, it can also occur as a result of treatments for specific conditions and diseases. Pain can last for a short period and disappear when you heal (acute pain). In some cases, it can last for months or even years (chronic pain). You can regulate pain with medications, procedures, exercises, and therapy provided by pain management specialists.

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Can the Epidural Steroid Injection Help My Spondylolysis?

During a consultation and diagnosis of your spondylolysis, if the area of the spine where spondylolysis is found does not pose a threat to life, or result in severe chronic pain, the symptoms one may be dealing with can be managed through alternative pain management strategies like an epidural steroid injection. These doses of steroid medications will be administered directly into the space between the spinal cord and the affected vertebrae. Epidural steroid injections offer pain relief, but also a reduction in inflammation that may be a contributing factor to your chronic pain conditions.

Epidural steroid injections are a viable alternative to back surgery in candidates.

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What Is Spondylolysis?

Spondylolysis is a problem in the spine that causes a small crack, or fracture between two vertebrae. Vertebrae are the bones located in your spine. Spondylolysis can cause back pain, but its easily treatable with epidural steroid injections. Treatments like epidural steroid injections and physical therapy together are most successful when started early on.

Spondylolysis is found often after repeated injuries to the back during sports. Spondylolysis is very common in kids and teens, especially those who participate in sports like gymnastics or football. Overstretching or even overextending the spine can lead to small cracks appearing in the vertebrae.

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1102 N. Galloway Avenue
Mesquite, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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