Zaynnah Tours & Travel

Immigration Services - Translation/Interpretation - Notary Public. We provide a full range of travel services: Worldwide air ticketing, hotel reservations.

We offer the best customer service with the lowest airfares. للرحلات الداخلية و الخارجية

ترجمة - وكالات - معاملات هجرة

We provide a full range of travel services: Worldwide air ticketing, hotel reservations, cruises and tours including honeymoon & vacation packages, and religious journeys. Discounted Business & Economy discounted fares to the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Mexico, Central Americ


كل عام وأردننا الحبيب أرضاً وشعباَ بألف خير♥️



We offer passport processing packages including passport photos

Children under 16 need both parents to appear!! One can’t make it? No problem. We have all the forms and notary onsite.

Call, text or WhatsApp +15048387070 or +15046217070

Heading overseas this summer? Think of what you can buy with the $60 of expedited passport processing fees you saved by planning ahead! Passport processing times are currently 6-8 weeks for routine service and 2-3 weeks for expedited service.


تعديل ساعات عمل معبر الكرامة خلال شهر رمضان المبارك
أعلنت الإدارة العامة للمعابر والحدود الفلسطينية عن إجراء تعديل على ساعات عمل المعبر خلال شهر رمضان الفضيل، حيث سيعمل المعبر من يوم الأحد حتى يوم الخميس، من الساعة الثامنة صباحاً حتى الساعة الثالثة والنصف مساءً في كلا الاتجاهين.
ويوم الجمعة سيعمل المعبر من الساعة الثامنة صباحاً حتى الساعة الحادية عشر والنصف ظهراً، ويوم السبت المعبر مغلق بشكل كامل في كلا الاتجاهين.


جوازك الامريكي منتهي ولازمه تجديد ..
او اخدت الجنسية وبدك تعمل جواز لأول مرة؟ اتصلوا فينا اليوم او بكرا لحتى تحصلوا على الجواز يوم الأربعاء ١٨ /١٠ .
أرقام المكتب


يعلن جسر الملك حسين عن استئناف حركة المسافرين المغادرين والقادمين لهذا اليوم الاثنين الموافق 9/10/2023 ولغاية الساعة (1400).

سيتم الإعلان عن دوام الجسر لباقي ايام الاسبوع صباح كل يوم في حينه.

صفحتنا على الفيس بوك لمعرفة كل ما هو جديد.

للاستفسار يرجى التواصل على :
او التواصل على رسائل الصفحه


يعلن جسر الملك حسين عن ايقاف حركة المسافرين المغادرين والقادمين والشحن لهذا اليوم الأحد الموافق 8/10/2023.

سيتم الإعلان عن دوام الجسر لباقي ايام الاسبوع صباح كل يوم في حينه.

صفحتنا على الفيس بوك لمعرفة كل ما هو جديد.

للاستفسار يرجى التواصل على :
او التواصل على رسائل الصفحه


صباح الخير .
اي حدا حابب او مستعجل يحصل على جواز امريكي جديد سواء تجديد او لأول مرة بيوم ١٣ من هاد الشهر، يتواصل معنا على أرقام المكتب


As the airline that flies to the most countries in the world, we offer our passengers a flawless travel experience.

We're proud to have received awards in 5 categories at the Skytrax 2023 World Airline Awards with our perfectionist service understanding in every field.


The new Lost & Found and Customer Service Office opened on Friday. The office is located on Level 1 Baggage Claim near Door 6 (the entrance to the Short Term Parking Garage).

If you lost an item while in the terminal, stop by the office, give us a call, or visit our website at to report your missing item.


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السماح الفلسطينين الذين يحملون الجنسيات الامريكية بالسفر عن طريق مطار اللد (تل ابيب)
لكن بتنسيق مسبق.

بصفتك مواطنًا أمريكيًا صاحب هوية فلسطينية ومسجل في مناطق يهودا والسامرة يمكنك الدخول إلى إسرائيل عن طريق كل واحد من المعابر الحدودية الدولية، ما عدا معبر إيرز (قائمة المعابر المفصلة هنا) حيث يجب أن تعرض جواز سفر أمريكي ساري المفعول.

عند الدخول إلى إسرائيل تحصل على رخصة سائح في إسرائيل من نوع B/2 لمدة حتى 90 يومًا، إلى جانب الرخصة تتلقى تلقائيًا عند الدخول إلى إسرائيل تصريح "سياحة أمريكية" لمدة حتى 90 يومًا.

في حال وجود شبهات فردية في حقك أمنيًا أو هجريًا أو جنائيًأ أو صحيًا يتم رفض دخولك ولكن يمكنك العودة إلى منطقة يهودا والسامرة من معبر جسر أللنبي فقط.

ملاحظات هامة:

هذا الإجراء لا ينطبق على سكان قطاع غزة.

عند المعبر الحدودي أو المطار عليك أن تعرض جواز سفرك الأمريكي فقط.

Entry of palestinian american tourists into israel AR Home...



كل عام وانتم بخير
سيتم إغلاق المكتب يوم الجمعة April /21
بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك
تقبل الله طاعتكم ان شاء الله


We offer high-quality passport photo taking services that meet official criteria for acceptable images every time. We’ll make sure everything is lined up correctly, the background is acceptable, and size, position, and resolution is correct.

We also offer Professionally prepared packet for

نقدم خدمة التقاط صور جواز السفر عالية الجودة التي تلبي المعايير الرسمية للصور المقبولة في دائرة الجوازات. قبل طباعتها نتأكد من أن الصورة تظهر بشكل صحيح ، وأن الخلفية مقبولة ، وأن الحجم والموضع والدقة صحيحة.

نقدم أيضا خدمة تحضير الأوراق المطلوبة لتجديد جواز السفر وكل ما يلزم لتحصيل موعد مستعجل.


جسر الملك حسين مفتوح ٢٤ ساعة لحاملين الهوية الفلسطينية .



وفقًا للإعلان الصادر عن إدارة أمن الجسور، أصبح بإمكان مسافرينا الأعزاء المرور عبر جسر الملك حسين على مدار الساعة؛ حيث سيُعمل بنظام الـ 24 ساعة لفترة تجريبية ابتداءً من صباح يوم الأحد 6 تشرين الثاني ولغاية مساء يوم الجمعة الموافق 11 تشرين الثاني، وستبقى الحركة كالمعتاد للدبلوماسيين والمجموعات السياحية.

Based on the announcement issued by the Bridges Security Department, our valued passengers can now pass through King Hussein Bridge round-the-clock. The 24-hour system will commence for a trial period starting Sunday 6 November until the evening of Friday 11 November, with movement remaining as per usual for diplomats and tourist groups.


#الاخوة المسافرين سوف يتم العمل #بنظام ال ٢٤ ساعه اعتبارا من يوم غد #الاحد الموافق 6/11/2022 و لغاية يوم #الجمعه الموافق 11/11/2022 و ولمدة اسبوع واحد فقط ( ) وكما يلي.:

1_ المغادرين والقادمين العرب : فتح جسر الملك حسين الساعه التاسعة صباحا يوم غد الأحد الموافق 6/11/2022 ولغاية الساعة الثانية من ظهر يوم الجمعة الموافق 11/11/2022 (بتوقيت المملكة) .

2_ الدبلوماسي _ ال(V. I. P) _المجموعات السياحية:
تكون الحركة كالمعتاد من الساعة التاسعه صباحا ولغاية الساعة التاسعة مساءً على مدار الاسبوع (بإستثناء الجمعه والسبت) بتوقيت المملكة.

3_ تبقى حركة المعبر التجاري (الشحن) كالمعتاد.

* #تنويه لجميع المسافرين الذين يرغبون بالسفر بأتجاه الضفة الغربية #التواجد في الجسر قبل الموعد #بساعة.

*يبدأ العمل بالتوقيت الجديد في جسر الملك حسين اعتبارا من يوم الاحد الموافق 6/11/2022 ولمدة اسبوع واحد فقط.

للاستفسار يرجى التواصل على :
او التواصل على رسائل الصفحه


DV Lottery for the year 2022 is called DV-2024, and it is officially running from October 5 to November 8. You can trust our office to prepare your application to avoid any mistakes that may ruin your chances of entering the program




*تنويه للأخوة القادمين عبر جسر الملك حسين بأتجاه المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية #ضرورة الحجز المسبق على منصة gateway to Jordan المجانية والمتاحة في جميع الاوقات لحملة الجوازات الفلسطينه والجواز الاردني المؤقت ( حملة الكرت الأخضر) وذلك لتجنب تأخير المسافرين والحد من الازمات الخانقة داخل الجسر .

* ابراز الحجز (QRcod) ورقياً لموظف الاستقبال في جسر الملك حسين.

*نعمل لأجلكم ولخدمتكم.

للاستفسار يرجى التواصل على :
او التواصل على رسائل الصفحه

Places to See | Touristanbul | Turkish Airlines ® 09/08/2022

Dear Travel Partners,

We are pleased to announce that Turkish Airlines has restarted TourIstanbul program as of July 2022 and has 6 daily tours from Istanbul Airport to the city where passengers with a connecting international flight in Istanbul, and a layover between 6 and 24 hours, can take advantage of our complimentary Touristanbul service to discover Istanbul.

How to book Touristanbul

After your Turkish Airlines connecting international flight lands in Istanbul, you can sign up for Touristanbul at the Hotel Desk in the International Arrivals Terminal of Istanbul Airport.

Before visiting Türkiye, you can obtain an e-visa at [] website. Please check your country’s requirements to see if it is necessary to obtain a visa to enter Türkiye.

Places to see

There are so many places to see in Istanbul. Touristanbul offers you a great chance to meet with historical monuments, beautiful views and more. Get ready for an amazing experience which fills every moment with joy in Istanbul.

Tour schedule

Time to discover famous Hagia Sophia, Dolmabahce Palace, Topkapi Place, Blue Mosque and more! Enjoy the great Bosphorus view and taste delicious Turkish and Ottoman traditional food at an elegant restaurant. Take a glance at the program and get ready to fill every moment with joy in Istanbul.

504-838-7070-Office/What's App
504-621-7070-SMS/What's App

Places to See | Touristanbul | Turkish Airlines ® Touristanbul offers you a great chance to meet with historical monuments, beautiful views and more.


End of Mask Mandate

Travel 10/30/2021

On November 8th, a number of travel changes will be implemented impacting both citizens and non-citizens traveling to the U.S. from international destinations.

The most significant change for U.S. citizens is a new policy that

• unvaccinated individuals will be required to show a negative COVID-19 test taken within one day of departure to the U.S.

Please refer to the Updated Travel Requirements for Children under 18 section below to learn about the new policy for children.

This is a change from the previous three day requirement, which remains in place for vaccinated travelers. Additionally, airlines will now verify vaccination status – in addition to negative COVID-19 test results – to ensure individuals comply with the correct testing timeframe based on their vaccination status.

Also, non-U.S. citizens traveling from international destinations will be permitted to enter the United States beginning on November 8th if they are fully vaccinated, have a negative COVID-19 test taken three days before departure, and provide proof of their vaccination status to airlines prior to flying to the U.S.

Prior to travel, we remind travelers to check with the U.S. State Department for the most current travel information. We also encourage them to check with their specific airline about COVID-19 requirements and the process for demonstrating those requirements. All travelers should be referred to the CDC website at and the U.S. State Department website at as important travel resources.

Additional information about the anticipated November 8th changes can be found below:

Updated Travel Requirements for All Adult Travelers

• Unvaccinated air passengers, including non-U.S. citizens, U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, will be required to show a negative COVID-19 test taken within one day of departure to the U.S. This is a tightening of restrictions given that the previous requirement was for a test taken within three days.

• All fully vaccinated air passengers entering the United States internationally, including U.S. citizens, will continue to be required to show a negative COVID-19 test taken within three days of travel prior to boarding a flight. This is consistent with previous requirements and is not changing with these new requirements. This applies only to travelers who have received vaccines approved for emergency use by the FDA and/or the World Health Organization two weeks prior to travel.

• In order to have results from a three-day testing window accepted, vaccinated U.S. citizens traveling from an international destination will need to provide proof of their vaccination to their airline. Otherwise, a one-day test will be required.

• International air passengers to the United States will now be required to provide basic, valid contact information to airlines before boarding flights to the United States to allow airlines to better coordinate with public health agencies, to share information when needed, to keep the public safe and informed.

• Please check with your airline regarding accommodations for people who have a documented recovery from COVID-19 in the past 90 days with respect to the testing requirement.

Updated Travel Requirements for Children under 18

• Children between the ages of 2 and 17 are required to take a pre-departure COVID-19 test in order to enter the U.S., regardless of citizenship. Children under 2 years of age are excepted from the testing requirement, but it is recommended by the CDC when possible. Children under 18 are exempt from having to provide proof of vaccination.

• If a child is not fully vaccinated and traveling with a fully vaccinated adult, they can show proof of a negative viral test from a sample taken within three days before departure, which is consistent with the timeline for fully vaccinated adults.

• If an unvaccinated child is traveling alone or with unvaccinated adults, they will have to show proof of a negative viral test from a sample taken within one day of departure.

Updated Travel Requirements for Non-citizen International Travelers to the U.S.

• Non-U.S. citizens traveling from international destinations will be permitted to enter the United States beginning on November 8th if they are fully vaccinated, have a negative COVID-19 test taken three days before departure, and provide proof of their vaccination status to airlines prior to flying to the U.S. This applies only to travelers who have received vaccines approved for emergency use by the FDA and/or the World Health Organization two weeks prior to travel.

Approved Vaccines + Proof of Vaccination

• Approved vaccines include Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. Vaccines that have not yet been authorized by the FDA or the World Health Organization include Sputnik V and CanSino. More information can be found at

• Proof of vaccination should be a paper or digital record issued by an official source and should include the traveler’s name and date of birth, as well as the vaccine product and date(s) of administration for all doses the traveler received. If a digital record is provided, it is suggested that a paper copy also be carried by all travelers.

• To accept proof of vaccination airlines are prepared to match the name and date of birth to confirm the passenger is the same person reflected on the proof of vaccination, determine that the record was issued by an official source (e.g., public health agency, government agency) in the country where the vaccine was given and review the essential information for determining if the passenger meets CDC's definition for fully vaccinated such as vaccine product, number of vaccine doses received, date(s) of administration, site (e.g., vaccination clinic, healthcare facility) of vaccination.

If you have additional questions, we refer you to the CDC website at and the U.S. State Department website at as important travel resources. Please note that we continue to recommend that all travelers plan ahead by researching airline requirements and understanding destination requirements, including mask wearing, proof of vaccination, testing, or quarantine, prior to departure.

Travel Links to external websites are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of State of the views or products contained therein. If you wish to remain on, click the "cancel" message.


تكاليف_السفر للقادمين والمغادرين من #الاردن إلى #فلسطين وبالعكس

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End of Mask Mandate #Mask #covid
Social Distancing Travel



3349 Ridgelake Drive, Ste 102
Metairie, LA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 3:30pm
Tuesday 10am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 3:30pm
Friday 10am - 3:30pm

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