Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support

Helping women go from the mess of fibromyalgia in their lives to letting relief in. https://cheerful


Talk about perspective...

Are you CHERISHING every moment? Comment below

What do you do when you can’t sleep? 03/18/2021

What happens when you can't sleep? What happens when the next day brings fatigue?

What do you have in your bag of tricks to help you get through those moments?

Last night's blog might give you some insight to options you may not have tried yet.

If you think ideas like this can help, you'd love the Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support Group on Facebook.

Link: to group and much more. 😊

What do you do when you can’t sleep? Eyes open at 4:00 AM. What do I do now?


Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Ever feel like you got hit by a truck?

Over it
No energy
No stamina
No motivation

It is not just the result of a sleepless night.
It keeps you from….

Daily life

It sucks!

❤️ if you know what I’m talking about.

Join us (link in bio) in the Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support Group as we talk about Fatigue and how it affects us.


This is EXACTLY what we will work on this week. The next 8 days will be all about making sure you can fly regardless of the branch.

In other words, making sure you can live a life filled with joy and relief every single day, regardless of what Fibro has planned!

I am so excited!!! See you tonight. Bring your favorite beverage and get ready to focus on flying!

Join us in the FB Group: Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support Group. LIVE and in color Thriving Daily with Fibromyalgia starts TONIGHT @ 7:00 PM.

If you can't make it Live, no problem, join the FB Group and you can see the replays.


Today is the day!! Day 1. We are going to dive into what you need to start creating a life you love with .

You are not going to want to miss this! Join the FB Group, download the Action Guide and be there at 7:00 PM.

xoxo, Michelle

Thriving Daily with Fibro! 02/28/2021

Tomorrow at 7:00 PM. See you there!

Thriving Daily with Fibro! Come and join me as I teach the 5 simple steps that I have used the last 4 years to go from not walking to taking back my freedom and living a life filled with relief and joy.


👩‍🦰 I have so many things to do but I am so tired, in pain and I just don’t have the energy.

Then don’t! Why must you do all of that now?

👩‍🦰You don’t understand. I have to get it all done. If I don’t then I feel guilty for not doing it all. I feel awful because I can’t be the mom and wife they expect me to be.

👩‍🦰 But when I do too much the pain, fatigue, lack of energy, all get worst.

I understand! I am just like you. I was just like you. Life slapped me hard and I had to learn to take care of me, so I could do anything else.

I also have a . I have and . But I couldn’t hide from it, I couldn’t scare it away, I couldn’t erase it.

So now I live with it MY WAY. I created a life that brings me joy. I learned hw to balance my Fibro and my life, so I can still do all the things I have to and want to, on MY TERMS>

I can thank Fibro for teaching me that I have to take care of myself, so I can be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. I thank Fibro for forcing me to slow down. Don’t get me wrong I am not thankful for it but I respect the fact that it highlighted how I have tot take care of me!

👩‍🦰So you do get it?


👩‍🦰So how do you do it?

I’ll tell you, it’s a day to day choice of how I deal with all the stress (good and bad) in my life. I found ways to take care of me, to analyze my choices and my habits and make better ones.

👩‍🦰But how bad has it been?

I stopped functioning, walking, eating, showering, etc. by myself. I was unable to live without 2 things PAIN and HELP, the pain was everywhere and I needed the help all the time.

👩‍🦰So what did you do?

That is s along story. But if you are really interested in knowing how I live a lifestyle filled with joy and relief from the pain, how I go hiking, boating, fishing, walking, swimming, have a full-time teaching job, a coaching business and am an all-the-time mom and wife come join me in my FREE class and my FREE group on Facebook.

Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support Group in Facebook (Link in Bio) or DM me I’ll send you the link.

Trust me, it’ll be so wort it.


This includes taking care of yourself. Give yourself a lot of grace. Hope you are taking time for you this Sunday!

Thriving Daily with Fibro! 02/21/2021

Meds, meds, meds

They give meds for the pain,
brain fog......

I could keep going. There are so many reasons why we get meds.

After taking a variety of options, I realized that there was a pill for everything, and a pill for the side effects of all those.

So I started to work on all of me, saw what worked and what didn’t, I did the work (I still do, daily).

Conclusion, I feel better.

This is what I am teaching in my FREE Masterclass.

I’m ready to share with you all the I have studied and experienced.

Imagine: you come, you learn, you get better. Can you beat that offer?

You coming? Or what? (link in bio)

Thriving Daily with Fibro! Come and join me as I teach the 5 simple steps that I have used the last 4 years to go from not walking to taking back my freedom and living a life filled with relief and joy.

Thriving Daily with Fibro! 02/18/2021

Have you ever undertaken something that seemed complicated only to discover it was so much easier than you thought?

Like the first time you followed an elaborate recipe or put together anything from IKEA.

From the outside looking in, it's easy to feel completely overwhelmed.

(Even if you can't boil an egg, bear with me)
The most elaborate meals prepared by Michelin starred chefs ultimately start the same way any other meals do.

Chopping vegetables, measuring ingredients, and finally putting the dish in the oven.

The same applies to your healing journey.
Some people look at the task of exercising the same way as they look at preparing a 4-course gourmet meal.

They are making it way too complicated, expensive and (honestly working waaaayyyy too hard, without getting the results).

Thriving Daily with Fibro isn't the way anyone else does it. It boggles my mind what is out there for people with Fibro who just want to feel better.

I have not found a program or coach to help me with my daily pains and frustrations.

So that is why I created this group, this class and all that is to come.

I hope you will join us!

Thriving Daily with Fibro! Come and join me as I teach the 5 simple steps that I have used the last 4 years to go from not walking to taking back my freedom and living a life filled with relief and joy.


Here’s your Saturday reminder that you can do hard things.

You have to teach your brain that you CAN do what you previously thought not possible.

It is absolutely a daily practice. It will always be a daily practice until the end of time.

Action is a requirement.

Improving that action is yet another requirement.

Eventually, you'll prove your mind wrong. (That part of you that says you can't do it.)

But if you succumb to the false beliefs and doubt, you'll never know what you can do, will you?


Your life depends on you to be an active participant.

The success of your health journey requires you to be an active participant.

The days filled with family fun require YOUR participation, vacations require YOUR participation, YOU require YOUR participation.

Catch my drift? I know YOU've got this!

I know you can do this, if you need some help, join me in the Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support Group FB Group.

Tag someone below who needs to hear this pick-me-up today!


Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support Group is having a FREE Workshop, Thriving Daily with Fibromyalgia.

This is not your same old class or group. Our group is a community of like-minded women ready to improve their daily like with Fibro.

Our class is all about sating good bye to the mess of Fibro and find Joy and Relief.

*No more guilt or shame.
*Get your mind and body on the same page so you can start feeling better.
*Figure out what foods work for you.
*Deal with the everyday stresses.
*Learn to make choices that are best for your health.

Will you show up? Are you willing to adjust your schedule to be there Live or schedule in the replay? Make time for an experience that can change your life.

Get yourself registered here: (link in bio).

Thriving Daily with Fibro! Come and join me as I teach the 5 simple steps that I have used the last 4 years to go from not walking to taking back my freedom and living a life filled with relief and joy.

Sleep Routine Checklist 02/12/2021

Hot off the press!

It's time to get the ZZZs your body has been craving.

Have you gone to bed at 3 am and woken up at 11 am and felt like you got hit by a truck.

How could it be you slept 8 hours. It's the same as when you go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am.

News Flash: IT IS NOT!

Your growth hormone keeps working after you stop "growing". It has another job, to restore your body.

It's works at full speed between the hours of 11 pm and 1 am.

There is so much more to a good night's sleep.

If you are ready to get some ZZZs then download the free "Sleep Routine Checklist" I just created.

The checklist has over 10 steps to practice daily to get you ready for a good night's sleep and have you energized the next day.

Try it this weekend and tell us what helped. 😉

Sleep Routine Checklist



Give yourself permission to be incredible! 😀

Thriving Daily with Fibro! Come and join me as I teach the 5 simple steps that I have used the last 4 years to go from not walking to taking back my freedom and living a life filled with relief and joy.


Let’s set the record straight, shall we?

Life isn’t butterflies and rainbows all the time.

There, I said it!

If we’re being honest, lately the stress has got me a little under the weather.

Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for my business.

I think I’m just feeling this way because I have been working on an amazing Master Class for March 1st.

Whenever I’m feeling down, I’ve found that my go-to mood booster is a warm shower, a good movie and then a good night's sleep.

After that, life seems back on track again!

Sure, life may not be perfect, but it’s not all bad.

Comment below if you agree!


It is ok to not be ok!

I am here to remind, to give you permission (if you need it) to not be ok, if you're not.

I have not been able to post the last few days because stress woke up my IBS and my pain.

To be honest, I didn't notice how stressed I had been. I was doing things I loved doing and there were a lot of other things going on.

But stress is stress. What do I mean?

Stress doesn't say, "oh don't worry, I am the good kind. You will be fine!"
It is important to keep your own personal gauge of what is too much.

Only your body will react (mine did, and not in a great way).

So I took a break. (my life didn't fall apart)
I ate the foods that I know make me feel better.
I took care of myself and life continued.

I took a guiltless break.

Today, I am a new person. Grateful that I took the time off.

What do you do when the stress is too much and your body feels it?


Want to learn...

How to reclaim the reins of your health and life so you can:
*have more energy
*learn ways to cope with the everyday struggle
*prioritize yourself
*learn to control triggers
*learn to listen to your body
*create boundaries and so much more.

Get yourself registered for Thriving Daily with Fibro. It's a free 8-day workshop that will completely alter the way you live with Fibromyalgia!

Register here to download your action guide and get all the deets!

Thriving Daily with Fibro! Come and join me as I teach the 5 simple steps that I have used the last 4 years to go from not walking to taking back my freedom and living a life filled with relief and joy.

Self-Care Menu 02/08/2021

What do you do when you finally reach the end of a reeeeally long day?

As for me, I look no further than my shower to transition me from the day that I've had to the restful, peaceful evening I plan to have.

If I can, there’s take-out involved and I squeeze in an extra bedtime.

How do you wash off the stress of a challenging day? If you are not sure where to begin, press the easy button and use my new Self-Care Menu.

Comment below and share what works for you. I am sure we could all use them.

Self-Care Menu

Self-Care Menu 02/08/2021

Happy Monday!

I hope this Monday you have woken up refreshed and ready for the week.

If not, maybe it's time to start a self-care practice. Below you will find the link for the self-care menu to start you off right.

Let us know which one you tried and how it went.

Self-Care Menu


Will you play along? I’m dying to know:

Do you write handwritten cards or are you more of the email, phone call, text type?

For me, I do a happy 💃 when I get to catch up with a friend over the phone.

Why do I ask?

Because today is Send a Card to a Friend Day!

The best part is making others feel good actually makes your heart happy.

Whether you’re doing it electronically or by mail, I hope you take this opportunity to tell someone you love them!

So, tell me: how are you going to brighten someone’s day today, comment below.


Happy Sunday!

What are your Sunday plans? Comment below.


Attention all !

Come join us in the Fibromyalgia Lifestyle Support Group where we are talking all things , , so that we can fill our cups.

If you are trying to enjoy more in your life this is the place to be.

See you there, xoxo, M


Challenge continues.

Drinking water is not my favorite thing to do. It is like a chore to get all the water in.

When I am focused on a task the last thing I think about is drinking water. I love my coffee or my tea, but water, no thank you.

Today, I reminded my self how important water is and I planned my day including my water intake. I added some lemon and strawberries. I am about to have the last sip of my goal.

To be honest, it was so easy. I changed the way I thought about the "dreaded" water, made it flavorful and used a cup that I could fill 32 ounces so I didn't have to keep getting up to fill it.

Today's has been a success.

How much are you drinking?
Is it enough?
Is it half your body weight in ounces?

Comment below.

Self-Care Menu 02/06/2021

Happy Freebie Friday! This Friday's freebie is a self-care menu to fill your cup. When your cup is full everybody wins.

Self-Care Menu

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Today is the day!! Day 1. We are going to dive into what  you need to start creating a life you love with #fibromyalgia....


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