LUMA - Luxury Matchmaking , Orange County

We are dedicated to helping you meet and keep the partner you can spend the rest of your life with. Become a passive or premium member to enjoy this experience.

When you’re a single, successful, working professional, finding someone who meets the high standards you’ve set for yourself can be difficult. With so many dating apps and services, it’s hard to know which are effective in building sustainable relationships, leaving you to go on countless dates with people who just aren’t right for you. But with Minneapolis, MN-based LUXE Matchmaking, it doesn’t h


Are you tired of being ghosted by men for no apparent reason?

Do you often find yourself stuck in situationships that lack any form of commitment and security, only for the guy to break up with you anyway?

As an expert Matchmaker, I know so many women can relate to being rejected or sidelined during early to mid stages of courtship. 💔

If you’re dedicated to securing a long-term relationship, it’s time be honest for a minute:

Relationships get stale without a continual effort to increase intimacy. 💑

Yes, even fairly new relationships can tire quickly, because men are goal-oriented and competitive by nature.

Without solidifying a strong bond with your partner through intimacy, men tend to disvalue the relationship and move on to the next challenge to conquer.

I’ve discovered a few simple techniques to naturally increase intimacy in any relationship - from puppy love to lengthy marriages.

If you’re ready to substantiate the bond between you and your love and make him commit, check out my blog:

Mastering the art of being vulnerable and intimate with your partner will set the foundation for your entire relationship. ❤️

Without forming a deep, lasting connection, it’s all too easy for men to feel unfulfilled.


People with a positive mindset were 50% less likely to die over ten years than those who were pessimistic. 🌟

The data undeniably proves the power of positive thinking. This is one of the most studied topics in all of psychology, and for good reason!

Although most of us understand the benefits of a positive mindset, we fail to recognize its importance in dating.

As a single person, it can be difficult to maintain that hope that The One is out there. 💘

However, it's essential not to let past experiences deter us from believing in the possibility of finding meaningful connections.

Recognizing that genuine hope can shape our dating experiences for the better is one of the first steps to finding your true love, but you must also learn to anticipate positivity.

Those that perform well in the dating scene tend to be more than positive thinkers- they’re positive expecters. 💫

This involves anticipating potential challenges in a relationship and mentally preparing to address them.

By proactively considering possible pitfalls, you can navigate the complexities of dating with resilience and confidence.

How successful you are at dating really comes down to your perspective. 💭

Without a shift in your actions or perspective, it’s highly likely that you are the limiting factor in your dating potential.

Although you should focus on what “good” can happen, it’s equally important to prepare for the bad so that you can manage challenges as they come.

“The simplest way to bring balance to your thoughts and emotions is unwavering commitment to something” -Sadhguru

…And that commitment should be to bettering yourself (even if only to find true love). ❤️


Nearly 70% of relationships fail to survive their first year. 💔

We undoubtedly recognize that not all relationships deserve a happy ending, but that statistic is certainly sobering.

Romantic partnerships are one of the greatest sources of joy and fulfillment when they’re nurtured and cherished.

But when a relationship goes south, it can be deeply painful to acknowledge that the spark has faded.

Oftentimes, we ignore the signs of a failing relationship until resentment and contempt make it impossible to ignore.

Instead of allowing these negative emotions to fester and grow, focus on accepting when it’s time to call it quits.

Relationships are something we invest time, effort, and emotions into.

Lingering in an unhealthy relationship is extremely detrimental to your wellbeing, especially if cheating, addiction or abuse is involved.

It’s challenging to evaluate the longevity of your relationship, but doing so will allow you to grow out of unhealthy habits and toxic people, making room for who you’re meant to be with.

If you want to evaluate your own relationship, check out my blog here to see if it’s time to move on:

When you find the right person, you’ll be glad you left a partner who wasn’t ever going to be what you wanted. 🫶


Nearly 30% of online daters will experience being catfished. 🛑

While online dating can be rewarding, with 10% of matches leading to marriages, dating apps can be exceedingly difficult to navigate.

For anyone new to online dating, it can be time consuming, confusing, and just plain scary.

Until you meet your match in real life, it’s almost impossible to tell if they’re even a real person.

Very few online dating platforms require background checks for their members, so it’s your decision whether it’s safe to meet someone in person.

Aside from keeping safe online, it’s important to consider what steps you can take to make your profile stand out from the crowd.

On average, women receive 5 matches per day. 👩‍❤️‍👨

For tips on how to strategically craft your dating profile to increase matches, facilitate conversations, and encourage long-term relationships, check out our blog here:

Have other tips for online dating? Share them below! ❤️


Are you tired of chasing women with little to no success?

Do you often find yourself stuck in the friend zone or failing to progress past initial conversations?

As an expert Matchmaker, I know so many men can relate to being rejected or sidelined during the early stages of courtship. 💔

If you’re committed to securing a long-term relationship, it’s time to flip the script.

You need to make women chase you instead. 🏃🏼‍♂️

I’ve discovered a few simple techniques to naturally pique a woman's interest and make her feel like a pursuant.

These methods seamlessly integrate into your daily interactions, leaving a lasting impression without obvious effort.

If you’re prepared to make real love come to you and captivate attention, I outline the strategy in my blog here:

Mastering the art of being chased sets a solid foundation for navigating all stages of dating, from the first date to marriage.

Though the chase isn’t everything, attracting her interest will better position you to win her heart. 🫶

Like, comment, and SHARE this with someone who needs to hear it!

Portland, Oregon for the amazing location ❤️


“It’s not you, it’s me” 💔

If you’ve ever been broken up with, you’ve probably heard some version of that statement before. It’s so cliche, but it’s also undeniably true.

Assuming you haven’t done something to irreparably damage the relationship, your partner breaking up with you doesn’t necessarily reflect on your character.

Being broken up with usually means that someone didn’t recognize your value. 💎

As a matchmaker, I hear a lot of break-up stories from my clients that are still hurting from past relationships.

“You were going to be in school too long”, “The distance is too much to manage”, or “I’ve changed my mind; I do want to move abroad!” are all common breakup tropes.

None of those reasons reflect negatively on you as a person. People grow, change, and can sometimes be uncertain of what they’re really looking for. It really is a “them” problem!

If you’re going through a breakup right now, the best advice I can give you is to move on. There are billions of people out there looking for a loving relationship. 💌

Just because it didn’t work out with your ex doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve true happiness!

Your forever person is out there waiting; you just have to go find them 🩷


Over 70% of Americans still believe that in heterosexual relationships, the man should pay for the first date. 💵

To the younger generations, that might seem pretty old-fashioned.

It’s definitely not a new concept!

I’ve heard it argued that whoever asks for the date should be expected to pay, or that women should take pride in paying for first dates.

Well, I guess I’m old-fashioned.

I still believe that men should offer to pay for their lady. 💗

I don’t mean that a man is expected to always give and never receive, or that he isn’t deserving of special treatment.

When a man offers to pay on the first date, it signals that he’s a gentleman looking for long-term love.

However, I think ladies should also offer to pay on the first date as a show of their generosity and true intentions.

Finances are tricky to navigate in relationships, and when both partners sincerely offer to pay, it builds trust and respect.

Things get even trickier if you aren’t having a good time on your first outing with a new love interest.

I firmly suggest that if you have no intention of seeing the person again, you should push to at least split the bill.

No matter how you choose to approach the bill on first dates, it’s crucial to come at it from a place of fairness, kindness, and respect.

No one wants to feel like they’ve been taken advantage of, and whether you see your date as a potential life partner or not, remember the Golden Rule. 🌟

Who do you think should pay on the first date? Let me know in the comments!


Just because you spend time with your partner doesn’t mean it’s quality time.

That’s tough to hear, I know.

But if we dig deep, most of us are already aware that running errands and doing yard work aren’t necessarily the most intimate ways to strengthen the bond with your significant other.

There has to be more than the mundane, typical tasks of adulthood to keep the spark in a relationship.

And really, there’s no need to hire a sitter or break the bank to make meaningful memories together!

Organizing an at-home date night is a great way to nurture your connection with your partner without having to make so many pre-planned (and often expensive) arrangements.

I could probably write an essay on this, but here’s my shortlist of at-home date night ideas:

❤️ A candlelit dinner is a perfect way to create a warm and cozy ambiance that instantly sets the mood for a comfortable conversation. The flickering flames have a way of setting an intimate and romantic atmosphere.

❤️ Couples trivia games can deepen your understanding of each other and your relationship. Games like “We’re Not Really Strangers” provide a comfortable way to dive into deep topics.

❤️ Challenging your partner to a cook-off is deliciously fun! You can choose a specific meal or component to cook, such as pickles, and challenge them to create a unique dish or three-course meal in each stage.

❤️Hold a gaming tournament if you and your love are into video games. This is the perfect at-home dating idea when you’re a gamer. My husband and I do this regularly. It’s great to play something tried and true or something new to both of you.

If you want more inspiration for at-home date night ideas, you can check out a blog post I wrote:

What are your favorite ways to stay in and bond with your partner? Let me know in the comments!


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 46.4% of U.S. adults are single, and that number is only growing.

As a matchmaker, I've seen firsthand how challenging it can be for people to meet their best match. The stress of dating apps, prolonged social isolation from the pandemic, and fear of commitment/failure can make it hard to build up the confidence to actively date.

That said, there's a crucial difference between those who are successful in attracting their perfect match and those who are still waiting for love to spontaneously manifest.

It's simple: proactive people who take action are going to find a great partner much quicker than those that are reactionary.

We invest so much time and effort into our education and careers, yet when it comes to the most important aspect of life—our relationships—many of us just wing it and hope for the best. But real relationships take work, both acquiring and maintaining them.

This is where an expert dating coach comes in. They've dealt with countless issues surrounding attraction and relationship building, and they're here to give you the insights and support you need to level up your love life.

A dating coach can help you identify your goals, work through any obstacles holding you back, and develop a plan to achieve the relationship you desire. They'll break it down step by step and hold you accountable every step of the way.

We all need guidance and support to reach our goals, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. So often, all we need is someone to help us get out of our own way!

If you're interested in making the change from reactive to proactive dating and working with a dating coach, don't hesitate to reach out to us at

We’ll be ready when you decide to start the journey to long-term love ❣️


🚩Nearly 40% of unmarried partners will end up cheating. 🚩

I know, that statistic seems bleak. The average drops to 25% in married couples, which is less alarming, but doesn’t change the fact that in order to find our spouse, we have to put ourselves out there in the dating game.

It can be very difficult to tell when someone is cheating. Really, it depends on how good the partner is at hiding it. I’ve heard first-hand from people who were cheated on for 10 years before discovering the truth.

I know a lot of us try to give others the benefit of doubt. I don’t think anyone should abandon compassion and understanding, but it serves us all to be more diligent in recognizing tale-tell signs that someone is stepping out of the relationship.

Here’s my short list of red flags to watch out for if you suspect your partner is cheating:

Secretive Phone Use: Are they always guarding their phone or laptop? Do they suddenly get defensive or anxious when you're around while they're on their devices? It could be a sign that they're hiding something, like messages or emails from someone else.

Becoming More Distant: Have you noticed a shift in your partner's behavior? If they're emotionally withdrawing from the relationship without a valid explanation, it's worth addressing.

Unexplained Expenses: Money matters can reveal a lot. If you start noticing unexplained charges on credit card statements or cash withdrawals that don't add up, it's essential to have a conversation about it.

Altered Schedule: Has their routine changed unexpectedly? While it's normal to have a busy schedule, drastic changes without a reasonable explanation could be a bad sign.

Now, these signs don't necessarily mean your partner is cheating, but they're worth paying attention to. If you're feeling uneasy, it's crucial to have an open conversation with your partner. Trust your instincts, and don't ignore any gut feelings. 💎


When I’ve asked my male clients what they think women want in a partner, they typically give me a detailed explanation of a conventionally attractive man’s features.

Thankfully, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

When I ask women to describe what they think are the sexiest qualities in men, rarely do they describe physical attributes.

With serious, successful singles, substance reigns supreme. Women don’t just want a dashingly handsome man who lacks character. Real women want real men.

If it’s not just good looks, what do women find irresistibly sexy?

Here’s my shortlist of common qualities that women find undeniably attractive:

🌟Confidence: There's something incredibly magnetic about someone who knows their worth and walks with pride. Confidence isn't about being flawless; it's about embracing imperfections and owning them with grace.

😄Sense of Humor: Laughter truly is the best medicine, and a great sense of humor can light up any room. Women love someone who can make them smile, someone with whom they can share jokes and banter effortlessly.

🧘Mindfulness: Being self-aware shows maturity and authenticity. It's attractive when someone knows themselves well, understands their strengths and weaknesses, and is constantly working on self-improvement.

🌹Chivalry: While modern times have redefined traditional roles, acts of chivalry still hold a special place in most women's hearts. Opening doors, offering a jacket when it's cold, or simply being courteous - these gestures stand the test of time.

🩷Kindness: Kindness is a language that everyone understands. It's about showing empathy, compassion, and genuine concern for others. Women are drawn to those who treat everyone with dignity and respect.

🧠Intelligence: Smart is the new sexy! Women appreciate intellect and someone who can engage them in stimulating conversations.

What other qualities do you think women find irresistible? Share your thoughts below! 👇❤️


I just read this story about Katharine Hepburn...
❤️It's better to give than receive is a statement I truly believe in & probably what led me into a profession of helping people find love.
Also, this mindset is critical when on a first date. Too often I see people show up on a first date, expecting something instead of giving their date a great experience.
In Katharine Hepburn’s own words…
“Once when I was a teenager, my father & I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus.
There was a family w/ 8 kids, all probably under the age of 12, in front of us. You could tell they didn't have a lot of money by the way they dressed, but their clothes were neat & clean.
The children were well-behaved, standing two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excited about all they would see and you could sense they had never been to the circus before.
The ticket lady asked the man how many tickets he wanted, & then stated the price.
The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, & the man's lip began to quiver.
The man didn't have enough money. How was he supposed to tell his 8 kids that he didn't have enough money to take them to the circus?
Seeing what was going on, my dad reached into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill, & then dropped it on the ground. (We were not wealthy in any sense of the word!) My father bent down, picked up the $20 bill, tapped the man on the shoulder & said, "Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket."
The man understood what was going on.
He looked straight into my dad's eyes, took my dad's hand in both of his, squeezed tightly onto the $20 bill, & with his lip quivering & a tear streaming down his cheek, he replied; "Thank you, thank you, sir. This means a lot to me & my family."
My father & I went back to our car & drove home. The $20 that my dad gave away is what we would buy our tickets with. That day I learned the value of giving. The Giver is bigger than the Receiver.”
~ Katharine Hepburn

Photos from LUMA - Luxury Matchmaking , Orange County's post 04/04/2024

By embracing an active approach to dating, prioritizing meaningful interactions over superficial checkboxes, and communicating openly with your dates, you can break free from the single status and welcome meaningful relationships into your life.

Remember, it's about embracing the journey and connecting with the person in front of you.


As a matchmaker, I've seen firsthand the misconceptions surrounding matchmaking, so here's what I wish more people understood:

✅Personalized Approach: Matchmaking isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's about understanding each individual's unique preferences, values, and goals to make meaningful connections.

✅ Professional Guidance: Matchmaking is about having a trusted advisor by your side every step of the way. From profile creation to date coaching, matchmakers provide personalized support to help you navigate the dating world.

✅ Long-Term Compatibility: Matchmaking focuses on long-term compatibility, not just short-term attraction. It's about finding someone who aligns with your values, lifestyle, and relationship goals for a lasting connection.

💬 Leave a "match" in the comments if you're ready to explore personalized matchmaking and find your perfect match! Let's connect and discover the possibilities together. ✨


As a professional matchmaker at Luma - Luxury Matchmaking, I love what I do and believe love isn't just found; it's carefully crafted and nurtured. My mission is to light the path to your soulmate, using intuition and expertise to weave together two lives into one beautiful tapestry of companionship and shared dreams.

Photos from LUMA - Luxury Matchmaking , Orange County's post 03/27/2024

Are you tired of being single but can't seem to figure out why you're still flying solo? You're not alone. Many singles find themselves in the same boat, wondering what's keeping them from finding love.

Fortunately, understanding the underlying reasons can help you break free from single status and open yourself up to meaningful connections!


What if your next hello is the last first hello you ever say? 🌹💫 With Luma - Luxury Matchmaking, the love of your life could be just an introduction away.


With Luma, your journey to love is bespoke, intentional, and aligned with who you truly are. Isn't it time you found a love as ambitious and authentic as you are? Let's make it happen. 🌹✨


🌟 Discovering Love Starts With You 🌟

Finding the love of your life isn't just about searching outward—it's about looking inward. As Jordan Peterson suggests, the journey to love begins with self-improvement and transformation. It's about becoming someone who not only seeks a great partner but also becomes a great partner.

At Luma - Luxury Matchmaking, we believe in the power of personal growth on the path to finding a meaningful connection. It’s about enhancing yourself, serving others, and embarking on a journey of self-discovery that attracts the love you desire and deserve. 🌱💕

Let's focus on becoming the best version of ourselves—together. Your most fulfilling relationship awaits.


Crafting connections, celebrating sparks—Luma's promise. 🌹🔥

Join us on this journey of love, where every introduction is a step closer to your forever.


Check out this heartwarming testimonial from LUMA clients Michael & Michelle who found their perfect match through our services. 🌟

"There´s nothing better than finding your best friend, the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with, and I couldn´t have found her without Luma Matchmaking

Ready to discover your own happily ever after?


Are you ready to discover a love that knows no limits? Let Luma be your compass to the heart's greatest adventure. 💑🌌

Photos from LUMA - Luxury Matchmaking , Orange County's post 03/08/2024

How to navigate those first date chats like a pro 👉


Excited to hear April share her insights on finding luxury love in the latest episode of "Gurus and Game Changers" podcast!

Her expertise is sure to unlock secrets we all need to know to find luxury love!

Check it out!



If you're a busy professional seeking a meaningful connection, look no further! LUMA Luxury Matchmaking is here to help.

Our expert matchmakers understand your unique challenges and are dedicated to finding your true match. 💑

Let us take the stress out of finding love and start your journey to happiness today!


April shared some dating insights with 7News!

Join her as she breaks down what it's like dating without the apps and what to do before you head out on the first date! 💑


Why leave love to chance when you can leave it to Luma? Join us, and be part of the success stories redefining love, one match at a time. ❤️🔒


Marketing or "selling" yourself isn't something that we are taught usually. 🤔 This is why I see the most genuine, successful, and intelligent men who are not the best at meeting women.

They're not slick salesmen 👔 (who are usually not the best in relationships). Often times these men are in leadership roles and are "HR aware". They don't want to creep women out and are especially sensitive since the Me Too movement so they're going to hesitate making that first move.


Unlock the secrets to matchmaking success with expert tips straight from a professional matchmaker 🗝️✨. Communication is the golden thread in the tapestry of love, and your journey with us is a dance of feedback and insight. 💌

🔹 Keep talking: Your experiences light our way.
🔹 Be specific: Share what sings to your heart and what doesn't.
🔹 Team up: Together, we're crafting your love story.

Because finding true love is a partnership between you and your matchmaker. Let's communicate, collaborate, and celebrate every step towards your happily ever after. 💘


Say goodbye to the world of endless swipes and surface-level connections, and hello to a journey of love with April, your dedicated professional matchmaker at Luma 🌹.

Dive into a dating experience where every match is personal, thoughtful, and meticulously tailored to your heart's desires. Because in the quest for love, we believe in quality over quantity. Ready to find the one with no dating apps or data-heavy algorithms? Just promising introductions that could lead to your forever love. 💖

✔️ No dating apps
✔️ No data-heavy algorithms
✔️ Just your next great love story

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Videos (show all)

People with a positive mindset were 50% less likely to die over ten years than those who were pessimistic. 🌟The data und...
Are you tired of chasing women with little to no success?Do you often find yourself stuck in the friend zone or failing ...
“It’s not you, it’s me” 💔If you’ve ever been broken up with, you’ve probably heard some version of that statement before...
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 46.4% of U.S. adults are single, and that number is only growing. As a matchm...
As a matchmaker, I've seen firsthand the misconceptions surrounding matchmaking, so here's what I wish more people under...
As a professional matchmaker at Luma - Luxury Matchmaking, I love what I do and believe love isn't just found; it's care...
What if your next hello is the last first hello you ever say? 🌹💫 With Luma - Luxury Matchmaking, the love of your life c...
With Luma, your journey to love is bespoke, intentional, and aligned with who you truly are. Isn't it time you found a l...
🌟 Discovering Love Starts With You 🌟⠀Finding the love of your life isn't just about searching outward—it's about looking...
Crafting connections, celebrating sparks—Luma's promise. 🌹🔥⠀Join us on this journey of love, where every introduction is...
Check out this heartwarming testimonial from LUMA clients Michael & Michelle who found their perfect match through our s...
Are you ready to discover a love that knows no limits? Let Luma be your compass to the heart's greatest adventure. 💑🌌⠀#L...




120 Vantis, Suite 300
Orange, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm

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200 Spectrum Center Drive Suite 300
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