ADIO Chiropractic

Helping Families Thrive. Through chiropractic care you are better able to adapt to your daily stress. Every Family Deserves to Be Their Best.

Chiropractic care for little ones and the people who raise them


Why am I so irritable? 🤔

If you've been feeling unusually irritable and snapping at your kids, it might be more than just a bad day.

Chronic stress can trigger your body's fight or flight response, making you feel like you're always in danger—even when you're not. This constant state of tension can take a toll on your well-being and your relationships.

Chiropractic care helps reduce that stress by rebalancing your nervous system, allowing you to respond to life’s challenges with more ease and less frustration.

Imagine feeling more patient, more present, and more at peace. It’s not just a dream—it’s possible with regular chiropractic care.

Comment 'schedule' below and we'll send you the link to get started!

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/20/2024

Mama, do you feel like you’re barely surviving the day to day? 🙋‍♀️

That’s EXACTLY how Mary felt!

✅ Debilitating back and neck pain
✅ Severe anxiety
✅ Trouble sleeping
✅✅✅ Feeling run-down and unable to love on her family the way she wanted to

✨“I couldn't be present with my kids the way I wanted to be. I couldn't read them bedtime stories, tuck them in or play, and I felt like I wasn't even there.”✨

Mary was on the hunt to find a natural solution to her struggles and was SO happy when she found ADIO.

✨Mary is NOW:✨
✅ “Thriving vs. surviving”
✅ Mostly PAIN FREE
✅ Anxiety has been relieved
✅ Sleeping well!

✨“Thanks to Dr. Eric, Dr. Alex and team, I am so much happier and healthier and cannot imagine our lives without our weekly adjustments!”✨

Are you ready to address the missing piece to your or your child's health? 🌟 Comment 'schedule' below to book your child’s initial appointment.


Hey Moms, ever feel like you're stuck in survival mode, constantly snapping at your kids or feeling on edge? This isn't just affecting you—it's also impacting your little ones. When your nervous system is in overdrive, especially during pregnancy, it hardwires stress into your baby’s developing system. And as a mom, your energy sets the tone for your entire family.

Your body’s fight or flight response was designed to protect you from immediate danger, like running from a tiger. But in today’s world, chronic stress can keep this response locked on, even when there's no real threat. This constant state of tension affects how you interact with your kids and how they respond to the world around them.

Chiropractic care can help calm your nervous system, bringing you back to a balanced state. By doing so, you’re not only helping yourself but also creating a calmer, more supportive environment for your children. Imagine a day where you feel more at peace, and your kids mirror that calm. It all starts with taking care of you. 💛


At ADIO Chiropractic, we're more than just a practice – we're a family, and we’re here to support yours.

Our mission is to restore balance and support the natural healing power within every child, ensuring a healthier and happier future for all. We believe in taking the time to truly listen to your concerns, addressing the root causes of your child's health challenges, and celebrating every victory with you along the way.

Want to learn more about who we are and why we’re so passionate about what we do? Check out our team page in our bio and see why we might just be the perfect fit for your family's journey to wellness. 🌟

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/16/2024

“We met Dr. Eric at exactly the right time. I knew I had to find something to help my then 8 year old son with ADHD, anxiety, and sensory processing disorder.”

When Oliver was 4, (and starting preschool) mom started noticing something was off. He couldn’t settle down at school, was impulsive and had a hard time listening. He would have meltdowns at home that could last up to an hour. Mom noticed that this was happening when he was tired, which was a LOT because he would hardly sleep.

The next year mom sought help from a psychiatrist and got a few ideas on how to help him sleep. But, that advice came with a 💊. While it did help him sleep, mom wanted something more sustainable. Mom wanted to find the root cause of WHY Oliver was struggling.

When Oliver was 8, mom started looking into different therapies. She explored massage therapy and acupuncture. Mom had the gut feeling that “alternative therapy” was the way to go.

That’s when Oliver’s parents met Dr. Eric at a Perfect Storm Workshop.

“Everything that he was talking about made sense💡. From how the nervous system has to be working correctly to have the rest of the body working, to the gas and brake pedal that is in everyone’s body. To even eating the right foods🍎.”

Mom KNEW chiropractic care was working when Oliver started taking naps after school😴. Come summer meltdowns were fewer, not as intense and shorter.

✨He was H A P P I E R and C A L M.✨

When Oliver was 9, he was in the classroom 99% of the time (compared to only 30% the school-year prior). 📚

“ I look back and see the improvement that my son has made because of the decision to start seeing Dr. Eric. BEST DECISION EVER.”

Are you ready to address the missing piece to your child's health? 🌟 Comment 'schedule' below to book your child’s initial appointment.


One Has to Go! Which part of the morning routine would you happily say goodbye to?

1️⃣ Morning Meltdowns 😩
2️⃣ Struggling to Wake Up ⏰
3️⃣ Breakfast Battles 🍳

4️⃣ Last-Minute Panic 😱

At ADIO Chiropractic, we're here to help make those school mornings smoother. Regular adjustments can reduce stress and help your kids wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day so you can have more days without any of these struggles!

Which one would you love to ditch? Let us know in the comments! 😀


🌟 Feeling like the last year of school has turned your family routine upside down?

It might have started with a few grumpy moments or some yelling, but now it feels like the whole family is walking on eggshells. Mornings were a scramble, afternoons were filled with stress, and you’re found it harder to keep your cool. 😓

You know your child isn’t a “bad kid”—they’re just struggling with a nervous system that’s out of balance. When the nervous system is dysregulated, it can impact everything from their mood to their daily behavior, making school transitions and daily routines a real challenge.

At ADIO Chiropractic, we’re here to help! Our approach focuses on restoring balance and supporting your child’s nervous system so they can better handle the stresses of school and family life. Let us help make mornings smoother, afternoons more manageable, and bring back the peace at home.

Ready for a change? Comment 'schedule' and well send you a link to book an appointment today.


We're not sure we are ready to start talking about it 🤫 but it is true that school is right around the corner! When it comes to school starting again, we see that it can be quite hard for kids and parents alike. These new routines are what can make it so hard and difficult. They can still be fun and exciting, but also scary and different for many.

So, how can we make these transitions smoother? Well, nothing comes easy, and we hate to tell you it maybe some work now but something that you will be glad you!

Here are 3 things we know you should start incorporating to help transition back into the school year easier..

1. Create a visual schedule

A visual schedule is important because it will help them to visualize what is to come but also allows them some predictability as the days/weeks go on!

2. Go to their school.... numerous times!

Not only to meet with their teacher but to maybe just play on the playground or tour their new classroom

3. Establish a school time routine with your child involved

This helps to determine what they want to do right after school vs what you're thinking they should do etc

We can't forget ADJUSTMENTS!

Our neurological adjustments also help to balance the nervous system and keep it functioning optimally to handle the increase of stressors during this time.

If you're interested to see where your child's nervous system is at just comment "schedule" below and we'll send you the link to get started!

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/12/2024

Jack has always had some sensory things going on, and his family never knew how he would react to any given situation. ⚡

✅ Wouldn’t talk about his feelings
✅ Would run from new OR familiar situations
✅ Wouldn’t pay attention at school or in sports
✅ Would have to be asked multiple times before he respond to questions
✨Mom started looking for solutions and found ADIO✨

“I can remember after a few visits from Dr. Eric I was talking in the truck to the kiddos like I do and Jack started talking to me and being part of our conversation and I literally started crying, it never had happened in his 8 years of life. He now almost always is part of our conversations, you actually can't get him to stop talking." 💬

Other Wins that we've celebrated with Jack!
✅"He asks to try new foods and when he doesn't like them he doesn't have a full on meltdown about it.🍎🍉🍓"
✅ Gained independence and wants to do things on his own!
✅ Trying new things and going to new places without sensory overwhelm!
✅ Making a TON of new friends due to his new communication skills.
✅"I also got a message from one of his teachers saying we needed to set up a meeting, I of course thought the worst. I got there and she said I just needed to do this face to face with you. Jack is like a totally different kid this year, he's engaging, stays on task and helps others stay on task. If it was appropriate to hug her I would have. It was the first time I have felt like something I was doing was working." ✅
All mom was looking for is for Jack to be happy and for others to see the BEST in him!
✨“He's just happier, that's the biggest thing!! I feel like I can put my guard down as well and in turn am happier. He's able to handle situations with coaches and people in general like a big kid instead of going off and having a tantrum. People respect him and listen to him because they take him seriously. He's a very smart little guy and an awesome athlete. Now people can focus on that!”✨

We expect MIRACLES,
- The ADIO Team

Are you ready to address the missing piece to your child's health? 🌟 Comment 'schedule' below to book your child’s initial appointment.

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/11/2024

Transitioning back to school can be a stressful time for kids, affecting their mood, focus, and overall well-being.

At ADIO Chiropractic, we focus on helping your child’s nervous system stay balanced, making the back-to-school shift smoother and more enjoyable.

By incorporating chiropractic care into your routine, you can help your child:

✨ Improve focus and concentration

✨ Reduce anxiety and stress

✨ Enhance overall mood and behavior

Let’s make this school year the best one yet! ✨

How are you preparing your child's nervous system for the transition? Drop your tips and routines in the comments below!


Have you been puzzled by your child’s behavior? 🤔

It might feel like a mystery, but a scan could reveal the underlying cause. 🧠✨

Understanding what’s happening inside their nervous system is the first step toward helping them thrive. Let’s get to the root of it together!

Comment 'schedule' below and we'll send you the link to get started!

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/08/2024

Greta brings such and INCREDIBLE energy when she comes into the office, however it wasn’t always that way. When Greta first met us she was on the struggle bus 🚌

Greta was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety and it was affecting everything in her life especially her self-confidence. 😔
Greta’s parents tried multiple 💊 and they still couldn’t find relief for their daughter. That’s when they found ADIO Chiropractic!

✨“From the moment we walked in to ADIO we felt welcomed, everything was explained in great detail to us and also explained to Greta in a way that she can understand. The staff provide top notch care and make Greta feel like she is one of their own children.”✨

Since starting care Greta has accomplished SO MUCH
✅ More self-confidence
✅ Less outbursts / behaviors of overwhelm
✅ More focus (school work & sports)
✅ “Happier and healthier”

✨We’re so happy to see Greta have the BEST expression of life, and can’t wait for her to start her high school journey✨

Are you ready to address the missing piece to your child's health? 🌟 Comment 'schedule' below to book your child’s initial appointment.


Wondering how we get to the root of your child's health issues?

It's all about our state-of-the-art CLA Insight Scans! 💡✨

These scans give us a clear picture of your child's nervous system function, helping us create a personalized care plan. No more guesswork – just targeted, effective care.

Ready to see the difference? Book an appointment today!

Comment 'schedule' below and we'll send you what you need to get started!


Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/06/2024

It’s not just our training or technique that sets us apart at ADIO Chiropractic, but also our use of this cutting-edge clinical technology called the CLA Insight Scans. 📊

While traditional medicine continues to focus only on treating and managing symptoms using drugs and medications, we get right to the root cause of your child’s health challenges with the use of this incredible technology.

By measuring the function of the central + autonomic nervous system, we can find out if neurological stress + dysfunction (subluxation + dysautonomia) are perhaps the missing link you’ve been looking 👀for all along!

If you’ve already had every medical exam, blood draw, and therapy assessment done for your child and have still not found the answers 😖and action steps that have led to the healing and results you’re looking for, 🔎then it’s time to learn more about the CLA Insight Scans and our Neurologically-Focused approach. 🧠

For more information about CLA Insight Scans and their role in understanding your child's nervous system and overall health, check out the article in our bio 📚⬇️

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/06/2024

Brandon was diagnosed with Autism later in life, which made finding answers and help difficult.

Brandon was struggling with “neck, back, and spine pain that I had to manage daily. About a half a year ago I was experiencing extreme autistic burnout. Some of the issues I was having were extreme fatigue, lowered cognitive function, increased sensitivities to my surroundings, and frequent shutdowns. The repercussions of these issues were an extremely messy home, missing work and utilizing all of my PTO/sick/personal holiday time the moment I got it.”

“Being a late diagnosed, low support needs autistic makes it hard to get help sometimes, due to people making assumptions about my capabilities. My ability to formulate thoughts was fragmented and rudimentary at best, which made it hard to understand exactly what was going on, let alone explain it to someone else. I was starting to lose hope, which wasn't helping the situation.”

Brandon connected with ADIO’s care for a few reasons, one major one being the scanning technology we use. “Knowing how my body reacts to physical stimuli was the main reason I was willing to try chiropractic care to relieve my undesired autistic characteristics. The scans put my mind fully at ease though. They showed exactly where I was feeling pain, so I knew I wouldn't have to try and explain where it was.”

Brandon is feeling his the weight of his “autistic burnout” lessen, and he has been able to accrue PTO. He’s is not as tired, less reactionary and can get back to his baseline much quicker.

“Overall, my life has improved greatly”

No matter where you are at on your autism journey we’re here to help


Parents, do you ever feel like there is so much information out there about the health of your child that you almost freeze with too much to decide on? 😵‍💫 There's nothing more important to you which is why you keep researching and reading more and more … but it gets so overwhelming!!

👉 Brace yourselves, because we're about to debunk the confusion around health!

Did you know that there's a single, mighty system that holds the key to your child's (and your entire family's) well-being? It's none other than the Central Nervous System, or simply put, the 'nervous system.'

This powerhouse is composed of three divisions - Sensory, Autonomic, and Motor - working in perfect harmony. 🙌

Imagine it as the one and only 'Air Traffic Control' for the entire human experience!

Understanding the incredible influence of the nervous system allows us to grasp the intricate connections between our brain and body. It's the missing puzzle piece that can help unlock optimal health for you and your littles. 💪

We have an incredible tool that gives us a peak into your child's nervous system to see exactly how it's functioning 📈 and what we can do to boost the areas that are stressed out.

These INSiGHT Scans do exactly what they’re named for – to give us insights and an understanding of the most crucial aspect of your child’s health in ways no other health practitioner can.

The nervous system truly is the ‘mom’ of the entire body, keeping everything and everyone on track at all times! 😝 And just like quite a few moms, it can get wound up and worn out.

Step 1️⃣ is to see where your child's nervous system function is at.

Step 2️⃣ is to get an individualized care plan to get their nervous system back on track!

Send us a DM or text "schedule" to 608-824-0950 to get your INSiGHT scan scheduled today!

If you want to learn even more about this incredible tool we use in our office, read more here 👉


🌟 Parents, you are the true superheroes in your child's health journey! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️

Your intuition knows when something is off, and your dedication to finding natural solutions is nothing short of inspiring. At ADIO Chiropractic, we see the love and care you pour into ensuring your child’s well-being, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

You understand that there’s more to health than just treating symptoms. Your quest for natural, holistic solutions shows your commitment to your child's long-term health and happiness. Together, let’s create a healthier, happier future for your little ones, addressing root causes and promoting overall wellness.

Ready to embark on this journey with us? Click the link in our bio to learn more and book your appointment today. Let’s make a difference in your child’s life, together! 🌈✨

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 08/02/2024

Onie is a little spit-fire 🔥, and free spirit which we LOVE about her. However, Onie was having a hard time regulating her BIG emotions before coming to ADIO.

“We came to ADIO because of Onie’s frequent inability to regulate her emotions and nothing else seemed to work. We had tried multiple forms of therapy, diets and supplements. Those things helped to a degree but not enough for our family to thrive.”

With Onie’s ADHD Dx “holidays, travel, big social events, and school in general were all very difficult and sometimes impossible to manage. It seemed she was either always in overdrive with anxiety or lethargic and depressed. Her energy and moods were unpredictable and it made making plans and following through with them very difficult.”

Onie started seeing BIG improvements once she started ADIO!
- Sleeping Better ✅
- Better emotional Regulation ✅
- Eating a variety of foods ✅
- Transitions are easier ✅

“Life isn’t perfect and we still have difficult days, but we are able to make plans, travel, host houseguests more easily. School is also easier. It seems she has more energy to do the things she loves to do and be: creative, caring friend, fun and loving big sister!🥰”


🎉 It’s okay if you’re today years old when you realize kids visit chiropractors for things like ADHD, not just back pain! 🧠✨ At ADIO Chiropractic, we focus on the nervous system, which plays a crucial role in your child’s overall health and well-being.

Chiropractic is so much more than just creating a straight spine or for when you are in pain.

Here’s how it can help your child:
1.Improving Nervous System Function: Ensuring proper alignment of the spine can enhance the communication between the brain and the body, which is vital for managing ADHD symptoms.
2.Reducing Stress: Gentle adjustments can help alleviate stress in the nervous system, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation that can improve focus and behavior.
3.Enhancing Cognitive and Behavioral Health: By addressing subluxations, we support better brain function, which can lead to improvements in attention, behavior, and emotional regulation.
4.Promoting Overall Wellness: Chiropractic care is holistic, aiming to improve not just the spine but the entire body, leading to better sleep, digestion, and overall health.
5.Supporting Natural Development: Regular chiropractic visits can help ensure that your child’s nervous system is functioning optimally, supporting their growth and development in a natural and non-invasive way.

Ready to explore how chiropractic can support your child's journey with ADHD?
�Comment 'ADHD' for more! 🌟


The 3 Biggest Frustrations Parents Face with ADHD Challenges...Solved! 🌟

✨How can I be sure if my child has ADHD or not? Is there a "test" to find out?
✨What's causing their brain and nervous system to be so wound up and out of balance?

✨Are there natural options besides risky stimulant medications?

At ADIO Chiropractic, we hear your concerns loud and clear! We're dedicated to fully educating and empowering parents, guiding them toward the information and answers they need. 💙

When it comes to ADHD, we've got an exciting first step in our clinical process that parents absolutely love – the INSiGHT Scans! 📊 These scans serve as an actual "test" and provide measurements that uncover the root cause of neurological dysfunction and imbalance driving ADHD.

With these valuable tests in hand, we can formulate a drug-free action plan and care plan tailored to your child's unique needs. It's all about getting them back on track and unlocking their full potential! 💪

Curious to learn more about INSiGHT Scans and ADHD Testing? Dive into the information shared in this post, and don't miss the incredible article on our website that goes into even greater detail. It's time to take the first step toward a calmer, better-regulated future for your child!

Click the link in our bio to discover more about INSiGHT Scans and embark on an exciting journey toward your child's full potential today!


ADHD isn't just one thing – it's a complex interplay of factors that can shape a child's path. 📚 To truly understand it, we'd need a whole book!

But let's dive into the common ingredients of the "Perfect Storm" for ADHD:

1️⃣ Fertility challenges and interventions such as medications, IUI, and IVF

2️⃣ High amounts of stress, anxiety, emotions, or medications during pregnancy 🤰

3️⃣ Birth interventions and trauma such as forceps, vacuum assistance, induction, and C-section ⚒️ during labor and delivery

4️⃣ Infantile colic, difficulty latching and breastfeeding, reflux, and constipation

5️⃣ Frequent ear and other respiratory infections, 🤒 along with frequent use of antibiotics

6️⃣ Delayed motor milestones and challenges with motor tone and coordination

7️⃣ Sensory Overload leading to challenges with transitions, sleeping, tantrums, and frequent meltdowns 😠 or behavior issues in the toddler and preschool stages of development

Putting it all together, kids struggling with ADHD most commonly have a significantly imbalanced and dysfunctional nervous system. 🧠

This condition is known as Dysautonomia, and the most common presentation of this is an overactive and excessive response within the sympathetic (fight or flight) “gas pedal” nervous system… and, thus, an underactive and understimulated parasympathetic “brake pedal” side of the brain and nervous system.

So what can you do to help your child? Learn more here 👉

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 07/29/2024

As parents, navigating the world of ADHD can feel overwhelming. 🤷‍♀️

We're bombarded with information from mom groups, schools, TikTok, and well-meaning friends and family. But what if there's more to the story than meets the eye? What if ADHD could be our child's superpower?

Let's dive into the untold secrets and shed light on what's really happening! Has anyone ever discussed the fascinating neurology and scientific aspects behind ADHD symptoms with you? 🤔

First, ADHD isn't just a "busy overwhelmed brain." It goes beyond that! The body can overwhelm the brain too, triggering the entire Central Nervous System into fight or flight mode. ✈️ Often overlooked, these four key stressors hold the key to the root causes:

🤰 High-stress and high-risk pregnancy

👶 Birth interventions

😫 Infant struggles like reflux and constipation

👂 Frequent ear/respiratory infections

These stressors can impact motor centers, focus, attention, self-regulation, and more, shaping the ADHD experience.

Secondly, ADHD isn't solely about hyperactivity. An overwhelmed body and brain can lead to brain fog, focus issues, and energy drain in kids. Prolonged high energy, low sleep, and constant stress can eventually result in burnout, demotivation, tiredness, and moodiness. It's not just the hyperactivity we need to address.

Lastly, while genetics may have some influence, it's not the sole culprit. The development of the nervous system, including the Vagus Nerve, plays a significant role in ADHD. Blaming genetics alone overlooks the potential for deeper healing and growth.

Enter Neuro-Tonal 🧠 Chiropractic Care, the missing puzzle piece! It works directly with the nervous system, helping the body shift from fight-or-flight 🚀 to rest and digest state. 😌

At ADIO Chiropractic, our dedicated team of Neuro-Tonal Chiropractors understand the multifaceted nature of ADHD and are here to support your child's journey.

Ready to discover how to use your child’s ADHD as a superpower? Schedule a consultation today! Text "Schedule" to 608-824-0950!

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 07/26/2024

Are you absolutely exhausted and heartbroken watching your baby struggle with colic? 👶 We get it. The medical world still doesn't have any answers on what causes it, leaving parents frustrated and seeking answers. Common advice often falls short for parents desperate for help. 😫

As Pediatric Chiropractors, we're on a mission to help you get to the root cause of your child's colic. No more 'they’ll grow out of it' – our babies deserve better and we should worry when they're inconsolable and we don't know why!

Colic isn't something they just 'grow out of.' Instead, it can lead to other challenges like constipation, ear infections, sleep troubles, and more. It might even signal early signs of autism as often babies stuck in a storm continue to progress down a path of illness and struggles.

The cause? Distress. We've identified two major factors that play a role: high maternal stress during pregnancy and birth interventions like forceps, induction, etc. While many focus on diet and gut health for solutions, we've discovered that the root lies deeper – in stress affecting the nervous system. This 'subluxation' can alter vital functions like eating, sleeping, and pooping, leading to colic.

Parents, we know you want answers and we'd love to connect with you to see if gentle, specific pediatric chiropractic adjustments can help ease the tension on your baby's nervous system. 🧠 We've helped hundreds of babies struggling with colic and we'd love to help yours too! ♥️

Learn more about how we can help here 👉

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 07/25/2024

FINALLY sleeping soundly, Hadleigh and her family can RELAX!😴

“Hadleigh had struggled to sleep through the night for many years and we wanted to figure out a way to help her get there. We had heard about ADIO helping another friend with other areas and decided to try it out. After 3 months of consistent care at ADIO, Hadleigh is now sleeping through the night pretty consistently. This has impacted her mood daily by getting enough sleep! 🥱😤

Consistent sleep is the biggest change we have noticed with her. She is now sleeping through the night and now us, as parents, are getting better sleep too! It's a win for the entire family! 🛌

Sleep is a critical thing for any human so sleeping through the night was important. It has created less small frustrations for her that most likely were just caused by lack of sleep.”

🌜✨If you know a kiddo who could benefit from a good night’s sleep, click on the link in our bio to schedule an appointment! ✨🌛

Photos from ADIO Chiropractic's post 07/24/2024

Not only does our entire team have specialized training in pediatrics, prenatal, and family care – our office is designed with each child and family in mind. ♥️

Our sensory and special needs families will find our space open, inviting, and calming. And if you’re currently expecting or have your new little baby in tow, we’ve got you covered with stash of fresh wipes and diapers. 🤩

Got a minivan full of kids? Not a problem! We’ve got a huge playroom and they are always welcome to join in on the fun! 😝

You simply won’t find a team of doctors like this anywhere. Knowing that God has called ADIO Chiropractic to care for the toughest of cases out there, Dr. Eric has worked hard to assemble not only the most loving and caring team, but also the most highly skilled and talented.

No matter whether your child is facing the struggles of special needs, autism, and epilepsy or is coming in for a well-baby check, the ADIO Chiropractic Team will impress you each step of the way. We know that nothing matters more in this world than the health and well-being of your kids and family, so our team takes care of you just like that – family. ♥️

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ADIO Chiropractic

We help create the foundation of a brain ready to learn, grow, and heal the way God meant it too. ADIO Chiropractic has answers for your child.

Videos (show all)

🎉 It’s okay if you’re today years old when you realize kids visit chiropractors for things like ADHD, not just back pain...
The one thing you should be doing this summer with your family besides all the pool time and smores... GETTING ADJUSTED!...
Wendy wasn’t expecting ALL sunshine ☀️ and rainbows 🌈 when she became a mom, but she wasn’t prepared for the rollercoast...
Feeling Frustrated with Your Child’s Constipation? We’ve Got a Better Solution!You’ve tried changing diets and giving Mi...
Dad’s, it’s okay to take some time for yourself! ✨It’s important for DADs to recognize that it’s okay to feel stressed a...
EVERY. CHILD. COUNTS. Each and every one.And we’re relentless in our pursuit to support as many little ones as we can, n...
Do you feel constantly irritable? Do you snap at your kids for no reason, or get angry 🤬 if someone even looks at you th...
You’ve probably noticed we talk a lot about the Vagus Nerve around here 🗣️ This is because it’s by far the most vital ne...




1001 North Gammon Road Suite 4
Middleton, WI

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 11:30am
3pm - 6pm
Tuesday 2pm - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 11:30am
3pm - 6pm
Thursday 2pm - 6pm
Friday 7:30am - 11am

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