NetAscendant Solutions

NetAscendant Solutions provides enterprise-class, worry-free I.T. solutions to the small-to-medium s


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
April 2024

5 Tips for Minimizing Mobile Device Distractions

It is hard to imagine how we functioned before mobile devices. These powerful little devices give us a world of communication, collaboration, and information at our fingertips, along with the ability to work almost anywhere. But mobile devices can also drain productivity with a constant barrage of alerts and distractions.
In one recent study, 55 percent of employees admitted using their mobile devices for non-work activities during work hours. More than two-thirds (69 percent) said they regularly text and check personal emails during work hours. All this adds up to 2.5 hours each workday on average.
What’s more, mobile phone distractions negatively impact our health. In one study, 28 percent of workers said that checking their devices for one minute made them feel stressed.

With a few simple hacks, you can minimize distractions and turn your mobile devices into more powerful productivity tools:

 Turn off notifications. Notifications from various apps and services constantly vie for our attention, creating one of the biggest mobile device distractions. You do not even have to look at the device — notification sounds alone cause most of us to lose focus. Easily eliminate the problem by turning them off.
 Use the Do Not Disturb feature. If you are hesitant to turn off certain notifications, use the Do Not Disturb feature. This allows you to silence phone calls and notifications for a set period. You can also select to receive calls from specific people.
 Rearrange the main screen. We are more likely to access apps on the device’s main screen. Move productivity-killing apps like social media to another screen and fill your main screen with apps that increase productivity. Add handy information such as weather to your lock screen where you can see it at-a-glance.
 Use apps that save you time. Password managers, time-management apps and other tools can help you speed through common tasks and stay organized.
 Track device usage. Most devices track data on usage, and you can access reports in the Settings app.


NetAscendant Solutions Achieves Dell Gold Partner Status, Signifying Excellence in Dell Product Distribution and Customer Service

[Midland, TX, 3/26/2024] – NetAscendant Solutions, a leading IT services provider, is proud to announce its newly acquired status as a Dell Gold Partner. This prestigious level of partnership is a testament to NetAscendant Solutions' dedication to delivering high-quality Dell products and services and marks a significant milestone in the company's history of excellence in technology solutions provision.

Jack Cohlmia, CEO of NetAscendant Solutions, expressed his enthusiasm for this achievement stating, "Since our inception, we have been committed to offering our clients the very best in technology solutions. Our success in selling Dell products has not only been a testament to the quality and reliability of Dell's offerings but has also played a pivotal role in enhancing the productivity of our customers. This Gold Partner status is a reflection of our team's hard work, expertise, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction."

The Dell Gold Partner status is awarded to companies that demonstrate expert-level knowledge in Dell technologies and a commitment to customer success. As a Gold Partner, NetAscendant Solutions will enjoy a host of benefits, including advanced training, sales resources, and technical support, allowing the company to further enhance its service offerings to clients.

NetAscendant Solutions' partnership with Dell has been a fruitful journey, with numerous successful deployments of Dell technology solutions across various sectors. These solutions have not only streamlined operations for NetAscendant Solutions' clients but have also significantly boosted their productivity and efficiency.

This new status is a step forward for NetAscendant Solutions in its mission to provide top-tier technology solutions that meet the evolving needs of today’s businesses. The company looks forward to leveraging the benefits of the Dell Gold Partnership to continue delivering exceptional value and service to its clients.

For more information about NetAscendant Solutions and its services, please visit

About NetAscendant Solutions

NetAscendant Solutions provides enterprise-class, worry-free, and integrity-based IT solutions to small and midsize businesses. These solutions enable SMBs to efficiently communicate, effortlessly capture data, and strategically leverage information. Guided by a strong moral compass and the principles of servant leadership, NetAscendant is committed to providing customers with the solutions that best meet their needs.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
March 2024

Avoid Falling Victim to QR Code Phishing
QR codes are everywhere. Marketers use them in emails, text messages, brochures, and signs to direct consumers to their websites. They are fast and convenient for consumers, eliminating the need to type the URL in their browser. Unfortunately, hackers also use QR codes in phishing emails to direct recipients to a bogus website. The site may be used to capture sensitive information such as login credentials or financial information. It may also download some type of malware automatically.

QR code phishing, or “quishing”, has many of the same characteristics as traditional phishing attacks. The emails and text messages appear to be from trusted sources. The messages create a sense of urgency, encouraging the recipient to act quickly. They may also appeal to the recipient’s emotions with the promise of a gift or monetary award.

Quishing attacks are especially risky because they can often bypass email filtering and other security controls. The goal is typically financial fraud. The attackers may steal the identities of individuals or dupe organizations into transferring money. If malware is downloaded, the impact can quickly spread throughout the IT environment.

There are several steps you can take to protect yourself and your organization from quishing attacks:
 Be wary of QR codes you receive without warning or from senders you don’t recognize. If you are unsure, err on the side of caution and do not scan the QR code.
 Confirm the legitimacy of QR codes you receive from organizations you trust. Contact the company to ensure that the QR code is genuine.
 Look for the hallmarks of a phishing attack. If the sender urges you to act immediately, that is a telltale sign.
 Hover over the QR code to see what web address it is sending you to. If it is not what you expect, do not scan the QR code.
 Inspect the QR codes on brochures and signage to see if they have been tampered with.
 Never enter personal or financial information into a website accessed by scanning a QR code.


Calendar Spam: What It Is and How to Get Rid of It
Have you ever been bombarded with unwanted calendar invitations on your mobile device? You’re not alone. Calendar spam is a growing problem that plagues all device platforms. As with other types of spam, the goal is to get you to click on a malicious link or take some other harmful action.
The spammer doesn’t have to hack your device or infect it with a virus. It’s a simple matter of sending an email to the address linked to your calendar account. By default, calendar applications accept invitations from anyone. If the spammer can get past content filters, the invitation will wind up in your inbox.
Another technique hackers use is to embed calendar subscriptions in ads and questionable websites. They lure you into clicking a link that populates your calendar with spam events. Suddenly, you’re getting bombarded by alerts.
Calendar spam is similar to other types of unwanted messages. The message may claim that you’re due a financial windfall or promise “free” items if you click on the link. Some warn you that your device has been infected by viruses and you should click on the link to remove them.
Don’t do what the hacker tells you to do. Do this instead:
 Stay vigilant when clicking on something online, even if it’s a seemingly legitimate ad or website. If it seems at all suspicious, don’t click.
 Resist the urge to open, accept or decline a calendar spam invitation. This will let the spammers know they’ve reached an active email account. Delete the message or move it to the Junk folder.
 Whatever you do, don’t click on links within calendar spam messages. They could launch malware or take you to a phishing site.
 Change the calendar settings on your device to remove unwanted subscriptions and prevent events from being added automatically. There are online tutorials that walk you through the process.
 If you receive calendar spam through your work email, contact the help desk. The IT team can use the information to finetune security settings.


Search Engine Sponsored Ads May Carry Malicious Payloads

The FBI and numerous cybersecurity analysts warn of a spike in “malvertising” campaigns that exploit sponsored ads on search engines such as Google and Bing. Officials say scammers are spoofing ads that appear at the top of search result pages, redirecting users to malicious websites where they are tricked into downloading malicious software or revealing passwords and other sensitive information.

According to the FBI, scammers create bogus ads that mimic real businesses or services and use similar domain names. When certain keywords are entered into the search engine, the ads get loaded to the top of the result pages. Anyone clicking on the ad is then redirected to a fake site. Google removed more than a billion such spoofed ads last year, but they continue to spread.

Following are some suggestions for protecting yourself and your organization from these dangerous campaigns:

 Don’t click on sponsored ads in your search results. Instead, type the business’s URL into your browser’s address bar to access the official website directly, or click on an actual search result (not the ad).
 If you must click on an ad, doublecheck the URL links for accuracy. In particular, look for typos or misplaced letters.
 Ad blockers and script blockers create an effective first line of defense. These tools prevent malicious ads from loading, significantly reducing the risk of “malvertising” attacks.
 Regularly update operating systems, browsers, and security software to ensure you have the latest security features.
 Learn to recognize the signs of “malvertising”, including unexpected pop-ups, redirects or suspicious download prompts. Always be skeptical when dealing with online ads.
 Using a VPN when not on the secured office network can add another layer of security by encrypting Internet connections. This will safeguard sensitive data and make it more challenging for scammers to track or exploit user information.
 Use antivirus — most products offer web protection features that detect malicious domains and IP addresses.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
December 2023

7 Tips for Preventing Ransomware
Ransomware attacks surged to record levels in 2023, more than doubling the previous year’s total, according to a recent Vanson Bourne survey. Although a variety of technologies can help minimize the threat, a vigilant and educated workforce remains an essential component of ransomware prevention efforts.
Since ransomware often infiltrates systems through deceptive emails or social engineering tactics, employees represent a critical first line of defense. Employees who are well-informed about cybersecurity best practices can promptly identify suspicious activities, report potential threats, and contribute to the overall resilience of the organization’s digital infrastructure.

Here are some of the ways you can improve your company’s ransomware defenses:
1. Conduct regular backups. Regularly back up your files to an external drive or a secure cloud service. Automate the backup process so that you don’t have to remember to do it, and regularly test the restoration process to verify that you can recover your files.
2. Update software and systems. Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software. Keep your operating system, antivirus programs and all applications up-to-date. Enable automatic updates when possible to ensure timely protection against emerging threats.
3. Stay informed. Don’t assume cybersecurity is someone else’s job. Stay informed about the latest threats and follow safe online practices. Learn how to recognize phishing emails, malicious websites, and suspicious links.
4. Be wary of email. Ransomware often infiltrates systems through phishing emails. Be cautious when opening attachments or clicking on links, especially if the email seems suspicious. Verify the sender’s identity before interacting with any email content.
5. Report suspicious activity. Report any suspicious emails, messages, or activities to the IT department. Quick reporting can help in the early detection and containment of potential threats.
6. Be cautious when working remotely. Remote workers should never use public Wi-Fi networks when connecting with the corporate network. Hackers often mimic the names of legitimate public networks or create rogue access points to hijack a session and steal credentials or launch malware.
7. Practice good password hygiene. Create unique passwords for each account and use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
November 2023

Spilling the Tea on Accidental Data Exposure
To err is human — and, unfortunately, we are awfully good at it.
A new study from Verizon finds that three-quarters of all data exposures are the result of human error. In one recent example, a Microsoft employee accidentally leaked 38 terabytes of internal data, which included the backups of Microsoft employee workstations and their credentials. The accidental exposure of sensitive or confidential information is commonly known as data spillage or data leakage. It can happen in a variety of ways, from emailing sensitive information to the wrong recipient to misconfiguring a cloud storage bucket. Such events are distinct from data breaches that involve malicious intent.

While IT organizations implement various security measures to keep criminals from gaining unauthorized access to confidential data, everyone in the company has a role in preventing accidental leaks. Here are some of the ways you can reduce the risk of data spillage in your organization:
 Passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for your accounts, update them regularly, and don’t share them.
 Email: When sending emails, double-check that your recipient list is accurate. Also, be wary of unexpected emails requesting sensitive information. Always verify authenticity before clicking on links or downloading attachments.
 Physical security: Do not leave work devices unattended. Log out when stepping away to prevent unauthorized access.
 Patch and update: Apply security patches and regularly update the operating system and software for desktops, laptops, smart devices, and other endpoints.
 Mobile devices: Use strong passwords or biometric authentication to secure your laptops and mobile devices. If a device is lost or stolen, report it to your IT department immediately.
 Social media awareness: Be cautious about sharing personal or work-related information on social media. Keep in mind that details shared online are often used for social engineering attacks.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
October 2023

6 Tips for Securing Your Home Network
Remote and hybrid work models have become commonplace, with about a third of employed people still working from home, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. While this flexible approach offers convenience, it has opened the door to security vulnerabilities that cybercriminals are all too eager to exploit.
The National Security Agency (NSA) reports that attackers are actively targeting home networks to gain access to corporate networks. Studies indicate that, on average, home networks face approximately 23 unique threats each month.

Here are some of the ways you can secure your home networks to reduce your risk profile:

 Secure the wireless network: Treat your home Wi-Fi network as an extension of your company’s network. Change default router passwords, enable strong encryption (WPA2 or WPA3) and disable remote administration.
 Update your operating system: Keep all your devices’ operating systems up to date with the latest security patches. Use automatic updates when available or manually update every month.
 Update router firmware: Regularly update your router’s firmware to prevent unauthorized access to your network.
 Use a VPN: Connect to your company network via a secure VPN tunnel to encrypt and protect your data in transit. Be cautious of free VPN services, however.
 Protect credentials: Change default passwords and use strong, unique passwords for each account. Consider using a password manager for added convenience and security.
 Set up a separate guest network. This limits visitors’ access to your main network, protecting sensitive data.

As a potential gateway to sensitive company data, your home network requires strong security measures. Following these recommendations can significantly reduce the risk of cyber threats and keep your digital workspace safe.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
September 2023
Cloud Sync, Storage and Backup: Similar But Not the Same
There are many good reasons why the cloud is now home to more than 60 percent of all corporate data. It ensures easy access to your files from anywhere with an Internet connection, offers almost infinite scalability and provides robust protection against data loss or corruption.
What many users don’t understand is that you’ll need different services to realize all of those benefits. Cloud sync, storage and backup services all involve the use of remote cloud servers to store and manage data, but they are three distinct services with different purposes and capabilities.

Cloud sync solutions facilitate real-time collaboration by keeping files synchronized across devices, making it easy for multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously. However, cloud sync isn’t a true backup or storage solution because it provides limited data protection and storage capacity.
Cloud storage provides centralized storage with virtually limitless scalability, making it ideal for data archiving and file hosting. Unlike cloud sync, it does not offer real-time synchronization of data changes. You may need to manually upload or download modified files. In addition, providers offer limited data protection under the cloud’s shared responsibility model.
Cloud backup services create offsite copies of your data to protect against data loss due to hardware failures, disasters, or accidental deletion. It allows you to create an immutable backup copy that is completely isolated from local systems and can’t be compromised. However, backup data may not be as easily accessible as data in cloud storage or sync services and may require additional steps for retrieval.
Each of these services has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so the choice depends on your specific needs and priorities. In many cases, the ideal approach is to use a combination of these services to balance data accessibility, protection, and collaboration requirements.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
August 2023

Your Passwords May Not Be as Secret as You Think

Studies show that the vast majority of cyberattacks stem from weak or compromised passwords. This is often because users tend to create passwords with personal information that can easily be gathered from social media sites and other public sources. The problem with easy-to-remember passwords is that they are easily guessed. Also, hackers armed with AI-powered password crackers can guess many common passwords in under one minute.

Here are some common password naming conventions that people follow. If you use any of these, change them ASAP:
 A pet’s name. Because most people also share information about their furry friends on social media, hackers can easily find this information.
 Family names. Maiden names, spouse’s names or children’s names are also easily discoverable through social media and other online sources.
 Street names. This is one of the easiest bits of information to get from public sources.
 Notable dates. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other milestones are often well-known to others.
 Sports teams. The names, nicknames and mascots of college and professional sports teams commonly populate lists of the most-compromised passwords.
 The word “password.” Year after year, “password” is the most common password worldwide, often because it is a default password that is never updated. In most cases, it is the first password that a hacker will try. Adding numbers to the end doesn’t enhance security, either.
 Easy number patterns. “123456789,” “123123” and “111111” all rank among the 10 most common passwords. Researchers say all of them can be cracked in under a second.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
July 2023

Understanding the Risks of Storing Data in the Cloud

Data storage has always been one of the more obvious use cases for the cloud. However, everyone must understand the risks of entrusting sensitive company data to third-party providers. While leading cloud providers invest heavily in security measures, no system is entirely safe. More than a quarter of U.S. organizations report they’ve experienced theft or leakage of sensitive data in the public cloud.

Human error is a leading cause of data loss. This is often the result of configuration errors during the initial setup or subsequent changes to settings, permissions, and access controls. For example, Toyota recently disclosed that data of more than two million customers was exposed due to a cloud storage misconfiguration.

Shadow data is another problem. Employees often create, store, and share data in the cloud to help them do their jobs. However, doing this without the knowledge or control of the organization’s IT department creates potential security risks and compliance issues.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t use cloud storage — it is a necessary tool for improving productivity and collaboration. However, it is important to work closely with the IT department to minimize the risk.
Your company’s IT team can:
• assess different cloud storage providers to ensure they’re using robust security practices.
• ensure that the cloud storage solution meets regulatory compliance standards.
• reduce configuration errors by using automation and by enforcing company policies and guidelines.
• establish proper access controls, encryption and backup strategies that reduce the risk of data loss.
• apply data loss prevention tools that detect and prevent unauthorized access, accidental deletion, or exfiltration of sensitive data.
• provide guidance and training on best practices for efficient collaboration and file sharing within the organization.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
June 2023

Social Media Safety Tips for Business Users

Social media platforms provide a great way to maintain business contacts as well as keep in touch with family and friends. Many people also use social media to market their business and find sales opportunities. But these powerful tools can create risk for you and your organization. Hackers and other criminals use social media to gather information and identify targets for fraud or theft. Unsolicited messages may contain malicious links that expose your devices to malware. If a hacker gains control of your social media account, the threats could spread to all your connections.

Follow these tips to boost the security and privacy of your social media accounts and reduce risk:

1. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication. Long, complex passwords provide a first line of defense against account takeovers. Be sure to use a different password for each account in case one is compromised. Better yet, enable two-factor authentication, which will require you to use your password and a one-time code to log in.
2. Turn on privacy settings. The default privacy settings in social media accounts may not provide adequate protection. Ideally, turn on privacy options that allow only people you know to view your posts. If you use social media for networking, turn on the strongest options you can. Make it a habit to check your settings — social media platforms regularly push out updates.
3. Don’t overshare. It may be tempting to tell your colleagues that you’re taking a weeklong Caribbean cruise. However, that kind of information could make you, your belongings, your loved ones and even your business a target. Disable geotagging and don’t post names, locations and other sensitive information.
4. Think before you post business information. When promoting your business online, consider how the information might be used. Details about executive leadership, managers, finance/accounting staff, and IT personnel could give criminals important clues about how to commit fraud.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
May 2023

Cybersecurity Isn’t Just an ‘IT Problem’

User error plays a role in 95 percent of all cybersecurity issues, according to research from the World Economic Forum. Yet, a shocking number of business technology users — more than half, according to one global survey — still consider cybersecurity to be entirely an IT problem.

That perspective must change. With cybercrime expected to cost the global economy nearly $10 trillion this year, companies cannot afford to delegate responsibility to a select few — particularly in light of the global cybersecurity skills gap.

Here are six ways everyone can contribute to an organization-wide cybersecurity culture:

1. Use a password manager so you do not have to remember dozens of passwords. These online services provide encrypted vaults for storing login credentials for all your accounts, so you do not have to remember them. You only have to remember a single master password for accessing the vault.
2. Use 2-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security. Requiring a combination of verification factors helps ensure you remain protected even if your password is compromised.
3. Remain vigilant against phishing attacks. Be cautious about suspicious emails, links, or attachments. Verify the authenticity of messages and exercise caution when sharing personal or sensitive information.
4. Secure your devices. Password-protect your phone, tablet, and laptop. Log off or lock your screen every time you step away from your computer. Never leave devices unattended.
5. Report any potential security incidents. Promptly reporting unusual or suspicious events using established reporting procedures gives the IT team a chance to respond quickly to mitigate potential threats.
6. Actively engage in any cybersecurity awareness programs and training sessions provided by the company. The latest information on potential threats, best practices and security protocols will better prepare you to protect yourself and the company.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
April 2023

Why You Should Report IT Issues ASAP
“If you see something, say something.” That’s the slogan for the Department of Homeland Security’s anti-terrorism campaign, but it’s also pretty good advice for anyone experiencing computer problems at work. Promptly reporting issues to the IT help desk helps ensure problems get resolved as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, business users are often reluctant to report slow or malfunctioning PCs. Many worry that reporting issues will make them appear incompetent and lead to negative repercussions from their supervisor or colleagues. Others simply feel it will be faster and easier to fix the problem themselves or come up with a functional workaround. In truth, failure to report small IT problems such as slow boot times, patchy network connectivity, and application crashes can ultimately create bigger issues such as:
• Lost productivity. Studies show that the average U.S. worker wastes about two hours a week — or more than two weeks per year — trying to sort out their own PC issues.
• New problems. Do-it-yourself PC repairs can sometimes make problems worse and cause more damage.
• More downtime. According to a recent report by Vanson Bourne, failure to resolve IT issues quickly can double a company’s annual downtime totals.
• Increased costs. Problems that remain unresolved for too long will eventually require more extensive repairs, perhaps involving the replacement of hardware or software.
• Decreased morale. Unresolved issues and ongoing work interruptions can frustrate employees and contribute to increased turnover.
• Increased risk. Unreported IT issues can also create openings for hackers to gain access to systems. Additionally, PC performance problems could indicate a “cryptojacking” attack.
Unreported IT issues negatively impact an organization in a variety of ways. It is important for employees to report IT issues promptly to IT to ensure that problems are addressed in a timely and effective manner.


NetAscendant Tips and Tricks
March 2023

Seven Tips for Managing Email Overload
We have a love-hate relationship with email. It has been an immensely valuable business communication tool for five decades, but it is also the source of infuriating amounts of spam and productivity-zapping workday interruptions. It is estimated that the typical office worker sends and receives more than 150 emails per day, has thousands of items in his or her inbox and spends roughly 25 percent of the workweek reading, writing, deleting, sorting, searching, and sending emails.

Productivity pros say the following management tips can help you reduce stress and minimize the amount of time you spend dealing with the constant barrage of email:

1. Do not leave the email client open. Only check email periodically throughout the day. This will relieve you from a steady stream of notifications and alerts that interrupt your workflow.
2. Do not use the inbox as a “to-do” list of tasks, actions or appointments that must be dealt with in the future. Instead, delete or respond to messages as soon as possible.
3. Get organized with folders and flags. Sort, group, or flag messages that need to be saved for future reference or require additional research and review.
4. Create rule-based filters to send incoming messages to an appropriate folder or to the trash.
5. Immediately respond to any new messages that can be answered in two minutes or less. Anything requiring more than two minutes should be moved into a separate “requires response” folder. Set aside time each day to respond to everything in this folder.
6. Unsubscribe to mailing lists that generate regular junk mail. Free tools such as Unroll.Me and SaneBox allow you to unsubscribe to emails either individually or in bulk.
7. Disable social media notifications. This can eliminate hundreds of emails each month.

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