Trinity Athletics and Recovery, Millbury, MA Videos

Videos by Trinity Athletics and Recovery in Millbury. Athletic Trainer Stretch Practitioner Offering you a hands-on experience to fascial stretching.

You get to be a fly on the wall of an appointment with a client at Trinity Athletics and Recovery
More of a lower-body focused day for this client as they've been working 10-hour days since the month of August.

#selfcare #assistedstretching #millburyma

Other Trinity Athletics and Recovery videos

You get to be a fly on the wall of an appointment with a client at Trinity Athletics and Recovery More of a lower-body focused day for this client as they've been working 10-hour days since the month of August. #selfcare #assistedstretching #millburyma

A great #pectoral #assistedstretch done right at your Local Stretch; Trinity Athletics and Recovery. Wether were an avid lifter focusing on pushing exercises, a 12 hour long desk-bound worker or just a sedentary person who isn’t postural conscious… you would benefit greatly from a stretch like this one. Not only does it feel good but it’s good for you, I promise you.

Two sets of hands are better than one. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure that out. Not only does it feel better but it helps your to recover stronger and faster than ever.

Sports either aren't running or aren't as focused on conditioning during the summer. So what do you do? Rest, take it easy, maybe even begin working out preparing for Fall season, WRONG! You get yourself a session at Trinity Athletics & Recovery working on your mobility, balance, flexibility and proper body mechanics to more optimally prepare you for what's to come. #training #bodyworker #stretchtherapist #stretch

Stepping into a gym can be intimidating at first but it doesn't have to be when you have a professional by your side. A Corrective exercise specialist, Elite Trainer and Stretch practitioner. Integrating personalized training along with individualized stretching to give you optimal results. Together we'll work on your health to Move, Stretch and Strengthen. *Located in/around Worcester MA **Your initial consultation is free to you even if you decide not to sign up

Integrating some sled pulls into this clients pull focused workout. Hypertrophic focus and her first week she's already killing. #fitness #workingout #personaltrainer

Loaded Stretches are a great style of static stretching. Basically using an external force (weight) to help you get deeper into your stretches; safely. The added tension allows the body as it's contracting to "relax" the muscle itself into deeper elongation. * As you can see here I'm using the kettlebell to deepen my squat depth. A great hip opener before your leg focsued workouts.

Stretch your Stress away weekly with me, Theo at TRINITY. Membership options are available to you and I can promise you that you won't be disappointed with your session once finished.

Your abductors, specifically your IT-Band will thank you!

Hands-on assisted stretching is more than just about flexibility. It’s used to improve, correct and maintain mobility, postural alignment and even your overall health & fitness. * Personalized training along with Individualized stretching to get YOu optimal results. Together we’ll invest in YOUR health to Move, Stretch and Strengthen.

Chest week using the TRX for TRX Thursday. TRX Unilateral Pectoral Stretch Fully lengthened

Alternating ISO Hold DB Chest Press #workoutwednesday * It's chest week at TRINITY so we're going everything there is about the #pectorals💪 (as much as we can in one week). ** As a Coach my personal favorite chest variation is this one right here. It challenges you in more ways than one. Unilaterally - Balance and core focus TUT- Time under tension, more recruitment of fibers Deeper Range compared to Barbell Muscle imbalance correction too.

This week is all about the chest, #pectoral muscle. Derek has oh so kindly volunteered himself to help us out. The anatomy, the function, exercises, stretches, even my personal favorites will all be covered through this week, so stay tuned. * Workout Wednesday TRX Thursday Functional Friday ** Personalized training along with Individualized stretching to get YOU optimal results. Together we'll invest in YOUR health to Move, Stretch and Strengthen.

TRINITY Updates you on all things Stretching that is offered here to help you Move, Stretch and Strengthen to move more optimally towards your goals within Health and Wellness.

For a lot of individuals, especially as of late. Hamstring tightness presents as a big issue, and sometimes stretches like you see here (the video) can actually more harm than good. The women in the video is performing a typically hamstring stretch, however notice the three red marks. Toes, Knees and Middle/Lower back, each of those are presenting some sort of flexion. Plantar flexion, knee flexion, and thoracic flexion, ALL that are easily taking away from the true benefit of the stretch; Hamstrings. Notice the second part of the video (the photo) where there are three green marks, ALL of which are showing optimal posture, lesser tension on our vertebra (spine) and allowing us a more optimal stretch for our Hamstrings. This is one of many that can help get you towards your goal of proper posture, optimal hamstring length and overall flexibility.

The video speaks for itself. Please enjoy and gladly share with any friends and/or family members that you think would benefit.

TRX Pectoral Stretch Fully Lengthened Straps Standing Facing Away Plank position, then stepping into a split stance, lunging forward allowing the arms to abduct away from the midline of the body. * A great stretch for a lot of desk-bound workers to open their chest. ** #TRX #trxflexibility #trxthursday #trxtraining #TRX20

Back Extensions Sometimes referred to as Hyper Back Extensions * A beautiful exercise that helps greatly in strengthening your whole Posterior Chain (back side of your body). ** 1. Helping with your posture, standing upright. 2. Aiding in injury prevention by strengthening the lower-back 3. Providing activation to your gluteal muscles, which typically don't fire properly 4. Can easily be modified to suit any fitness level if needed. *** Give it a try and if you're struggling with compensations anywhere or curious about how to modify the exercise, comment below. Personalized training along with Individualized stretching. Helping you to reach your goals more optimally.

#trxthursday #TRX #trxflexibility Today you'll see a Lower Back focused stretch with some Rotation. Targeting your: TFL, IT-Band, Gluteal region, Hamstrings, Quadratus lumborum, Latissimus Dorsi...just to name a few. * Lower Back Stretch with Rotation Mid-Length Stand Facing Lean back with arms fully extended, one leg fully extended (stretching side) with opposite leg (knee) bent, then adding thoracic rotation (same direction as fully extended leg). ** Give it a try and comment what you think below.

Narrow Grip: Usually this variation is done during #armtraining You’ll see an individual performing a bench press with their hands just about 10 to 12 inches apart, arms extended in front of themselves; close grip. This particular hand grip form hits your #triceps hard as well as targeting the inner-pec fibers. However, in this position your forearms are not perpendicular to the floor, and they will actually form a slightly acute (less than 90 degree) angle sometime creating too much wrist deviation cause joint discomfort. * Wide Grip: Having your hands spread more apart, closer to the plates, typically 1.5 to 2x shoulder width puts more stress on the outer pectorals plus a great deal on your shoulders; wide grip. In doing so you’re getting less tricep activation, and allowing yourself to push more weight. Conversely, some individuals find that this “extra strength” comes at the expenditure of #deltoid (shoulder) pain/discomfort. * Standard "medium" Grip: Of course we can’t forget the most common option of them all, the position where your hands are comfortably halfway between a Wide and a Narrow grip; Standard “Medium” grip. Many argue this is the most beneficial for overall pectoral development while being the most comfortable on your joints, especially your glenohumeral (Shoulder) joint. ** Give each a try to see which one suits your routine more optimally.