Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Milwaukee, WI Videos

Videos by Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists in Milwaukee. Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists (WIANA) is the official organization for nurse anestheti

There’s still time to register for next weekend!!! Heck, you don’t even need to get out of bed because we offer a virtual option!!! (We’d REALLY love to see you in personthough!). !!!!REGISTER TODAY!!!! https://wiana.com

Other Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists videos

There’s still time to register for next weekend!!! Heck, you don’t even need to get out of bed because we offer a virtual option!!! (We’d REALLY love to see you in personthough!). !!!!REGISTER TODAY!!!! https://wiana.com

Congratulations to Lisa Thiemann, who was voted as AANA Program Director of the Year!!! #aana #wiana #crna