Hansen & Hildebrand, S.C.

Client-centered family law services including representation for individuals and mediation for couples.

Our practice is devoted to pursuing resolutions to family conflicts using advanced methods such as collaborative law and mediation . At Hansen & Hildebrand, S.C., we are aware of the financial and emotional expenses of divorce, and we understand your family matters most. Choosing a family lawyer is one of the most important decisions you can make. Let us represent you in family law matters with the highest level of care and expertise.


Millennials often choose to wait longer to get married and increasingly do not get married at all.

Couples who choose to get married may want to consider a prenup to ensure a solid foundation for their marriage. Couples who choose to cohabitate, with or without children, may also want an agreement to assure mutual understanding and avoid future conflict.
At Hansen & Hildebrand, we can help you understand your legal options to create mutual agreements.

Call (414) 939-6707 or visit the following page to get in touch and schedule an initial no-charge call with one of our lawyers. https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Struggling to adjust to co-parenting after a divorce can make it difficult to know what to say to your children or how to communicate productively with the other parent. Check out the image below for three healthy communication tips with your co-parent.

If you want to learn more about how one of our lawyers or a child specialist can help, contact us by calling (414) 273- 2422 or visiting: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Did you know that divorcing couples with minor children in many counties are required to attend an approved parent education program? Couples can often meet that requirement and create child-centered family plans by working with a personalized child specialist.
You can learn more about divorce and access additional resources on our FAQ page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/faqs.html

To learn about all of your process options, call us at (414) 273-2422 or visit https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Are you looking for a divorce lawyer mediator but struggling to find the right fit?
Start by asking the right questions. Finish by choosing a lawyer you can partner with through the legal process.

Call us to learn more about who we are and the services we offer - (414) 273-2422 https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Protect your legacy with an estate plan designed for your personal concerns. In honor of Pride Month, hear from Lindsey Kujawa, Partner at Hansen & Hildebrand, as she explains three crucial reasons why same-sex couples should consider taking charge of their estate. Don't let the default estate plan in Wisconsin determine who inherits your estate. Take control of your own future.

If you would like to learn more about the value of a well-crafted estate plan for same-sex couples, please do not hesitate to contact us: (414) 273- 2422


Hansen & Hildebrand family lawyers offer online mediation as an option to help you save time and money in an efficient and convenient process.
While online divorce mediation may seem new, Hansen & Hildebrand has been using this service effectively for years.
You can learn more about how this process works by heading to the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/online-divorce-mediation.html
Or, if you wish to contact us, please call (414) 273-2422
or visit: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Depending on your personal goals, limited representation or consulting may be an option when it comes to your divorce or other family law issues.
If you are looking for legal education and advice to make informed decisions but do not wish to hire a lawyer to fully represent you from beginning to end, we can help.

Contact us to learn more about consulting and limited representation by calling - (414) 273-2422
or by visiting: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Many high school seniors have already started thinking about college next fall. In a divorce, parents’ financial obligations for their children end when the child is 18 and out of high school unless the parents agree otherwise. This can create challenges and hardship for young adult children. Though not a legal obligation, parents may want to jointly consider issues such as financial aid and college and living expenses to avoid conflict that puts their child in the middle.

At Hansen & Hildebrand, we will guide you through important family matters including post-secondary educational support with a focus on your children.
Contact us by calling (414) 273-2422 or by visiting: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


To avoid conflict and court involvement, it is essential to plan ahead for your future and protect your legal, financial and family assets. Contact us today to learn more about our expertise in estate planning by calling (414) 273-2422 or visiting the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html
You can also learn more about the importance of estate planning by reading our blog on the subject - https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/filing-for-divorce-do-i-need-a-new-estate-plan


Collaborative divorce helps parties work together with their lawyers to find family-focused amicable solutions. This helps them reach negotiated agreements they can use to move on with their lives. Learn more about the benefits of collaborative divorce by visiting https://www.h-hlaw.com/collaborative-divorce.html or by calling us at 414-273-2422.


Almost 75% of people marry before the age of 50, but nearly 50% of these marriages end in a divorce. Although it’s not romantic to weigh these odds as you make plans for your wedding, it is in the best interest of both parties to seriously consider discussing a prenuptial agreement to jointly address financial planning before entering a life-long commitment.
At Hansen & Hildebrand, we can help you understand the legal and financial value of prenuptial agreements. To learn more, visit: https://www.h-hlaw.com/additional-practice-areas.html


Prenups are becoming increasingly common, especially among younger couples. To avoid future misunderstandings and conflict, it is essential to openly discuss finances before you marry.
If you are engaged and want to create a solid financial foundation for your marriage, a prenuptial agreement is an excellent starting point.
Contact us at Hansen & Hildebrand to get started.
Call (414) 273-2422
Or visit: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.htm


In a divorce, the legal presumption for property division is that assets and debts will be divided equally. However, pre-and post-nuptial agreements, gifted and inherited assets, and other factors may alter this assumption. Professional input is needed to understand your options, the value and tax-effect of property, and make the best decisions about division.

Our lawyers and mediators at Hansen & Hildebrand have experience and expertise in all aspects of divorce, including complex financial and business issues.
Contact us today by calling (414) 273-2422 or by visiting: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


We are proud to see that our team member Paul Stenzel at Hansen & Hildebrand was recognized by the Wisconsin State Bar for the time and expertise he dedicates to improving our profession.

For National Volunteer Week we're highlighting some of the many, many attorneys who donate their time to the profession.👇

🌟Paul W. Stenzel, attorney with Hansen & Hildebrand, S.C. in Milwaukee, has served on various State Bar Section boards over the years. Currently, he is serves on the Dispute Resolution and Family Law Section boards. In the past, he has also volunteered as a Mock Trial judge.

❓Why do you volunteer through the State Bar?
"I’ve always thought it was important for lawyers to do our part in supporting the profession. I get the satisfaction of contributing my small part to upholding the value of the profession.”

❓Why is it important to volunteer?
"It’s important to volunteer generally because it not only benefits the recipients, but also benefits an individual to give their time; it’s good for one’s soul. Specifically, it’s important to volunteer for the State Bar because all lawyers have an interest in supporting and advancing our interests as a profession."

❓What's an interesting fact about yourself?
"I enjoy training and participating in triathlons. For the last several years I’ve played bass and sang in a band (Anita and the Relics) which performs at Bobfest, an annual celebration of Bob Dylan’s music in Spring Green, Wis.”

📣Share your own volunteer efforts or giving a shout out to another legal professional doing great work in their community!

🙏Learn how you can get involved in your profession at www.wisbar.org/GetInvolved


The best divorce lawyers will always:
✅ Act as a problem-solver and peacemaker
✅ Tell you things you may not want to hear (but are necessary for you to make informed decisions)
✅ Be your caring advocate and make every effort to resolve issues with your spouse’s attorney

At Hansen & Hildebrand, our team of skilled lawyers strive to help you find solutions with the least amount of conflict and cost possible. Call us to learn about your options by scheduling a free initial phone consultation (414) 273-2422 or visiting https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


Don’t wait when it comes to your estate! Individual and family estate planning will ensure your intended legacy and wishes are followed and eliminate the need for future court costs or potential conflict.
You owe it to your family to plan now.
To learn more about estate planning, check out our blog on the subject: https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/4-considerations-for-estate-planning

Contact us today for your free phone consultation by calling (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Love doesn't mean leaving your financial future to chance. Prenuptial agreements help all couples discuss a joint plan for their assets and income and create a plan for the unexpected.
Contact Hansen & Hildebrand to get started on creating a prenuptial agreement today.
Call (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


Mediation and collaborative divorce can be a positive option for high-net-worth couples who want a cooperative divorce rather than dueling lawyers.
Working jointly with a lawyer mediator or two collaborative lawyers along with a neutral financial specialist can help assure that both parties understand tax impact and financial options to create the best agreement possible. This is a positive alternative to hiring adversarial lawyers and dueling financial experts.
To learn more, contact us by calling (414) 273-2422 or by visiting the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


When it comes to child custody and placement, the most important factor to consider is what's best for your children.
At Hansen & Hildebrand, our lawyers are committed to a child-centered approach that prioritizes the needs and interests of your kids. From creating a co-parenting plan to making mutual decisions about custody, placement, support, and expenses, we'll help guide you every step of the way with a focus on your children’s well-being.
Contact Hansen & Hildebrand to learn more about how our child custody lawyers can help.
Call (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.htm


If you're ready to move on with your life, online divorce can help you get there faster and more conveniently along with reducing costs. We offer online services throughout Wisconsin. Start your divorce process today and get one step closer to your new future: https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/online-divorce-to-reduce-cost
Contact Hansen & Hildebrand to learn more about online divorce.
Call (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


Getting married is a big step, and a prenuptial agreement can give you peace of mind. Discussing your financial future and creating a mutual plan can actually strengthen your marriage and help you avoid future misunderstandings or conflicts.
Contact Hansen & Hildebrand to get started on creating a prenuptial agreement today.
Call (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


Divorce can create a power struggle about allocation and decision-making for family-owned businesses. This can lead to legal conflicts and negatively impact both the value and future of the company: https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/divorce-impacts-businesses-as-well-as-families

Conflict and impact can be minimized if spouses choose a mutual problem-solving process such as collaborative divorce or divorce mediation.
Contact Hansen & Hildebrand today to learn more about how to keep your business thriving in the midst of a divorce.
Call (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


Are you thinking about ending your marriage? Bringing up the topic with your spouse can be difficult. Here are some tips for discussing divorce with your spouse in a respectful and productive way: https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/how-to-bring-up-divorce-to-your-spouse

For more information on the divorce process and how to get started, contact Hansen & Hildebrand by calling (414) 273-2422 or visiting the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


When it comes to planning for your future, there are few things more important than creating an estate plan. An estate plan includes legal documents that outline who makes decisions if you’re incapacitated and how your assets will be managed and distributed after you pass away. While it may not be on your mind now, an estate plan is essential for ensuring that your wishes are carried out, and your loved ones are taken care of without resort to court. Whatever your age, you should set up your plan now: https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/key-considerations-for-estate-planning-in-wisconsin
For questions on estate planning, or to get started on your own, contact Hansen & Hildebrand by calling (414) 273-2422 or visiting the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html.


Our firm has some of the most experienced and highly rated mediators and collaborative lawyers in the state. In mediation, couples work jointly with one neutral lawyer. In collaborative divorce, each retains their own lawyer and all share a commitment to work together in an out-of-court settlement process to reach agreements about child and financial issues. The goal in these processes is have open communication to create agreements that meet the needs of all family members.
If you are interested in learning more about your process options, visit our website: https://www.h-hlaw.com/mediation.html

Contact us for a free phone consultation by calling (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Don’t wait when it comes to your estate! Family and estate planning will help protect your legacy and ensure your wishes are followed and can eliminate potential conflict or the court actions.
You owe it to your family to plan now!
To learn more about estate planning, check out our blog on the subject: https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/4-considerations-for-estate-planning

Contact us for a free phone consultation by calling (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Divorce has many legal and financial repercussions, and deciding how to divorce can impact families for a lifetime.
Check out our blog to learn about the long-term impact that deciding on how to divorce can have: https://www.h-hlaw.com/blog/importance-of-choosing-how-to-divorce
Contact us for a free phone consultation by calling (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Love doesn't mean leaving your financial future to chance. Prenups benefit all couples who want to create a joint plan for their assets and income and have open discussions about finances to create a solid foundation for their future.
Contact us for a free phone consultation by calling (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Mediation and collaborative divorce can be a positive option for high-net-worth couples who want a cooperative divorce.
Working jointly with a lawyer mediator or two collaborative lawyers and involving a neutral financial specialist can help assure that both parties understand financial and tax options to create the best agreement possible. This is a positive alternative to hiring adversarial lawyers and dueling financial experts.
Contact us for a free phone consultation by calling (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html


Meet Erin Idler, Lawyer at Hansen & Hildebrand and a compassionate and effective family law advisor and mediator.
With expertise in both financial and child custody issues, Erin's teamwork approach will help you make the best decisions for your life and future. Working together, you can create sustainable solutions and a positive future.
Learn more about Erin by visiting the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/erin-idler.html
Contact us for a free phone consultation by calling (414) 273-2422 or visit the following page: https://www.h-hlaw.com/how-can-we-help.html

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Videos (show all)

Protect your legacy with an estate plan designed for your personal concerns. In honor of Pride Month, hear from Lindsey ...
Meet Erin Idler, Lawyer at Hansen & Hildebrand and a compassionate and effective family law advisor and mediator. With e...
Divorce Process Options
The New Year provides new opportunities to save time, money, and resources when it comes to your divorce.By choosing a l...
Navigate divorce and estate planning with the expert assistance of Lindsey Kujawa, Partner at Hansen & Hildebrand. Linds...
Empowering families through mediation and client-centered solutions. Paul Stenzel brings a wealth of experience as a law...
Erin Idler, lawyer at Hansen and Hildebrand, sheds light on the concept of amicable divorce. It's all about open convers...
Prenuptial Agreements - Fact or Myth



126 N Jefferson Street, Ste 401
Milwaukee, WI

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm

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4600 W Loomis Road, Suite 120
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207 E Buffalo Street, Suite 201
Milwaukee, 53202

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250 E Wisconsin Avenue, #1830
Milwaukee, 53202

Sterling Law Offices is dedicated to serving clients with exceptional service within the areas of Family Law.

1037 W. McKinley Avenue, Suite 300
Milwaukee, 53203

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Washington Franklin Law Office Washington Franklin Law Office
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