AIA Long Island, Mineola, NY Videos

Videos by AIA Long Island in Mineola. AIA Long Island a Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, has over 600 members, including ar

AIA Long Island would like to congratulate all the winning submissions to the 59th Annual Archi Awards held on October 26, 2023 at the Garden City Hotel. It was a great evening with over 200 guests in attendance. We would like to thank our sponsors especially our Platinum Sponsor Super Enterprises, guests, and attendees for making this night a great success. Thank you to our jurors from New Orleans AIA: Amanda Rivera, AIA, LEED AP, President Elect for New Orleans AIA; Andrew Liles AIA, LEED AP, Past President New Orleans AIA; Javier Marcano, AIA, WELL AP, LEED AP BD+C, CSI-EP, Vice President New Orleans AIA; Michael Dean Ballard, Jr. AIA, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Director New Orleans AIA; and Peter Spera III, President New Orleans AIA.

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AIA Long Island would like to congratulate all the winning submissions to the 59th Annual Archi Awards held on October 26, 2023 at the Garden City Hotel. It was a great evening with over 200 guests in attendance. We would like to thank our sponsors especially our Platinum Sponsor Super Enterprises, guests, and attendees for making this night a great success. Thank you to our jurors from New Orleans AIA: Amanda Rivera, AIA, LEED AP, President Elect for New Orleans AIA; Andrew Liles AIA, LEED AP, Past President New Orleans AIA; Javier Marcano, AIA, WELL AP, LEED AP BD+C, CSI-EP, Vice President New Orleans AIA; Michael Dean Ballard, Jr. AIA, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Director New Orleans AIA; and Peter Spera III, President New Orleans AIA. #archis #architect #architecture #2023architectureawards #aia #archtober #archdaily #aialongisland #aianola

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Deborah Berke Partners Crestview Lane House No. 2 Sagaponack, NY

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Deborah Berke Partners Bookhampton East Hampton, NY

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. James Merrell Architects, PC Bridgehampton House Bridgehampton, NY This project received an Archi Award.

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. SKOLNICK Architecture + Design Partnership Spielman Children’s Library at Port Washington Public Library Port Washington, NY This project received the Color Award from Benjamin Moore This project also received an Archi Award.

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. SPG Architects Peconic Bay House Hampton Bays, NY This project received a commendation.

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Desai Chia Architecture PC Montauk House Montauk, NY This project received an Archi Award.

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. RZAPS Lobster Inn Residential Development Town of Southampton, NY

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2018 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. ikon.5 architects Wiedersum Associates Architects PLLC Suffolk County Community College Learning Center Brentwood, NY This project received an Archi Award.

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2017 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Martin Architects PC Jaffe Revived Bridgehampton, NY

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2017 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Martin Architects PC Mill House East Hampton, NY This project received a commendation.

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2017 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Harrison Design Sagaponack Residence Sagaponack, NY

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2017 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects Dune Crest Amagansett, NY This project received a commendation.

The Long Island Chapter presents the 2017 Entries to our Annual Awards presentation. Through the upcoming months we will post each of the entries so everyone can enjoy the projects that were submitted. Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects Bluff Point Amagansett, NY