Virtual Horse Shows

Earn revenue for your organization, club, or barn, by hosting a virtual show! We'll do the work, you choose your judge and bring your riders!


What is the true nature of a horse?

I find myself often attempting to explain how a horse feels, uncorrupted by human attitudes and hands. It’s a feel most people can’t relate to , those first electric touches, the wind blowing your scarf around the back of your neck, the young horse like a baby deer, reaching out to make contact with your hand, before he zips away.

It’s like most people have never spent time in unspoiled nature, free of traffic noise, lights, trash left behind, trail markers. Who has felt unspoiled nature in all it’s terrible glory, and felt themselves give way to how small and inconsequential the human is? Who has felt complete surrender to a greater power, manifested in rocks and trees and dirt in the crevices of your face, and known, accepted happily, that you are nothing, and this is everything?

When a baby is born, we already have a name picked out, and clothes that say “daddy’s little slugger” or “daddy’s princess.” We have ideas of who they’ll be and how they’ll fit into the family and the world. How many a parent has sat in silent awe of the brilliance that is a brand new baby, completely shaken by the meaning of holding such raw power in their hands? Who is this little person, sent through your body? They are yours but they are their own completley.

Every day after that first day of birth, parents go to work molding their child, and labeling personality and behavior. But who is that child?
What is nature?

What is a horse?

Describing what a horse is to most people can feel like explaining why Central Park isn’t nature. You might enjoy being in it because it’s more nature than the high rise jungle that surrounds it. But it is still tarnished by human light, sound, their footprint is everywhere until it is twisted far away from its original form. You see a tree and can call it a tree, but it is no longer a tree, it is a slave to a human.

But what is a horse? Most folks have never met a horse. They’ve touched many, maybe even thousands, but they make quick work of weaving a safe blanket of description, strapping it on in the safety of a stall, behind fences and arenas and confined in tight spaces, in the safety of routine, so they don’t have to see a horse-

The true nature of the horse is like a desert canyon, windy, dry and brambled, and if you step back and really look, it takes the breath right out of your lungs with its power. You can’t name it, you can’t even hardly describe it. The act of simply giving it a name cheapens it. You can’t control it, you can learn it’s ways, learn to survive in the canyon by succumbing completely to its power, and then, in small mysterious ways, you shape it, like it shapes you.


I'll be in the barn.
When people have come to visit over the years they commonly hear from me I'll be in the barn.
When life gets hard I'll be in the barn.
When things are just right I'll be in the barn.
When the sun shines,
The rain falls,
Or snow covers the ground,
I'll be in the barn.
If things seem to be falling apart or if I'm celebrating the simple things, I'll be in the barn.
When I'm looking for answers or trying to clear my mind, I'll be in the barn.
When I'm looking for myself, I'll be in the barn.
If I'm working or trying to relax, I'll be in the barn.
Even when I'm not in the barn my mind drifts there, I find myself thinking about being in the barn.....
soaking feed for the next day,
mucking or spreading manure,
how to fix a problem I've been having with a horse,
tack that needs cleaned or changed or mended,
wounds that need doctored,
if I need to put on blankets or fly masks.
It's where I keep my riches.
All my wins and my failures.
Everyone of my hopes,
And memories.
You can find them all in the barn, buried in the hay, hiding under a saddle, spilling out of the feed bins, or glimmering with dust in the evening light.
I may be covered in dust, dirt, a mash feed, hair, and hay, smell of sweat and manure, and sometimes there may be blood or tears but I'll be there. I'll be in the barn.
So if your wondering where to find me, I'll be in the barn. If I'm not there, I promise I'm on my way.
-Author Unknown-

Timeline photos 27/07/2022

By now, you’ve all heard of Western Dressage - do you know how it differs from Traditional dressage?? While each dressage type is performed in a different saddle, they have similarities. To understand the differences between classical (English) dressage and western dressage, you need to start with the guiding principles.



Question of the day:
What breed of horse do you ride?

Timeline photos 29/06/2022

How long have you been riding or working with horses? 👇🏼

Horses, no matter their size or skill set, play such an important and beautiful part in our lives. So, let’s celebrate by sharing our stories of 4-legged love ❤️

Timeline photos 10/06/2022

💸 Save money on gas this summer!

Join us for our Summertime Ranch & Trail Show VIRTUALLY June 10-19 and save some cash on gas!

It’s a win-win!

LEARN MORE + get signed up today >>>

Summertime Ranch & Trail June 10-19 | Virtual Horse Shows.Org 08/06/2022

Summertime Ranch &Trail is open for registration - register by June 12 for early bird pricing on office fees.

Summertime Ranch & Trail June 10-19 | Virtual Horse Shows.Org Online Horse Shows from NAWD offer the chance to compete and receive valuable feedback from the comfort of home. Please be sure that you have reviews all virtual show rules prior to entering. Don't forget! - A sign is now required to be presented at the beginning OR THE END of each ride and, for thi...


Surround yourself with people who encourage you to work harder. To not make excuses. Who inspire you. Who make you want to be better, do more. People who help you push your own boundaries. People who don't let you wallow in comfort. Surround yourself with people who don't believe in trying, or quitting, only in doing.



Minneapolis, MN