Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach

I help high performing people achieve their health goals without restricting the snacks they love!

Photos from Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach's post 09/05/2024

Who am I?

With so many new faces in the community, I thought it would be a good time to reintroduce myself.

My name is Tanner. I’m 25 years old, living in Minneapolis, MN, and I’m a VERY proud dog dad!

My health journey began after I finished playing D1 college football, when I nearly hit 260 pounds. I knew I didn’t want to live the rest of my life feeling that way—lacking confidence in myself and unhappy with how I looked.

I was always tired.
Always sick.
Always thinking about food.
Always restricting myself or binging.

Once I made a change for myself, I was immediately hooked on helping others do the same. It lights me up to see clients experience breakthroughs, not just by losing body fat, but through the positive mental shifts that happen along the way.

Could I be coaching athletes with my background in performance training? Sure.

Could I just be a personal trainer helping you with workouts? Absolutely.

But that’s not who I’m called to serve.

The real reason I became a nutrition coach was to help people who struggle with their food and weight, just like I did.

Keeping my weight under control was always a struggle. Growing up, my weight would fluctuate dramatically. I never paid attention to what I was eating and couldn’t understand why other kids didn’t gain weight like I did. This struggle followed me until I finally made my health a priority.

Now, I help people who face similar challenges in losing weight and keeping it off.

Someone who hasn’t struggled with their weight can’t truly understand the mental battles people like us face around food. That’s why I coach—to help people not just look their best, but feel their best too.

Coming from someone who was overweight for most of their life, I can tell you that you don’t realize how bad you were feeling until you start losing the weight. I want to help others discover how much better they can feel.

This is who I am and why I love what I do!

If you ever have any questions or want to share your own health journey, I’d love to connect and help in any way I can!

- Tanner


If you want to lose weight and maintain it long-term, you might consider abandoning the macro mindset.

Here's what I mean...

Just this morning, I received a message on Facebook that said:

"Hey Tanner, I have a question about macros for you. I used a free online calculator that allows you to set a time goal for fat loss. I entered 6 months for a 30 lb goal, and it suggested 1600 calories with high protein. Does this sound right?"

This is a great question because it highlights key points I frequently discuss.

First, the goal of losing 30 lbs in 6 months] is quite attainable. While results vary widely, most of our clients achieve 20-30 lbs in that timeframe.

The online calculator this individual used goes beyond the basics—it includes options for eating preferences, meal frequency, among others.

However, there's a fundamental issue with relying solely on calculations] to achieve your goals. The main problem is that it doesn't account for metabolic adaptation to calorie deficits.

Let's consider an example: Suppose someone weighs 190 lbs. After losing 10 lbs, the calculations may no longer be accurate. Adjusting the calorie intake as you progress is possible, but it still overlooks how your body adapts.

After more weight loss, you might find yourself having to constantly adjust downwards to fewer and fewer calories, potentially leading to metabolic slowdown and increased hunger.

This brings us to the dreaded plateau.

What's the next step? Many would suggest cutting calories even further, but this often results in the same issues and another plateau.

Instead, our approach is to maintain a reasonable calorie intake for a limited period and then intermittently increase it. This strategy helps keep the metabolism active and the body feeling "safe," avoiding the body fat overshooting that often follows prolonged low-calorie intake.

For the individual who contacted me, my advice was to prioritize protein intake, strength training, and high-quality food to prepare the body for sustainable fat loss.

We discussed monitoring stress, water intake, sleep, and daily movement to ensure she responds well to the changes.

The final piece of advice is to make the process enjoyable and sustainable, considering personal preferences for fun foods, and social activities.

This approach is consistent with our 1:1 six-month coaching program, where we closely monitor and adjust plans based on individual feedback.

If you’re interested in exploring our coaching program to finally achieve your goals without stress, feel free to DM me on Facebook to see if we're a good match.

Looking forward to helping you succeed in your health goals!


Okay what's the ONE food you have the hardest time giving up when you start a diet?


There was a time in my life when you could lure me into any service plan that promised lightning-fast results.

The faster, the better.

I once followed a plan that consisted of ONLY protein shakes until dinner and then one meal that had to be 600 calories or less.

The sad part is.. I actually paid money for that advice.

And it “worked.”

I achieved fat loss as fast as they promised.

They forgot to tell me I would lose it twice as fast as I gained it.

The irony when I look back is that trying to shortcut the process is actually the thing that made my results take forever.

The hardest part for me is that I ended up with a bad relationship with food after years of restricting then binging.

I just wish more people would understand the importance of metabolic health.

Without even getting into the specifics… the appealing part for me is just being able to lose body fat on more calories.

I like food.

I hate feeling hungry all the time.

So I have spent years rebuilding my metabolism to be able to stay lean while eating more.

Which is why I’m able to get lean whenever I want.

And it’s the exact reason our clients can do the same.

When fat loss isn’t working.. It’s 100% a metabolism issue.

You can call it hormones, gut health, or whatever else you want, but the truth is…

All roads lead back to your metabolism.

THAT’S what decides if you lose weight, gain it, or maintain it.

Work WITH your metabolism, and fat loss happens like sweat on a summer day.

Work AGAINST your metabolism, and body fat clings to your body like gum on the bottom of your shoe.

The good news is.. You can turn your metabolism into a machine with a few simple steps.

Want to know what they are?

Just message me and say 'fat burner' and I’ll send them over!


Why is nutrition important to losing weight?

You can eat 500 calories in seconds... It will take over an hour to burn that off.


You cannot use one size fits all programs to achieve the body of your dreams.

If you could, all of those cheap programs would be taking the industry by storm and creating an army of sustainably successful individuals.

Unfortunately, it's not about the points or restricting entire food groups.

Those might yield faster results to start, but the weight always comes back because these corporations provide bandaid fix solutions and HOPE you repeatedly buy their plan.

People will go back,

buy the same plan,

lose the weight,

then gain it back and think they are the problem.

That is far from the truth, they were provided quick fix solutions and never really learned anything throughout the process.

It is a big reason NOW Coaching Method focuses on not only getting our clients the results, but spending the time to educate, and make sure we are building the perfect plan that works for THEM.

These quick fix restrictive diets are NOT where the magic happens.

The real work is done on the behavioral side of things.

Why isn't everyone successful with these restrictive one size fits all diets?

Because it's hard to track "points" consistently. It's hard to do it when you want to be social. It's hard to do it when you're stressed and busy. It's hard to do it when you have to deal with uncomfortable emotions.

Now, I could sit here and say... "everything is hard, so what? Do it anyway!"

Which might help a small amount of people.

But most of us don't need to just try harder.

We actually need some help and support around behavior change.

We need to identify our sabotaging patterns.

We need to develop more productive outlets.

We need a healthier, more loving relationship with food and our bodies.

We need to learn more effective emotional processing.

That's where the magic happens.

It's never about the one night out to dinner.

When someone is constantly feeling tired but still can't lose weight... there's a reason for it.

Figuring that out is the only first step that matters.

When someone is struggling to balance their lifestyle and health... there's a reason for it.

Figuring that out is the only first step that matters.

I could keep going but I think you get the point.

Yesterday, I spoke with someone who is doing our 1 on 1 coaching program and really enjoying it.

But she had the awareness to recognize that she needs some additional support with the behavior, lifestyle, and mindset side of things.

She had already done the cheap programs that just told her to do better with her eating at social events. And she saw some success. But still felt completely miserable and restricted. She was smart enough to realize that it wasn't a lifestyle. And there were still things that needed to be addressed like her relationship with food.

Most people need the same but instead they continue to ask about workout advice or what tools to use.

None of that will move the needle until we address the REAL roadblocks.

This is the core of our 1 on 1 coaching program. If you struggle with losing weight, we work through it with you. We don't just hand you a plan and say follow it.

If you struggle with social gatherings or eating out, we give you the tools to navigate those challenges without always turning to complete restriction.

If you continuously self-sabotage, we get to the root of why it's happening and what purpose it's serving. We help you break that pattern.

This is what actually gets lasting results.

You have to be a willing participant. You have to be willing to try things and do things differently than you've done them before. You have to be open to communication and showing up for yourself.

If you are, we can get you to exactly where you want to go.

If you want to hear more about HOW it all works, just hit reply to this email and say "TELL ME" and I'll send over a more detailed explanation.


10K steps a day
keeps the doctors away🤷🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️

Photos from Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach's post 05/19/2024

I have 1 request for my birthday today…

Go take a walk outside today!! :)

- A couple photos from the last couple days.

Best mindset I’ve had. Best shape I’ve been in. Most focused I’ve been.

I’m continuing to build the vision I have for NCM and making a real impact.

Being able to help people do great things and become the best versions of themselves is what I’m meant to do.

Nothing worth having comes easy.

There are no shortcuts and that’s okay.

Day by day!

I appreciate every person who likes, comments, and interacts with my content! I see you and really appreciate it!!🙌🏼

- Tanner


HUGE GIVEAWAY! I've decided to giveaway 6 months of coaching for FREE to someone looking to lose 20+ pounds..

Want the details??


Someone just asked me…

"How do I stop eating snacks late at night? I have one snack and it just ends up leading to 3 other snacks, I want to break out of this habit and it's been crushing me."

Lets discuss👇🏻

If this is how you feel on a nightly basis. You are often times under eating throughout the day, probably restricting as well. This causes your hunger signals to go through the roof at night, especially with ultra processed foods that were created to be addicting. Eat more food during your meals and increase protein. That will make you feel more satisfied. I haven't had a single client come to work with me that was getting in enough protein each day. The more protein you consume, the better you start to feel, the better your body functions!

Onto the tips 👇🏻

Have a nightly cut off time. Choose a time that best suits your lifestyle to be done eating at each night. This is going to help take decision making out of it. "Am I hungry?" "Do I really need another snack?" The first couple of days, be prepared for inner thoughts, if this is a habit that you've had for months, maybe even years, your brain is going to try and make that snack happen for you. Your brain is wired to make connections and link actions with reward. Your brain feels reward when you eating processed snacks. It then craves/expects it the next night and so on.


Your brain is going to start feeding your head with thoughts about it. It will give you just about any reason to make that connection again. Once you are able to break that connection after a couple of days, you have just shifted into a different lifestyle. As Ed Mylette says, Just give it one more day. When you are sitting having those feelings and want to break/cave in, just give it one more day. Most people don't see the big mental roadblocks involved with making a lifestyle change when starting their journey to look & feel good again.


Do you feel stuck? Hit a plateau and don’t know what to do?

You are a few small changes away from a breakthrough, shoot me a message for more guidance!



Are you getting movement in today??

Comment “yes” if you plan on it💪🏼✅

Photos from Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach's post 03/05/2024

The domino effect…

What does it have to do with losing body fat?

A lot actually… 👇🏼

Picture a line of dominoes standing up.

The first domino is set in motion by a positive decision you made.
(Getting a morning workout in)

It now knocks over the second domino.
(You are feeling good after the workout, so you want to have a protein shake and some eggs instead of cereal.)

Onto the 3rd domino.
(You choose to drink more water because you just had a good workout.)

Onto the 4th domino.
(You then find yourself subconsciously looking for another win, you packed a lunch for yourself instead of getting take out.)

And so on…

You now feel great, you have a different confidence about you throughout the day, you won the morning.

What if you could do this everyday even when things aren’t perfect?

Here’s what I’m talking about…👇🏼

Create small wins even if you have to chunk it down.

Made your bed? WIN
Did 2 min of stretching? WIN
Cleaned up your home? WIN
Went out of your way to help someone else? WIN
Waited 30 minutes after waking up before checking your phone or going for the cup of coffee? WIN

The domino effect works in the same way even if you chunk it down on the days where you aren’t 100%.

Even if you didn’t have a perfect morning, you can still find those small wins you might have overlooked beforehand.

It’s a great way to change your outlook for the rest of the day.

Every win you create for yourself will bleed into the next decision you make.


Photos from Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach's post 02/28/2024

Non Scale Victories are important👇🏻

If someone is only focused on the scale it can be an emotional rollercoaster...

Our bodies are complex, there are tons of factors that can impact a person’s weight. (This is why taking weekly averages is important.)

If the scale is up and you know you are doing the right things, here’s what to do.


This isn’t the time to say f*ck it and throw in the towel.

Take a second to appreciate how far you’ve come. Think about the skills you’ve built for yourself along the way...

You are aware of your tendencies around food.
You are more consistent than you’ve ever been. (Building discipline)
You know how to measure/track calories.
You can fit in your favorite dessert while still hitting your calorie goal.
You make getting exercise a priority even when you’re busy.

Continue staying consistent, the results will come!


The information is out there...🛑 So why aren't the results following?

Sometimes it feels like an information overload..

Don't eat fruits.

Don't eat eggs.

Don't eat bread.

Don't have diet sodas.

Don't eat oats.

Yes, I see s**t like this everyday...

All of these claims are backed by specific studies that are meant to fear monger pushing you towards a different product.


This is what I believe,

it's not an information problem,

it's an application problem.


Building back someone's relationship with food isn't a one size fits all answer.

Different people have different triggers that they need work through.

Some common struggles my clients face are...

- Yo Yo dieting (lose it, then gain it back, and then some)

- Struggling with snacking at night.

- All or nothing mindset.

- Balancing their lifestyle with their health

We use methods I have developed myself over the years along to go from being 260 pounds feeling terrible, to now feeling the best I ever have.

More energy, never sick, and being able to show up feeling confident in myself.

If I could go back and was asked what price I would put on that..

I'd hand the person my credit card with no questions asked because I know how valuable the changes I made to my life was.

When I was at that weight (260), I didn't know how badly I felt until I made the changes and started losing weight.

Think about your weight loss goal...

If you went into the gym and picked up that weight in a dumbbell form.

Let's use 40 pounds for an example, Imagine grabbing that 40 pound dumbbell.

Now think about that weight in body fat coming off of your body.

Think of how light on your feet you'd feel, no aches doing daily tasks, and more energy than you know what to do with.

You are fully capable of getting there.

It's not going to fix itself.

You need to take action.

🛑 stop trying to do it all on your own.

Ask for help and start seeing the results you want!


We are doing another 10k step mini challenge starting Tuesday!💪

Comment "me" if you want in on the fun!!✅


Do you think that your significant other would be inspired by you working on yourself, staying consistent, and continuing to pick yourself up after you fall down?

Be the one to inspire.

Be the one to believe in each other when no one else does.

Be the one that raises the standard, not by what you say, but by what you do.

Win together.

Make it a great Thursday!


Giving up on your goal because of a set back is like slashing your 3 other tires because you got a flat.

The 3 other tires that are full of air and in perfect condition is a comparison to how far you’ve come.

The flat tire is just a roadblock.

That’s it.

You lost 7 pounds and gained 2 back…

You can either choose to give up and gain it all back and then some. (Slash all the tires)


You can flush the off weekend down the toilet and get back to it. (Patching the tire and getting back on the road)

No one can make that choice but you.

Don’t let an off day, weekend, or month cause you to completely give up on your health goals.

There will be ups and downs on the road, falling off track is apart of the game.

The time it takes to patch the tire is what really matters.

Get back to the basics and start building momentum!

Photos from Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach's post 02/20/2024

If you are struggling with skipping workouts this is for you...

Here are 3 ways to help you get back to a consistent workout routine...

1️⃣ Get out the door. That’s the hardest part. Convince yourself to just get there... Tell yourself you only have to do 1 exercise there if that’s all you want to do.

What do you think will get you to the gym, thinking about doing 1 exercise or a 90 minute workout with 7 different exercises? Get there, that’s half the battle.

2️⃣ Build the consistency first...

Do exercises that feel good for you. Starting your day off 4x15 on back squat doesn’t sound like much fun on your first day back. Get in, do 3-5 exercises that puts good stress on your body but doesn’t completely crush you and chalk it up as win! (The win isn’t the workout or how it went, it’s you showing up!)

3️⃣ Select a time that is “excuse proof” and be prepared.

The 9pm workouts are fine but are you always going to be that motivated to workout at that time? Probably not, so have a plan that is easy to follow and requires little motivation to get you there.

Shirt, shorts, shoes, etc. Have an extra pair in the car incase!

Photos from Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach's post 02/20/2024

Here’s what I would if I haven’t been to the gym in a while or have been in a funk of not getting great workouts in👇🏼

1️⃣ Do exercises that feel good for you. Starting your day off 4x15 on back squat doesn’t sound like much fun on your first day back.

2️⃣ Don’t over due it, 30-45 minutes of exercise and 15 minutes of walking.

3️⃣ Select a time that is “excuse proof.” The 9pm workouts are fine but are you always going to be that motivated to workout at that time?

Probably not so have a plan that is easy to follow and requires little motivation!

Make sure you save this if you ever need to get back on track and are feeling a bit lost!



Under eating could be halting your fat loss…

This is why it’s important to get a base of where you are at.

Most people eat around the same thing each day.

Maybe 5-6 meals on rotation.

So what I would do to make sure I’m not drastically under eating is tracking calories for atleast a day. (I’d recommend more like 3-5 days but do what you can)

Try not to switch up what you are eating.

The point isn’t to start dieting now, we want to see where you are at now, so we can then focus on where you should go next.

This is a foundation that shouldn’t be skipped and is a great tool to show you where you are currently at.

If you don’t track much at all, it’s still good to know where you are at once in a while.

1200 calorie diets are for babies… literally.

Not getting enough food consistently can do more harm than good.

I’ve had a ton of clients come to me saying they got a “sustainable plan” from these businesses and they were started off at 1200 calories which is unreal…

Have you had something similar happen to you?

Shoot me a personal message with your experience🤦🏻‍♂️

Photos from Tanner Sundt - Fatloss Coach's post 02/11/2024

You can keep progress and still enjoy the super bowl party today…

Here’s 3 quick ways to help navigate:

For starters, don’t show up to the party on an empty stomach. Have a filling meal before, preferably with whole foods because it’ll have less calories in relationship to how full it makes you feel.

2 - Pick what you really want to eat and leave the rest. This is going help you gain clarity on what you actually want to enjoy and not just because it’s there.

3 - Focus on putting food on a plate instead of standing by all the food and grazing the snack bowls continuously throughout the night. If you go and sit down to eat you will be more mindful of what you’re eating.



Tough love..

If you continue blaming the things out of your control you have no power in that.

Choose to focus on what you can control on a daily basis.

Your long term goal should be in the back of your mind and the daily actions to get there should be what you really focus on.

My online 1:1 nutrition coaching clients only focus on 1-3 daily tasks per week…

You can build momentum by doing the boring work on daily basis.

What might seem like such a small change to you, will be a big shift over time that’ll change your life for the better.

You have the ability to change the way you look.

You have the ability to be the inspiration for the people around you who haven’t made the shift.

They will see you making those changes, they will compliment you, and tell you how they could never do what you are doing.

Be the inspiration to them.

Invest in your health.

Don’t let a couple years of letting your weight slide to dictate how you live the rest of your life.

Ps. If you want to join our 21 New Years Reboot fat loss challenge shoot me a message or fill out the sign up form linked in my bio!✅ (it’s free & you can win a cash prize of $300 for participating!)


Did you know that 43% of adults in the United States don’t consume enough water each day?

Dehydration can cause impaired cognitive function, kidney problems, skin problems, and more…

So let’s find a couple of ways to make drinking water work better with your lifestyle.

First things first, if you don’t have a water bottle, go buy one so you have it readily available throughout the day.

Now you have your water bottle, so how can we make it even easier to drink more even when you are busy?

Instead of putting it in a locker, in the corner of the room, or anywhere it’s invisible throughout the day.

Put your water bottle in a spot that you walk by a lot. Closer to eye level would be even better.

The next time you walk by you’ll see it, instead of it being hidden in the corner or still sitting in your bag.


Figure out how much water you want to start drinking. (A good rough estimate is half of your body weight + 16 OZ for every 30 minutes of exercise.)

Now divide that buy your water bottle size. Example (100 ounce goal / 32 ounce water bottle = 3.1)

So just over 3 full water bottles a day if I wasn’t getting exercise.

Final tip - Drink more water in the morning, your body gets dehydrated over night just from breathing and obviously not drinking any water during that time. If your face looks a little puffy in the morning it’s because you might be a bit dehydrated.

So I start my day drinking a full water bottle and have done it for years.

If you forget one day, who cares, keep trying to hit the goal consistently!

We are currently running a mini challenge inside of our Facebook community if you want to join in and start building momentum for yourself!💧


I'm going to give you the exact blueprint I used to lose 50 pounds of body fat and feel more full throughout the day while I was losing the weight.

For starters, I need you to understand this...

When you are losing weight, you are consuming less calories than you are burning. That is going to cause you to feel more hungry at certain points.

I just want you to know that feeling that way is normal, and you are on the right path if you feel a little bit hungry when you go to bed.

BUT... There are different ways we can combat that hunger and make the experience better.

First things first, focus on getting more protein in each meal. This is going to make you more full off of a lot less calories.

Think about this, when you have 200 calories of chicken or ground beef compared to a bag of chips.

Yup... You could finish the entire bag of chips and still feel hungry but what if you had another 200 calories of ground beef?

This is why it's important to focus on having more protein that fills you up during a fat loss phase. Oh and it helps you keep the muscle you have which is the goal!

What if you doubled your ground beef for your meal and weighed out a serving of chips on your food scale?

You'd be full and content with the chips you enjoy!

So we are focusing on eating more lean protein sources... but also not cutting out processed foods unless you don't want to eat them the rest of your life.

I will never be the coach to tell my clients that they can't have processed foods, I have processed foods everyday in moderation.

This leads to me to my next point. If you want to still include the foods you love, feel more full, and lose body fat faster you need to try this...

This single handedly took me from hoping for results, to dropping pounds daily.

I started tracking what I was eating each day on a free app called chronometer. I stopped making excuses for why I couldn't do it and started doing what I could.

I was far from perfect at first, it took more time, and it was a struggle the first couple of weeks. The nice thing is that the app will save your meals so it becomes easier and easier to track. We often times eat the same 5-6 meals and swap it out to switch it up every now and then.

Once you know how much you are consuming each day, it gives you the confidence to eat dessert at night and not feel guilty because you are still hitting your goals.

Imagine losing weight and still being able to have a night time dessert...

By pairing more protein in each meal and tracking what you are eating each day you will start to see the results in not weeks, but days...

Don't believe me? Try it out!

I'm here to help you get to the better version of you through mindset work and understand the simplified game to nutrition.

Having someone in your corner to support you that truly cares can make a world of difference. You got this! :)



You can lose weight without having to do extreme workouts 6 days a week🤷‍♂️


It's 2 weeks into the New Year. Are we doing this again?
We all wanted to change an aspect of our life this year.

Most of the people I work with are looking to lose body fat so I'm going to focus on that goal for this email.

What would losing the weight do for you?

Here is a short list of benefits that may not have crossed your mind before today. Hopefully, these will get you some motivation to get you moving again!

((The last one is mindblowing))

1. You don't avoid looking in the mirror, you start checking yourself out seeing the progress you've made!

2. You are able to be more present and confident instead of worrying about the clothes you picked out. Your body is what makes the clothes flattering, not the other way around.

3. Your energy will be A LOT better, people will notice the pep in your step once the excess weight is off.

4. Instead of feeling restricted at social gatherings or out to dinner, you'll feel confident in having a slice of dessert and not guilty.

Once the weight is off and you are feeling good, your body will function better, and give you the ability to enjoy the foods you love without feeling restricted.

5. A study conducted by Cleveland State University (Vasilios Kosteus) found that regular exercise leads to a 6%-10% increase in wages.

Meaning, if you get more exercise, you are likely to make more money.

I want you to think about what losing the 20-40 pounds of body fat would mean to you? How much better would you feel?

Think about this for second..

Will the future you be happy you stuck with it or upset that you gave up completely?

The nice part about that question is the choice is 100% up to you!

You have to take the first step!

Ask for help,
join our supportive community,
start making the changes you have wanted for years!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Minneapolis?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Providing accessible and sustainable exercise that improves confidence and quality of life.

HealthFitness-Trustmark HealthFitness-Trustmark

HealthFitness, a Trustmark company, delivers a complete and personalized wellbeing solution designed to make people healthier with the best of fitness and recreation, wellness and ...

itssarahj_ itssarahj_

Personal trainer and accountability coach. Here to assist you on a healthier lifestyle

Germarican-Fitness&Coaching Germarican-Fitness&Coaching

Mario Baltes - Personal Training/Transformation Programs - MMA + Boxing - Group Fitness - Online Coaching - Workout Plans + Nutrition Plans Get you to your goals!

TT Mvmnts • Calisthenics Workouts TT Mvmnts • Calisthenics Workouts

Calisthenics Tutorials / Workout Plans / Personal Training Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c

North Star Sport Science North Star Sport Science

Complete athlete testing and training. With state of the art testing and customized training we give you the tools to excel in your sport.

Resist With Us - Downtown Mpls Resist With Us - Downtown Mpls
428 S. 2nd Street Suite 100
Minneapolis, 55401

Over 20 years ago we designed and patented our own workout system. To put you at the center of it all. To simplify your strength training. To Resist the lie that more is better. Mo...

BeastBody Life BeastBody Life

Welcome to the elite one-on-one Personal Training Program. If you are ready to transform your life, look no further. We offer full comprehensive programs that cover everything nece...

Cepa Fitness and Nutrition Cepa Fitness and Nutrition
3807 Chicago Avenue South
Minneapolis, 55407

Nutrition and Fitness Certificate.

Podz Performance Podz Performance

Hi, I’m Tanner. I am an ACE certified personal trainer and my goal is to help you reach yours. Whether you are an athlete looking to optimize performance or looking to lose a few p...

Move With Cass Move With Cass

Online movement studio for all. On demand content for you to be able to move whenever. Wherever.

DiscoverStrength DiscoverStrength
120 S. 6th Street Suite 120
Minneapolis, 55402