Videos by Neighborhood Children's House in Minneapolis. NCH, located in NE Mpls, is a part time preschool program for children ages 3-5.
Where in the world are the 7 continents? #halfdaypreschool #neminneapolis #nchpreschool #neighborhoodchildrenshouse #learnthroughplay #preschool #Montessoriinspired
Last week in Jan. and the last week learning about book authors. What a fun month it was becoming a book worm!
Creating our own books as we become authors and illustrators. #halfdaypreschool #neminneapolis #nchpreschool #neighborhoodchildrenshouse #learnthroughplay #preschool #Montessoriinspired
The lungs and trachea were added this week and now the body models are ready to go home! #halfdaypreschool #neminneapolis #nchpreschool #neighborhoodchildrenshouse #learnthroughplay #montesorriinspired #preschool
Learning about Ladybugs this week! 🐞Using the elytra wings for flight. #halfdaypreschool #preschool #neminneapolis #learnandplay #montessoriinspired
Marching into ant week at NCH preschool. #preschool #nchpreschool #halfdaypreschool #neminneapolis #learnandplay #montessoriinspired