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455 Rocket
455 Rocket

Locally grown, perfectly prepared.


When gives you focaccia, you make (kinda bastardized) Pan Con Tomate. I made a spread out of all the herbs in my garden, heavy on the tarragon and shiso. Its creamier than a pesto, i havent found anything it hasn’t made better yet. I’ll probably sell some next time i make it, it’s a really nice fridge enhancer. some is coming your way this week 🤓

Photos from Comfortfood's post 01/22/2024

Well, it’s Monday so…happy workweek?! I don’t think thats a thing, but im going with it. Since y’all have been pretty receptive to me hawking my stuff here on the Gram, i’m putting this Ikea Alex cabinet up here. It’s on wheels, has some great storage for art supplies, tools, you name it. It’s got a bit of cosmetic damage, but nothing that effects the use. It just doesnt suit me, as soon as i put something in a drawer, it’s dead to me. Gone forever. Forgotten. These retail for like $189, im starting at $75. Dm me or comment and we can discuss, im open to reasonable offers. Pick up only.

For everyone who’s been asking when i’m going to start cooking again, i’m finally shaking off my burnout and starting to dip my toe in those waters again. Hopefully i’ll have some stuff to offer in a day or two! You’ll be the first to know!

Photos from Comfortfood's post 01/19/2024

Some of you might recognize the guy in the photo above. His nickname is Flako, he worked at Comfortfood almost as long as we were open. He delivered your lunches, cooked the food(sometimes all in the same day!), washed the dishes, fixed the water heater…just about anything that needed to be done, Flako did it. He’s someone who takes pride in what he does, and does any job he tackles well and with a smile on his face. He’s somebody who has had my back so many times over the last years, im super psyched that the opportunity arose to return the favor.

As with all of the Cf employees, Flako has had to move in with his life, pay his bills and feed his family since we cut bait. His new role in today’s workforce is Painter extraordinaire. He’s started a business doing interior and painting, plus powerwashing. He had been doing it as a side hustle for as long as i’ve known him, and he’s taken the leap to go out on his own. I always knew this guy was going to be an entrepreneur, i’m so happy to be able to tell you about his company. He’s got the experience coupled with the attention to detail that separate the winners from the losers,

The second set of pics after Flako’s smiling face up there are of a basement job he did. Just remember, when all this snow melts next time it rains, your basement is gonna flood. Keep this post in the back of your brain once you get dried out. Shouldn’t you really be putting down a layer of Killz to make sure no mold can grow in your walls? And then two coats of the color you picked? I’m tired just thinking about it. Call this guy instead. I’m going to put his info up top ⬆️ in the highlights, so it’s easy to find.

I was so psyched to hear about his new gig, he’s gonna do some work in my house for me. Im going to document it and put it in my stories, its gonna be one helluva transformation, i promise! I get a surprising number of decorating questions, so i’ll show you some of how i think 😬

The name of the painting business is Professional Painting and Pressure Washing, give them a jingle when you need some help, especially now! He books up quickly in the spring! 609-643-2234



Ok, who knows what this is?👋 it’s Wild Hing, also know as Asafoetida, a spice used often in Indian cuisines. I bought some because i wanted to try it out, i’ve never had it fresh. And then, because raging ADHD, i forgot, and bought it again. It’s from this company , if you haven’t heard of them and are into cooking, i am telling you now, you’re welcome. Their spices are top notch and their selection unparalleled. Peep their insta page, their website. You can really elevate your cooking with any number of the things they sell, but they can make it easier to make good food! Ive bought a few of their blends, and even the plainest chicken breast is better with a blend shaken on real quick.

This Wild Hing is mixed with Turmeric in the jar. Apparently it is actually sap from a mountain shrub in Afghanistan that is dried and mixed with a little turmeric to keep it from being sticky. I know a lot of you guys out there in Comfortfoodville have onion and garlic sensitivities, Hing can be used as a substitute! They say its’ flavor is reminiscent of onion and garlic, but deeper, and that it can add some great depth to stews. You bloom it in oil to get the flavor going in the beginning of a dish, and i’ve used it raw in marinades. There’s tons more info about it on the website, they also have recipes, i believe!!

Why am i telling you this? Because there’s no way i’ll go through my jar before a year is up, which is when the experts say you should turn over your spices. Yeah, you should probably pitch that 5 year old container of bay leaves now. Since there’s no way i’ll use it, i figure i’ll give someone out there a chance to purchase something they didnt even know they wanted! It’s $10.00, which is just what i paid. I would give it to one of my friends, but i’m the cook among my friends! They were all like, “what in the world would i do with that l?!” 😂 it’s up for grabs, first person to get in touch with me gets it, we’ll work out payment and pick up in the dm’s. This concludes tonights new spice lesson.

Photos from Comfortfood's post 01/08/2024

So here’s a fun one to start with. A macrame plant hanger like no other! This baby is large, you need a nice corner or front window to display her. She’s got a big hook for hanging and is about 64” long. She only holds one plant but has three rings. It’s a real interesting piece of macrame, i’ve never seen one like it! She’s $75, price is not really negotiable. DM if you’re interested!


Hey guys, long time, no see! I took a little pause there, i’m still tryna figure out what is next for me in life, there wasnt much to narrate. But i’m back, its 2024, happy new year!

Thanks to everyone who came to the last Yard Sale, that was a blast, wasn’t it?! Unfortunately i had to shelve that idea bc it just got too cold, i may bring the idea back in the spring. I had so much fun talking to you guys! I love the idea of selling all this stuff but also telling people the story behind the items. Maybe i should open a store, but…retail. I just dont have that in me yet. I still have so much to sell, and i eventually have to find what my next step is. I have some goals for 2024, one is really minimizing the amount of STUFF that i have. I’m going to start posting interesting items you might like, probably mostly in my stories, but some here on the main page. The amount of vintage i have is OUT OF CONTROL. I also have a lot of canned goods i never got to sell before Christmas! Mostly Fig jams/compotes and some Tomato Jam, a couple other weird things. I finished them all and then had a real dip with my health and just couldnt deal with selling them. So yeah, i’m going to try to clue y’all in more often on what’s going on. Some ideas are starting to gel!!

Oh, and in that vein, the lockers above 🔼🔼 are in my driveway. Thats another thing i’m going to start doing. Just giving away some stuff. Somebody has to have a use for these. I suppose i shouldnt throw my address up on insta, so if you dont know where i live, dm me? Also, im going up on FB marketplace! After resisting that angle for a while now, it’s time to give in. Shipping costs are out of control right now, so it gives local people an advantage on getting some of the larger pieces!! Stay tuned for details!!

So there will be a whole new stream of ways to get your hands on some of the cool s**t i sell on the internet! And free s**t! Who doesn’t love that?! *rhetorical, please don’t tell me*


It’s come to my attention that there are those among us not using our big brains 🧠. If the cold rain didn’t make you question if we were doing our yard sale, i can’t help you. Let’s get real specific….yeah,no. We’re not doing it today. Hoping for better weather next weekend but i cant control the weather. That is all.


Hey guys, if you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for my address, so you can get to the sale early? Please don’t. We are so far from being ready to sell, its crazy.. we never put up signs or anythiing, word of mouth is strong! Just come later in the day! I’ll be restocking all day, and dont forget Sunday!


Looks like we demolished everything on the menu, i’ll be selling leftovers at this amazing yard sale! Im finally opening the vault and selling some of my stuff. Stop by!!


Well that was quick! Thats awesome tho, now i know to make a bigger batch.


Alright folks, here’s this weeks’ menu. Contact me for orders, changes, whatevs.I’ll be super available over the weekend because im hosting Yard Sale, the event at my house. If you want to pick up on Friday, after 5pm.

I have to stop answering dm’s now or the actual food wont get cooked😂 i’ll answer the dm’s first thing on the morning. Oh, and i grew the butternut for the soup. Pretty impressed with myself.


Hey friends, i know i’ve been absent, s**t has just been weird lately. I’m adjusting, slowly. And i have some really cool s**t i’m working on for the holidays!! Hopefully soon i’ll deal with that.

But this one isnt about me. My kid got written up on this site. If you’re a serious volleyball follower(hello, is there anybody out there? Just smile if you can hear me) you check this site pretty often. Anyway, they wrote this amazing article about my kid and invluded some pics that made my day. I can’t seem to post the link up here….am i stupid(yes) or does insta not let you do this? I’ll drop a link in the comments, if you know DQ at all, his personality shines thru in every sentence. I miss him terribly, i miss both my kids terribly but 1/2 the world away has been a lot. Im looking forward to christmas, he’s coming home for a hot second. Ladies, the line will start in the front driveway 😂😂

I hope some of the teachers and baseball coaches that have either loved him or hated him get to see this. Getting him out of high school was ROUGH, there were a few people who were so kind and helpful, and some who were real dicks. Look at him now, being a professional athelete, the only thing he ever wanted to be. It’s so cool to watch.

I’ll go back to talking about cheesecake brownies and selling you s**t in a couple days.


Guess what this means, folks?! Another batch of Fig Jam, incoming!! I was surprised the ‘ol tree gave me enough for another batch of jam so fast! Hopefully i’ll get it processed today and up for sale tomorrow!!

I’m also going to have some Meatballs and Marinara-15 meatballs in a half pan with Beef and Pork Meatballs for $45-that will give you some meatballs for the weekend!

I’m also getting into making hydrosols, if anyone is interested in those! Im starting with chamomile, fig and cucumber. If you don’t know what a hydrosol is, fear not! It’s basically a distilled version of the flavenoids of the particular plant. Kinda like an essential oil, but with diffused scents also. They can be used for medicinal purposes, cleaning, a natural scented room refresher and more! I’ll give you the info as i make each one, it’s a pretty exciting little project for me, you know i love to use up all the bits and bobs that nature gives me! Let me know if you’re into this idea and i’ll see how marketable these things are. Im just curious to see how the process works, and what the fig leaf hydrosol smells like! Im also working on a Basque Cheesecake wrapped in fig leaves. Stay tuned to this space to see what i’m selling over the weekend!


This moody piece of Carrot Cake could be yours! Through no fault of the cake, and a ton of faults in the baker, i have almost a whole Carrot Cake with Cream cheese icing! I’ve got 1/2 of a full cake, plus some slices already trayed up, anyone need a dessert for some sports game they are watching tomorro? I can testify it is delicious, thats why i gotta get it out of my house! The slices are $8, if you want the half of a cake as one piece, thats 6 slices, i would like this cake to be eaten, not spend its’ short life looking at the doir of my fridge, so i’ll make you a deal for $40.

Get in touch, some of you know how this works and others are just learning, it’s a very easy process that starts with you sending me a DM right here on insta!

Photos from Comfortfood's post 09/22/2023

Hidey Ho, folks!! It’s a beautiful Friday, fall is working its’ way in. I say goodbye and good riddance to summer! To celebrate, i’ve got all sorts of tasty treats to make your weekend all the more enjoyable!

Ok, lets see if i can line my descriptions up with the pics!! First we have a yummy corny snack or meal, depending on you! Its a Tomato and Sweet Corn Handpie with a Cucumber Basil dipping sauce! This is a really flexible dish-a nice Saturday lunch, or cut into a few pieces for a snack for the group! It is vegetarian, NOT vegan and NOT gluten free. Im gonna do a list of everything, with prices, at the end of this post. I’ll save you the headache that i always have, reading this tiny type. Next up is the Cranberry Brown Butter Bar and the Cheesecake Brownie. I feel like most people are familiar with these two, also they’re kind of self describing. Then, we have some Tomato Jam for your shizZz. If you dont have a jar of this in the door of your fridge,your life is not complete. I say egg sammmies are the absolute best way to give this jam it’s shine. I know some of you will want to fight me on this. Go ahead, I’m curious what kind of specialty food item you’re using it on.

Our last item here is so popular it gets its’ own paragraph!! We’ve got some Cherry Tomato Basil focaccia. Im trying a new style here, because i can. Now i dont have a lot, and i’d imagine these are going to fly right out of here. And guess what? I made half of them vegan!! So these have that vegan pesto, with roasted Cashews. Then, Cherry Tomatoes from my garden! Tons of them!! Then, many herbs but not the yucky ones, so no cilantro and no licorice tasting Basil. Up next, some fresh Mozz and Parm(obvs not on the vegan ones), more herbs a fat glug of xvoo, some salt and yippie! Into your bellies they go. I havent even tried one, y’all will have to tell me if you like ‘emand what i can change/improve. These are gonna go fast and i didnt make a big batch, in case they turned out flat or some other awful thing. So please folks, one per family please? We want to make sure as many people as possible get to try. I’ll make a waaay bigger batch next week, i promise!

Con’t in comments..


You ever feel like life is handing you a s**t sandwich, just for funzies? This is relevant to fig jam, i swear.

Life”here, eat this s**t sandwich. It’ll be worth it, i promise”

Me”But i dont want to eat the s**t sandwich. It’s gross and i dont think i can get thru it. Also, you’ve lied to me about this before, i’m not sure i believe you”

Life”trust me, this time i mean it. Eat the sandwich and then i’ll be on my way. I’ll give you all sorts of bonuses if you just eat it”

Me”ok, if you say so” cuts crust off and eats sandwich. “You happy now, can i level up?”

Life”oh, you cut the crusts off? Doesnt count. Later babe, try again next time”

Me 😑🫠🫠😑

How is this relevant you ask? Notice the fig jam has no label on it? I sure do, i’ve been messing with our old label maker from the shop and i simply cannot. Make. It. Work.

So here i present to you, this seasons’ first batch of fig jam, made with figs i grew myself. It’s not labeled(see above) but it has figs, sugar, lemon juice, a few ground cherries and oh so much love. It’s an 8oz jar for $12, available by request in my DM’s. There isnt a ton, maybe 18 jars so order quick and order heavy, i think im going to get enough fruit for one more batch by the fall.

I’m also working on jarring up our famous Tomato Jam, if you know, you know. That’ll be ready by tomorrow maybe? If i get to jarring instead of computering. You know the deal.


Oh hey fig jam, how ya doin? I should have this jarred up in the next day or two, available by request! Get at me in the dm’s if you’re a fig lover lover and need this seasons’ fix. Btw, i grew every single one of the figs in this batch, and i threw some ground cherries in as well. I grew them too. 👩‍🌾


This guy. So proud of him and all he’s accomplished, he made a goal and worked so hard. Now he’s crushing it, and soon he’ll be crushing it in SWEDEN!! Yup, that’s right, Danny Quay is gonna play pro volleyball in Europe, and see where that takes him. It’s gonna kill me when he leaves, but this baby bird gotta fly. That wingspan can take him anywhere he wants to go.

We’re having a little going away shindig this Saturday, starting around 5, going to whenever. A little celebrating his awesomeness, a little good byes. My life is bananas right now so i dont have time to send out invites. If you know where i live and have been to my house, you’re invited. If you gotta ask, you’re not in the club. You know it’s gonna be a banger, because, well…me. It’s going to be your last chance to say good bye and good luck to this guy for a year at least. Yikes, imma need a fainting couch for when he leaves😬


Okee, we’re coming to the end of the road here, there isn’t much left. This Beverage-Air lowboy runs like a charm, this one is 67x34, retails for about 6 grand. Theyre about 5 years old and were well maintained. I’ve got another one thats 60x29, also in great shape. I’d really like to get them out of here instead of leaving them for my landlord to make money off, anyone want to make an offer? I’ll start at $800, you can chisel me down from there. Im tired and my brain hurts so im an easy target. Please take them, they need to be out by the end of the month 🙏🙏


Somebody left this watch in my shop on Saturday, i think? Sorry i’m just getting around to posting, it’s been a crazy couple of days. If it’s yours, come by. If it’s not, don’t claim it, thats bad karma.


SOLD OUT FOLKS!! Thanks for the love, we’re here packing up but we have NO MORE FOOD TO SELL!! 🖤🖤🖤 see y’all when i recover from this insane week


Ok y’all we got it till we dont. Exactly like it’s always been. Same amount, different container. Cash is king, no holds on the internet or in my emails. We’re here till i get tired or 6, whichever comes first.

Photos from Comfortfood's post 07/23/2023

We’re going out in style, folks!! I made you some Mortadella Egg Sammies with Smoky Cheese, Special Sauce and Pickled Onions! Along with that, we’ve got a Baked French Toast w Mascarpone and 3 berries, with a delicious Red, White and Blue Berry Sauce. You can get them solo or with a side of Carrot, Kale and Mushroom Hash. $10/plate, it may be the last Comfortfood you’ll ever eat! We’re here till 6 with fresh merch and we’ll pack the food to go for ya if you want. Come say hi, spend your dollars and get some cool stuff to remember us by!!


Thanks for a great almost 15 years, it’s been fun, it’s been interesting and now it’s done. Don’t act like i didn’t warn ya, you got a lucky extra 6 months out of us but it’s time for us to fly.

Stay tuned here for updates and potential fun stuff.

Love u say it back🖤

Photos from Comfortfood's post 07/15/2023

It’s Saturday and we’re open until 4! Come try our new smashed chickpea sandwich or our new Korean BBQ wings! Stop by, give us a call, or order online!

Photos from Comfortfood's post 07/14/2023
Photos from Comfortfood's post 07/14/2023

Come on in & try our new korean bbq style chicken wings or our local cherry tomato burrata salad…. Or both 😋🤗 We’re open ‘til 7!


New smashed chickpea salad sandwich! You can get it as a sandwich or over greens!

Photos from Comfortfood's post 07/13/2023

New Korean BBQ wings on the hot menu!

Photos from Comfortfood's post 07/13/2023

Happy Thursday friends! We’ve got new items on the hot menu! Korean bbq wings (GF) and the Smashed chickpea salad (V & GF)! Lookout for posts about them! We’re here until 7 so give us a call stop by or order online!

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437 Alden Avenue
Morrisville, PA

Opening Hours

Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm

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