Choose Different Media

As a Relationship Recovery Strategist, Christy Neal is an advocate for women who feel tainted and ca


On this episode of ‘Everyone Has a Voice,’ 🎧🎙️

Maggie opens up about her very dysfunctional childhood that led to a destructive lifestyle of drug addiction, sexual immorality, relationship addiction, and co-dependence. But God. Maggie is now a Biblical Coach & Counselor and Co-founder of Moving Forward Ministries.

Tune in tomorrow at 5 AM to hear her incredible story! Maggie is one of our amazing guests on LIT86, coming this Fall to CTN! 🔥


Sometimes our choices us leave us at a point where we feel all is lost. I’ve been there. You can choose to be a victim or a victor.

I challenge you to choose a victor’s attitude. Pivot. When all is lost, everything is gain. Look at what you have learned in the losing. Choose to do better. Make your one bad season equal a lifetime of good ones. God uses messy people. Not perfect people.

You too could be one different choice away from a better tomorrow!


Up next on “Everyone Has a Voice”…🎧🎙️

Rodrick Butler, Cancer Conqueror & Financial Planner!

Rodrick shares the aggressive, daily strategy he adopted after receiving his cancer diagnosis.

His story is a powerful reminder that fear doesn’t have to control you. Learn how to face fear head-on and live with determination and faith.

Don’t miss this as we lead up to the release of LIT86!

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 08/18/2024

Addiction is a powerful force, but with faith, determination, and the right steps, breaking free is possible.

Acknowledge your struggles, seek God’s help, replace old habits with new ones, and be mindful of your weaknesses—don’t put yourself in situations where you could be tempted.

Surround yourself with a supportive community and remember that no matter how strong the chains, God’s love is stronger.

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 08/11/2024

I had an amazing time on 'Everyone Has a Voice' with my incredible husband, Kevin Burke!

We discussed our exciting new project, the faith-based TV show "LIT86." Kevin and I talked about how powerful visual storytelling can help believers visualize God's power in overcoming life's biggest challenges. We also explored the role of faith in personal transformation and how dramatic visuals can illustrate the profound impact of God's love.

Our conversation was truly inspiring and highlighted how faith, when visualized and shared, can lead to transformative change.

I wanted to share some takeaways from our discussion!

Follow us for more updates on "LIT86" and stay inspired!


On this week’s episode of Everyone Has a Voice🎙️…

My talented husband, Kevin Burke, joins us in the studio to share about the mission of LIT86, a men’s faith-based TV show produced by Choose Different Media.

LIT86 creates visual God moments that reprogram negative memories shared by guests.

This powerful new show highlights previous guests from the ‘Everyone Has A Voice’ podcast and brings their stories of overcoming to life. LIT86 will air this Fall on Christian Television Network (CTN)!

“We can’t do it on our own, God has to do it.” - Kevin Burke

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 08/03/2024

I had an amazing time on 'Everyone Has a Voice' with our fantastic guests, Brandi and Madison!

We talked about their journey of maintaining faith while moving to a new state for college. They shared the importance of finding a new church and all that goes into maintaining faith in times of change!

Their story is truly inspiring and highlights how consistency in faith can provide stability during times of change.

I wanted to share some takeaways from our conversation!

Follow them on Instagram at: and

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/31/2024

This Week on Everyone Has A Voice 🎙️

Mother and Daughter Podcasters, Brandi and Madison Rayburn join us to share about why they started their show ‘It’s Not Gossip…If It’s With Your Mom’. Be inspired to connect with your female friends and build deeper relationships with your Mother and Grandmother despite your differences in opinions and beliefs.

“Even though we are a generation apart, we can still have these conversations, still talk about things and show that you can have a good relationship if you try.” - Madison Rayburn

“There’s been many times we’ve had conversations in our home where we did not end on the same page, but we came back and were like, we still love each other. At the end of the day, the one comfort that we have is we do live according to the Bible. We always have the Bible to back up our beliefs and thoughts on everything.” - Brandi Rayburn

Listen to ‘It’s Not Gossip’ wherever you get your podcasts and follow them

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/27/2024

I had an amazing time on “Everyone Has a Voice” with our fantastic guest, Terry Hale Coulter

We talked about how incorporating just 10 minutes of exercise a day can transform your health and fitness. Terry shared her journey from knee surgery to becoming fit and fabulous over 60.

Starting with small, consistent efforts and focusing on strength training are key steps.

I wanted to share some takeaways from our conversation!

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/24/2024

I am so excited for our upcoming episode!

The Amazing Terry Coulter encourages us to be 'Fit & Fabulous' no matter our age!

Terry Coulter is back with us in the studio and stronger than ever! Terry joined us in Season 4 Ep 36 with ‘Fit & Fabulous over 50’, and she returns to keep us motivated to keep moving no matter our age. Listen to her inspiring story of how a knee surgery turned into a love for strength training.

“We are already fighting against time and losing muscle. From the age of 30 on up, every decade you lose about 3-5% of your muscle mass. If you don’t use it - you lose it!” - Terry Coulter

Follow Terry on Instagram at:

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/22/2024

Filming 🎥 is Complete! 🙌🏻

The faith based TV 📺 show ‘Small Town Testimonies’ has been in the works since 2021. When Monica Schmelter of Christian Television Network shared the need for youth programs on CTN, the Team at Choose Different Media felt God nudging us to take action.

We partnered with CTN, and created a TV show contest called ‘The Shakedown’. Our winner was clear - Blain Poynor, a 14 year old (at the time) from Eagleville TN with a HUGE heart for God. Blain felt called to reach millions, and He will do just that this Fall when his show ‘Small Town Testimonies’ comes to CTN Nashville - WHTN

CTN is a broadcast channel that is in over 50 million living rooms! I could not be more proud of Blain for his boldness in his faith, for his courage and hard work in filming the show.

He has done an excellent job as our talent & host. Not many understand all that goes into a Production like this. It takes a Team.

Special thanks to CTN for your partnership in producing and directing this project. And special thanks to Amber & Phillip Poynor for raising such an amazing young man. We are excited to see everything that God will do through this show!

It is our hope that Blain will inspire many more youth to get involved in God honoring media. It’s time for us as Believers to stop accepting the current media climate and make a stand for shows that honor God and are family friendly.

We can all choose to get off the couch like Blain and do something to support faith based TV. We need prayer warriors. We need monthly sponsors. We need talent and Christian creatives. If Blain, a small town teen, can do it - we all can do our part!

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/20/2024

I had an amazing time on “Everyone Has a Voice” with our incredible guests, Blain and Amber Poynor!

We talked about how Blain felt a calling to reach millions of people through “Small Town Testimonies” and how his parents’ support made his dream a reality.

I wanted to share some ways we as parents could support our children to become everything God has for them!

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/17/2024

This Week on Everyone Has A Voice 🎙️…

Blain Poynor, Winner of The Shakedown TV show contest & The Host of ‘Small Town Testimonies’, joins us in the studio with his proud Momma, Amber Carney Poynor. This impressive 15-year-old student from Eagleville, TN is showing the world 🌎 that you can make a difference for God no matter your age! Blain tells us about his life, his TV show idea, and how ‘Small Town Testimonies’ came to be a reality.
“I feel God calling me to reach millions of people.” - Blain

Episode drops tomorrow at 5am! Listen 🎧 wherever you get your podcasts!

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/13/2024

I had an amazing time on “Everyone Has a Voice” with our incredible guest, Max Williams!

We talked about how faith and healing played a crucial role in his recovery from Crohn’s disease. Max shared his inspiring story of overcoming chronic illness without medication.

Starting with a strong foundation of faith and exploring alternative treatments are essential steps.

I wanted to share some takeaways from our conversation!

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/10/2024

Max Williams, My Favorite Nephew and Liberty University Student, returns to the studio to share his personal testimony of divine healing from Crohn's disease. Hear about Max’s miraculous three-year comeback journey from the chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Crohns, without using medication.

“We walked out of the Doctor’s office living a miracle”, Max Williams

Follow Max on Instagram at:

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 07/06/2024

I had an amazing time on the "Everyone Has a Voice" with our amazing guest, Becky Hatfield.

We talked about how
combining kinesiology with intercessory prayer can help release trapped emotional energy and promote holistic healing.

Starting with a strong foundation of faith and incorporating prayer into your daily routine are key steps.

I wanted to share some takeaways from our conversation!


This week on Everyone Has A Voice, we talked with Becky Hatfield, a Bible-based kinesiologist, shares her practice of Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code.

She unpacks how negative emotion and negative energy can be trapped in the body and cause pain and disease. Open your mind as Becky shares how her customized practice of muscle testing and the power of intercessory prayer can bring about supernatural healing.

“These types of trapped emotional energies are the very root of sickness and disease in our life,”- Becky Hatfield

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 06/29/2024

Marc Garner’s story is one of incredible faith and resilience through life’s toughest trials.

I want to share the lessons we can learn from his journey.

Read on to find inspiration and hope from a life lived with unwavering belief and strength.

Hear Marc’s story on our latest episode of EHAV!


This week on Everyone Has A Voice, My husband, Kevin Burke, gives tribute to his best friend and brother, Marc Garner.

Marc faced more trials and grief within a 7-year period than any individual should have to face in a lifetime, and many called him ‘The Modern Day Job’.

Although he is no longer with us here on earth, Marc will always be with us in our hearts. He made us a promise to be on the podcast one day, and Marc never broke a promise.

Please join us as we honor Marc's life and hear from him as he shares his personal testimony of A Simple Faith. We love you 'Commander Great Guy', and we miss you terribly.

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 06/22/2024

Teaching our kids about people with differences can be challenging.

Especially because kids will often just say whatever is on their mind, even if they don't mean anything bad by it.

I was able to talk with Author, Bethany Van Meter and learn how she teaches kids how to be around people (or animals) who are different from them.


This week on Everyone Has A Voice, we talk with Bethany Van Meter and River, The Blind Pit Bull!

River has inspired his owner and proud Mama, Bethany Van Meter, to author a series of children’s books around River’s life. The first book is titled, ‘I See With My Heart’ - A true story about a dog with no eyes. Bethany and her husband rescued River from the Dallas Animal Shelter, and River now enjoys teaching kids empowering lessons of loving those who are different from them.

“It’s my goal to plant those seeds of goodness in young kids to know that… ‘I can help somebody, and I have worth and value’ ” - Bethany Van Meter

To purchase River’s books, go to:

Follow River on Instagram -

Follow River's Owner, Bethany Van Meter on Instagram -

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 06/15/2024

I had a heartfelt conversation with Judi Merriam about losing her son to su***de. Here are some takeaways that we can implement to make our homes safe spaces for our kids!



This week on Everyone Has A Voice, Author, Judi Merriam, joins us to discuss living after losing a child to su***de.

In her book, ‘Empty Shoes by the Door’, Judi gives a heartfelt account that explores the emotional journey of surviving the loss of a loved one to su***de.

Through her own personal experience, Judi intimately captures the complexities of grief. The resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative power of healing.

Her book not only honors those who have departed but also provides solace and understanding to the survivors, guiding them through the tumultuous seas of loss.

Judi’s voice emerges as a beacon of hope and empathy for individuals and families who grapple with the aftermath of losing a loved one to su***de.

‘Empty Shoes by the Door’ is available on Amazon and fine bookstores nationwide.

Follow Judi on Instagram


Photos from Choose Different Media's post 06/08/2024

I’ve discovered that our pain has a purpose, and through faith, we can find greater meaning beyond our struggles. Pain has taught me valuable lessons and led to personal growth.

By seeking God’s guidance, I’ve learned to transform my pain into a purpose that benefits both myself and others.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 reminds us that God comforts us in our troubles so we can comfort others. Trust in God’s plans, and let your pain be a stepping stone to discovering the purpose He has for you.


Ladies! It’s time to clean out your closet for an excellent cause! 💖

Join us as we welcome Angie Brantley, our Shop Local featured guest, to share her inspiring journey. God transformed her ‘wilderness season’ into a thriving non-profit give-back boutique, Ten Thirty Five. They provide confidence-building resources for at-risk youth and young women. Remember, “Your worth is rooted in Christ” - Angie Brantley.

📍 Locations: Donelson, TN & Mount Juliet, TN
📅 Clothing donations accepted year-round for all seasons.

Turn your closet cleaning into a blessing by donating your best, gently used clothing to TenThirtyFive. Let’s support this wonderful mission together! 🌟

This episode drops tomorrow at 5am!

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 06/01/2024

With faith, determination, and reliance on God’s strength, we can overcome any obstacle.

I’ve faced many challenges, but my belief in God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit in me (Romans 8:11) gives me the confidence to face them head-on.

Every obstacle we encounter is an opportunity for growth. The journey may be tough, but with persistence, prayer, and faith, you can achieve the dreams God placed in your heart.

With God by our side, we are unstoppable! Keep pushing forward and trust in God’s plan, knowing that he is in control!


So excited to release tomorrow’s podcast episode with Katelyn Pavey and her Dad, Eric Pavey of the ‘I Can’ Movie! If you haven’t heard about ‘I Can’ the movie 🎥 - this episode is a must listen!

God doesn’t make mistakes. Katelyn Pavey’s story shares this powerful message in the movie ‘I CAN’. She joins us in the studio with her Dad and Softball Coach, Eric Pavey to discuss 'I CAN' the movie, what inspired the movie, and what God has taught them both through their faith journeys. “I was born this way to show others how good God is.” - Katelyn Pavey

This episode drops tomorrow at 5am!


Sitting in a Pew Doesn’t Make You a Christian…

Our Pastor says… “Sitting in a pew doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than sticking your head in an oven makes you a biscuit.” It’s so true. Just simply going to church will not make you a Christian, and it certainly won’t give you the protection and promises of God that are available to us as Believers. We must be IN relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is something I learned the hard way. If you don’t know my story, I had an affair with a married man at my church over 15 years ago. All the while, I was attending church and appeared to have it all together. I had a false sense of security in my performance as a Christian. All the while, I was NOT in the Word daily. I was NOT in a daily relationship with Jesus. He was more of my ‘fireman’ and I would call on Him when I was in trouble. Praise God He has redeemed my past! But it has taken work seeking God daily and learning His Word. I now know I need His Word and His wisdom daily to live out my purpose and have peace that only He can give. **For the full story, you can read my book - ‘Don’t Ever Tell’ available on Amazon.

A building cannot protect you from the schemes of the enemy. God’s Word can. Pray daily. Seek Him daily. Ask for wisdom and discernment daily. Not overnight, but over time, He will make all your paths straight. I cannot believe this life God has blessed me with, and it all began by choosing to turn back to Him, choosing to stand on His promises, and seeking His plan for my life. It was a simple choice. Choose Different today.


Today, we take a moment to remember and honor the brave men and women who have given their all for our freedom.

Their sacrifices are the foundation of the liberties we enjoy today.

On this Memorial Day, I especially remember my granddad’s, who served our country with dedication and courage.

Their service, along with that of countless others, reminds us of the true cost of freedom.

Let us all take a moment to reflect on the bravery and selflessness of those who have served.

Enjoy your weekend and remember the heroes who made it possible.

Photos from Choose Different Media's post 05/25/2024

We were honored to be at the movie premiere of SIGHT last night, an Angel Studios film. We had the privilege of meeting Dr. Ming Wang himself. SIGHT is an inspiring true story about Dr Ming Wang and how he used his past failures to fuel his future victories. I highly recommend the inspirational movie SIGHT! 🎥 At theaters now! 🍿

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Videos (show all)

🎙️✨ Episode Available Now! ✨🎙️In this inspiring episode, we hear from Maggie Kavanaugh, who opens up about how God redee...
There was a time in my life when guilt and shame felt like a constant weight on my shoulders.As a single mom, I struggle...
🎙️✨ Episode Available Now! ✨🎙️In this powerful episode, we feature Rodrick Butler, a Cancer Conqueror & Financial Planne...
When we share our faith with our children, it’s important to be real. Trying to show a perfect image can set them up for...
🎙️✨ Episode Available Now! ✨🎙️In this powerful episode, we feature Neil & Amy Getzlow. Neil was a man who never imagined...
We can hardly contain our excitement as we get closer to the release of LIT86! We’ve been working tirelessly with our in...
Having Doubts About God?  In moments of doubt, it’s normal to feel uncertain, but it’s important to remember that God we...
🎙️✨ New Episode Available Now! ✨🎙️My talented husband, Kevin Burke, joins us in the studio to share about the mission of...
As believers, we may find ourselves frustrated with the quality of Christian media. We ask ourselves, shouldn’t God’s TV...
🎙️✨ New Episode Available Now! ✨🎙️“Even though we are a generation apart, we can still have these conversations, still t...
As parents, we all want the best for our children. One thing I wish my parents had shared with me was their struggles an...
🎙️✨ New Episode Available Now! ✨🎙️“We are already fighting against time and losing muscle. From the age of 30 on up, eve...



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