Kingdom Apparel 4 U

Kingdom Apparel 4 U

Be stylish in clothing that represents your walk in faith...


Don't wait until your back is against the wall to praise God. Before it is too late, give God all the praise and honor with a heart of thanksgiving. In the same way, you praise the Most High for big blessings; praise him for the small ones. Be thankful for all things, but especially thankful that HE woke you up with a sound mind and protected you while you slept from the thief in the night who came to steal and destroy.


May the light within you blind the watchful eyes of the enemy and ignite the flames of revival.


We must change how we perceive, receive, and respond to the word of the Most High. HIS word never changes; it never lies and must perform what HE said it would do.


If you can't see that how you treat & talk to people is wrong and genuinely repent and apologize for your actions, then your walk with Christ is in more trouble than you realize. The Bible says to pray for your enemies and treat them well.


STOP boasting about yourself; it is written Let the one who boasts, boast in the Most High... Proverbs 27:2 says, Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips. You boast about yourself because you are an attention seeker, and in everything you do, you need to be seen, but you complain when you are under attack. Move in silence and let God get the glory... The whole body of Christ is important to him, not just your limb....


How do you believe every word people tell you and make decisions based on that word without going before the Most High on the altar of prayer?
1 John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

My Truth His Glory : A story of faith and honesty. 07/27/2024

Free E-book download for a limited time on Amazon.
Embark on a riveting exploration of faith, repentance, and redemption with "My Truth His Glory," a candid memoir that charts a course from sin to salvation. In this powerful narrative, the author shares a raw and honest account of a life once entangled with the enemy and the pivotal moment that led to a profound commitment to Christ. This book is more than just a story; it's a journey that mirrors the struggles and victories that every believer can relate to.

Within these pages, you will delve into topics that touch the core of your faith and challenge you to grow. From the essence of true faith and the significance of the heart, to the importance of repentance and the dynamics of submitting to our husband, each chapter addresses pivotal aspects of a believer's walk with God. The author's personal experiences and mistakes serve as a backdrop for offering practical suggestions to navigate these complex topics, making the spiritual journey accessible to everyone.

To enrich your experience, "My Truth His Glory" includes a prayer at the end of each chapter, inviting you to connect with God on a deeper level. Furthermore, a unique feature of this book is the blank page following each prayer, providing you with the space to pen down your personal reflections and prayers. This thoughtful addition encourages active engagement and personal growth throughout your reading journey.

"My Truth His Glory" is more than just a memoir; it's a testament to the transformative power of God's love and forgiveness. The author's testimony is a beacon of hope, underscoring the message that if God can redeem a "sinful wretch" like her, there's hope for everyone. Let this book be a source of encouragement, a guide on your spiritual path, and a reminder of the boundless grace available to all who seek it.

Dive into "My Truth His Glory" and let your faith be ignited, your heart be touched, and your spirit be drawn closer to Christ. Whether you're grappling with your own challenges or seeking to deepen your relationship with God, this book holds the keys to a life of profound faith and redemption.

My Truth His Glory : A story of faith and honesty. My Truth His Glory : A story of faith and honesty.

Bible Names Graphic Classic Unisex Crewneck T-shirt - Etsy 07/24/2024

Starting at $19.99 with free shipping.

Bible Names Graphic Classic Unisex Crewneck T-shirt - Etsy This Gender-Neutral Adult Tops & Tees item is sold by Kingdomapparel4uShop. Ships from Mount Vernon, NY. Listed on Nov 23, 2023


When did you last show love to someone you do not like? It is so easy to love the ones you favor, but is that what the doctrine has taught you: to kill people's destinies with your tongue? TIME TO CHANGE, BE CAREFUL WHAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AS THE LEADER & HOW YOU TALK TO THE SHEEP.....
You must lead by example, as you are held to a higher standard and responsible for the people you oversee. Lead with love and understanding, not quick-tempered or double-minded, not influenced by hearsay, but upholding the word of YAHUAH. LOVE covers a multitude of sins!


Elohim has given us the keys to our destiny, but because some of us are double-minded, comfortable in our sins, and have little faith, we can not open the door.
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.


May YAHWEH cause the earth to open up and swallow every flood, spell, evil spirit, or negative word spoken/spewed over your life. Every plan of the enemy will be cut off with the sword of fire and used for good, for the glory of YAHWEH. The stone sent to kill you will be the same stone you used to step out of your current situation and into your destiny.


May YAHWEH protect you from every enemy, frenemy, person, or situation that swallowed or tried to swallow your destiny, your health, or your finances and cause them to vomit it up in the mighty name of YESHUA.


Be careful what comes out of your mouth for life & death lies in the tongue. You have to answer to every careless/idle word you speak.


Forgiveness..... Psalm 23 & Psalm 91 all over me😁😁😁
My Lord has forgiven all my trespasses, so I must forgive those who trespass against me. I forgive every one of you who told lies about me, accused me, pointed the finger at me, and hurt me. Jehova said vengeance is his, so I put you in the hands of the Lord. I needed the betrayal (trigger) to move me to the next level. THANK YOU. Now, watch the Lord prepare my table. Glory to God


Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone when it is within your power to punish or harm them. Petty is having or displaying a mean, narrow mind. Posting or saying subliminal messages shows one's character; you cannot be merciful and petty simultaneously and say you are walking with the fruit of the spirit. I asked a friend why she changed church again, and she said they talked about her situation during a sermon and condemned her. I thought the body of Christ was supposed to lead her to the altar and pray for her, withholding all of their critical comments. That means they have no self control over their tongue, not showing mercy or agape love as God commanded. Woe be on to them. The blood is on their hands. The body of Christ has to do better. I'm putting together people's true stories like this to go in my next book.


Don't you dare worry about people not accepting you, rejecting you, or you being different. Yahweh word has to perform, and it's all part of his plan to get you where He needs you to be. Yeshua was rejected, called a witch and the devil, because people didn't understand who he was or the anointing on his life, and yet he was the cornerstone of salvation. Be patient. The Advocater is working on your behalf... May your days be blessed, filled with joy and the peace of the Lord.


Overcoming Triggers and Using Them for Your Advantage!
The enemy can see the greatness within you, what you are destined to become or achieve, and will send triggers to keep you from completing your assignment. God will also send triggers when he needs something to happen to move you to the next level or when you are disobedient or stubborn about something he told you to do.
What are triggers, you ask? A trigger is to initiate, actuate, or cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist. Something that affects your emotional state, whether good or bad. A trigger can be an encounter with an angel to change your ways; it can be an illness brought on by sin or unforgiveness. It can be betrayal, lies told on you, the deadly sting of a close friend, a prophecy, drug addiction, etc.
Triggers are meant to activate something in or around us, to make us change course, to prevent us from completing the course, or even to start the course. In most cases, a trigger is meant to weaken us or affect us negatively. We have to search ourselves and be completely honest so we can recognize our triggers and how we react to them.
Jesus's trigger was Judas. The betrayal was needed so Jesus could die to complete his assignment. Achan's trigger was greed. He stole possessions from Jericho that were to be destroyed, which caused 36 of his fellow soldiers to die and the Israelite army to retreat.
If the trigger affects us negatively by making us unstable, disturbed, or weakened, we have to find a way to remove its power from our lives by seeing it as part of the process or using it as an option to catapult us to the next level of our destiny.
Turning the pain of that trigger into purpose will teach us to overcome every instability in our lives. First, we have to increase our faith in God and believe in the manifestation of what we are praying and fasting on the altar of prayer for. Invite someone you can trust to pray with you so you all can touch and agree to break every stronghold and trigger affecting us. No one but God needs to know your triggers because some people will use them against you. Learn to accept the trigger and use it to your advantage.
Jesus tried to trigger the Canaanite woman by insulting her and comparing her to a dog. The woman was able to overcome the trigger and remain faithful, so her daughter was immediately healed.
The Samaritan woman with blood issues spent all of her money seeking cures. She heard about Jesus and realized he was in her area. She knew she would be healed if she could touch him, but because of her condition, she was deemed unclean and not allowed in certain places. Her faith triggered her to touch the hem of his garment as he passed by because she believed she would be healed. Jesus asked who touched him because he felt virtue leave him. She confessed it was her, and Jesus told her because of her faith (trigger), not only was she healed, but she was made whole.
An angel warned Lot and his family not to stop or look back when they were leaving S***m, but something triggered Lot's wife to look back, and she turned into a pile of salt.
You have to decide how you will let triggers affect your life. Will you let the trigger destroy your life like Lot's wife, or will you use it to your advantage like the Samaritan woman with the issue of blood?
With love from Katina walking in faith.


Beware of Premature Birth:
God has a plan for your life! Some are chosen before birth, and others are called later in life to fulfill a certain purpose. You may not know what the purpose is right now; just be willing to accept the call. For some, the call is revealed through a prophecy (word of God), which is a living seed that gets planted in your belly and needs to be cultivated. God places gifts within us, like ministries, businesses, spiritual gifts, etc.
Just like the word of God (seeds), these gifts need to be grown, activated and pushed out of our bellies. The process of bringing these gifts and prophecies to fruition is often referred to as spiritual pregnancy/Birth. We become pregnant with God's will for our lives.
A spiritual pregnancy can be compared to a physical pregnancy. The gift/seed (word of God) is placed in your belly like a fertilized egg. Your body goes through several changes to prepare for your birthing season.
Study and show yourself approved. The more you study the word of God, the more you feed what is placed in your belly, and it grows. Pregnant women often say they feel pressure, which can be compared to the pressure you feel when the enemy is weighing you down and trying to get you to make bad choices. The baby kicking is the Potter stretching you and breaking you down to rebuild you. Every labor pain can be equated to an attack of the enemy.
An elephant is pregnant for 18-22 months. Scientists say the long gestation period allows for full brain development of the baby elephant, who is born with complex cognitive skills.
The length of your pregnancy is according to the work God is doing inside of you. God knows exactly what needs to be done and how long it will take. Sometimes, we intervene to help God, and we delay the process.
Never take your focus off of your destiny or birthing season to watch what others are doing. Everyone's process is different. You can involuntarily cause yourself to miscarry or have premature birth, trying to outdo or keep up with the things others are doing. If it is not your time to give birth, your gift will be lacking, and your destiny will altered. In some cases, destiny will not be fulfilled because people are quick to abandon anything that does not feel good. Would you eat a half-baked cake or chicken that still has feathers on it?
Be still and know that God makes all things beautiful in his timing. Let God perfect what he is trying to accomplish in you by staying in the fire until God tells you it is your time to push and give birth to your ministry, your business, and your destiny.
With love from Katina walking in Faith.


Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God's glory. (Romans 3:23). Some leaders & believers have forgotten their sinful former lives and the mercy shown to them. Those who are still of the world seem to have more compassion and forgive people quicker than those who make up the body of Christ.
You hypocrites claim to know Yahweh but only keep His commands & laws with your mouth and not with your hearts. Was it not commanded to love your enemies and restore your brethren/sistren if they have lost their way? (Galatians 6:1). Instead, you hypocritical people in positions took it amongst yourselves to judge & rejoice when a person fell, even condemning the very people God put you in a position to lead back to Him.
Your nasty attitudes, mean words, unjust judging, and finger-pointing shamed the sheep, killing their spirits and their confidence. Instead of killing the flesh or putting it under subjection, your harsh words and disgusting demeanor pushed them away from the sanctuary. You accused the innocent, don't you know you will be measured by the same measure. Your deplorable actions have become a stumbling block to those seeking salvation.
On the other hand, if you see a brethren committing a sin and do nothing to correct him or her, you are also a stumbling block, a partaker of their sin. Familiarity works in several ways: You know Fred and do not think he can change, or Sally is new, and she does not do things the same way you do them, so you complain. You are a hindrance to Fred's future and a stumbling block for Sally. Never argue with someone because they do things differently, especially if it leads to the same outcome, praising God.
To conclude, correction is needed in the body of Christ, and no one is above reproach. Correction, how you handle differences, all things must be done with love as stated in the Bible so you will not become a hindrance or stumbling block. Love covers a multitude of sins, is patient & kind, and is never rude or boastful. Remember, it is easier to catch bees with honey than with lime.
With love from Katina, walking in faith.


Are you Prophesying, feeling-sying or emotional-sying?
I know the last two are not real words but you understand my point. Some people get caught up in their feelings & emotions and mix it with the word of God. If you Prophesy and say the Holy Spirit or Yahweh told you that, then stand on your words. You cannot turn around and then say Yahweh made a mistake and now you say Yahweh told you something different or the truth was hidden. No one can fool the Holy Spirit or the Most High. Yahweh is not a liar or a man of confusion. Check yourself and stop listening to them familiar spirits whispering in your ear. When you do that, you do not realize how close you are to blasphemy. If Yahweh or Holy Spirit gives you a prophecy or a revelation don't add to it or subtract from it because you put your feelings in it. Yahweh is not a liar....
With love from Katina walking in Faith


What label are you wearing?
Names, titles, brands and words used to describe a person or thing is a label. A label is a small piece of paper, a description or a phrase attached to a person or thing to classify or identify the object. People will label you everything but what God said you are. Labeling affects the way people view themselves and others. DO NOT LET LABELS DEFINE WHO YOU ARE.
In the Bible, Jabez wanted to change his name because it meant sorrow and pain. He did not want to be the label given to him at birth and cause anyone sorrow, so he pleaded with God to change his name. (Prayer of Jabez) God deemed him most honorable among his brethren.
The job of the accuser is to label you a failure, a liar, a witch, unworthy, unforgiven, and not loved. Everything but what God says you are, so you will doubt yourself and not walk into your destiny.
Speak positive affirmations over yourself and back it up with scripture.
From love from Katina walking in faith


Free E-Book download on Amazon for a limited time April 21-25

"Journee Learns Her ABCs of Faith: Christian Edition" is a heartwarming children's book that invites young readers to explore the Christian faith through a joyful and educational journey. Each page is dedicated to a letter of the alphabet, presenting key concepts and words from Christianity in a simple and engaging manner. The book follows Journee, a curious and spirited young girl who embarks on an adventure, learning about kings, faith, and church, along with biblical figures and principles.

With vibrant illustrations and easy-to-understand text, this book is perfect for bedtime stories or Sunday school readings. It not only helps children learn their ABCs but also instills foundational Christian beliefs and values. From A for Angels to Z for Zebra, Journee's discoveries provide a delightful way for children to connect with their faith and learn about the love of Jesus. This book is an excellent resource for parents and educators seeking to introduce the essence of Christianity to the next generation in an accessible and memorable way.

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