The Centered Soul

The Centered Soul

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The Centered Soul offers intuitive life coaching, breathwork, frequency therapy, kinetic integrative therapy (sand tray), Reiki, Yoga Nidra and Qoya.

We offer private sessions, group classes and various retreats. Come get centered with us!

Photos from The Centered Soul's post 06/09/2024

✨Last night, we dove deep into soul power together through Sandtray and Centered Breath.

💫It was such a beautiful evening that I’ve decided we need to gather once more this month!

→ Swipe for details and register on the MINDBODY app or at the link in my bio!

Photos from The Centered Soul's post 23/08/2024

Hello my Centered Souls!

Aaron and I have missed you! This summer has been extremely busy and it was wonderful to get back to the Center last night with this incredible group of people.
Centered Breath classes through October are now open for registrationon MINDBODY.

We are thrilled to be breathing with you all again!

Swipe to see available class dates…If you’re feeling the call, please join us! ✨


✨Hello Centered Souls! ✨
Registration for May classes is open.

🌙 Join us May 2, May 16, May 30 from 7-9. 🌙
Head to MINDBODY app to reserve your spot.


We have a few openings for Thursday’s Centered Breath class. Come experience this community!

Register at the link below or on the MINDBODY app.


Hello Centered Souls!
Aaron and I are hosting a special Pre Eclipse Gathering this Sunday 4/7 @ 7pm.

It’s time to consciously and collectively dream a new reality into being and what better time than right before a major eclipse!

We will be weaving together our hopes, desires and visions for the future using various tools like mediation, breath and sound.

We will also be holding a Despacho ceremony that comes from the Q’ero mystics of Peru.

The transposition of our reality is on offer, and it’s up to us, the ones here in this present reality, to tend to it.

If you’re interested in riding this beautiful eclipse wave with us, please come!
Event is by donation only.
Sign up on MINDBODY or message me and I can put you on the list!


Breathwork can be a doorway into presence.
And in deep presence, we often find the insights and answers we’re looking for.

Come join us this Thursday for a special Sandtray + Breathwork experience where you’ll be guided through an inquiry of your choice, learning to access your own current of inner wisdom.

We’ve got a few spots left! Register on the MINDBODY app:


We are so excited about what is still to come in February!

For Centered Breath with Caroline and Qoya with Jessica, please register on the MINDBODY app or at this link:

For Discovering Intuition, please reach out to Kathy.


Come join us Thursday, January 25 as we learn to better listen to our bodies, others, the earth, and our souls.

Save your spot in MINDBODY:


We live in a time of great recalibration.
Picking up tools to aid us on the journey ahead is of prime importance.
Breathwork is a tool used to excavate and integrate energies that are writhing below the surface.

If you’re a man who is wanting more out of life
Access to more power
More flow
More love
More connection to self and others.

Come join us for a special MENS ONLY Breathwork!
Wednesday November 8th, 7-8:30pm
Register on Mindbody:


👋Happy Friday, Centered Souls!

Here’s what we have coming up in-person at the center in November. If you've been wanting to try Centered Breathwork, our Women Only/Men Only classes are a great opportunity for you to join our growing community!

11/1: Centered Breath (Women Only) 7-8:30pm
11/8: Centered Breath (Men Only) 7-8:30pm
11/12: Centered Soul Sunday 9am-12pm (More info coming soon!)
11/15: Advanced Breath 7-8:30pm
11/29: Advanced Breath 7-8:30pm

Classes are live in the Mindbody app and have been selling out quickly, so grab your spots ASAP! Register here:


Collective stories are like giant seeds—they plant realities and we continue to water them and give them meaning through the shared story. This becomes the default pattern.

We must, as conscious humans, use our energy to dream into being new realities-not from past patterns or stories, but from our own evolved energy and desires in harmony with love.

Last night, our advanced class gathered to do just that. We used our energy and our breath to imagine a world where our Jewish and Arabic brothers and sisters live in peace.

It was a beautiful night with incredible energy.

Interested in joining us in November? Register here:


We are currently watching Arabs and Jews in a thousands year old trauma-bonded death roll. Like two people thrown from an airplane with one parachute, they cling to each other as they descend into denser and denser frequencies of ancient pain, betrayal, rage, fear, hate, hopelessness, and despair.

We can, as onlookers, often focus our efforts on deciding who is “right”. This continues the dynamic where one group is right, chosen, validated, and worthy and one is not.

This idea—that one group of people is “chosen” and “more worthy or righteous” and that others are “less than” or un-chosen” stands at the heart of the problem. We must grow out of tribalism consciousness if we want a more peaceful, more functional world.

Collective stories are like giant seeds—they plant realities in the soil of our shared reality.

This is a story that started with one father, two mothers and two sons—one chosen and one sent into the desert to die.
How would you like this story to end?

When Jews and Arabs realize they are brothers enacting a grand archetypal brotherly love story, they can begin to awaken from this unconscious trauma-bond. They will not be manipulated into thinking they need to be chosen by God. They will see everyone as equally chosen in the eyes of God. Equally worthy. Equally holy. Until then, their unresolved trauma ensures that tragic chapters of desolation and pain continue to get written. Without resolution, the story lives on.

Instead of choosing sides, can we pour our energy into a imagineering a new story where there are no sides? One where these two ancient enemies recognize they are brothers?

If you’re interested, please join us at the Centered Soul for a group breathwork journey dedicated to collective reconciliation of Arabs and Jews.
Wednesday October 25 at 7pm.

Prior breathwork experience is required.

Register here:


Are you on Instagram? If so, please join us!


Excited about our fall offerings! Register here and drop any questions below:


About last night…15 beautiful souls joined us for an Advanced Breathwork session to close out our Soul Power September series. As a group, we stepped outside of ourselves to breathe, release, and connect to the collective. I could not be more proud of the vulnerability and strength that I witnessed. There is so much love in this community!


Save the date for Centered Soul Sunday! You’re invited to join us as we open the soul and invite it to connect deeper to the human experience. Come connect with likeminded people and dig deeper through guided meditation, somatic movement, yoga nidra, sand tray therapy, and embodied journaling. Learn more and register here:


I am waking up this morning so inspired to be a part of the Centered Soul Community! I am eagerly awaiting the Centered Soul Sunday connections!!

I have been journaling the meaning of a centered soul to me. Here’s what’s resonating from my head, heart and soul.

A centered soul is like a tranquil lake, unruffled by the storms of life. It embodies balance, harmony, and inner peace. Such a soul is in tune with its core values and beliefs, grounded in a deep sense of self-awareness.

A centered soul navigates through life's ups and downs with grace, remaining steadfast in the face of adversity. It does not seek validation from external sources but derives strength from within. This inner strength allows it to remain calm and composed, even in the most challenging circumstances.

A centered soul is open to growth and self-improvement, continuously seeking to expand its understanding of the world and its place within it. It embraces change as an opportunity for growth rather than a source of fear.

Compassion and empathy flow naturally from a centered soul, as it recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings. It radiates kindness and understanding, offering support and solace to those in need.

In the hustle and bustle of a fast-paced world, a centered soul serves as a beacon of serenity, reminding us of the importance of inner balance and spiritual alignment. It is a source of inspiration and a testament to the profound wisdom that can be found within each of us when we take the time to nurture our inner selves.

As a Mom and Grandma, incorporating children into our journey of soul-centering is a profound and enriching experience. Their innocent curiosity, boundless creativity, and unfiltered honesty have a way of grounding us in the present moment. Whether through playful interactions, storytelling, or simply observing their wonder at the world, children remind us to embrace the beauty of simplicity and to find joy in the smallest of things. In the midst of our busy lives, their presence encourages us to slow down, connect with our inner selves, and rediscover the enchantment of life's everyday moments. In this shared journey of centering our souls, we not only nurture their growth but also rekindle our own sense of wonder and inner peace.

I am excited to meet and grow with this soul community!! Please share if you feel led to what a centered soul means to you!!


Fall equinox message seems to be here!!

If you're experiencing intense and somewhat confusing and intimidating dreams the last few days you are not alone! Many of us have!! The message I feel led to share is simply the purpose of this energy is for you to grasp the validation of your unique feelings.

There's a significant internal shift happening, which isn't frightening, but rather it's offering valuable chances for self-awareness and the discovery of inner truths.

Many individuals are experiencing emotions like anger, loneliness, depression, anxiety, sorrow, curiosity, confusion, sarcasm, warrior awakening, etc. The presentation or manifestation of the emotion doesn’t really matter, what is encouraged to recognize is these emotions are here as a catalyst to propel you toward another version of yourself.

If you can, you are encouraged to remove resistance of busy schedules, or any reason to avoid slowing down and writing in a journal, and delve deep within yourself to seek answers.

You see, you my love, are the portal, the vortex and the miracle you are waiting for and the timing is perfect to wake up to yourself!!


Last night at the Centered Soul we took a guided breathwork journey with the former versions of ourselves. Through this experience, we created a highlight reel of our lives, celebrating the courage, determination and sheer grit it’s taken to be us.

Since no one will ever be able to know exactly what it’s been like to be you, why not turn your most loving, grace-fulled and enthusiastic cheerleader back on yourself?

Self sourcing our own internal love, acceptance and validation is a giant step towards showing up in this world with cleaner energies.

If we can begin recognizing the perfection of our past within the eternal nature of our journey, the constructed energy of holding/judging/bracing for in the present naturally collapses. As you read this, see if you can feel it in your body. Close your eyes and ask the question, “What is right about me in this very moment?”. Take a minute and feel the rightness of your breath, the rightness of your heartbeat, and the rightness of you showing up on earth today.
Your ego may not like this question. It wants to keep you focused on looking backwards or forwards as a means of control, motivation and protection.

Relaxing into the rightness of each moment is a practice of receiving everything arising with an open palm. It takes desire and practice.

And since this moment is all we have, why not suck all the juice out of it? Tasting the moment helps us stay present with ourselves, as as we do, we awaken within the dream.

What a beautiful journey this all is. Awakening to the perfection of you.

Centered Breathwork is going to begin online breathwork journeys in just a few weeks! If you’re interested, please comment to this post and I’ll add you to the invite list.


How does it feel when you are recognized, seen, honored, validated, celebrated? When was the last time you did it for yourself? The theme this month at the Centered Soul is about Soul Power. I know a lot of my FB friends are doing shadow work as a way to increase their soul condition/soul power. This process is beautiful and totally necessary on the path of growth. There is a ‘shadow side’ of ‘shadow work’ however. The underbelly of shadow work is when our Ego uses it as a way to keep us in an endless cycle of either looking back to our wounds or forward to ways we can be better. This is a form of personal bullying.

We can be motivated by self-judgement and inner bullying, but we cannot become enlightened this way. This will only take us so far. When we can see and honor ourselves in the moment, we learn to be more conscious in the moment, which is the point of evolution and growth. To make the unconscious conscious. As we do this, we uncover more gifts, more desires, more abilities, more wounds, more of our own essence to share with the world.

Striving to accomplish things in the world and enjoying power or praise is not inherently wrong. But doing it as an unconscious means to feel whole and loved is not the most powerful way to create and live. This week in Centered Breathwork we will amplify our ability to self source our own recognition, validation, praise and honor. We then become our own deepest 'see-ers” and “knowers” of our journey. This changes our relationship to external creation. It makes us more conscious and grounded in the world—and much happier.

When we celebrate what is right in our lives, we lean into what flow feels like. We lean into cultivating the feeling of our pure essence—not for others but for us.

Come join us this week for Centered Breathwork.
Come celebrate yourself.
It’s time.

*Centered Breathwork is at Wednesdays at 7pm. Please PM me if you’d like to register! I have five spots remaining.
*Artist unknown.


Breathwork on Wednesday September 13 will be focused on exploring body power. We will go into the body with breath, in order to listen to it deeper than ever before.

Soul power and body power go hand in hand.
We cannot achieve true inner peace, when we eat food full of energetic chaos.
Simply put—food is energy and information, and calories are NOT created equally.

😭 American gluten is now unrecognizable by the body + laden with toxic pesticides that further strip minerals from the body.
😳 Ultra-pasteurized American dairy clogs the body and slows down our energy.
🙃 Sugar hijacks the body’s system and creates a whole host of downstream effects we are all familiar with.
🤬 Seed oils are responsible for more inflammation and chronic illness than we are currently aware of, and these oils are in virtually everything.
🥺 Processed food carries lower levels of energy and distorted, unrecognizable information.
😡 Commercial meats are full of chemicals and antibiotics—all of which affect the way our bodies process food.

If we want to become more powerful souls, we’ve all got to come face-to-face with our food reality.

So how do we learn to do this?

😍 We love our souls enough to not poison them for convenience sake.
🥰 we learn to listen to our body’s signals rather than ignoring or suppressing them.
🤓 We shift our priorities to include high quality food—even if it means more money, more research or learning new habits/skills.
🤩 We support local farmers, small ranchers and healthier restaurants.

We do it one meal, one bite at a time.

This Wednesday we will be using breath to feel into your body’s innate wisdom in new ways.

If you’re feeling ready for the journey,
Pm us to register!


Pyramids of Power—that was the theme of breathwork last night.
Set to an Egyptian backdrop of music and meditation, we traveled through our bodies with breath, exploring our relationship to soul power and how it impacts our journey here on earth.
Claiming our own personal power is a fundamental step in any soul’s evolution. Teasing out the narratives, limiting beliefs and attitudes that diminish, suppress or strip our soul power gives us the information we need to begin recognizing our patterns more clearly. When this happens, we can begin stepping into situations differently. We begin to show up differently in the world, and in our homes. Understanding what amplifies and harnesses our power turns our attention to activities that generate lasting fulfillment rather than towards cheap distractions and short term rewards.

Part guided meditation, part multilayered emotional processing tool, Centered Breathwork offers a way to fast track your own learning and exploration with other like minded humans.

It’s 🔥🔥🔥

Our next Breathwork experience session is Wednesday September 13th!

Pm me if you’re feeling the call!


I am grateful to announce that I am on vacation starting today until September 14th. I will be available to schedule appointments starting on September 15th, 2023. Thank you for your ongoing love and support 💕🙏

Please take note again, we will not be hosting Group Reiki 9-7-23. I will update you as to when we will have the next one and hope to connect then!!


Breathwork at the Centered Soul is not about breathing.
It’s about learning to re-ignite your ability to consciously digest and metabolEYES soul energy.
It’s a direct invitation to re-engage with your body, and have it teach you deeper truths than you could conceive of with your mind alone.

Our current society imprints us with ways of learning that are out of balance. Stuck with a framework that is skewed into the cognitive realm, we are taught to divorce the mind from the body at a young age. Somatic practices, when paired with cognitive invitations, create a container to re-member (put back together) these two capacities.

Centered breathwork starts again every Wednesday in September from 7-8:30pm


If you’re feeling the call, come join us!


September is right around the corner, and we are happy to offer the following events at the Centered Soul.
—Centered Breathwork
—Advanced Breathwork
—Reiki Share
—Centered Teen night

Alll classes are $25.
Reiki share is by donation
Centered Soul Sunday is $49

You can find the schedule and book straight from the MINDBODY app. Or, if you’d like, just Pm me and I’ll get you signed up.

We are looking forward to getting Centered with you!

Photos from The Centered Soul's post 09/08/2023

Love you Caroline Brock! Happy Anniversary to you and Aaron! Lots of love, joy and gratitude to you both!!


The Centered Soul Is honoring families this month by prioritizing our own. We have decided not to hold any group classes for August. Stay tuned for our September schedule featuring more breathwork classes and group Reiki opportunities!


Group Reiki has been rescheduled to Thursday, July 27th, at The Centered Soul from 7-9 pm (arriving at 6:45 pm please) due to schedule conflicts for participants. This remains a free event however there is a love donation box available if you feel led to donate. There are a few spots still available if interested. Tami will be playing her flute and Rocky will be clearing with drum❤️❤️

As a general reminder, Group Reiki offers several benefits, including:

1. Enhanced Energy Flow: The collective energy of the group can intensify the Reiki healing experience, promoting a stronger flow of healing energy.

2. Sense of Community: Group Reiki events create a supportive and nurturing environment, fostering a sense of belonging and connection among participants.

3. Amplified Healing: The combined intentions and focus of the group can amplify the healing effects of Reiki, potentially leading to deeper emotional and physical healing.

4. Stress Reduction: Group Reiki sessions can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation, as the shared energy can create a calming atmosphere.

5. Shared Insights: Participants often share their experiences after the session, which can lead to insightful discussions and self-discovery.

During a group Reiki event, you can expect:

1. Introduction and Explanation: The practitioner will typically begin by introducing Reiki, explaining how the session will be conducted, and setting the intention for the group healing.

2. Comfortable Setting: Participants are usually comfortably dressed and come prepared to lay down on a table or stand around one (seating will be available if that is requested) to receive the Reiki energy.

3. Guided Meditation (Optional): Some group Reiki sessions may include a guided meditation to help participants relax and focus their minds. We use various instruments for sound healing as well.

4. Reiki Energy Transmission: The Reiki practitioner will then channel the healing energy to the group, usually using hand positions or other techniques.

5. Shared Energy: As participants relax and receive Reiki, the collective energy in the room becomes more pronounced, creating a peaceful and supportive environment.

6. Post-Session Sharing: After the session, participants may have the opportunity to share their experiences or ask questions about the process.

It's essential to remember that experiences can vary for each individual, but group Reiki events often leave participants feeling more relaxed, centered, and rejuvenated.


Posting The Centered Soul's July schedule for all to see. Head to the MINDBODY app to sign up for classes!

The Centered Soul 23/06/2023

Special Announcement! The Centered Soul is now on the app MINDBODY. Please head there to see the schedule and to book classes, and reach out if you have any problems. We have one more spot in our Wednesday June 28th breathwork class and several spots open in our Thursday June 29th class! The July schedule is also posted there. Please check MINDBODY and search up The Centered Soul to see our Group Reiki classes, breathwork and somatic movement (Qoya) classes.
Come get centered with us!

The Centered Soul Mindbody is the easiest way to book everything: yoga, Pilates, barre, CrossFit, group classes and even salon, spa or massage appointments. Find the best deals wherever you are by downloading the app.

Videos (show all)

It’s been a week since this incredible class. Thank you to each of these beautiful souls for sharing your energy and exp...
Some snippets from last Thursday’s class…If you’re feeling the call, join us this Thursday, September 6. Register on MIN...
There are a few spots left for tomorrow’s Centered Breath class! We’d love to have you! Register on MINDBODY or at the l...
We have a few openings for Thursday’s Centered Breath class. Come experience this community! Register at the link below ...
Eclipses can be cosmic opportunities to feel into the energies that not only exist inside of us, but in our collective, ...
During the month of March at the Centered Soul, Aaron and I will be holding a special masterclass. In this four session ...
Join us on Thursday 2/29 for a special Reiki-Lead Breathwork! Register on MINDBODY:
There is currently one spot left for this week’s Centered Breathwork class! Join us on Thursday, February 15 from 7-9 as...
Evolving is about learning to listen differently. It is about becoming more sensitive to what is already right in front ...
Come join us Thursday, January 25 as we learn to better listen to our bodies, others, the earth, and our souls. Save you...
Where your full presence is, HOLINESS is.THANK YOU to the women who came to pour their presence into each other, into ea...
Join us on Wednesday, December 6 from 7-9 for a special Women-Only Breathwork class. This class is for women who would l...


1359 Cannon Road
Myrtle Beach, SC