Bonnie's Yoga Shala

Bonnie's Yoga Shala

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Yogini Master Bonnie Ringer, Me-Tso; Strengthen Your Body, Heal Your Mind, Free Your Spirit! Small G

Yogini Master Bonnie Ringer ~ MeTwo is an experienced Yoga and Healing Arts Practitioner, and Meditation Instructor. All her yogic accomplishments have come to her through hard work, dedication, and fierce determination (Tapas). She has transformed her practice from the mere ordinary to the extraordinary by giving her attention and intentions to the wiser, broader all knowing Divine Self in all be

Anandamayi Ma - Accelerate your spiritual journey 08/18/2024

Japa, Meditation, and spiritual practice are BEST for your Soul Accelerate

Anandamayi Ma - Accelerate your spiritual journey Try to pour out the mind and spirit in japa and meditation to the best of your capability. Try to keep yourself in divine surroundings and spiritual engageme...


The Daily Guru
August 18
Changing Forms

Birth and death are changing forms. The plant changes into a flower, and the flower changes into a garland— and if you leave the garland alone for some time, it will change into dust. It is the same for the body. The body is composed of the elements, and the elements are constantly changing. One day, when the body decomposes, the body is dead, but you, the owner of the body, are always the same. This realization of immortality is possible only when you free yourself from your identification with the body. What's more, it is when you experience the realization of your own immortality that you can be permanently happy. The happiness that seems to be coming from your possessions is false or, in other words, reflected happiness.

~Sri Swami Satchidananda


I welcome you hOMe on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM - YogaBliss practice always has Pranayama- My Summer Pranayama is Cooling Breath. Yogis, long ago, discovered that Sitali Pranayama (cooling breath) was a great way to soothe, relax and cool body and mind. Sitali is a Sanskrit word meaning”cooling” or “soothing.” See you tomorrow on the mat 🙏🧘‍♀️📿🦋


Teaching yoga bliss tonight 6:00pm

August 12


Hope to see you in class this week! Teaching Thursday night 6 o’clock and Saturday morning 9:30am!

Yoga with Bonnie is a wonderful experience! some benefits you might enjoy by joining her classes:

- Relaxation and stress relief
- Improved flexibility and balance
- Strengthening and toning of muscles
- Enhanced focus and concentration
- Mind-body connection and inner peace
- Opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals

Bonnie's classes also offer a supportive environment, expert guidance, and a sense of community, making your yoga journey even more rewarding. !!


“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

Living fully is about balance. What’s your recipe for a thriving life?


Teaching Saturday morning 9:30am Yoga bliss .
Let’s open up those hips, stretch those hamstrings; let’s feel comfortable in our bodies, calm our mind and come back to our true selves - connection to our souls.


Some people say “Lions Gate” on 8/8 holds open energetically for synchronicity ➕

Reposting- LION'S GATE PORTAL: A Vast Karmic Feminine Cycle Completes
(& what it means for you)
As we approach the Lion's Gate Portal which peaks on 8.8,8, a vast, ineffably deep Soul-healing Cycle is completing.
This healing cycle is predominantly linked to the divine feminine. This means that your soul has wanted to retrieve its ancient cellular memories of the goddess, whatever that means for you.
You'll feel this shift, no matter what your personal journey looks like. It doesn't mean there's no more healing, learning or growth for you.
It means that the universal feminine consciousness has cleared mountain-loads of karmic weight. She's ready to step into a new era, without the baggage, chains and fear of being destroyed.
How this massive feminine healing shift will play out for you depends on your soul's timeline (by the way, there's no competition or hierarchy in soul growth).
Here's a few examples of what it could look like for you:
you've been working deeply on healing the feminine aspect of your soul for decades; you're ready to be a visible, powerful example and guide for others
you're 'new' in this lifetime to working with the transformational powers of the goddess; you'll be catapulted into rapid growth and change
you'll no longer be able to hide behind excuses, endless procrastination, all the "I can't because of x,y,z..." - your soul needs you to step up, step out and give what you're here to give
a significant relationship or friendships may come to a close, possibly without warning; this is a sign that you're being potently re-routed by the Goddess. Pay attention to the next steps you're being shown now, and be prepared to come out of your comfort zone more than ever before
you'll be able to create new relationships that support your soul's truth; the key here is that you've cleared old agreements from many lifetimes before, and are no longer repeating old, harmful patterns
you may be led into deeply-activating feminine consciousness spaces, such as therapy, intensive retreats, life-changing books and workshops etc; again, this may come without warning and you'll be confronted with your shadow, and everything that's stopping you from being the radiant Soul that you are
you'll be given huge opportunities to heal your Throat chakra as your clear, truthful expression is vital for your mission to unfold; this may not always feel easy or comfortable, but stick with it
Over the next few weeks, the energy is very powerful. Don't dismiss your intuitive knowing.
This may be a 'completion' but it's really a huge new beginning. There's an enormous amount of work to do on this planet.
Your soul's wisdom needs to lead the way, and it can't do that unless you're actively working on what's holding you back, keeping you silenced, dampening your inner power.
If you've been feeling recently that it's all too much on Earth, and you'd rather go back to the Stars, the Light, the Underworld - this is a message that you're here to stay, and you can heal the wounds that may have felt unbearable.
Your unique soul energy is precious. You came here, to Earth, to contribute and make a healing difference.
New energy is coming to support you.
The most epic Lion's Gate Portal of over 15 years is coming. Believe! Sophie Bashford©️ Sophie Bashford


Prayers for continued healing and recovery to his holiness 🙏

Medical Bulletin - Upstate New York, USA, August 5, 2024 - Dr. David Mayman, MD, Chief of the Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, visited His Holiness the Dalai Lama over the weekend. After examining His Holiness’s knee and observing the physical therapy exercises, Dr. Mayman shared the following post-surgery medical update:

“His Holiness is recovering well,” stated Dr. Mayman.
“He is working diligently with physical therapy and making great progress. This will continue over the next 6 to 12 months to optimize his recovery. His Holiness has made significant improvements to date, and we expect this to continue for a full year after surgery.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama underwent successful knee replacement surgery on June 28.

Photo of His Holiness taking part in the Monthly Feast Offering to the Dharma Protectress Palden Lhamo on the first day of each lunar month in Upstate New York, USA, on August 5, 2024.

Photos from Bonnie's Yoga Shala's post 08/05/2024

August is such a FULL FIRE Month! -


Start your weekend with a revitalizing YogaBliss session on Saturday at 9:30am, set amidst the lush Enchanted Garden Yoga Deck. Let's unlock your full potential together 🙏

Photos from Bonnie's Yoga Shala's post 07/21/2024

That was some FULL Moon on Saturday.... July 20, 2024 - I'm still feeling the effects! -
That moon definitely kept us on our toes this weekend! We had to practice patience & being calm when others could not be.
I PRAY ALL THE TIME and teach the same!
Please join me Tuesday night at 6:30pm, 7/23, confirming your spots, by pre-paying the price $25. Remember “day of / drop in is $35”. I look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat.


Excerpts from
The Daily Guru
July 18

Everyone in this world cannot get enlightened at one time. If they did, that would mean that there would be no more world, the world's purpose would be over. The world will always be a mixture of good and bad and of people at different stages in their evolution. Just like different grades in a school, not all students are in the same grade. The purpose of the world is to shape people. More and more people will be coming into the world, and the world will be shaping them, reforming their minds. It's like a big factory.
If you really want to get enlightened, get enlightened. Probably, when you do, you might help a few others.

~Sri Swami Satchidananda

Photos from Bonnie's Yoga Shala's post 07/19/2024

Having a spiritual practice is just as important as the physical practice.
Feeling and thinking is in the body, in the senses, in the mind…. I AM teaching Saturday morning at 9:30am and again Tuesday night at 6:30 begins the following week regular schedule. Please pre-pay for your classes ahead of time, it helps for planning the class schedule for all people attending, including myself.

I look forward to seeing you soon on your yoga mat.

Photos from Bonnie's Yoga Shala's post 07/18/2024

Please join me tomorrow night, 7/18 Thursday night. I will make an exception for this Thursday night, instead of it being $35 on the day OF, I will let you join in for the prepaid price of $25 Thursday night at 6 PM.


I AM Teaching YogaBliss tonight ^ 6:30PM Bonnie's Yoga Shala, Nanuet. Join Me, In-person, or Virtually. Keep an Open Heart, and allow yourself the opportunity to Be still and Quiet. The teachings are TRUE, when we quiet the "monkey mind" of all thoughts, we are free from pain and suffering... Please Note: This is an old picture from the summer of 2010/2011 up in Ananda Ashram, Monroe. I would present weekend workshops, and Master Classes... then became the Friday Night 6:30PM regular ongoing teacher for the Ashram.... pictured with me is Nikki, Jenn, and the "gang" was all their then.... Hope to see you tonight for YogaBliss practice! Love, and Peace to ALL BEINGS! Yogini Bonnie Ringer ❤️


With Tibet House US - NYC – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉

All Ringo Starr wants for his 84th birthday is 'peace and love' — and a trippy two-tiered cake 07/08/2024

Promoting Peace and Love Ringo Starr for his 84th birthday 🥳

All Ringo Starr wants for his 84th birthday is 'peace and love' — and a trippy two-tiered cake Former Beatle and legendary drummer Ringo Starr celebrated his 84th birthday with a party calling for peace and love that served blue cake.

My 60th Birthday Yoga Practice OutSide on The Enchanted Yoga Deck 07/05/2024

A clip from my 60th Birthday Practice!

My 60th Birthday Yoga Practice OutSide on The Enchanted Yoga Deck I always like to practice on my Birthday, and try to do a short video of parts of my yoga practice on my birthdays.... this was a hard one, the first Birthda...

Bonnie's Yoga Shala - Testimonials 06/26/2024

Experience the bliss of yoga with our Hatha Yoga classes at Bonnie's Yoga Shala spiritual centers, ideal for those seeking a peaceful environment for meditation and personal growth. Join me, Thursday night 6pm. More information on

Bonnie's Yoga Shala - Testimonials Here's What People are Saying... "Thank you for a wonderful workshop. I know these teachers in training learnt a lot today. Your students are in very good hands. You are the real thing, teaching real yoga! You are the true essence of Yoga. I love you Bonnie!" With Love, Tao Porchon-Lynch "There is

Photos from Bonnie's Yoga Shala's post 06/24/2024

Teaching a MORNING YogaBliss Practice on July 4, 2024 -
The energy of last week was over the top… with the summer solstice and the Full strawberry moon, and the heatwave that took days to pass through…
Now today’s Extremely windy, playful, weather has just blown it all away… A new day, a new beginning… I’ll be teaching my regular schedule this week Tuesday 6:30, Thursday 6:00, & Saturday 9:30AM.
Next week for Tuesday, 7/ 2 6:30 THURSDAY JULY 4, & SATURDAY JULY 6, ARE BOTH at 9:30AM.

Photos from Bonnie's Yoga Shala's post 06/23/2024

I’ll be teaching Tuesday, June 25, 6:30 PM either outside on the enchanted garden yoga deck or inside Bonnie‘s yoga Shala. Both are flooded with an abundance of color either from all the murals inside on the wall, bringing beautiful nature inside or outside the entire yard, including around the yoga deck, gives you peace, serenity, calming, and a sense of fulfillment. 

Please message me today or Monday to join the YogaBliss practice session. Share with your friends! OM Mani Palme Hum 🙏📿🌸🪷🧘‍♀️

Thank you to all my present students for giving me the pleasure & the honor to be of service to you and your yoga journey .

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Yogini Master Bonnie Ringer (Swaha Devi) Volume One

Yogini Master Swaha Devi (Bonnie Ringer)-MeTso, is

an experienced Yoga and Healing Arts Therapy Practitioner, and Meditation Instructor. She’s had a personal practice since 1986. She leads teacher-training workshops through out the East Coast and teaches worldwide. She is known for her artistic and inspiring yoga teachings, spot-on adjustments, remarkable intuition, and accessible philosophical teachings. All her yogic accomplishments have come to her through hard work, dedication, and fierce determination (Tapas). She has transformed her practice from the mere ordinary to the extraordinary by giving her attention and intentions to the wiser, broader all knowing true Divine Self in all beings. Bonnie also has the unique natural ability to channel Guardian Angels & Spirit Guides, and often receives messages from the Other Side during her classes and many workshops. She's had this connection to the spirit and energy realm from the age of 8, when her Great Grandmother died. Bonnie can see and interpret the subtle, luminous energy field around each person, known as your Aura. She gives Spiritual Health & Healing's with touch, vibration, and readings by connecting to the Divine Energy of our true-self. Bonnie is a vegetarian and believes in compassion for all living things. As a Wife and Mother of two glorious children, Bonnie balances the many demands and challenges of life, and can help you achieve complete harmony and balance as well. Bonnie welcomes the opportunity to share her wealth of yogic knowledge with you and is honored to be of service to others on this wonderful life awakening journey.

Bonnie holds certifications in NESTA, CYT, E-RYT 500, A Ten year Disciple of Master Sri

Dharma Mittra & 200 Hour Registered Dharma Yoga® LOAY Teacher & 500 Hour Westchester Institute of Yoga Teacher with Tao Porchon-Lynch & E-RYT500 with Yoga Alliance; Bonnie was first certified back in 1996, after 10 years of dedication to the practice of Traditional Hatha/Raja Yoga, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, and Guided Meditation. She has ten years of first hand personal experiences with teaching Yoga for Women Cancer Survivors in NYU Langone Medical Center, and holds certifications in Pre-Natal Yoga, and both Mat and Ring Pilates through PowerHouse Pilates (following the strict teachings of Joseph Pilates), Sport Yoga with NESTA (National Endurance Sports Trainers Association) & SUP Yoga.

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Come take a class tomorrow morning Saturdays at 9:30AM, drop in yoga, hatha yogaspiritual yoga practice, strength traini...
Both my YogaBliss classes this Thursday 6:OOpm and SaTuDaY 9:30am are available livestream 🪷🙏📿🥳Send venmo T O N I G H T ...
Come to the Shala for YogaBliss group practices and BUY yourself some last, one-of-a-kind gifts 🎁
For people who care about Israel and their own countries, listen till the end.
My 59 bday forearm 🪷 More than 15 seconds - Full reel -@bonnieringer
My birthday Inversion 🪷🔊 ON so forearm stand lotus 🪷 Thank you Heavenly Father 🪶Thank you Mother Earth 🌍 Thank you for a...
So This is for me, for my 59th birthday 🥳 plans do change and we have to learn to be able to go with the flow.  I’m gonn...
Finding your own internal heat with “breath of fire” 🔥 (Bastrecia) pranayama.#bonnieringer #bonniesyogashala #pranayama ...
Happy Monday & Happy new moon 🌙! I’m teaching Tuesday, June 20, at 6:30 OUT SIDE on the Enchanted Garden YogaDeck for th...
Happy Monday & Happy new moon 🌙! I’m teaching Tuesday, June 20, at 6:30 OUT SIDE on the Enchanted Garden YogaDeck for th...
I’m teaching June 3, SaTuDaY 9:30am YogaBliss outside on the Enchanted Garden YogaDeck 🙏.Last class before heading to Me...
Teaching my passion of YogaBliss @garzablancaloscabos in January 2019. It was the grand opening 🔥If you love Yoga, check...



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