Lifetime Health & Wellness

Pediatric, Prenatal & Family Chiropractor For over 10 years, Dr. Michelle and Dr. Carrie have been helping families in the community.

As a pediatric and prenatal-focused chiropractic office, LHW absolutely loves supporting families throughout their individual health journeys. Their mission is to maximize the quality of life of babies, children, and their parents through chiropractic care and to empower families to take control of their health proactively. They have observed and witnessed the increasingly negative effects of stre


Chronic constipation affects about 30% of children, often persisting into later life. 🙁 Common treatments like prebiotics and prune juice don't work long-term and medications have nasty side effects...not to mention the most common medications aren't approved for use in children!!

At LHW we don't treat the symptoms and throw medications at a condition like a traditional pediatrician would. Instead, we get to the root cause and work closely with the nervous system. 👏 Chronic constipation may seem like a gut issue related to diet and nutrition. If you’ve tried all the nutritional changes, supplements, and probiotics- you’re amazing and moving in the right direction to make digestion easier for your kiddo!! But if your child is still struggling with constipation, that’s where the nervous system comes into play. 🧠

Chiropractic care does not aim to treat or cure constipation. 💩 Rather, we focus on caring for the nervous system by removing stress and subluxation through gentle and easy Neuro-Tonal adjustments. By doing so, we aim to relax the nervous system and improve the tone and coordination of the neuromuscular system as a whole, which is essential in cases of neurogenic constipation – the most common type of constipation.

Learn more and please share the article 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 using the 🔗 below with other parents who may be struggling with constipation in their kids!

/ how to help constipation naturally / causes of constipation / supplements for constipation / side effects of miralax


We just got to say it's a good day to have a good day! 😝

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/25/2024

At LHW we talk a lot about p**p! But most importantly, what causes our children to be constipated, and what we can do to help! 👏 If your child is still struggling even after trying nutritional changes, supplements, probiotics, and over-the-counter medications, 💊 it's time to consider the role of neurology. 🧠

For more information on how a stressed and stuck nervous system can interfere with the signaling between the brain and the gut, visit the link in our bio! Or feel free to contact our office! We are always here to help! 🎉

/ how to help constipation naturally / causes of constipation / supplements for constipation / side effects of miralax

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/25/2024

Read what this amazing momma has to say about Shelby’s struggle with extreme constipation! 😩

“Shelby was not p**ping on her own. We got to the point where she would only p**p when we did her 1x a week suppository. We had to take this approach since she ended up in the emergency room when she didn’t p**p for almost 3 weeks… She hated them and wouldn’t lay on her back without hysterically crying.

We knew this wasn’t good since her body was relying on it but we were worried she would go weeks again. When we were hitting the 1 week mark she would start puking and wouldn’t eat. I had IUGR when pregnant with Shelby and she was born small and her not p**ping affected her eating drastically so she wasn’t growing enough.

She would get extremely irritable and was so fussy. Her tummy was constantly hurting. Our lives were stressful and overwhelming to say the least at this time. Knowing your child is in pain and nothing we were doing would help was too much to handle.

We felt like we were in this never-ending cycle and going nowhere. We tried every doctor and nothing worked. I came across PX Docs on Instagram and they had just posted about constipation. I thought why not give it a shot?

A little over a week into her care plan, she p**ped on her own. We were sooo happy! We were told it could take a bit of time and she responded very quick. It was amazing! From that point on I knew this was the answer. I truly don’t know what we would do without PX Docs, they changed our family's life for the better especially Shelby’s of course. Shelby is finally thriving and showing her sweet side we knew was there but was hidden by her constant discomfort.” 💙

/ how to help constipation naturally / causes of constipation / supplements for constipation / side effects of miralax


Is your baby constantly crying, and you feel like you've tried everything to soothe them?

Sleepless nights, endless crying, and a feeling of helplessness – if you're a parent of a colicky baby, you know this struggle all too well. 😭 You're not alone! Colic affects 1 in 4 babies, leaving parents exhausted and desperate for answers. 😴

Recent studies suggest a link between colic and neurological dysfunction, triggered by factors like maternal stress, birth trauma, and gut imbalance. 🧠 Once that sympathetic dominance sets in for your baby, they struggle with basic health functions like sleeping, eating, and p**ping which can lead to being constantly uncomfortable. 😣

Our doctors are specially trained to help identify the neurological factors behind colic and gently restore your baby's nervous system balance and function. This means their sleeping, eating, and p**ping comes back into balance and your once inconsolable baby becomes your happy baby!! We hear they are “such a happy baby now” from parents all the time and we want you to be saying the same thing about your precious little babe!

Don't let colic steal another precious moment with your little one. 💔 Click the link to learn more about the science behind colic and learn how our specialized care at LHW can help your baby find drug-free relief.

/ Tips for colic / Natural remedies for colic

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/23/2024

Just another case of “It’s common but not normal!” 😭 Colic isn’t normal but has been normalized in our culture today! So mama, trust your gut! If you feel like there’s more to your child’s symptoms than “they’ll just grow out of it” you’ve found the right place! Colic means that a baby is uncomfortable, wound up, and has stress within their nervous system. 🧠

At LHW we have non-invasive technology that can pinpoint the stress so that our doctors know exactly where your baby’s nervous system needs some help unwinding! For more information, visit the link in our bio, or feel free to DM us! ♥️

/ Tips for colic / Natural remedies for colic

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/22/2024

Babies are designed to eat, sleep, and p**p comfortably- and when that’s not happening life is HARD. Not only for the little one but for the entire family. 😞

For Victoria, that was just the way life started. Mom said, “She was constantly gassy, fussy, having trouble p**ping. Never happy.” She had major reflux and just never seemed comfortable.

Mom said it was a HUGE challenge because it seemed like nothing was working. And if something did work, it was only temporary. They tried gripe water, massage, and just about everything else you could think of. ❌

But, then they got a recommendation from a trusted pediatrician to try Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic and that’s when mom decided to give it a chance.

The birth process can be very stressful on a delicate developing nervous system (which is the controller of all things eat, sleep, and p**p). And for Victoria, her neurological scans showed just that: An overwhelmed, stressed-out brain and body that was getting in the way of her developing comfortably. 👎🏻

Mom said when she saw the scans she was shocked, but at the same time understanding what was causing her struggles and why the scans looked that way.

Once she started receiving gentle, nervous system calming adjustments: Victoria (and the entire family) reached some really big victories!! 🎉

Mom said now, she is “so happy and THRIVING!” No more major gas, reflux, or discomfort. She laughs and plays so nicely (seriously is there anything better than baby laughs!? 🥹) and she is able to move around with no problem.

Yayy Victoria! To hear that you are “such a happy baby now” is just the way you were meant to be. Can’t wait to see what you do in life little one! 🚀

/ Tips for colic / Natural remedies for colic


Understanding your child's nervous system can be crucial for their overall well-being. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is part of the autonomic nervous system that controls the body's 'fight or flight' response. This system gets activated during stressful situations, helping the body to react quickly.

👉 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬: It increases heart rate, redirects blood flow to muscles, and releases adrenaline. This prepares the body to either confront or flee from danger.

👉 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Beyond emergencies, the SNS helps regulate everyday bodily functions such as maintaining blood pressure and body temperature.

👉 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: An overactive SNS can lead to anxiety, hyperactivity, and difficulty concentrating. Children need to have balanced nervous system activity for optimal emotional and behavioral health.

👉 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡: Chronic activation of the SNS can affect a child's physical health, leading to issues like digestive problems, sleep disturbances, and weakened immune response.

As Pediatric Neurologically-Focused Chiropractors, our expertise is the autonomic nervous system, and we are always focusing on the sympathetic nervous system, its functions, and its impact on developing children. By understanding and supporting your child's sympathetic nervous system, you can help them manage stress better and improve their overall health. For more detailed information, please visit the 🔗 below. 👇🏼

/ sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous system / fight or flight / rest and digest


When you got your purse and your book and you’re ready to go! 😂😅 We're cheesin' our way into the weekend over here at LHW! ❤️😃

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/18/2024

At LHW we totally understand what it’s like to have kids who are stuck in fight or flight mode. From digestive struggles to sleep disturbances, and everything in between! It’s hard to figure out where it’s all coming from, especially when the traditional pediatrician tells us to just “wait and see” or that they will for sure “grow out of it” someday! But what if they don’t?? 🤷 What if they grow into some other challenge instead?!

This is why it is so important to find the root cause of what’s causing our child to be stuck in fight or flight! At LHW we have the technology to pinpoint where exactly this stress is stuck on and what we can do next! Visit the link in our bio to learn more about sympathetic dominance and how our team can help! ♥️

/ sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous system / fight or flight / rest and digest

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/18/2024

Read how this momma feels like she finally ‘has her son back!’ 🥹

“Henri was struggling with a variety of concerns including severe full body eczema, emotional dysregulation, difficulty with transitions, verbal mimicking, and self-inflicted hitting, biting, head banging, and gagging. These challenges made it incredibly difficult to navigate everyday tasks let alone have him attend and engage in school.

My husband and I felt helpless and overwhelmed with how best to support Henri. At first, hearing about his increased challenges at school, we felt largely to blame.

Henri was evaluated by Early Intervention and received observations at school by a social worker, yet we were left without any recommendations on how to better support him and these challenges.

I finally felt validation and relief when first seeing Henri’s scans. They mirrored my own, showing a “gas pedal” response. This was when I experienced a shift in feeling like I had answers for these concerns, a way to address them, AND a team to help! To put it simply, I felt hope.

We realized chiropractic was working for us when we started to hear from Henri’s teachers that they noticed significant improvements in his behavior at school. When asked how his day went, it shifted to “he actually had a great day!” We had noticed similar significant changes at home and got to see more of the sweet, goofy, joyful Henri!

There has been an absence of any of the hitting, biting, head banging, and gagging behaviors since being adjusted consistently for a few months.

Today, Henri is a healthy, happy, growing, almost three-year-old boy who asks to go to the chiropractor! He loves school, learning, and socializing, and has developed meaningful relationships with his teachers and peers alike. Since calming down his CNS, we have been able to witness his speech progress significantly, he is better able to manage transitions, express strong emotions, self-soothe, and even see more of his empathic side come out in helping his peers cope. Overall, we feel like we have our son back! “ ❤️

/ sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous system / fight or flight / rest and digest


Are you tired of chasing symptoms and feeling like you're never getting to the bottom of your health issues? That you've tried so many changes to your family's lifestyle and all it's gotten you is extra stress trying to add in so many different things? You're not alone.

Millions of people struggle with symptoms like digestive problems, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, and mood imbalances. 😣

At LHW, we refer to Nervous System Dysregulation as the often-overlooked culprit behind a wide range of health challenges. From inflammation to gut problems to sensory overload to mood swings, it can be emotionally draining to feel like you're left putting things all together on your own. 😭

The nervous system controls and coordinates every major system of the body. When it becomes dysregulated and out of balance, it immediately begins to shut down and alter things like gut function and gross motor coordination, and it also massively interferes with immune system function and inflammation. 🤧

If your child struggles with sleep, gut, immune, sensory, and behavior issues – learning to help them better regulate their nervous system 🧠 and restoring function to the vagus nerve may be the missing link you’ve been up late at night searching for!

So maybe it’s time to stop chasing symptoms and trying a new medication or a new supplement for each and every issue. Instead, let’s help you address “everything at once” by getting your child’s nervous system regulation and function back in order so that they can truly heal “from the inside out” and get back on track with their health and well-being! 👏

For so many families Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, like we specialize in here at LHW, has given their family so many benefits. Give us a call today to schedule your nervous system scans!! ♥️ 630-904-6700.

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/16/2024

Have you tried everything from breathwork to cold plunges and every supplement under the sun but still feel stuck in your healing journey?! We see this all the time. All of those things are amazing for our nervous systems BUT not if the nervous system isn’t regulated and ready to receive them!

To see if your nervous system is ready for more, schedule a Neurological INSiGHT Scan right here at LHW! And if you have any questions check out the resources in our bio or DM us! We would love to hear from you! ♥️


Hey LHW Fam!! Do you have friends that you wish could be a part of the miracles that happen at LHW but they live in another city, state, or even country?!? Well, here’s the good news! We now have Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic friends all over the USA and other countries too! 🤩 Check out the directory at and search your zipcode! Chances are your friends have their very own LHW right in their city so that they can experience miracles too! ♥️

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/15/2024

"Trying to solve a chronic health problem is never an easy or straightforward journey. I have had migraines since I was 11 years old and have tried so many different treatment methods. My digestive issues and anxiety/panic attacks appeared after being diagnosed with Lyme Disease and I have tried many things to improve those as well. It's a long frustrating journey of trial and error and while some treatments did help to improve my symptoms, I knew there was still something missing as I was still being affected by these issues too often.

I have done diet changes, hormone replacement therapy, preventative medicine (which I knew I never wanted to be on long-term), IV therapy, previous chiropractic care, many supplements, and more. The difference with my local PX Doc is that they focus on the nervous system, which is a piece of healing that I had not really focused on before. 👏
When I first saw my neurological scans, I honestly was not surprised. I actually felt validated. I knew my body was struggling neurologically, but none of the testing I had done previously could show that. Almost one year later, my scans have improved SO much and it gives me hope that there is even more healing to come!

It took some time to notice big changes, but within weeks of starting care, I started noticing little changes. I felt my body start to learn how to pump the brakes and relax. The panic attacks and anxiety that came with migraines were decreasing and I was starting to recover from them faster. I went through a period of an increase in symptoms, and I knew this meant something was working as this has always been my experience with healing. Fast forward, 8 months into care, I had 5 weeks without a migraine! This is the first time this has happened in years!

Over the past few months, I have spent much less time recovering from daily health problems and have been able to enjoy more of my life. Especially, this past month, I feel like I've had so much more freedom and time to live my life without debilitating migraines! I'm excited to continue this road of healing!" ✨


Have you tried EVERYTHING both the traditional medical 💊 and biomedical 🌱 world have to offer to get your child's chronic inflammation, gut issues, and autoimmune challenges under control but still can't quite seem to get the results you're hoping for?

Every day we meet parents who have not only thrown all the classic anti-inflammatory meds 💊 at their child's chronic inflammatory issues, but have also gone through countless diet changes and detoxes, and have a laundry list of vitamins, supplements, and essential oils they give their child each and every day trying to keep inflammation under control.

While biomedical and functional med testing 🩸 looks way deeper than traditional medicine does, there is actually a "Hidden Trigger of Inflammation" 🔥 that NOT enough parents know about — vagus nerve dysfunction and dysautonomia.

Because for so many kids the real lingering root cause of their chronic inflammation and illness is stress + dysfunction of the brain 🧠 and nervous system, and it's easily missed 🫣 and overlooked because it does NOT show up on lab 🧫 testing and blood 🩸 work.

The only way to find this "hidden in plain sight" stress and dysfunction of the vagus nerve and autonomic nervous system is through Neurological INSiGHT Scans, or Nervous System STRESS Scans, like those we run here at LHW.

Time and time again we find kids who have absolutely perfect diets and lifestyles that still have immense amounts of stress + dysfunction on their NeuroThermal 📊 and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Exams. If that stress and dysfunction stays there, then even the strongest of medications 💊 or even biomedical interventions won't be able to get inflammation under control.

To learn more about this "Hidden Trigger of Inflammation" and how Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care could be the answer you've long been searching for to get your child's health and well-being FULLY restored, click the link 🔗 below to learn all about the vagus nerve and nervous system dysregulation!

/ How to decrease inflammation


LHW babies make our hearts happy! We don't even think we're being biased when we say our LHW families have the CUTEST babies!! 👶❤️

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/11/2024

Did you know that chronic inflammation has this much influence on our health?? And is also affecting our children's health?! As much as low-inflammatory diets help, we may want to start looking toward the vagus nerve as the foundation of health!

The first step is finding where the inflammation is within the body. And a Neurological INSiGHT Scan at LHW is how we track inflammation and nervous system dysregulation! To schedule, click the link in our bio or DM us! Our team is ready to help you and your family today! ♥️

/ How to decrease inflammation / Low inflammatory diet

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/11/2024

Frustration, anger, and hopelessness are just a few words that describe how Elizabeth and her family felt trying to figure out her digestive challenges.

Mom said, “Elizabeth has had belly pain since childhood. We noticed it increasing more at about 9 years old. Throughout the past 6 years, she has had multiple trips to the ER due to severe pain or dehydration, with no other explanation than it being "just a virus." 🤒
And recently, over the last 1.5 years, her symptoms have increased to daily vomiting of acid due to GERD. Unexpected nausea. 🤢 Daily stomach pain due to IBS. Rapid unwanted weight loss. At one point, she lost 18 lbs in 2 months because it was hard for her to keep things down, even though she was hungry and wanted to eat. Low energy, tired all the time. Easy dehydration.

When we came to our local PX Doc, we were very weary of everything the docs were telling us because it seemed too good to be true. 🤔 However, it all made sense due to all the red we saw in the scans 📈 and knowing that our nerves all connect to our spinal cord. We went into this whole process skeptical but wanted to keep an open mind.

A few weeks after starting pediatric chiropractic, we noticed she was eating more and not vomiting as much. At about a month in, we saw that her GERD was less active. Typically her nausea would last from 7 am (wake up) to about noon, then start up again around dinner time. She quickly noticed that nausea only lasted a couple of hours in the morning and no daily vomiting. IBS pain was quicker to calm down. After a couple of weeks, she has less IBS pain.🎉

Wow, we are so grateful for where she is now. She has more energy and is eating more, especially the foods that she LOVES. Now she is on NO daily meds. She has only needed her IBS pain pill 2x since Thanksgiving. No more daily vomiting, no more daily pain, and she has not been sick. (most of the family got COVID-19 and the flu a few weeks ago, except her). She hasn't had a GERD symptom in over a month. We are so happy she is living a more "normal" life.” 💗

/ How to decrease inflammation / Low inflammatory diet


Is your child easily overwhelmed by everyday experiences? Sensory Overload affects 1 in 6 children, causing meltdowns, anxiety, and isolation. It's not just a phase they'll outgrow. 😓 Behind every sensory meltdown, there's a child struggling to cope with an overwhelming world. 🌍

When children experience sensory overload, it hampers their ability to process sensory stimuli effectively. This can then lead to frustration, anger, outbursts, tantrums, and emotional meltdowns that can significantly limit the family’s quality of life. We often refer to sensory overload, SPD, and ADHD as “Noisy Brain Syndrome” because that’s what is really going on. Instead of the brain properly receiving calming and organizing information, this nociceptive “noise” gets in instead. This noise can be 👇

1️⃣ Loud Noises

2️⃣ Crowded Spaces

3️⃣ Emotionally Intense Situations

4️⃣ Drastic Environmental Changes

5️⃣ Unexpected or Unwanted Physical Contact

6️⃣ Intense Smells

As parents, it's heartbreaking to watch our kids suffer. But what if we told you there's a way to help? 💡 But we're not just raising awareness - we're offering solutions. 💪 At LHW we use an INSiGHT Scan to safely measure the amount of stress and tension pent up and stuck within a child’s nervous system. Our trained and experienced doctors are dedicated to helping children and their families navigate the complexities of sensory overload. If you’re ready to see your child’s struggles turn to smiles and joy, check out the link below for a great article on 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 to learn more and the next steps to take for your child.

/ Tips for sensory issues in kids


How cool is this?! A page where families just like us can find the hope, answers, and drug-free help of Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic all over the country! 🎉 To support offices just like LHW, follow along and share with friends! 😍

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/09/2024

Does your child struggle with crowded places, loud noises, certain fabrics, or do even haircuts seem like such a battle?! We get it! Sensory overload isn’t ideal, especially not for the entire family. So how can we help?! ♥️ At LHW our doctors are trained to find the root causes of struggles like sensory overload and help your child adapt to those stressors around them. We do this by analyzing the nervous system and encouraging the body to process sensory input. 🧠

Want to learn more about this process and the technology we use to help find that stress within the body!? Visit the link in our bio to read all about it or give us a call at 630-904-6700! Our team would love to help you and your family and can answer any questions you may have! 🎉

/ Tips for sensory issues in kids

Photos from Lifetime Health & Wellness's post 07/08/2024

As Navi grew, he developed some big sensory challenges. He was turned off by the texture of food, which often led to gagging. He would cry during showers, brushing his teeth, and even applying lotion. Hair cuts? They were a battle with major tears as well. 😞

On top of that Navi also had really bad motion sickness in the car, was restless at night, and constantly battling ear infections. A recipe for daily battles affecting the entire family.

Mom said “It felt like an uphill battle. I questioned if I was parenting him correctly because nothing seemed to be working. Traditional medical care would fix things for a little bit, but it would also go back to being a problem.

But, that’s when they found their local PX Docs office! 🌟 They finally discovered a connection between his struggles and his nervous system, which was getting in the way of him actually healing and overcoming his sensory processing challenges & so much more...

Mom said, literally within 2 weeks my son was letting me brush his teeth and put lotion on him without a fight. A few months in he could get his first haircut that didn’t require me to hold him while he cried.” 🥹

Now, she says, “He is happier, more rested, and bursting with smiles. 💖 I feel like I've invested in his future, and being his mother has never felt this rewarding.”

/ Tips for sensory issues in kids


As parents, we often wonder what's causing the rise in chronic illnesses like autism, ADHD, asthma, and allergies. The answer may surprise you. 😲

It all starts with early life stress – from the womb to the first few years of life. 👶

💢 Prenatal stress

💢 Birth interventions

💢 Childhood illnesses and medications

These stressors can create a cascade of health challenges that follow our children into adulthood. 😞 Every single day we sit down with parents who feel like they’ve tried everything only to watch their child continue to struggle.

If you're ready to finally get the Hope, Answers, Explanations, and Drug-Free Healthcare Options you’ve long searched for, then you’ve got to hit the link 🔗 below and subscribe to and download the latest episode of The Experience Miracles Podcast with Dr. Tony Ebel!

Not only does Dr. Tony dive deep into all things Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Seizures, Sensory Issues in Kids, and the latest neuroscience around the Vagus Nerve, Dysautonomia, and Nervous System Dysregulation… but we also bring in the world’s top natural health experts like Dr. Josh Axe for in-depth interviews that will arm you with the practical take-home action steps that will transform your family’s health without drugs + medications!

Don't wait another day to start your child's journey towards their optimal health and well-being. Click the link below to subscribe to the Experience Miracles podcast now and take the first step toward transforming your child's life!

/ experience miracles podcast

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Why would you ever need to get the vagus nerve checked out for inflammation?! 🤷 The purpose of inflammation is actually ...
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Empowering Moms: Science-driven Solutions to Combat Exhaustion😫Being a mom is literally the coolest gig in the world! Bu...
Navigating Pediatric Health Beyond “They’ll Grow Out of It”Hearing those exhausted and outdated words of “They’ll grow o...
If your child rapidly develops intense anxiety, repetitive behaviors, and tics, it could stem from PANDAS or PANS – a li...
Is your child suffering from a multitude of issues like mood disorders, gut problems, chronic pain, and fatigue? 🤔 Despi...
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If you think you’re stressed out and exhausted, try being a teenager in today’s world. A recent study by the American Ps...
The Roadmap to Chronic Stress + Exhaustion: The 3 Stages of Subluxation:Parents today are quite aware of how much chroni...
ADHD diagnosis rates are reaching unprecedented levels 📈 with more children getting diagnosed every year. Nearly 10% of ...
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11258 IL-59 #2
Naperville, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6pm
Tuesday 2:30pm - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6pm
Friday 10am - 2pm

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Bacon-Hedland Management 1240 Iroquois Avenue, #106
Naperville, 60563

The Chicago Radiological Society CRS is the local chapter of the American College of Radiology. Founded in 1913, the society provides a valuable link between physicians and governm...

Kalant, Pink & Assoc., Oral Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery Kalant, Pink & Assoc., Oral Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery
1303 Macom Drive
Naperville, 60564

Don C. Kalant, Sr., DDS & Michael T. Pink, DDS, MD practice a full scope of Oral & Maxillofacial

Gelband Natural Health and Chiropractic Gelband Natural Health and Chiropractic
603 East Diehl Road, Suite 135
Naperville, 60563

Gelband Natural Health has been helping people in Naperville live healthier, longer lives since 1984