Evergreen Holistic Therapies

Evergreen Holistic Therapies

Pain relief using a combo of Deep Tissue, Trigger Pt & Reiki allows for pain relief while feeling


+ [ Noam Chomsky ]


Keeping your face young and vibrant!

5 Spices & 1 Trick to Melt Weight 28/07/2024

5 spices for weight loss

5 Spices & 1 Trick to Melt Weight Have you tried these?



It’s true.

Via x.com/southernthing


As my regular clients know, I do a lot of trigger point release work. Herr is s good way to understand the process that's happening to the trigger point.
A muscle knot release is where the tightened part of the muscles is helped to relax or “release” This allows the muscle to relax, allowing blood to flow more freely, and importantly relieve pain. The classic way to release a muscle knot is known as “ischaemic compression” or “pressure release”.


First time clients $70.00 for a 1 hour fabulous massage! A wonderful hour of relaxation and pain relief. Text for an appt.

The Base of the Skull Pain Muscle (How to Release It for INSTANT RELIEF) 26/04/2024

This stretch provides good relief for neck pain

The Base of the Skull Pain Muscle (How to Release It for INSTANT RELIEF) Dr. Rowe shows how to quickly release tightness and tension in muscles that cause the most pain around the base of the skull.A big contributing factor of upp...

The Base of the Skull Pain Muscle (How to Release It for INSTANT RELIEF) 26/04/2024

This is a UTube video for reducing neck pain- and it really works!

The Base of the Skull Pain Muscle (How to Release It for INSTANT RELIEF) Dr. Rowe shows how to quickly release tightness and tension in muscles that cause the most pain around the base of the skull.A big contributing factor of upp...

Can myofascial release relieve back pain? 23/11/2023

Myofascial Release, One of my favorite techniques!

Can myofascial release relieve back pain? Myofascial release, a form of manual therapy, may help reduce back pain.


“I miss you.”

“I’m right here next to you”

“But I can’t see you.”

“Then close your eyes and feel me.”

“Oh. There you are.”

“Here I am.”

your beloved
~ they aren’t gone

~ they are right here

it’s just that they have changed forms

it’s just that they were the lake that eventually became the rolling thunderhead

it’s just that they were the seed that eventually became the lush apple tree

it’s just that they were the fistful of wet clay that eventually became the cup of eternity

your beloved
~they aren’t gone

~ they are right here

and they’re holding you as you tremble

and they’re dancing in the swirling galaxies of tears that are forming in your eyes

and they’re whispering your name softly between the silent gaps of your thumping heartbeat

and they’re gently blowing on the hairs that are rising on your arms right now

your beloved
~they aren’t gone

~ they are right here

and they know that you love them still and forever

because love is an endless string of warm sunlit
memories tied between two people

because love is a circle drawn on the wall of time
in permanent red marker

because love is the act of holding hands with
another person and counting to infinity by twos

your beloved
~they aren’t gone

~ they are right here

and they are leaving love notes for you everywhere

that over and over and
in a hundred million different ways
say the exact same thing:

“we have not been separated
we have not been separated
we have not been separated”

your beloved
~they aren’t gone

~ they are right here

and they want me to tell you something:

they are
so proud
of you

~ john roedel

(photo by Margaret Polinder)


a promise to splash more in 2023

I used to think that
achieving inner peace
would make my heart look
like a calm lake

I thought being in harmony meant:

no ripples
no waves
no lapping shores

~ just still water

it turns out that
serenity isn't the absence
of movement

in fact

~ it's quite
the opposite

because the more
peace I feel

the more my heart
churns and bubbles

like a lake boiling
as a ribbon of lava breaks through
underneath the water

I don't think we were created
out of nothingness to come
here just to let our hearts become
an unmoving body of cold water
covered in standing algae

I think the Great Love placed
a fire in us so that our lives will
be a natural spring of swirling
hot healing water that never
looks the same way twice

the war machine thinks
it is the only thing that can
move and lumber

~ and that's not simply true

peace is the most disturbing
force in the universe

peace is the tide that washes
away the ancient seaweed of
division that builds upon our shores

peace is anything but still

it's a tsunami that can terraform
rock fortresses into open-air chapels

my love,

I'm starting to realize
that the less my heart moves

~ the heavier it gets
~ the more dust it collects
~ the less kindness I feel

but when I let my heart
constantly stir
like a cotton candy machine

~the lighter and
sweeter it becomes

empathy is an act of chaos

it takes the narcissistic scripts we have been given
and rewrites them into a handwritten gospel of understanding

peacefulness is
anything but still

~ it is pure motion

peace is the ripple
that starts in the center of my heart
and rushes out through the faucets
of my eyes, hands and tongue
out into the world

we aren't here
to be stagnant

we are here to make a splash

~ john roedel


Bob and Brad PTs on foot pain


Bob and Brad PTs on foot pain


"The medicine of the future will be music and sound."
~ Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)

These are giant megaphones built by a team of architecture students from the Estonian Academy of Arts to listen to the sounds of nature.

A place for resting, healing and contemplation in Baumkronenweg Park, Kopfing, Austria.
📸: Anne Rongas

The Power of Frequency Healing - Simple Tips & Techniques 09/07/2023

This very interesting article- what is old is new again

The Power of Frequency Healing - Simple Tips & Techniques Ready to explore frequency healing? Check out this helpful guide for steps on how to add it into your regular routine and start seeing results.

FTM 2014 John F Barnes Interview - What is happening during Myofascial Release? -V5 08/12/2022

Starting October2021 I have been studying this technique and have been incorporating them into my practice. My clients have found amazing relief from long term leg numbness, constipation, headaches and more. I myself have found relief from some of my own physical ailments that have not been able to relieve besides the application of John Barnes' MFR; Myofascial Release, approach t.

FTM 2014 John F Barnes Interview - What is happening during Myofascial Release? -V5 As the Myofascia is released people often experience a range of sensations, changes and even emotions. What is happening as releases occur? John F Barnes exp...


Back-massage machine, one of the world’s first gym machines designed by Dr. Gustav Zander, 1892.


What is myofascial release? ( it’s the best thing since sliced bread!)



What is Myofascial Release?
Ask me about my newest tool on my tool box!


What is Myofascial Release? - Myofascial Release - John F. Barnes, PT 29/08/2022

I took a class last fall in the John Barnes technique if myofascial release.(MFR) I have personally have experienced the technique and it has created terrific changes for me. My clients have also have experienced wonderful changes through my touch. Here is a link explaining the technique.

What is Myofascial Release? - Myofascial Release - John F. Barnes, PT


20 Broad Street
Nashua, NH