J- Cuthbert Training, Nashville, TN Videos

Videos by J- Cuthbert Training in Nashville. High level Performance training! Board member of the Tennessee Nsca, masters degree exercise science

Want to Spice Up your Upper Body Day?

It’s no secret I love training for speed and for power!

That’s no accident as the more motor units you recruit the more muscle fibers get recruited the stronger you get etc.

Plyo push-ups are phenomenal as a primer before your heavy compound movement of the day OR can be utilized during an upper body finisher. It should be noted that anything plyometric is great for increasing metabolic fatigue but should likely is not best for aerobic work!

Who’s getting Jacked on this beautiful Thursday???

Other J- Cuthbert Training videos

Want to Spice Up your Upper Body Day? It’s no secret I love training for speed and for power! That’s no accident as the more motor units you recruit the more muscle fibers get recruited the stronger you get etc. Plyo push-ups are phenomenal as a primer before your heavy compound movement of the day OR can be utilized during an upper body finisher. It should be noted that anything plyometric is great for increasing metabolic fatigue but should likely is not best for aerobic work! Who’s getting Jacked on this beautiful Thursday???

Training should accompany your goals not someone else’s! Often times we look to all these sources for inspiration on what we should do next… This can be a slippery slope that ends with a revolving hamster wheel.. Training requires progression Training requires effort Training requires intensity If your current protocol lacks any of these things you’re gonna continue spinning in circles wondering why you’re not changing. Find help and go attack your goals! As my boy @mobins21 always said “why not now” 💪🏻✊🏼

Push-ups have a larger purpose 👇🏼 They resemble doing the little things They aren’t cute and aren’t sexy They aren’t gonna go viral on Instagram But they are one of the basic movements that everyone should be a staple of everyone’s routine. That’s the problem push-ups are basic and the basics aren’t cool but they WORK! Long story short do the little things and do them GREAT. This is the secret sauce you’re after not some new flashy protocol. See you at the Top 🤘🏼✊🏼

Excuses will always plague your success. Knee surgeries Cracked vertebrae Torn shoulders Team no sleep (parents am I right) The list can go on and on But at the end of the day YOU decide to either let excuses get in your way or you OVERCOME them. Listen I get it this journey is not easy Pain is 100% required to reach any of your goals Sacrifices MUST be made and if anyone tells you otherwise they are a bold face liar Fulfillment is much greater when you overcome adversity anyway ✊🏼 Don’t let excuses slow you down today Get up and take your first step toward your dream or if you’re already chasing it keep going! Im here to help if you need me 🤞

It’s Easy To Tell People What to Do. If you want it done right or a specific way you better coach it 👊🏼 I’d be lying if i said it’s always easy to get 10-15 guys locked in when i demo each movement. But that’s what separates the good from the great! Create an environment that breeds success even when you aren’t watching. My guys hold each other accountable for each rep of each set. You want to be great? Buy in to what’s being coached💪🏻 Drop me a 👊🏼 if you crushed your program this week !

Aren’t you tired of looking in the mirror DISSATISFIED with what you see??? - Yes I am coming at you Hot and Heavy Today! You God’s honest truth is no one can make the decision to change except YOU. Sure you can read men’s fitness and try and take some tips and tricks from them but, you know deep down that’s not what you NEED. Sure you can cut carbs because that “worked” in the past... Sure you can cut calories all week only to binge on the weekend. 🔥 If you truly want change you need to CHANGE your thought process on how to get it done! 🔥Need help? Shoot me a dm to apply for online coaching 🔥 For those of you CRUSHING your goals drop me a ✊🏼 I’m here for your success 👊🏼

Best Movement You’re NOT Doing 👇🏼 𝐊𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐔𝐩 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 This movement may hold the crown for best overall pressing movement 👀👀 I know you bench press junkies out there are calling me crazy but hear me out! Half of the people I have ever worked with had trouble Overhead pressing when we first started working together. Why ? 👇🏼 - It helps you find the right groove for presses. Your shoulder will find the path of least resistance and most stability to press the weight. - Teaches Core Stability: Your legs glutes, abs, let’s and posterior shoulder musculature must all be kept tight to build a solid foundation for the shoulder to press the kettlebell. If you are loose like a noodle below the press, it will be much more difficult to press the weight. - Relieves Achy Elbows and Shoulders: With the weight upside down, you will feel the pressure in your palm. This tends to keep the elbows in a great position. Bottoms-up presses are also an effective (but complicated) rehab tool, as they build rotator cuff strength. Work this movement into your next upper body day and let me know what you think 👊🏼 Tag a friend that needs to implement this NOW 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

SUCCESS We all say we want to be SUCCESSFUL however our daily actions say otherwise.. - Finding success in your fitness journey requires intention and effort daily. - Now this does nit mean that you have to crush yourself on the stair stepper everyday, eat nothing but lettuce and grilled chicken. - This simply means you adhere to a plan, to take action steps to remain committed , and you trust the process. Stay true to yourself this weekend and do the WORK necessary for you to achieve your GOALS 💪🏻💪🏻

Everyday is an opportunity to get better. Everyday you are faced with a decision attack the day or let the day attack you. If you truly want change you will take the necessary steps to get there! Take action today!

Don’t let’s lack of energy be what’s holding you back. - The one thing that is absolutely in YOUR CONTROL IS EFFORT. - Be self motivated if you want to be great. - Be the person that EFFORT Is never a question. Be GREAT

1️⃣. Db bench 6,6,4,4 ,10,10 - go to max effort on the 4 sets 2️⃣ Db shoulder press 4x8 B. Cable face pull 4x15 3️⃣ single arm Db inc 3x10 ea 3s eccentric B. Reverse Flys 3x15 Don’t over think the process just put the work in!

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 I’ve had 1 spot open up for the 6 month program! - In this program you will get training from me! The same methods I have used to help NFL athletes go all pro while getting SHREDDED Will be used in this program (scaled to your level) - Nutrition Prescription to help you achieve the Body you desire while living the life you love 💪🏻 - Weekly checkins and zoom calls to hold us accountability because if we are being honest that’s the piece most of us are missing ACCOUNTABILITY! - Private Facebook Group dedicated to the people in The Performance Body Lifestyle program 💪🏻💪🏻 If you are interested comment below or shoot me a dm! Chat soon Josh

“Where do you go” When ever I am training and i mean truly training not just working out my Mindset is on another level. Your mind will take you places your body thinks it never can go. Unlock your secret weapon and dig deep give it everything you’ve got plus some and i promise you success will follow 💪🏻💪🏻

Movement of the day! One of the most common issues i see with my clients is lack of hip mobility! I’ve been exploring some new movements and this one is one of@my new favorites! - Get into a good 90/90 position while trying to rotate through the upper body only. ✅ thoracic rotation ✅hip strength and mobility ✅ transverse abdominal strength Share and save this post!

Create the environment and the results will come 💪🏻 Do you struggle getting motivated to train??!