Lessons Driving School

Lessons Driving School

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Neighborhood Auto Services, Inc.
Neighborhood Auto Services, Inc.
Kempton Street

One of Massachusetts's Top Driving Schools. Check Us Out! I've been a driving instructor for four years and have helped lots of people get their license.

I love doing it as I know how much it means to them. The driving school experience is really a special one and for many it happens during so a great time in life. To be apart of it and share what I have to offer makes me happy. Not to mention, I know what I'm doing is making the community a safer place. Now with Lessons Driving School, I can take it to another level.


Lessons Driving School's Professional Driving School License continues to be suspended due to an ongoing legal/court matter. The next court date won't be until August. Therefore, the business is officially closed until further notice.


Lessons Driving School is currently closed. All classes, driving lessons, and road tests are temporarily being suspended due to a legal/court matter which stems back to an incident which occurred on Aug. 6th, 2023. I don't have much more information I can share at the moment. I'm really sorry for any inconveniences and I'm seeking to resolve the matter asap. I'll continue to update you as I get more information I can share. Thank you for your understanding.


May not be available to provide service the next couple days. Will update by Friday.


Parent Class tonight from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Open to any parent whose teen is currently enrolled in a driving school or is planning to enroll in one.


The best time to reach me this week will be between 2:30pm-5:30pm as I will be teaching Drivers Ed. between 8:00am-2:30pm and may be on a driving lesson between 5:30pm-8:30pm.

If you are’nt able to reach me leave a facebook message or voicemail and I will get back to you soon as I’m able to.


Out of town for a few days. Won't be able to respond to messages or calls but when I get back I will return messages


Next 5-Day Drivers Ed Courses: Mon-Fri 8:00AM-2:30PM
February 19-23 & April 15-19
Lowest Price Matching


Lessons Driving School One of Massachusetts's Top Driving Schools. Check Us Out!


Cheapest & Fastest Way To Get Your Driver's License
"YOU+TWO" for $415 or "YOU+THREE" for $375
Get scheduled, picked up from home, learn, practice, pass road test
with others, and get dropped off licensed... ALL IN ONE DAY!


FOR FREE, anyone can sign-up for the MA Drivers Education Program at the next Parent Class this Sunday, December 17th at 6:00PM, by clicking the link below. And/or come to 808 Kempton St. in New Bedford on the first day of the next DE course on December 22nd at 12:00pm, WITHOUT ANY MONEY. You will be welcomed to complete the Driver Education course, which ends on December 29th at 6:30pm, FOR ONLY $30.00!

Lessons Driving School One of Massachusetts's Top Driving Schools. Check Us Out!



Mon-Fri 5:30PM-8:30PM in-person classes each weeknight for 2 weeks. First payment deadline is the last day of classes, Fri Oct. 27th.

Standard payment plan is 1st payment for the drivers ed course. 2nd payment of $500 due on 1st driving lesson. 3rd payment of $500 on 6th driving lesson. Cost $1300 or there is a $50 discount for those paying in full, so $1250.

Flexible payment planning available!



Monday: 9AM Wednesday: 1PM, 2PM
Tuesday: 11AM, 1PM, 2PM Thursday: 11AM, 1PM, 2PM

- COST $180 (up to $350 dependent on amount of
your driving experience ~ Likelihood of you passing & getting
your license with me this week based on the total amount of
hours you have ever driven:

If 50 Hours or more => 95% If 10 Hours or more => 75%
If 20 Hours or more => 85% If 05 Hours or more => 70%

- ALL YOU NEED: MA Learner's Permit & others to not take the appointments before you. FB message or call 508-999-5397 by 10PM Monday. Transportation to & from RMV from your house + practice time included.

Likelihood of you passing the road test exam without the help of a driving school on first attempt= 15%.


I have a confession to make. In my life, I have struggled to stick up for myself when it comes to things that are the most important to me. I don't know why I allow it to happen. Simply acknowledging these things to me can make such a difference in how I feel and how I do. One of those things is how good of a driving instructor I am. I have other confessions for another time but as far as this post goes...

I believe I am the best driving school instructor on the planet. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, I can compare myself to all the instructors I have ever met or seen and I try to think about how many instructors have ever set out to the best. I've considered as many factors as I could think of. A few examples are experience, location, challenges faced, the drills I invented, my resourcefulness, the understanding of how the body and mind works in relation to the driving experience, my success i've had getting people to pass their road tests, the amount and time I put into improving my techniques, the odds someone posesses the traights I posess which lend themselves to allowing for efficient learning, the amount of places and conditions i've performed at, the reviews I've received, my skills, the feedback I've recieved, the failures I've learned from, communicating in multiple languages, how quickly my customers improve, how useful what I've taught them is, the accidents I've prevented, the clever games I've created, the reaction I get, my ability to be consistant, my ability to plan lessons accordingly, the amount to curbs avoided, the fun I've shared with students at times, the creativity, the responsiveness, the lack of poor reviews, my ability to listen, ability to explain and be understood, my attitude, my style, my honesty, the relaxed atmosphere within the car I create, etc.

So I think I'm the best. Everyone says that. How do I prove it? By listing a bunch of factors I've considered and asking people to take my word for it? No.

I recently had a new idea. It might not be the best time to try it, but its probably not the worst. Unless it is, in which I'll have to try again another time because I really think it would go a long way as far as impressing people. Whats my new idea?

I think I can teach anyone how to drive in half a day. I also think there are plenty of people in Massachusetts that wish they could earn their driver's license in one day and if I was to help them accomplish this feat, it would be of tremendous value for us both.


I started working as a driving school instructor in 2010. This photo was taken on 6.15.2017. It was my driving school teen pass/fail record 2 years after opening my own driving school. Each student card on the floor represents 1 student's road test exam. 5 years have since past. How much better have I gotten since? Surprisingly enough, a lot.

A special Drivers Ed. course is starting this Monday. I'm calling it the Inflation Reduction Class. The cost of gas and other prices are going up, but the cost to attend my school is going down for the last time in a long time. $800.00 is everything you pay the driving school for the entire Drivers Ed Program including road test sponsorship. You won't find a better price or a better driving instructor.

The 5-Day in-person course starts Monday, August 21st at 8:00AM and ends Friday, August 25th. Each class ends at 2:30pm. Location: 808 Kempton St. New Bedford. Message anytime or call 508-999-5397 if you are interested or have questions.


Help Lessons Driving School make the world a better place!

I, the owner, Wanderley Fonseca, recently thought of a new plan on how I can do this. Although at this stage of my plan I'm not bold enough to publicly announce the plan details, I will definitely be sharing them with the students in the next 5-Day Driver's Ed Courses which run:

Mon, June 26th to Fri, June 30th. 8AM - 2:30PM each day &
Mon, August 21st to Fri August 25th. 8AM - 2:30PM each day.

I encourage you to get the details from them if you really want to know more about my plan. Some things I will share about it are: it has to do with the environment, family, and not being afraid to at least take some action when you feel strongly about what you believe in. Also, even before you reach a point where you can help others, try to think of ways you can help others now with what you do have. You might be surprised of your ability to do more than you think and also at what comes back to you.

What else I'd like to share with you now is why I chose the name LESSONS for my school. I wanted the name to focus but refer not only to the best part of driving school, the actual driving-LESSONS (my specialty); but also life-LESSONS. These thoughts are what came to my mind when I was trying to decide on a name most fitting. Knowing that I was going to have a platform as a teacher, I thought to myself how great it would be if I could teach at least some of my students, something other than how to drive.

In living our lives, some of us desire and constantly seek to find purposes for living. It is purpose which keeps us going sometimes, especially when experiencing the low times in life's constant cycle of highs and lows. We should all constantly continue to set goals and aspire to do bigger, better, and more meaningful things with our lives. That is what LESSONS driving school is all about. There is more to life and more to this driving school than simply a business where money is made and people learn to drive. Like the sharing of plans, ideas, stories, and personal experiences with those who are close to us. Like learning from one another, appreciating, and maximizing the time we have with those that come across us in our lives. I hope my most recent plan progresses and that I will be able to update you in the future with the evolving details and I believe you will find my cause to be noble and worthy of your support and business.

I'm offering a special lowest price of only $800.00 for everything, hoping it will assist me in signing up a few more students in this short amount of time before the start of this week's Drivers Ed course. I've always been very flexible with payments but will especially be so with these next two classes and I'll allow anyone to sign up with literally whatever they can afford to pay. This will work out especially well for those who plan to do driving school in the near future who have the time and ability to attend these in-person courses (due to being on school vacation), but happen to not have the money to pay for driving school yet as they will be able to lock in this amazing lowest price offer, which will likely only be for these two up-coming courses.

Please share my message and be a part of my mission to make the world a better place for all.


Help Lessons Driving School make the world a better place!

I, the owner, Wanderley Fonseca, recently thought of a new plan on how I can do this. Although at this stage of my plan I'm not bold enough to publicly announce the plan details, I will definitely be sharing them with my students in our next Driver's Ed Course which runs:

Monday, June 26th - Friday, July 30th from 8AM - 2:30PM each day.

I encourage you to get the details from them if you really want to know more about my plan. Some things I will share about it are: it has to do with the environment, family, and not being afraid to at least take some action when you feel strongly about the things you believe in. Also, even before you reach a point where you can help others, try to think of ways you can help others now with what you do have. You might be surprised at what comes back to you.

What else I'd like to share with you now is why I chose the name LESSONS for my school. I wanted the name to not only refer to the best part of driving school, the actual driving LESSONS (my specialty); but also life LESSONS. That is what came to my mind when I thought of the name and decided it was most fitting. Knowing that I was going to have a platform as a teacher, I thought to myself how great it would be if I could teach at least some of my students, something other than how to drive.

In living our lives, some of us desire and constantly seek to find purposes for living. It is purpose which keeps us going sometimes, especially when experiencing the low times in life's constant cycle of highs and lows. We should all set goals and aspire to do bigger, better, and meaningful things with our lives. That is what LESSONS driving school is all about. There is more to life and more to this driving school than simply a business where money is made and people learn to drive. Like the sharing of plans, ideas, stories, and personal experiences with those who are close to us. Like learning from one another, appreciating, and maximizing the time we have with those that come across us in our lives. I hope my most recent plan progresses and that I will be able to update you in the future with the evolving details and I believe you will find my causes to be noble and worthy of your support and business.

I'm offering a special lowest price of only $800.00 for everything, hoping it will assist me in signing up a few more students in this short amount of time before the start of next week's Drivers Ed course. I've always been very flexible with payments but will especially be so with this class and I'll allow anyone to sign up with literally whatever they can afford to pay. This will work out especially well for those who plan to do driving school in the near future who have the time and ability to attend this in-person course (due to being on school vacation), but happen to not have the money to pay for driving school yet as they will be able to lock in this truly amazing price, which may only be for this coming class that starts on Monday.

Please share my message and be a part of my mission to make the world a better place for all.


Learn what you need to pass your learner's permit exam or for classroom hours for driving school this week. It's not too late to join our Drivers Ed course at Lessons Driving School for only $30. Classes run 8:00AM to 2:30PM Tuesday-Friday this vacation week. Message to learn more about this offer or call 508-999-5397 today before 9:00pm. Or just show up ready for class tomorrow morning at 808 Kempton St. in New Bedford.


Nothing planned for this vacation week but want to be productive? How about joining this week's Drivers Ed course at Lessons Driving School for only $30 down this week. $150 total, but pay the remaining $120 when you can. 8:00AM to 2:30PM Tuesday-Friday. That's right, get credit for completing just about half of driving school for this special low price with as flexible a payment plan as you can afford. To learn more about this offer, call 508-999-5397 today anytime before 9:00pm. Or just show up at 808 Kempton St. New Bedford at 8:00.


The scheduling website is back online. More appointments will be added in the morning.


Next Driver’s ED Course: October 17-28 (excluding weekends) from 5:30pm-8:30pm & Parent Class: October 16 from 6pm-8pm, via Zoom online. Call us at 508-999-KEYS (5397) or message us to reserve your seat now. Spaces are limited.


Lesson's Driving School is looking to train or hire instructors who want to help grow and continue making LESSONS known as the best school for driver education in the South Coast community. A fun and rewarding job that you will love. Be excited and look forward to going to work in an easy and stress-free environment. A job in which you get to make your own schedule! One that will pay well. One where you can learn from the best and get all the support and help you need to become an awesome instructor. Then you can decide whether you want it to be an awesome full time job/career with future management possibilities or the perfect ideal part time job.
Lessons provides a one-of-a-kind education and is raising the bar in the industry with modern and innovative teaching methods that make learning how to drive easier and more enjoyable than ever. Check out the reviews on our page. We're located at 808 Kempton St. Rt. 6 NB just off the high way near the Rockdale Ave. intersection.
- Positions requires a Massachusetts RMV Instructors License. Becoming licensed requires 65 hours of training. (Half online/Half in the car)
- Must be 21 or older; had Driver's License for at least 3 years with a good driving history.
- Cori Check
- High School Diploma or Equivalent
Job Responsibilities: Provide instruction for safe driving in city and suburban areas. Ensure the safety of students during on-the-road instructional sessions.
If you are reliable, have great interpersonal skills, enjoy working with all age groups not only teenagers, and want to be a part of a passionate team of instructors who love helping others in our community do more than just develop all the skills they need to become excellent drivers, call 508-999-5397 or message us through our page.


Lesson’s Driving School is NOW HIRING!
We are looking for additional driving instructors to join our team.
We have helped hundreds of people pass their driving test and we continue to grow! If you are safety minded, have an excellent driving record and among other characteristics, an interest in teaching students to become skillful and safe drivers, then this occupation maybe for you. Full time position and training provided. If interested please leave Wanderley a message or call 508-999- (KEYS) 5397
* Must have: active license, active instructors license, clean record and experience.


Next Driver's ED Course
June 27-July 1 (8am-2:30pm)
Next Parent Class
June 26 (6pm-8pm)
Inquire within 👇 or call (508)999-KEYS(5397) for more information


In high school, no drivers license?
if available 5:30pm-8:30pm, Mon-Fri until 12/10.

Not in high school, no drivers license?
If you are available any day 8:00am-1:30pm...

Have your learners permit number ready and
message us right now or call 508-999-5397 for DRIVING LESSONS or ROAD TEST!


Over the age of 16.5 and no license? GET YOUR LICENSE! We can help. Call or message.

(Spanish instructor starting soon)

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Our Story

The owner began as a part-time driving instructor in 2010 while he was prepared himself to be a high school teacher. During that time, he got to work for four local driving schools and developed a reputation of as an exceptional instructor with a knack for getting the most unlikely student drivers to pass their road exams on their first attempt. After his first year of being a full-time teacher, he realizing that his was more gifted teaching in the car and enjoyed it more so than in the classroom. So he started his own driving school. He loves his job because he knows how much getting licensed to drive means to people. The driving school experience is really a special one and for many it takes place during such a great time in life. To be a part of that and share what he has to offer, makes him happy. And what he has to offer is truly special. His out of the box thinking, attention to detail, patience, and dedication to his craft has led to him mastering the art of teaching people how to drive. You won’t find the many of the teaching methods taught here anywhere else. These methods are designed and have been proven to drastically improve a student driver’s driving ability and knowledge in far shorter time than traditionally.

Lessons Driving School is innovative in the way it teaches and operates. Since opening in 2015, it has taken Driver Education to another level. Combined with fair and friendly service, we’re excited to be making the community a better and safer place!




808 Kempton Street
New Bedford, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 11am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm

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