Sadie Huven - Exp Realty

Real Estate Agent

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 10/13/2023

The Home Buying Scaries are nothing to fear when your local modern agent is here 👻

I’m about to drop some knowledge that’s going to help you through this *spooky* season of real estate!

Here are my top three tips to make home buying less scary!

👻 Banish the ghosts of pre-approval!

This tends to be one of the scariest parts for buyers but it shouldn't be! When you work with a great local lender (tag a local lender you love) who can walk you through everything you need to know, you'll feel 10X more confident, I promise!

Get all your pre-approval pumpkins in a row before you start the official house hunt!

🎃 Don't look for *PERFECT* Look for Perfect *FOR YOU*

I'm going to break it to you right now. You probably won't find a house that checks *EVERY* box. Before you even start looking at houses, sit down and write a list of the non-negotiables: Things you 100% want in your next home.

Maybe it has to be in *insert local school district*, or maybe the flow of the layout is really important to you.
Whatever your must-haves are, know them ahead of time. Same with the deal breakers. This will help you check the highest priority boxes and know what you are willing to accept or change later.

📈 Know the market you're buying in (your agent will educate you)!

It's important to know what's happening in the market before you find the house you love. Is it still a seller's market? How quickly are homes selling? How competitive is it for buyers? How should you set your home search budget based on those factors?

The right time to buy is when it's the right time for YOU. When you can figure out your finances, home must haves and market knowledge ahead of time, it will remove all the home buying scaries!

If the home buying process still has you feeling like you’re lost in a corn maze 🌽🌽🌽, comment CORN MAZE and I'll send you a copy of your free Future Homeowner's Club guide!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 08/07/2023

If school is starting up again in your house, it may be time to refresh your homework station!

A magazine worthy school room is fun, but not practical for most of us. And the truth is, all our kids really need is a space set up with intention!

It could be a corner of a room, a cabinet in the dining room, or a small desk in their own room!

Instead of giving you a whole "to-do" list, I thought I'd make it fun!

Swipe to see your Bingo card and aim to complete just five of these so you and your kids are set up for success this school year!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 07/31/2023

Biggest mistakes you're making with working with an agent, revealed! 🫣

The truth is, I don't expect you to know how to work with an agent. Not if this is your first time using one and not if you've moved 12 times before!

My goal is to give you an awesome real estate experience from first DM to closing day and beyond, and I know the best way to make that happen is to make sure we're all on the same page!

✨Save this post for future reference so you can be sure to have an incredible experience, no matter who you hire to represent you, in the future!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 06/27/2023

Me, 2 years ago...
Understanding contracts ✔️
How to negotiate terms ✔️
What to bring to closing ✔️
How to use social media to build a biz I love 🫣

But wow, have I changed! It might seem silly to some to see me showing up here, bringing you with me to showings, like I'm some kind of influencer 😎

But the truth is, I've learned the power of social media and how it can help me connect with my community.

I want to help influence my community in real life AND on this app! I want to help you understand the ever changing market & to make smart real estate decisions & to know what local places serve the best MARGS. (Spoiler alert, it's LOCAL PLACE)

Showing up here isn't about likes or views. It's how I share what I know (real estate, upcoming neighborhoods, what time the LIVE MUSIC starts at THIS PLACE).

I'm a local business, just like my favorite coffee shop, Blend Coffee & Cocktails.
So I treat my social media as my very own storefront. A place to have conversations & create community.

My business is rooted in relationships 💕

I don't want to convince you that I should be your agent. Instead, I use this free platform so you can decide for yourself if I might be a good fit when you need a good agent.

And in the meantime, you can save my posts or share them with your friends!

My effort is focused here so I can build real relationships, not spend my time cold calling just to get hung up on. Apologetically selling isn't for me but genuinely helping you (and entertaining you!) is!

So thank you for being here, in my corner of the internet! It means the world to me and my business!

PS: My DM's are always open! For real estate questions, for community questions, for a great recommendation on where to get the best slice of pizza or one of the best lattes! ☕️

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 04/29/2023

Unpopular Opinions: Modern Agent Edition 😅

Swipe for my 5 unpopular opinions ➡️


The term "seller's market" has slowly begun fading from clickbait headlines and the reason is clear..

So does that mean now is a good time for you to buy? Let me be clear: the only time it's a bad time to buy is if you overspend.

So if the interest rates fall back to 2% and you can purchase a home below asking price, it's a bad time to buy if you can't afford it.

And if rates rise to 8% and you purchase at home above asking, it's a bad time to buy if you can't afford it.

You may be thinking, "yea, but what about my situation?" and if so, DM me and let me know you have specific questions! I'd love to chat with you and hear more about where you're at in life and help you come up with a home buying plan you feel good about!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 04/26/2023

Let me slip into something a little more comfortable...

✨Comes back wearing 2.8% interest rates✨

I know we ✨think✨ we were much more comfortable with buying a home when the rates were lower, but do you remember how competitive the market was? Being one of 20 offers every time was NOT fun.

If you want to buy a house right now, the truth is, you don't need lower interest rates. What you do need is CLARITY around the current market to figure out what makes the most sense for you financially.

What is happening in YOUR local market? What are the interest rates, yes, but also, what is the current home appreciation rate in your area? These are clarifying questions worth talking to your agent about so that you can make educated real estate decisions.

If you want to buy a home but still have questions like these or more, DM me and let's set up a buyer consultation! It's laid back yet super informative so you can make decisions with clarity and confidence! ✨


HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to my Client, Chellette! 🫶🏼

Chellette and I first met in May of 2022, we had a buyer consult and put a plan in place for her to be able to be prepared to purchase a home. Her first time was not the greatest experience - she was terrified that she would have that exact same experience. I assured her it would not be that way again and we would make it as smooth as possible.

February 2023 came around and Chellette and I had remained in contact since our first time meeting, she reached out and let me know she was officially ready!

We seen many many homes but nothing was grabbing her attention. We seen this gem, wrote our first and only offer and we were accepted! After inspections, we found some repairs that needed to be done and were going to be costly $$ - we were able to negotiate the repairs to be done and she wouldn't have to walk away from the property that she absolutely loved!

Yesterday, we got to sit at the closing table and she became a homeowner once again! This time, an absolute better experience from her first time, and I couldn't be happier that I was able to do that for her and her daughter. She did it! Help me congratulate her on her new home 🏡


How to save up for a home without giving up your daily latte (I promise!) 🧋

🌮 Eat at home - As much as possible, eat at home. If cooking isn't your thing, keep your meals simple and easy to throw together. If you don't have an airfryer, invest in one! You can make almost everything in there.

❌ Do a "no spend" challenge - this can be for a short period of time and it can be flexible! You can choose to not purchase anything from your phone for a week or only purchase things on Sundays (put them in your cart then wait to may change your mind!) Get creative and mix it'll be shocked how quickly your savings can grow when you eliminate even one purchase habit!

📓 Keep track of your expenses - this is where flexibility comes in! Don't want to give up your daily latte? No problem! Just budget it in. You *may* have to give up something else temporarily so that you don't go over budget. When you track your expenses, you gain freedom and flexibility with your savings AND spending!

🎨 Monetize a skill on the side - do you love painting portraits or organizing closets? Consider telling your friends and beginning a side hustle! It doesn't have to be a long term commitment and no branding is required...just bless people with your skill set and save the money you earn for your home!

💰 Prioritize your savings account - above all else, give your savings account your undivided attention. Check in on it weekly and be intentional about putting money in it consistently. Set incremental goals and reward yourself (with something fun and within your budget, of course!) when you hit each milestone.

Your dream of homeownership is within reach...keep your eyes on the prize and don't give up! Happy saving!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 04/03/2023

Plot twist: You're nervous you won't be pre-approved to buy a home but end up being approved for a LOT more than you ever planned on spending. 🤯

This happens more often than you think. Because lenders consider more than just your credit score, it's not uncommon to find out you're pre-approved for thousands and thousands of dollars more than you ever dreamed of spending.

So what should you do?

It's tempting to throw caution to the wind and start looking at homes near your top dollar, but I always remind my clients to think about their lifestyle and spending priorities.

For example, do they go on an annual vacation with their family they need to save for throughout the year? Do they get their hair and nails done each month? Do they spend money on entertainment like going to the movies or trying new restaurants every weekend?

It may seem silly, but these "little" expenses add up every month, and if you really don't want to give them up anytime soon, you need to give yourself some margin in your budget so that you can keep up with your extra expenses.

Moving into a big, beautiful house becomes a lot less exciting when you can't afford to do anything outside of it. Your new home should bring FREEDOM, not make you feel captive to your monthly payment.

If you're planning on moving later this year, start making a list today where you track your expenses, both necessities and extras. This way, when you start the buying process, the budget YOU feel comfortable with is clear and you can buy a home with confidence!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 04/01/2023

No joke, it’s April! Easter is just around the corner so I thought I’d HOP over here to give you your monthly checklist! 🐰

Do you dream of living happily ever after in your home? Then you have to take EGGScellent care of it! This month you can:

🥶 Schedule cooling system maintenance
💐 Spruce up the front porch
🧼 Spring Clean & Declutter
💦 Test sprinklers
🧽 Wash windows
🧹 Clean out the garage
🏡 Clean gutters and downspouts
🌳 Boost curb appeal
♻️ Clean out recycling containers
🐰 Have an Easter egg hunt

*REMINDER* I have the full 12 month checklist if some BUNNY you know would like a copy (or you can have one for yourself!) DM me the word HOME or comment below and I'll get you the checklist!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 03/14/2023

Over here, resisting the urge to add “O” in front of my last name in my email sign offs today! 🍀

Lucky for you, your March Homeowner Checklist is here!

🧺 Wash linens (think all of those blankets lying around, stuffed in the closet, draped over the couch)

🧽 Wash windows and put on screens (If you’re thinking of selling this Spring, remove the screens for increased natural light and better listing photos)

🛋 Spot clean your furniture

🚪 Swap out your front door mat for Spring

🛌 Vacuum your mattresses (Amazon has a bed vacuum with UV Sanitizing for removing dust mites, pollen, and bacteria - the brand is Ergo Life)

🧹 Spring Clean the kitchen: Clean kitchen backsplash, wipe down cabinets and clean under appliances (I think the last time I did this was the day we moved into our house - you too?)

🍿 Organize the pantry & throw out expired products

🖼 Clean mirrors and lamps (and lightbulbs)

💰 Get ready for Tax Season (everyone's favorite 😅)

🌳 Spring clean your yard & plan to plant (Flowers and Gardens and Trees - OH MY)!

➡️ Reminder: I combined all 12 months of homeowner checklists into a double sided guide that you can print out and hang on your fridge - DM me your email address if you'd like a copy!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 02/24/2023

Maybe you're not living in the home of your dreams, but did you know? You can give your home a richer, more luxurious feel with just a few conscientious choices.

✨→ Swipe to learn 3 ways to give your home a more elevated look✨


Sometimes people think they can only work with me if they're ready to sign the listing contract or write an offer but that's not the only way!

☕️ Buyer and seller consults: I have these available every month for anyone who wants to get a jump start on the process, learn the ins and outs and ask me questions!

🏡 Buyer's Agent: Ready to start the home buying process and need someone to be your trusted advisor and guide you? I can’t wait to help you!🤗

🗣 Referrals: If you have a friend, co-worker, family member or neighbor who has real estate questions - I am here to help and would be honored if you shared my name. Make sure you tell me who you send my way so I know who to send my thank you card to!

🔑 The Legit Listing Appointment: We've talked and you know you're ready to put your house on the market. Now it's time to talk details (list price, staging, pre-packing, all the things). That's what the listing appointment is for!

📓 Equity Analysis: Wondering how much money you can MAKE from your home sale? I'll pull all the numbers together to create an estimate of how much equity you have in your home. That gives you the facts to make a decision if moving, building, downsizing, vacation home buying or any of the above, have been on your brain.

🌍 I can also help you if you're moving out of state or know someone out of state who needs a real estate agent. I have a network of agents across the entire country (and Canada, Mexico, etc) so let me know what you need and I can make a connection!

📒 FREEBIES: These are resources I have on hand for future buyers and sellers. Maybe you want to dip your toes in the water and learn a few things about the buying or selling process but aren't quite ready for that coffee date- check the link in my bio for a few of my free resources or send me a DM to chat!


Matchmaker, Matchmaker make me a match! 🎶

Picture this: I'm sitting in my favorite chair in my living room. I just cracked open a bottle of water and Alexa is playing my favorite station. When suddenly, my phone dings and it's you!

You want to buy a house and aren't totally sure what you're looking for but you know what you don't want.

✨Stretches arms out wide & grabs's time to play matchmaker!✨

I've learned what kind of questions to ask my clients to help them gain clarity when it comes to finding the best house for them. I look at your lifestyle, anyone who lives with you, where you work, the kinds of things you're into (coffee shops & bookstores? gardening & hiking?) and I plug in your requests into the MLS to help you find the perfect-for-you match! And I've got lots of success stories to prove it!

Still don't believe me? DM me what you're looking for and I'll prove to you I'm the Home Matchmaker you've been looking for! ❤️

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 02/01/2023

✨Look at you, stealing hearts 💕✨

While you're at it, steal my homeowner checklist! 🤍

🧼 Wipe down baseboards
🧹 Dust blinds
🛀 Wash shower curtains
🧽 Deep clean floors
🚽 Fix any clogged drains
🚿 Deep clean showers and tubs
🧺 Check for lint build up in your dryer & refresh and organize the laundry room
🌶 Organize the spice cabinet
🗒 Make a list of maintenance supplies you need
📦 Order back stock kitchen and bath supplies
🏡 Make a list of what you love about your home

💖 Snap a pic of you in your favorite spot in your house and tag me handle on Instagram

PS: Want to get your hands on the full 12 MONTH HOMEOWNER CHECKLIST! You can print it out, laminate it, hang it on your fridge and check things off every single month. DM me the word HOMEOWNER and your email address and I'll send you a copy!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 01/24/2023

✨Best Spots in Milwaukee to Work from your Laptop 💻✨

Working from home is here to stay! As great as it can be, sometimes you need a change of scenery! Here are 5 best spots in town to work on your laptop!

1. Blend Coffee & Cocktails: I call this the sophisticated Starbucks, get there early to secure a spot next to the fireplace! It's super cozy and their coffee is amazing. After 4pm Wednesday-Sunday they offer fun cocktails, and they switch it up every month!

2. La Villa Nutrition: Such a fun place to hang out and work! They have delicious protein shakes, protein waffles, lifted teas & so much more! Yesi - the owner of La Villa, is always there and she is that positive spark of joy everyone needs in their life 😊

3. Goddess & The Baker: You may need your airpods for this one! Order some great food then go grab a spot to sit and work! They have a few large tables for bigger groups such as for masterminds or group meetings. I like to work there in the morning or have a friend meet me for lunch!

4. Ally's Powerhouse Cafe: This is a GREAT working space! You have so many menu options from Coffee & Breakfast to Drinks & Lunch. Another great place to have group meetings and get out of your office space or just have a work session with you and a friend!

5. La Finca Coffeehouse: Coffee with a hispanic twist on it!? This is the spot! They have fresh breakfast and lunch items which are so yummy, but their Horchata Latte is LIKE NO OTHER!

Which spot do you want to try working from first?

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 01/13/2023

✨Calling all entrepreneurs, hustlers, and small biz owners! 💪🏼✨

So you started your own biz and things are finally growing steadily. Your business has been your baby and it's starting to take off (cue proud mom tears). And now you can't help but notice ✨For Sale✨ signs throughout your town and you actually get excited thinking about furniture and appliances.

GASP. Could you be ready for homeownership? 😱

If you can own a biz, you can own a home, BUT there are a few things you have to understand, first!

Most mortgage lenders require at least two years of being self-employed (and steadily!) before qualifying you for a home loan.

There are exceptions, like if you were in a similar line of work before or if you had a year of formal training, but for the most part, a solid two years is a non negotiable.

So what's the secret?

Start preparing WAY sooner than you think. Keep track of every penny spent and earned and have a professional handle your taxes so that you have proper and accurate documentation when it comes time to apply for a loan.

In addition to work history, your lender will look at your:

✨ Credit score
✨ Credit history
✨ Debt (debt-to-income ratio)
✨ Savings & Assets (down payment and closing costs)

So paying down debt and/or growing your savings is a great way to pass the (two year) time! Plus, keep grinding and increasing your income as you learn and continue to better your offerings (sky's the limit when you call the shots!)

But what if it's just a side gig or a passion project? Lucky for you, if you can qualify based on W-2 income and personal savings, then your lender can just ignore the self-employment income altogether! 🙌🏼

Being your own boss is an amazing accomplishment, but a lot of biz owners feel defeated when applying for a home loan. Avoid that same feeling of defeat by educating and preparing yourself now so that future (CEO) you can buy a house with confidence!

✨DM me and I can connect you with a lender today (never too early!)✨

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 01/04/2023

Everyone talks about how much buying a new home can cost you, but I'm here to tell you how to SAVE money when buying a new home! Like...big money 💰

There are ✨four things✨ you can do to help you save potentially thousands of dollars when buying a new home. (Number 3 is CRUCIAL)

1. Hire a team of professionals. Yes, this can cost money...but, if you hire the right professionals, you're sure to save a lot of money (and headaches!) because they know the red flags to watch for, they know what's standard for the local market, and they are experienced negotiators.

2. Do the prep work. Meeting with your lender early on in the process and assessing whether or not you need to do a few things to raise your credit score or pay off debt to get a better rate...these things can save you so much money! Leave being a "spur of the moment" kind of person for vacations and be a tedious planner when buying a home.

3. Home inspection. Pay to have your home inspected! This can save you thousands of dollars (and buyers remorse)! This doesn't mean things won't go wrong with the house (every house needs maintenance and an emergency fund is vital when you're a homeowner) but you can potentially uncover major defects that either the seller can repair (on their dime) or you can make negotiations in your best interest. Ask your agent for reputable home inspectors and show up to the appointment to ask questions!

4. File your homestead exemption. Some title companies do this for you and others require you to do it, but either way, after you purchase a home, always call to be sure the homestead exemption was filed before the clock strikes 12 at the New Year. This can save you thousands come tax time, so don't forget this!

Be sure to save this post for future reference to avoid buyer's remorse and financial distress as a homeowner!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 01/03/2023

You aren't the only one who gets a fresh start! Your home deserves some resolutions, too!

In order to give your home a successful year, here are the home maintenance tasks you should be tackling the first month of the year!

🎄 Store Christmas decor in labeled bins (I like to use red and green to keep it festive and easy to find in the storage room) ❤️💚

🚂 Refresh play spaces (grab a few stylish storage bins from Target to clean up the kid toys!)

🔋 Replace smoke alarm batteries

🧼 Clean out the fridge and wipe down shelves🚿 Replace shower curtain liners

🧽 Wipe down fan blades

🛀 Wash duvet covers and sheets (throw in dryer balls with essential oils for a spa scented infusion)

👕 Organize dresser drawers and closets (Donate anything you haven't worn in the past 12 months)!

💡 Replace burnt out light bulbs

s🧹Remove dust from air vents

📝 Make a list of items to stock up on

🏡 Make a list of HOME GOALS!

PS: Did you know I offer my 12 MONTH HOMEOWNER CHECKLIST to you for FREE? You can print it out, hang it on your fridge (laminate it if you're really fancy) and check things off every single month! Just DM me for your free copy!

Don't worry, you can also keep grabbing my monthly lists that I'll continue to share but I wanted you to have the full year at a glance so you can easily keep your home in tip top shape all year long!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 12/02/2022

Don't miss the last thing on this month's list (Santa's watching)🎅

It's the most wonderful time of the year - HOORAY! And while home maintenance probably sounds like the last thing on your priority list (hello - there are Christmas 🎅🏼 movies to watch and hot chocolate ☕️☕️ to pour), I had to make sure you (& your home) ended the year strong! 💪

Don't worry, I'm taking it easy on you this month AND serving up a lot of fun too!

✨ Before decorating, switch out old Christmas light bulbs with LED bulbs

❄️ Clear snow and ice from walkways

✨ Inspect and upgrade attic insulation and ventilation

🎁 Set-up a gift wrapping station

✨ Inspect your winter weather supplies - shovels, window scrapers, etc. (Don't forget to add a snow scraper to your car)!

✨ Prepare for power outages - stock up on water, non-perishables, candles, etc

✨ Check caulking and weatherstripping on doors and windows

🔥 Have your fireplace and chimney cleaned

✨ Insulate exposed water pipes under your house

✨ Disconnect and drain garden hoses

✨ Refresh the holiday decor in one room of your house (which one are you picking?)

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 10/27/2022

The only scary thing you should be dealing with this month are the store bought decorations your neighbor put out. 🎃 💀 👻

Swipe to read some of the most frightening real estate mistakes people make and how to avoid them!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 10/25/2022

If you’re breaking these rules, you’re probably scaring off buyers despite the competitive market. Here are things to BEWARE OF!

BEWARE OF: Buyer Math - 35% of homeowners would rather move to another home than remodel their current home. Buyers are looking for move in ready, they don’t want to have to do more work when they’re buying a house.

If you avoid necessary repairs before listing your house, you’ll turn off a portion of buyers. Even offering a credit for the repairs is still a turn off for buyers. In the end it’s better to do the repairs before you list your house.

BEWARE OF: Overpricing - comps not matching up to neighborhood, what does the data show? See what other homes are listed in your price range - how does your home compare?

BEWARE OF: Mis-used Spaces - Formal Dining Rooms used as playrooms, an extra bedroom used as additional living space (or as a closet), a garage used as a room for your reptiles (this is a story for another day!), all of these may make your life in your home make more sense, but they're distracting and confusing to future buyers. Do your best to make each space in your home make sense so that buyers leave talking about how great your home is, not about the number of reptiles you have 🦎


When house hunting in this market, there are 2 things you need to be most concerned with.

1) Do you love the house?
2) Can you afford the monthly payment?

Sure, there are other factors that deserve consideration, like resale and location and your loan type requirements.

But if the house suits your needs (or is everything you've been looking for) and you can comfortably afford the monthly payment, don't let the interest rate stop you from becoming a homeowner (or homeowner of your dream home)!

Put a ring on the mortgage, not the interest rate 💍

In other words, your long term commitment is the house 🏡

You can ditch your rate just like a bad date if interest rates come back down *Disclaimer: always talk to a lender about your options*

In fact, talk to your lender about refinancing options now so you're prepared to refinance when rates drop again in the future!

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 10/12/2022

Little Miss Setting the Facts Straight 😊

Every day you're building wealth for somebody. Why shouldn't it be you?

Interest rates can be unsettling for new buyers, but the bottom line is you're either paying your landlord or yourself when you're paying for somewhere to live.

Don't let the hype of the media covering interest rates fool you into thinking buying is not a great idea. Rates are not near as high as they once were and homeownership can still be one of the best decisions you'll ever make.

I like to tell everyone I talk with, ✨Marry your home, date the rate✨

If you still have questions or aren't sure where to start, DM me! I'd be happy to answer your questions and help you sort out your numbers so you can decide if now is a good time for you to buy

Photos from Sadie Huven - Exp Realty's post 10/06/2022

The best thing about Fall home maintenance is that you can drink a pumpkin flavored beverage while doing it! 🍂

Your October Homeowner Checklist is here and designed to keep your home from getting spooky and cobweb covered!

Don't miss the Fall infused fun things to check off too like visiting a local pumpkin patch, giving your porch a Fall makeover and refreshing a room for the season!












What is your favorite thing to do in Fall? Tell me in the comments so I can add it to next year's checklist.

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How beautiful is this!? 🍁🔥 #shorewestrealtors #shorewest #SadieShorewestRealtors #fallnightready



3580 S Moorland Road
New Berlin, WI

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 8pm
Tuesday 7am - 8pm
Wednesday 7am - 8pm
Thursday 7am - 8pm
Friday 7am - 8pm
Saturday 7am - 8pm
Sunday 7am - 8pm

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2665 S. Moorland Road
New Berlin, 53151

Are you sick of the home you're in? Are you looking to start investing in yourself by buying a home? Do you need help on where to start? If you answered yes to any of these questio...

Stephanie Michalovitz - Avanti Realty LLC Stephanie Michalovitz - Avanti Realty LLC
PO Box 310382
New Berlin, 53151

I believe that your home is your sanctuary, and should be treated as such. I help my clients navigate

Esveiri Escobar-Real estate Esveiri Escobar-Real estate
2665 W Moorland Road
New Berlin, 53226

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