Relationships = Long Term & To Be Loved, NOT for sex & broken hearts

Relationships = Long Term & To Be Loved, NOT for sex & broken hearts

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Relationships are made for long term and to be loved, not for s*x and ending up with broken hearts. Thank you. Kind Regards
The Admin

- I have high level of experience in Relationship Counselling. Feel free to message me on here and discuss whatever you feel like or want to talk about. I will do my best to reply and give you as much help as possible.

- Now... Basically, Relationships are a major thing in our lives and every day living. We care about love and wanting the love to be returned to us also. In my eyes Relationships


Another one with a different women 😒


How real is this?


Well said young man!



Photos from The Wrecked Cruise's post 10/12/2022

Facts 💯


The "I yell at my wife in public" starter pack...


Actor Van Diesel broke up with his partner for 3 years, but when they separated, he did not take her out of his house, he was afraid that she would live in a lower level, so he left her the matrimonial home and went to live near her
Not only this, but he was sent weekly bills for her and her daughter, as well as paying all the monthly internet, phone and electricity bills, and completely refusing any media to interfere or publish anything about their separation
After 6 years, his partner had an accident while returning from a shopping trip and he had a photo session, and the moment the news reached him, he stopped the photography and flew to the hospital, stood by her side and donated his blood to her, she needed blood and when his partner recovered, they got back together. 💙

- Bottom line: Either we live together in love with pure and humble hearts, or we separate, but love and respect remain between us, and we keep our precious memories together and respect each other no matter what happens .. To understand what true love is and human sacrifice is.


Everybody is trying to stroke their fragile ego by rejecting before they get rejected. For absolutely silly and judgemental reasons, like you're going to feel a spark in this setting. 🤣

I think the problem was a lot of them weren’t very attractive so they’re naturally more insecure that’s why they rushed to the button. At least wait till they say something wrong. Maybe I’m off but I feel like the less attractive they were the faster they were to press the button. I think they knew they’d get Next’d anyway.


So throughout the past week during the Depp/Heard trial we have learned:
•Women can verbally assault men in front of everyone and it's perfectly fine.
•A woman can relieve herself on a man's pillow and laugh with her friends about it and that's fine
•A woman can cut off a man's fingertip in a heated argument and no one bats an eye
•A woman can demand money in a civil setting and claim it's for donation purposes and keep it and all is right with the world.
•A woman can gaslight a man into believing horrible things about himself that are not true
•A woman can smirk and laugh during court proceedings while a man is forced to relive horrible experiences
•A woman can talk poorly about a man's kids
•A woman can put makeup and fingernail polish on her and the law will pass it off as bruises and blood
•A man can be trauma bonded into submission
•A man can love hard and be fearful of failure and force himself to stay
•A man can battle addictions but like everyone else, cannot do it alone.
•A man can lose his career over allegations but a woman with the same keeps her job.
•A man is not allowed to defend himself in court without harassment
•A man is not allowed to have a fair trial because the judge backs the woman
•A man is judged because he worries how the accusations will affect his children, family, etc.

I stand with Johnny Depp.

you should be ashamed! Vile person!
I hope you get what you deserve, karma will suit you since it's a bitch!


Facts 💯!

Over 40 hours of audio proving he was being abused Physically and mentally.
He has his finger cut off, Ci******es put off out on him. Hit with bottles, punched and mentally abused. Over 40 witnesses / police and medical reports and the judge sided with her? Because she’s a female!
You make me sick!
He lost his roles in multiple films!
She gets to keep all her jobs? Am I missing something?!!
I have so much respect for this man. All these years he was made out to be the bad guy but he kept quiet and not said anything and battled through it.
Through all this he was still being strong and visiting children in hospital and multiple other things...

 you should be ashamed! Vile person!
I hope you get what you deserve, karma will suit you since its a bitch!


FACTS!!!!!! 💯 💯
Its Basically prostitution but online.

Now this is something I'd share. For all you people with ONLYFANS rasing CHILDREN. This s**t is happening. It is a real issue with kids being raised by parents who use ONLYFANS as a way to make money. Your hurting your kids even if you don't see it. The animosity when they are older IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FORWARD TO.


Stop reading the book if you get bored with it.
Ignore the conversation if it is upsetting you.
Delete messages that bother you.
Keep those you don't like away and get close to your loved ones.
Don't agree to anything if you're not happy to do so and don't refuse anything out of shyness.
God didn't give you this soul to torture it.
He wouldn't have given you the lead if he knew you can't take care of it all.
Stop complaining,
Open the windows of hope,
take a deep breath,
Make a move,
Stay positive and smile,
You are alive....
The show must go on!!!!


Now this is what you call true love, ladies 🙌🏻…

Photos from Living In The Roaring Twenties's post 05/18/2021

Those were the days….


Wow! Powerful message! Self love and caring about yourself is really important!!!!

Most of my life has been spent trying to shrink myself. Trying to become smaller. Quieter. Less sensitive. Less opinionated. Less needy. Because I didn’t want to be a burden. I didn’t want to be too much or push people away. I wanted people to like me. I wanted to be cared for and valued. I wanted to be wanted. So for years, I sacrificed myself for the sake of making other people happy. And for years, I suffered. But I’m tired of suffering, and I’m done shrinking. It’s not my job to change who I am in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being. I am worthwhile. Not because other people think I am, but because I exist, and therefore I matter. My thoughts matter. My feelings matter. My voice matters. And with or without anyone’s permission or approval, I will continue to be who I am and speak my truth. Even if it makes people angry. Even if it makes them uncomfortable. Even if they choose to leave. I refuse to shrink. I choose to take up space. I choose honor my feelings. I choose to give myself permission to get my needs met.
I choose me!!!!



May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

1 in 5.

The number of people who will be affected by mental illness in any given year. This person is sitting next to you. This person is living in your house. This person is a part of your family. This is you. Even if this disease is not yours to fight, you are impacted by knowing and loving someone who is.

A semicolon. A pause. An indication of connection between sentences. Often causing confusion yet important to empathize relationships. A pause to let the reader know there is more to the story.

The semicolon can be described as stronger than a comma but weaker than a period. An apt description. However the semicolon is more than just this. It continues the sentence where a period could be placed.

And I am stronger than depression and anxiety. I am more than what it tells me I am. It will not be my ending period. My disease makes me pause in my day. It makes me stop and care for myself. But it doesn't end me. I have more to my story. And so do you. Share it. Talk about it. Reveal it. Display it.

There is no shame. Don't let it become your end. Let it be a part of your story. One that you overcome everyday.

Support your 1 in 5. Show them that you see them. You hear them. You love them. Show them that their disease does not make them less of a person.

My name is Katie.

I am 1 in 5.


Well Said!!!! Show love by liking their post and sharing it if you agree...

Get up and go on with your life. It’s all right to sit around, be depressed for a minute, cry about it, do whatever you have to, but don’t stay there too long. Get up and go on with your life. If somebody wants to walk out of your life let them go!… Some people come in your life for a lifetime, some come for a season. You've got to know which is which. And you’re going to always mess up when you mix seasonal people up with lifetime expectations… I put everybody that come in my life in a category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. The wind blow they over here. They’re unstable. It blows the other way they’re over there. Season change they wither and die. They’re gone. It’s all right. That’s some people. Most people in the world are like that. They’re just there to take from the tree. They ain't there to do nothing, but take and give shade every now and then. That’s all they can do, but don’t get mad if people are like that. It’s who they are. They aint never gonna be nothing. That’s what they put on the surface. Be what they are: a leaf. Some people are like a branch on that tree. You gotta be careful with them branches too cause they’ll fool you. They’ll get there and make you think they’re a good friend and they’re real strong, but the minute you step out that autumn they’ll break and leave you high and dry. But if you find you two or three people in your life that’s like the roots at the bottom of that tree you are blessed cause them the kind of people that aint going nowhere. They aint worried about being seen, don’t nobody have to know that they know you, they ain't got to know what they doing for you, but if them roots wasn’t there that tree couldn’t live. A tree could have a hundred million branches, but only a few roots down at the bottom to make sure it gets everything it needs.

#BlackLivesMatter: Last Words 10/15/2020

More than 100 unarmed black people were killed by police in 2014 alone. Here is a collection featuring the haunting last words we know.

More than 100 unarmed black people were killed by police in 2014 alone. Here is a collection featuring the haunting last words we know.

Let us know if we missed any in the comments below the album. (Created with permission from Shirin-Banou Barghi, creator of ).


A Relationship is not just about s*x its about cuddles, knowing each other inside out, love, honesty, trust and standing beside one another.


A nun teaching religion was speaking to her class one morning and she asked the question, "When you die and go to heaven..... which part of your body goes first?

Suzy raised her hand and said, "I think its your hands."

"Why do you think its your hands, Suzy?" said the Nun.

Suzy replied, "Because when you pray, you hold your hands together in front of you and God just takes your hands first."

"What a wonderful answer!" the nun said.

Little Johnny raised his hand and said, "Sister, I think its your legs".

The nun looked at him with the strangest look on her face.

Now Little Johnnie, why would you think it would be your legs?

Little Johnny said,"Well I walked into mommy and daddy's bedroom the other night..

Mommy had her legs straight up in the air, and she was saying, "OH GOD, I'M COMING!".
If dad hadn't pinned her down, we'd have lost her!"



Franco Sánchez

Well said! Wise young man 🙌👏👏

The double standards of *some* men: If she argues with him, she's looking for a fight; but if she's quiet, he'll say she doesn't care. If she calls him, she's too clingy; but if he calls her, she should drop what she's doing and be happy he called at all. If she doesn't love him, he'll try to win her; but when she does love him, he'll take her for granted. If she doesn't sleep with him in the first few dates, she's a tease; but if she does, she's a slut. If she tells him her problems, he'll tell her to stop bitching about everything; but if she doesn't, he'll say she doesn't trust him. If she offers him advice, she's a nag or a know-it-all; but if he offers her advice, it's because "he cares". If she breaks a promise, he'll never trust her again; but if he breaks one, it's because he had no choice and she needs to be more understanding. If she cheats, it's over; but if he cheats, it was just a mistake and she has to give him another chance.


Franco Sánchez

Well Said 👏👏

[ RANT ]

- is NOT a talent.
- is NOT a career.
- The term doesn’t make sense.
- You don’t have to “Turn Up” everyday.
- Stop buying J’s to show off.
- is NOT everything.
- You aren’t a .
- is NOT an agency nor is it a place for your half ass naked photographs.
- Nobody wants to book you for s**t.
- There’s enough so please don’t open another damn Boutique.
- will get you nowhere.
- Matching shoes doesn’t mean s**t in a Relationship.
- You’re kids cussing on viral isn’t cute and only shows your parenting skills.
- Being a ‘Lesbian’ isn’t logical.
- You are not baby daddies.


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She asked him, 'How much are you selling the eggs for?'
The elderly man replied, '$0.25 an egg, Madam.'
She said to him, 'I will take 6 eggs for $1.25 or I will leave.'
The elderly man replied, 'Come take them at the price you want. Maybe, this is a good beginning because I have not been able to sell even a single egg today.'

She took the eggs and walked away feeling she has won. She got into her fancy car and went to a posh restaurant with her friend. There, she and her friend, ordered whatever they liked. They ate a little and left a lot of what they ordered. Then she went to pay the bill. The bill costed her $45.00 She gave $50.00 and asked the owner of the restaurant to keep the change.

This incident might have seemed quite normal to the owner but, very painful to the poor egg seller.

The point is,
Why do we always show we have the power when we buy from the needy ones? And why do we get generous to those who do not even need our generosity?

I once read somewhere:

'My father used to buy simple goods from poor people at high prices, even though he did not need them. Sometimes he even used to pay extra for them. I got concerned by this act and asked him why does he do so? Then my father replied, "It is a charity wrapped with dignity, my child”

I know most of you won't share this message but if you feel that people need to see this, then do spread this message.


Royal Watch

Princess Diana's final words have been revealed by a firefighter on the scene of her tragic death—and they're absolutely heartbreaking 💔


Well said 👏 Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone deserves to be safe and living their life in peace. Humanity needs to be nicer. Support, love, guidance is needed for all of us. 🙏

Or my family, or my friends...


Franco Sánchez

Read, share and listen to the good advice!

‪To those who don't invest in their relationships and break hearts without remorse: Your first mistake was taking them for granted. Your second mistake was leaving them. Your final mistake and biggest gift was letting them realize that they were better off without you... clearing the way for someone who would value them.‬


Franco Sánchez

Well said....

People are in your life for a reason or for a season. Once you get to a certain age, you should know how to start setting expiration dates in your life. Now is the time to start terminating anyone and anything that is counter-productive to your growth. You have an obligation to be true to your own self interest before anyone else. Those who believe, support and encourage you are the contracts that should be renewed in your life. But those who keep drama, confusion and bad energy around them need to be terminated. Part of being the CEO of your life is knowing when to fire people. If you go throughout life trying to hang onto everyone you love, at some point you will eventually run out of room. Let them go so that you can continue to grow.


Jay Shetty

Wow! 😔
Very powerful 🙏

This father’s heartfelt farewell to his dying daughter will make you believe in hope again.

Credit: Goalcast



Treat a women’s heart like an Egg. Wise Vera, men should also be treated like an Egg.... If you confused to why I refer to an Egg... Than watch this video 👇👇👇👇

This is eggs-actly what your son needs to hear

Discover Lisa Nichols' 24 strategies to create the life that you want. Download your FREE checklist today:


1️⃣PASSION: When you desire someone intensely.
2️⃣RESPECT: When you value them and they know it.
3️⃣LOVE: When you tell and show them that you care every day.
4️⃣LOYALTY: When you make decisions based on compassion and honor instead of what's convenient or selfish.
✅Successful relationships combine all four.



Well Said ! 👏
This little kid knows more than half of the people on this planet and is so inspirational!

You Can Do Anything!


Gary Vaynerchuk

Amazing! Well Said!
Great ! 👏

It's gloomy and rainy outside today in NYC ... thank god its sunny as f**k in my mind 🌞🌞!!!!! One f**king life - please wrap your head around this amazing gift you've been given!!!!!!!!


Jay Shetty

Such a wise man!

To achieve your dreams you need to put the work in. Thanks Will Smith


VT Rhythmic

Awwwww this is so beautiful 😍😍😍


That's so goals! 😍

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