Ebonicle Chronicle

Read,Edit,& Share Performa Non grata.Willful Giving only.Body ofWork Haven.Fact checkneedspeculative

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/06/2023 07:24 AM ) I would like for us all to watch the Major League Baseball Playoffs closely and root on our favorite teams.  Currently, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Houston Astros, Texas Rangers, Baltimore Orioles, Philadelphia Phillies, Atlanta Braves, Minnesota Twins, & Arizona Diamondbacks are in play to take on the World Series. Major League Baseball has been a great watch for many of our Louisiana families and I sincerely encourage families to take on a close trip to Houston, fly out to Los Angeles, MSY to BWI to Baltimore, drive up to see the Texas Rangers, watch the Minnesota Twins, carpool over to Atlanta, ride the Train up to Philly, &/or trek over to attend the Arizona Diamondbacks game(s) Pls enjoy all of these ball games.  My favorite part is the concessions stand, of course, but it would be great to see all of these games full of thriving, great fans. I am hopeful that all can attend these games tomorrow and our FlyMSY/FlyBTR systems are fully operable, our trains are full, rental cars are picked up, & families expedition over to these great outings. Please make sure to pack essentials that are needed to enjoy the games, get cash from ATMs, & be prepared for long entrance/exit lines.  Now, as mentioned before, my election is won. Please continue to watch the next Developments and hope honesty will come forth before all of our ppl. It is imperative that we transition what was out and welcome in our new season to lead us into prosperity. Prosperity will have communities of color performing at peak levels in great roles having exceptional jobs. I would like to make sure we keep a close eye on these grievances for us all to move forward. Public Assistance & Innovation is needed for our public to grow, gain access needed for families, & organize lifestyles. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I would look forward to changing the momentum of our growth plans in Louisiana. Please watch,  view, & track the updates of this election, the changes in communication, & the falsehoods that could/can debut before us.  After watching or attending the MLB Playoff games, help audit this election. V4L. 10/06/2023


Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/06/2023 07:24 AM ) I would like for us all to watch the Major League Baseball Playoffs closely and root on our favorite teams. Currently, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Houston Astros, Texas Rangers, Baltimore Orioles, Philadelphia Phillies, Atlanta Braves, Minnesota Twins, & Arizona Diamondbacks are in play to take on the World Series. Major League Baseball has been a great watch for many of our Louisiana families and I sincerely encourage families to take on a close trip to Houston, fly out to Los Angeles, MSY to BWI to Baltimore, drive up to see the Texas Rangers, watch the Minnesota Twins, carpool over to Atlanta, ride the Train up to Philly, &/or trek over to attend the Arizona Diamondbacks game(s) Pls enjoy all of these ball games. My favorite part is the concessions stand, of course, but it would be great to see all of these games full of thriving, great fans. I am hopeful that all can attend these games tomorrow and our FlyMSY/FlyBTR systems are fully operable, our trains are full, rental cars are picked up, & families expedition over to these great outings. Please make sure to pack essentials that are needed to enjoy the games, get cash from ATMs, & be prepared for long entrance/exit lines. Now, as mentioned before, my election is won. Please continue to watch the next Developments and hope honesty will come forth before all of our ppl. It is imperative that we transition what was out and welcome in our new season to lead us into prosperity. Prosperity will have communities of color performing at peak levels in great roles having exceptional jobs. I would like to make sure we keep a close eye on these grievances for us all to move forward. Public Assistance & Innovation is needed for our public to grow, gain access needed for families, & organize lifestyles. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I would look forward to changing the momentum of our growth plans in Louisiana. Please watch, view, & track the updates of this election, the changes in communication, & the falsehoods that could/can debut before us. After watching or attending the MLB Playoff games, help audit this election. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/06/2023 07:24 AM ) I would like for us all to watch the Major League Baseball Playoffs closely and root on our favorite teams. Currently, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Houston Astros, Texas Rangers, Baltimore Orioles, Philadelphia Phillies, Atlanta Braves, Minnesota Twins, & Arizona Diamondbacks are in play to take on the World Series. Major League Baseball has been a great watch for many of our Louisiana families and I sincerely encourage families to take on a close trip to Houston, fly out to Los Angeles, MSY to BWI to Baltimore, drive up to see the Texas Rangers, watch the Minnesota Twins, carpool over to Atlanta, ride the Train up to Philly, &/or trek over to attend the Arizona Diamondbacks game(s) Pls enjoy all of these ball games. My favorite part is the concessions stand, of course, but it would be great to see all of these games full of thriving, great fans. I am hopeful that all can attend these games tomorrow and our FlyMSY/FlyBTR systems are fully operable, our trains are full, rental cars are picked up, & families expedition over to these great outings. Please make sure to pack essentials that are needed to enjoy the games, get cash from ATMs, & be prepared for long entrance/exit lines. Now, as mentioned before, my election is won. Please continue to watch the next Developments and hope honesty will come forth before all of our ppl. It is imperative that we transition what was out and welcome in our new season to lead us into prosperity. Prosperity will have communities of color performing at peak levels in great roles having exceptional jobs. I would like to make sure we keep a close eye on these grievances for us all to move forward. Public Assistance & Innovation is needed for our public to grow, gain access needed for families, & organize lifestyles. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I would look forward to changing the momentum of our growth plans in Louisiana. Please watch, view, & track the updates of this election, the changes in communication, & the falsehoods that could/can debut before us. After watching or attending the MLB Playoff games, help audit this election. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/5/2023 06:48 AM ) This week is Space Week. It would be great for us to celebrate this week by allowing all of your children to access the closest planetarium within our State in Baton Rouge, La. The Louisiana Art & Science Museum mentioned earlier during the campaign would be a great place to review & share in this week. Space Week allows us to celebrate all of our planets that include: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune. Pluto, which until recently was considered to be the farthest planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet. This would also be a great time for us to review NASA, our Astronauts, study Astrology, & Search for the Stars. Let's work on looking into the movement of meteorites & review all of the Space expeditions on record. Let's also look into the latest exploration efforts for humankind to have opportunities to see, enter, & exit into & out of Earth: The Galaxy. Please take time to download the current coloring pages, grab necessary Colors & Markers to design something special for Space Week. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I will place special interest on this week. I would like for us to have a Mobile unit going to our schools to help with crafts, reading initiatives, & empower us to have continuous exploration. Now, the Election was a sham. We are knowing that change is needed in our state to stop these evils from blocking the progression of communities of color. In order for us to see change, we will see the necessary movement of God in heart to move those that are no longer out of our way. Each day that goes by we know that the movement of God is real for us all to take our natural place to debut something great for those that deserve their chance. I ask that we all continue to watch the lies unfold and the movement of God that will fix these human errors. God will have opportunities that man can't fathom. I know the God we serve on this land will transact something greater than I could think of to develop the necessary accountability to move us all forward. As Governor, the people will see necessary change going Forward. V4L. 

🌎🕸:Google 10/05/2023



Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/5/2023 06:48 AM ) This week is Space Week. It would be great for us to celebrate this week by allowing all of your children to access the closest planetarium within our State in Baton Rouge, La. The Louisiana Art & Science Museum mentioned earlier during the campaign would be a great place to review & share in this week. Space Week allows us to celebrate all of our planets that include: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune. Pluto, which until recently was considered to be the farthest planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet. This would also be a great time for us to review NASA, our Astronauts, study Astrology, & Search for the Stars. Let's work on looking into the movement of meteorites & review all of the Space expeditions on record. Let's also look into the latest exploration efforts for humankind to have opportunities to see, enter, & exit into & out of Earth: The Galaxy. Please take time to download the current coloring pages, grab necessary Colors & Markers to design something special for Space Week. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I will place special interest on this week. I would like for us to have a Mobile unit going to our schools to help with crafts, reading initiatives, & empower us to have continuous exploration. Now, the Election was a sham. We are knowing that change is needed in our state to stop these evils from blocking the progression of communities of color. In order for us to see change, we will see the necessary movement of God in heart to move those that are no longer out of our way. Each day that goes by we know that the movement of God is real for us all to take our natural place to debut something great for those that deserve their chance. I ask that we all continue to watch the lies unfold and the movement of God that will fix these human errors. God will have opportunities that man can't fathom. I know the God we serve on this land will transact something greater than I could think of to develop the necessary accountability to move us all forward. As Governor, the people will see necessary change going Forward. V4L.


Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/5/2023 06:48 AM ) This week is Space Week. It would be great for us to celebrate this week by allowing all of your children to access the closest planetarium within our State in Baton Rouge, La. The Louisiana Art & Science Museum mentioned earlier during the campaign would be a great place to review & share in this week. Space Week allows us to celebrate all of our planets that include: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune. Pluto, which until recently was considered to be the farthest planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet. This would also be a great time for us to review NASA, our Astronauts, study Astrology, & Search for the Stars. Let's work on looking into the movement of meteorites & review all of the Space expeditions on record. Let's also look into the latest exploration efforts for humankind to have opportunities to see, enter, & exit into & out of Earth: The Galaxy. Please take time to download the current coloring pages, grab necessary Colors & Markers to design something special for Space Week. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I will place special interest on this week. I would like for us to have a Mobile unit going to our schools to help with crafts, reading initiatives, & empower us to have continuous exploration. Now, the Election was a sham. We are knowing that change is needed in our state to stop these evils from blocking the progression of communities of color. In order for us to see change, we will see the necessary movement of God in heart to move those that are no longer out of our way. Each day that goes by we know that the movement of God is real for us all to take our natural place to debut something great for those that deserve their chance. I ask that we all continue to watch the lies unfold and the movement of God that will fix these human errors. God will have opportunities that man can't fathom. I know the God we serve on this land will transact something greater than I could think of to develop the necessary accountability to move us all forward. As Governor, the people will see necessary change going Forward. V4L. 🌎🕸:Google

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/04/2023 06:21 AM ) I would like to make sure our public recognizes & becomes aware that it is Domestic Violence Month. Domestic violence is violence committed by someone in the victim's domestic circle. This includes partners and ex-partners, immediate family members, other relatives and family friends. The term 'domestic violence' is used when there is a close relationship between the offender and the victim. Relationships are not what they used to be. Let's face it, it is time to review & renew our relationships to become better & without batter. The signs are very clear when it comes to Domestic Violence.  It will always start with harmful chatter, then will activate with lack of appreciation. & then the touching can start. Pls make sure to care for your environments, don't stay in love with your attackers, & ease yourself into a better situation by caring for you more. There are opportunities to report issues & seek help mentally to carry yourself forward. In order to do this, you must move out & call the associated numbers to help yourself with care. If a attacker is in your home, the loving relationship has left without significant concern or consistency. The attacker = equals a friendship, boyfriend, girlfriend or mutual beneficiary type relationship.  In order for this to be resolved, action has to move you into a new direction to create the wholeness needed to go forward. Now, as mentioned before, remember I was not placed on the ballot this election cycle by the most evil of ppl.  We will get to the bottom of this and it will take time. Our communities of color will go forward and the God we serve that runs this land will interfere with the malfeasance & evils of people that are failing in control. As we go forward in prayer knowing God is stronger than these issues before us, we ask that his intercession grows so strings it erupts issues quickly or in time when we need access the most. Change is activating in the atmosphere to change our environment to better. Those that were in control are quickly losing all control. Lord, move out and make things so memorable all people see your footprints through your perfection. Amen. V4L. 10/04/2023



Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/04/2023 06:21 AM ) I would like to make sure our public recognizes & becomes aware that it is Domestic Violence Month. Domestic violence is violence committed by someone in the victim's domestic circle. This includes partners and ex-partners, immediate family members, other relatives and family friends. The term 'domestic violence' is used when there is a close relationship between the offender and the victim. Relationships are not what they used to be. Let's face it, it is time to review & renew our relationships to become better & without batter. The signs are very clear when it comes to Domestic Violence. It will always start with harmful chatter, then will activate with lack of appreciation. & then the touching can start. Pls make sure to care for your environments, don't stay in love with your attackers, & ease yourself into a better situation by caring for you more. There are opportunities to report issues & seek help mentally to carry yourself forward. In order to do this, you must move out & call the associated numbers to help yourself with care. If a attacker is in your home, the loving relationship has left without significant concern or consistency. The attacker = equals a friendship, boyfriend, girlfriend or mutual beneficiary type relationship. In order for this to be resolved, action has to move you into a new direction to create the wholeness needed to go forward. Now, as mentioned before, remember I was not placed on the ballot this election cycle by the most evil of ppl. We will get to the bottom of this and it will take time. Our communities of color will go forward and the God we serve that runs this land will interfere with the malfeasance & evils of people that are failing in control. As we go forward in prayer knowing God is stronger than these issues before us, we ask that his intercession grows so strong it erupts issues quickly or in time when we need access the most. Change is activating in the atmosphere to change our environment to better. Those that were in control are quickly losing all control. Lord, move out and make things so memorable all people see your footprints through your perfection. Amen. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/04/2023 06:21 AM ) I would like to make sure our public recognizes & becomes aware that it is Domestic Violence Month. Domestic violence is violence committed by someone in the victim's domestic circle. This includes partners and ex-partners, immediate family members, other relatives and family friends. The term 'domestic violence' is used when there is a close relationship between the offender and the victim. Relationships are not what they used to be. Let's face it, it is time to review & renew our relationships to become better & without batter. The signs are very clear when it comes to Domestic Violence. It will always start with harmful chatter, then will activate with lack of appreciation. & then the touching can start. Pls make sure to care for your environments, don't stay in love with your attackers, & ease yourself into a better situation by caring for you more. There are opportunities to report issues & seek help mentally to carry yourself forward. In order to do this, you must move out & call the associated numbers to help yourself with care. If a attacker is in your home, the loving relationship has left without significant concern or consistency. The attacker = equals a friendship, boyfriend, girlfriend or mutual beneficiary type relationship. In order for this to be resolved, action has to move you into a new direction to create the wholeness needed to go forward. Now, as mentioned before, remember I was not placed on the ballot this election cycle by the most evil of ppl. We will get to the bottom of this and it will take time. Our communities of color will go forward and the God we serve that runs this land will interfere with the malfeasance & evils of people that are failing in control. As we go forward in prayer knowing God is stronger than these issues before us, we ask that his intercession grows so strings it erupts issues quickly or in time when we need access the most. Change is activating in the atmosphere to change our environment to better. Those that were in control are quickly losing all control. Lord, move out and make things so memorable all people see your footprints through your perfection. Amen. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/02/2023 08:14 AM ) As I continue to campaign & go forward, I would like all of our public to be concerned about consumption.  The bread is not what it used to be.  There must be a recipe issue and it has not been announced or addressed yet.  The White bread that has enriched flour must have more bleach or toxins in it than normal.  I would like for all of our public to review labels and purchase bread that they would healthily consume.  It is imperative that the public watch all products that can be harmful to them and their ability to live great lifestyles.  Other products are concerning and as I see them, experience them, I will or plan to share in time. Now, consumption is and remains a concern for us all.  Please review all enriched white bread items to ensure these products are consumable. Please make sure your children's allergens are in check. This is not a scare tactic--just a suggestive advisory. Now, as it pertains to this election, teams will eventually be sought after to declare me as winner. When you are not placed on the ballot. You won.  Now, my advice for change is prayer.  Others is different. I am hopeful to take office and promote communities of color to roles that they are needed & very much deserve.  I ask the public to track all grievances so I can address them when I take office. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I plan on making immediate Executive Orders active to heal our households of bad foods, allow us to review all medical options & develop plans to move the State of Louisiana forward. I am prayerful we can get out of this horrible season of bad white leadership to carry each of us forward to live sustainable lives. This is all unfortunate when you go to cast your personal vote, paid, not on the ballot before God's people, & have to document additional grievances. Attorneys are invited to the table so we can take down Pontius Pilot--- John bel Edwards & all of his cronies that led this State and our South completely wrong. Please continue to track & watch the false leadership that will try to rise up against us. Ppl of color, please be / become more vigilant. V4L. 10/02/2023


Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/02/2023 08:14 AM ) As I continue to campaign & go forward, I would like all of our public to be concerned about consumption. The bread is not what it used to be. There must be a recipe issue and it has not been announced or addressed yet. The White bread that has enriched flour must have more bleach or toxins in it than normal. I would like for all of our public to review labels and purchase bread that they would healthily consume. It is imperative that the public watch all products that can be harmful to them and their ability to live great lifestyles. Other products are concerning and as I see them, experience them, I will or plan to share in time. Now, consumption is and remains a concern for us all. Please review all enriched white bread items to ensure these products are consumable. Please make sure your children's allergens are in check. This is not a scare tactic--just a suggestive advisory. Now, as it pertains to this election, teams will eventually be sought after to declare me as winner. When you are not placed on the ballot. You won. Now, my advice for change is prayer. Others is different. I am hopeful to take office and promote communities of color to roles that they are needed & very much deserve. I ask the public to track all grievances so I can address them when I take office. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I plan on making immediate Executive Orders active to heal our households of bad foods, allow us to review all medical options & develop plans to move the State of Louisiana forward. I am prayerful we can get out of this horrible season of bad white leadership to carry each of us forward to live sustainable lives. This is all unfortunate when you go to cast your personal vote, paid, not on the ballot before God's people, & have to document additional grievances. Attorneys are invited to the table so we can take down Pontius Pilot--- John bel Edwards & all of his cronies that led this State and our South completely wrong. Please continue to track & watch the false leadership that will try to rise up against us. Ppl of color, please be / become more vigilant. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/02/2023 08:14 AM ) As I continue to campaign & go forward, I would like all of our public to be concerned about consumption. The bread is not what it used to be. There must be a recipe issue and it has not been announced or addressed yet. The White bread that has enriched flour must have more bleach or toxins in it than normal. I would like for all of our public to review labels and purchase bread that they would healthily consume. It is imperative that the public watch all products that can be harmful to them and their ability to live great lifestyles. Other products are concerning and as I see them, experience them, I will or plan to share in time. Now, consumption is and remains a concern for us all. Please review all enriched white bread items to ensure these products are consumable. Please make sure your children's allergens are in check. This is not a scare tactic--just a suggestive advisory. Now, as it pertains to this election, teams will eventually be sought after to declare me as winner. When you are not placed on the ballot. You won. Now, my advice for change is prayer. Others is different. I am hopeful to take office and promote communities of color to roles that they are needed & very much deserve. I ask the public to track all grievances so I can address them when I take office. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I plan on making immediate Executive Orders active to heal our households of bad foods, allow us to review all medical options & develop plans to move the State of Louisiana forward. I am prayerful we can get out of this horrible season of bad white leadership to carry each of us forward to live sustainable lives. This is all unfortunate when you go to cast your personal vote, paid, not on the ballot before God's people, & have to document additional grievances. Attorneys are invited to the table so we can take down Pontius Pilot--- John bel Edwards & all of his cronies that led this State and our South completely wrong. Please continue to track & watch the false leadership that will try to rise up against us. Ppl of color, please be / become more vigilant. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/01/2023 06:06 AM ) As we go forward, this month's focus is the "Gathering of the Goods". "Gathering of the Goods" will have us gathering Thanksgiving & Holiday supplies for ourselves & others in need. This Month is considered Harvest month and is a very much needed opportunity to support families & people in need. It is time to prepare each dish needed for every household to succeed. In saying so, the vegetables, pumpkins, dressing mix, turkeys, hams, roasts, lambs, & so much more can be selected for you & others. Please take time to start Gathering all of the Goods needed to help at least your family and others become "Well for the Holidays". The "Well for the Holidays" Initiatives will birth from the "Gathering of the Goods". These initiatives will help all of our families forward & will allow each of us to be prepared for the Holiday moment we all want to share. Stores should have items that are needed for each family to succeed. As I was out yesterday after the sham of an Election Coup with my not being on the ballot, I didn't see Holiday supplies front & center as of yet. I am hopeful the Stores start their transitional plans for our people to feel real moments. As mentioned, false leadership will be announced soon & are people who are unable to Govern. The facades will show that their happiness is fake. Feeling something will debut honesty. Truth will debut reality.  It is time for people to live REAL. Heaven is the next life that will plunge people into eternal HAPPINESS or eternal HELL. So, I am hopeful that our public will grant themselves building time to get all resources & needs gathered for their Holiday's WIN. Please don't depend on the WHITE PPL or their CHURCH they falsely represent to help our communities of color homes. PLEASE STAND IN THE GAP FOR YOURSELF & GATHER pieces at a Time.  The "Gathering of the Goods & "Well for the Holidays" will work hand in hand. After my Special Election or appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I plan on making these initiatives our focus from October 1 until.  Remember, I am not on the ballot, I won in my & your eyes. Governor will debut for me after God dances on them. V4L. 10/01/2023



Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/01/2023 06:06 AM ) As we go forward, this month's focus is the "Gathering of the Goods". "Gathering of the Goods" will have us gathering Thanksgiving & Holiday supplies for ourselves & others in need. This Month is considered Harvest month and is a very much needed opportunity to support families & people in need. It is time to prepare each dish needed for every household to succeed. In saying so, the vegetables, pumpkins, dressing mix, turkeys, hams, roasts, lambs, & so much more can be selected for you & others. Please take time to start Gathering all of the Goods needed to help at least your family and others become "Well for the Holidays". The "Well for the Holidays" Initiatives will birth from the "Gathering of the Goods". These initiatives will help all of our families forward & will allow each of us to be prepared for the Holiday moment we all want to share. Stores should have items that are needed for each family to succeed. As I was out yesterday after the sham of an Election Coup with my not being on the ballot, I didn't see Holiday supplies front & center as of yet. I am hopeful the Stores start their transitional plans for our people to feel real moments. As mentioned, false leadership will be announced soon & are people who are unable to Govern. The facades will show that their happiness is fake. Feeling something will debut honesty. Truth will debut reality. It is time for people to live REAL. Heaven is the next life that will plunge people into eternal HAPPINESS or eternal HELL. So, I am hopeful that our public will grant themselves building time to get all resources & needs gathered for their Holiday's WIN. Please don't depend on the WHITE PPL or their CHURCH they falsely represent to help our communities of color homes. PLEASE STAND IN THE GAP FOR YOURSELF & GATHER pieces at a Time. The "Gathering of the Goods & "Well for the Holidays" will work hand in hand. After my Special Election or appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I plan on making these initiatives our focus from October 1 until. Remember, I am not on the ballot, I won in my & your eyes. Governor will debut for me after God dances on them. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 10/01/2023 06:06 AM ) As we go forward, this month's focus is the "Gathering of the Goods". "Gathering of the Goods" will have us gathering Thanksgiving & Holiday supplies for ourselves & others in need. This Month is considered Harvest month and is a very much needed opportunity to support families & people in need. It is time to prepare each dish needed for every household to succeed. In saying so, the vegetables, pumpkins, dressing mix, turkeys, hams, roasts, lambs, & so much more can be selected for you & others. Please take time to start Gathering all of the Goods needed to help at least your family and others become "Well for the Holidays". The "Well for the Holidays" Initiatives will birth from the "Gathering of the Goods". These initiatives will help all of our families forward & will allow each of us to be prepared for the Holiday moment we all want to share. Stores should have items that are needed for each family to succeed. As I was out yesterday after the sham of an Election Coup with my not being on the ballot, I didn't see Holiday supplies front & center as of yet. I am hopeful the Stores start their transitional plans for our people to feel real moments. As mentioned, false leadership will be announced soon & are people who are unable to Govern. The facades will show that their happiness is fake. Feeling something will debut honesty. Truth will debut reality. It is time for people to live REAL. Heaven is the next life that will plunge people into eternal HAPPINESS or eternal HELL. So, I am hopeful that our public will grant themselves building time to get all resources & needs gathered for their Holiday's WIN. Please don't depend on the WHITE PPL or their CHURCH they falsely represent to help our communities of color homes. PLEASE STAND IN THE GAP FOR YOURSELF & GATHER pieces at a Time. The "Gathering of the Goods & "Well for the Holidays" will work hand in hand. After my Special Election or appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, I plan on making these initiatives our focus from October 1 until. Remember, I am not on the ballot, I won in my & your eyes. Governor will debut for me after God dances on them. V4L.

Falling Into Failure - White People Battered but Not Broken Podcast

God will place the right people before us to debut the actual win that was recorded today when the white people decided to not place me on the ballot before God's people.  Ppl are mentioned on this Podcast moment that are characters God will dance around.  I look forward to seeing his work through my patience & significant due diligence.  Lord, interferring is an option.  Place your feet(s) & foot in the enemies plans. In Jesus Name, Amen

Listen to More of my Podcast on Podbean 🫛 10/01/2023

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Louisiana, here is more of my Podcast sharing more insight as to what happened when I won this ELECTION by not being placed on the Ballot. Expiring white people are Falling into Failure. Listen in on Podbean 🫛 & Review my latest Press Release on Dropbox, Instagram & more. READ

God will place the right people before us to debut the actual win that was recorded today when the white people decided to not place me on the ballot before God's people. Ppl are mentioned on this Podcast moment that are characters God will dance around. I look forward to seeing his work through my patience & significant due diligence. Lord, interferring is an option. Place your feet(s) & foot in the enemies plans. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Falling Into Failure - White People Battered but Not Broken Podcast God will place the right people before us to debut the actual win that was recorded today when the white people decided to not place me on the ballot before God's people. Ppl are mentioned on this Podcast moment that are characters God will dance around. I look forward to seeing his work through my patience & significant due diligence. Lord, interferring is an option. Place your feet(s) & foot in the enemies plans. In Jesus Name, Amen Listen to More of my Podcast on Podbean 🫛

Berwick, Louisiana ( 09/30/2023 08:04 PM ) Today, I had the opportunity to get out to vote for myself in this Early Voting period & was not placed on the ballot.  I could remember saying to my family that I already won this election & would be Governor very easily. Now, the white people that are losing every ounce of power decided to not place me on the ballot. This alone will let each voter, person, & our public know--- I WON. Now, if you have access to surveillance, you will review the voting period this morning that resulted in the above photo, my not being able to vote, & what White people will do to keep power they really don't have. This election will go on as a sham, a false candidate will be announced as winner, & John bel Edwards will go down along with his CHRONIES as the ULTIMATE LOSER. You see, many are craving to see HOW GOD WILL PREVAIL. It's instantaneous & Glorifying when he "our God" can take on Miserable, Racist, People. Now, the Characters will rise but God will showcase their ULTIMATE FALL & FAILURE!!! These Press Releases will continue to be shared here, on Dropbox, online, via SMS Text, & more avenues if my channels become blocked. Adversity grants access to a STRONGER VICTORY. Grievances are recorded. Attorneys will debut. Time will tell.  White RACIST in their Company will Fall into Ultimate Failure. Patience is key when you are BIG AS I AM and have the ability to be BLOCKED. It will take a Brigade of people to stand in my way.  So I wait to do a larger laugh to allow God his steps forward.  Again, when they don't place you on the ballot, you know procedure, & you know you won--- THIS IS HIGH STAKES.  WELCOME TO MY CAMPAIGN CONTINUED.  WE LOOK TO SEE WHAT'S NEXT. My Campaign Press Release has added 2024. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, the change I speak of will debut. Trust me there is no cockiness in this---ALL LOVE that will debut for people, our public, & families in need. Today, I had the opportunity to shop the area, explain prejudiceness & racism to few, & had opportunity to go forward knowing I will be Victorious & was Victorious. White people are expiring & failing in 1 breath. V4L. 10/01/2023



Berwick, Louisiana ( 09/30/2023 08:04 PM ) Today, I had the opportunity to get out to vote for myself in this Early Voting period & was not placed on the ballot. I could remember saying to my family that I already won this election & would be Governor very easily. Now, the white people that are losing every ounce of power decided to not place me on the ballot. This alone will let each voter, person, & our public know--- I WON. Now, if you have access to surveillance, you will review the voting period this morning that resulted in the above photo, my not being able to vote, & what White people will do to keep power they really don't have. This election will go on as a sham, a false candidate will be announced as winner, & John bel Edwards will go down along with his CHRONIES as the ULTIMATE LOSER. You see, many are craving to see HOW GOD WILL PREVAIL. It's instantaneous & Glorifying when he "our God" can take on Miserable, Racist, People. Now, the Characters will rise but God will showcase their ULTIMATE FALL & FAILURE!!! These Press Releases will continue to be shared here, on Dropbox, online, via SMS Text, & more avenues if my channels become blocked. Adversity grants access to a STRONGER VICTORY. Grievances are recorded. Attorneys will debut. Time will tell. White RACIST in their Company will Fall into Ultimate Failure. Patience is key when you are BIG AS I AM and have the ability to be BLOCKED. It will take a Brigade of people to stand in my way. So I wait to do a larger laugh to allow God his steps forward. Again, when they don't place you on the ballot, you know procedure, & you know you won--- THIS IS HIGH STAKES. WELCOME TO MY CAMPAIGN CONTINUED. WE LOOK TO SEE WHAT'S NEXT. My Campaign Press Release has added 2024. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, the change I speak of will debut. Trust me there is no cockiness in this---ALL LOVE that will debut for people, our public, & families in need. Today, I had the opportunity to shop the area, explain prejudiceness & racism to few, & had opportunity to go forward knowing I will be Victorious & was Victorious. White people are expiring & failing in 1 breath. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 09/30/2023 08:04 PM ) Today, I had the opportunity to get out to vote for myself in this Early Voting period & was not placed on the ballot. I could remember saying to my family that I already won this election & would be Governor very easily. Now, the white people that are losing every ounce of power decided to not place me on the ballot. This alone will let each voter, person, & our public know--- I WON. Now, if you have access to surveillance, you will review the voting period this morning that resulted in the above photo, my not being able to vote, & what White people will do to keep power they really don't have. This election will go on as a sham, a false candidate will be announced as winner, & John bel Edwards will go down along with his CHRONIES as the ULTIMATE LOSER. You see, many are craving to see HOW GOD WILL PREVAIL. It's instantaneous & Glorifying when he "our God" can take on Miserable, Racist, People. Now, the Characters will rise but God will showcase their ULTIMATE FALL & FAILURE!!! These Press Releases will continue to be shared here, on Dropbox, online, via SMS Text, & more avenues if my channels become blocked. Adversity grants access to a STRONGER VICTORY. Grievances are recorded. Attorneys will debut. Time will tell. White RACIST in their Company will Fall into Ultimate Failure. Patience is key when you are BIG AS I AM and have the ability to be BLOCKED. It will take a Brigade of people to stand in my way. So I wait to do a larger laugh to allow God his steps forward. Again, when they don't place you on the ballot, you know procedure, & you know you won--- THIS IS HIGH STAKES. WELCOME TO MY CAMPAIGN CONTINUED. WE LOOK TO SEE WHAT'S NEXT. My Campaign Press Release has added 2024. After my Special Election or Appointment as Governor of the State of Louisiana, the change I speak of will debut. Trust me there is no cockiness in this---ALL LOVE that will debut for people, our public, & families in need. Today, I had the opportunity to shop the area, explain prejudiceness & racism to few, & had opportunity to go forward knowing I will be Victorious & was Victorious. White people are expiring & failing in 1 breath. V4L.

Berwick, Louisiana ( 09/30/2023 06:28 AM ) Real quick, please get out to vote.  Today starts early voting.  September 30, 2023 - October 7, 2023.  As per the Secretary of State's Office here in Louisiana, see attached.  Times may vary for October 14, 2023 the last day of voting. Please review for timing so we can all move forward with our win. Of course, my push is for Public Assistance and Innovation with the ability to Audit our past, present, & future. Hunger is important to me & accessing benefits for EBT/Cash cards will become a priority, revamping public housing, & caring for our Juvenile Detention Centers, Senior Citizens, Homeless, & other vulnerable communities will take priorities. I want Blend Pay for these cards to allow Food, Human, & Household needs to become accessible & dependable. EBT/Cash/Hunger Gap cards Access points will debut & has been mentioned via Press Release. I look to make sure the Louisiana Charitable Administration is added & guides our response to become anchored in each person's increase.  Help Vote4Lanzer go forward by recording your vote today.  Now, voting nationwide would normally start at 5am for early, regular, & special elections voting. I will need to address this as a grievance as well. Communities of color, you deserve to see strong accountability.  Let's work together, gather access, rejuvenate our homes & humanistic being, & allow a new season & lifetime to begin. Louisiana, we are in the final push.  Make your presence known by Voting4Lanzer. 

Review Major Updates 1+. Thread additions may debut. 09/30/2023


Berwick, Louisiana ( 09/30/2023 06:28 AM ) Real quick, please get out to vote. Today starts early voting. September 30, 2023 - October 7, 2023. As per the Secretary of State's Office here in Louisiana, see attached. Times may vary for October 14, 2023 the last day of voting. Please review for timing so we can all move forward with our win. Of course, my push is for Public Assistance and Innovation with the ability to Audit our past, present, & future. Hunger is important to me & accessing benefits for EBT/Cash cards will become a priority, revamping public housing, & caring for our Juvenile Detention Centers, Senior Citizens, Homeless, & other vulnerable communities will take priorities. I want Blend Pay for these cards to allow Food, Human, & Household needs to become accessible & dependable. EBT/Cash/Hunger Gap cards Access points will debut & has been mentioned via Press Release. I look to make sure the Louisiana Charitable Administration is added & guides our response to become anchored in each person's increase. Help Vote4Lanzer go forward by recording your vote today. Now, voting nationwide would normally start at 5am for early, regular, & special elections voting. I will need to address this as a grievance as well. Communities of color, you deserve to see strong accountability. Let's work together, gather access, rejuvenate our homes & humanistic being, & allow a new season & lifetime to begin. Louisiana, we are in the final push. Make your presence known by Voting4Lanzer.

Review Major Updates 1+. Thread additions may debut.

Tweets, X, & Threads:

Louisiana, here is a real quick moment to share our Early Voting push & hopes to see each of you at the polls. Pls get out to VOTE4Lanzer today! Pls review grievances, hopes to erect Louisiana Charitable Administration to anchor increases for all in need. Blend Pay & EBT. READ

Berwick, Louisiana ( 09/30/2023 06:28 AM ) Real quick, please get out to vote. Today starts early voting. September 30, 2023 - October 7, 2023. As per the Secretary of State's Office here in Louisiana, see attached. Times may vary for October 14, 2023 the last day of voting. Please review for timing so we can all move forward with our win. Of course, my push is for Public Assistance and Innovation with the ability to Audit our past, present, & future. Hunger is important to me & accessing benefits for EBT/Cash cards will become a priority, revamping public housing, & caring for our Juvenile Detention Centers, Senior Citizens, Homeless, & other vulnerable communities will take priorities. I want Blend Pay for these cards to allow Food, Human, & Household needs to become accessible & dependable. EBT/Cash/Hunger Gap cards Access points will debut & has been mentioned via Press Release. I look to make sure the Louisiana Charitable Administration is added & guides our response to become anchored in each person's increase. Help Vote4Lanzer go forward by recording your vote today. Now, voting nationwide would normally start at 5am for early, regular, & special elections voting. I will need to address this as a grievance as well. Communities of color, you deserve to see strong accountability. Let's work together, gather access, rejuvenate our homes & humanistic being, & allow a new season & lifetime to begin. Louisiana, we are in the final push. Make your presence known by Voting4Lanzer. Review Major Updates 1+. Thread additions may debut.

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Videos (show all)

Berwick, Louisiana ( 03/13/2023 07:43 PM ) It is imperative when running for office in the State of Louisiana that we fo...
See attached of all of these people including the announced parties via my blog, campaign webiste of complete letter, an...
Berwick, Louisiana ( 03/10/2023 10:01 AM ) It is imperative that I explain what could happen to our State's citizens if ...
Berwick, Louisiana ( 03/10/2023 12:53 AM ) It is imperative for families and communities of color in our State of Louisi...
Berwick, Louisiana ( 03/08/2023 01:15 AM ) It is important that we look at Louisiana highways and make our best plans ac...
Berwick, Louisiana ( 03/05/2023 12:53 AM ) It is important that I work to review lost wages of every employee in the Sta...
Berwick, Louisiana ( 02/27/2023 09:09 AM ) It is important that I work to hopefully renew, revitalize, & re-energize our...
Berwick, Louisiana ( 02/24/2023 12:59 AM ) It is imperative that we review the existing stories published by many of our...
MARDI GRAS PARADES SET TO ROLL + FAT TUESDAY + MOREBerwick, Louisiana ( 02/21/2023 12:38 AM ) Today is Fat Tuesday & Hap...
MARDI GRAS PARADES SET TO ROLL + BIG 3 COUNTDOWN  + MOREBerwick, Louisiana ( 02/19/2023 01:01 AM ) Today is a Parade's D...
MARDI GRAS PARADES SET TO ROLL + BIG 4 COUNTDOWN  + MOREBerwick, Louisiana ( 02/18/2023 12:45 AM ) Today is a Parade's D...
MARDI GRAS PARADES SET TO ROLL + START OF BIG 7  + MOREBerwick, Louisiana ( 02/15/2023 12:57 AM ) Today is a Parade's Da...




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